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File: 1453008387774.jpg (89.69 KB, 500x400, 5:4, divination.jpg)


Howdy /fringe/!

We're >>>/div/, a new board dedicated to readings and discussion of theory/practice of divination. We have tarot, rune readers, scriers and such to answer any query you might have; whether you have a query that would like to be answered, need some insight into your current situation, or is curious about the theory and practice of divination in general.

We just started yesterday, so it's quite bare now and we're looking for more diviners/readers and querents. Please feel free to join us - all are welcome!

Please remember to read the Rules (/div/rules.html) and FAQ (/div/faq.html) before you make a post or query a reader.


Query : what is my question ?


Hey OP I actually practice divination regularly but I'm not going to post on your board as there's no fucking need for an entire board dedicated to just divination when a single thread on the subject here would do just fine.



I'm not the OP of this thread, but I'm involved. We came over from another board, and people constantly complained about our presence there, especially when the threads got very active. While I don't know whether or not readings threads would clutter up this board, we simply wished to avoid the potential for frustration, like that we had previously experienced.

We're just looking to do our thing and not get in others' way; 8chan is a good place for that. Have a nice day.

>polite sage


I liek the /div/ board (:

Though I only use cards and simple readings as of yet.



Well if you want to do that, make an Official Fringe Divination Thread #1 (I can do it myself if you want), and we'll get a mod to put it on cycle so it never expires, and all divination posting can be kept in there.



If they're an already existing community and there isn't a single Divinations thread here already then it's fine.



I can just cycle this thread if people start readings in it


I'll do a reading!

Within 24 hours or so.

I'm still new to this so I mostly do straight readings of the cards and guesswork! Oracle card decks.

Angel/Mermaid decks are general affirmations/advice, Energy deck is energies of the situation + affirmation, Chakra Wisdom deck is most complex/detailed, Ascended Masters deck is sorta general advice.

I'll do moderate detail, up to 15 cards drawn, (fewer cards = more detail), and intuit which I should expand upon/allow for 3 others expanded.



Do me! Do me!



give me a question/topic, and number of cards you want, and preferred decks if you want, or I'll choose for you on any or all of those.



Idk, general reading w/ Chakra Wisdom deck or Ascended Masters.

You can choose whatever else


Take your cancerous threads back to 4chan /x/.


lol /div/ was moved to fringechan one week after they start this thread. Cool, good thread.



Ascended Master Deck:

Farther past: Write Thoth

Near past: Detach From Drama (Reversed) Pallas Athena

Present: Clear and Shield Your Energy - El Morya

Near Future: Find the Blessing in Your Current Situation - Krishna

Far Future: Retreat Into Nature - Green Man


Where to go from here:

Chakra Deck

Impartiality (first I picked it out, then I was like "was this meant for this person? I wasn't thinking of the question" and I shuffled and it fell out of the deck!)


Release (R)

So, I am guessing there is something that you experienced that you needed to experience [Destiny], and you had a difficult time with it, and right now it is suggested that you Clear and Shield Your Energy/Emotions, figure out how to look at this impartially/from a higher perspective of "what did I learn, and what energies did I face from inside and outside of myself? What can I develop within as a response to what happened?"

Everything is an experience for your higher growth. If you pledge to learn with light and love, the lessons come more gently. We are always learning, and lessons come more harshly the longer we wait to learn them.

I can give you a technique or 2 to keep your energy clear, if you need it.


Retreat Into Nature means you will or should go someplace more primal, more alive. This is either a place in nature outside, or in your animal/body mind/human spirit/godly nature within.

Interestingly enough these chakra cards were all grey cards/crown cards. Sounds like spiritual development to me!

Destiny (Grey, Crown). Black and White. "Together we are stronger than alone"

The Legend: Black and White are in heaven, waiting to go back to Eath (yet again) to complete their work. When they meet and fall in love, they learn that they will not be together on Earth. In previous lives, their love was ill-fated. They appeal to the Council of Great Spirits - who turn down their request to be together. But the Great Servant appears and grants their wish. Together they accomplish greater things than they could have done alone.

Inspiration: Take a risk. Dare to have your life the way you decide. Are you willing to make sacrifices to have what you desire?

Personal Inquiry: What tools do I need to form my own destiny? Am I ready for my destiny?

Key Ideas: True love; taking a stand; postive omen; radical thinking; deep satisfaction; ability to change.

Keywords: Love, pathway, faith.


Personal Inquiry: If I step back from my present situation, what do I see? Can I be neutral?

Key Ideas: Neutral postiion; allowing things to unfold; standing in another's shoes; uplifted communication.

Keywords: Guide, open-minded, fairness

This can be tough to do. I looked back on a situation I was in for 1 month, and in the last month I found layers upon layers, signs I missed, signs I misinterpreted, that would have gotten me what I wanted/needed, if I wasn't so convinced I didn't have it. So yes, stepping back, not being so into the situation and not thinking it's already figured out, is important.



Idk what any of this means


>I am guessing there is something that you experienced that you needed to experience [Destiny], and you had a difficult time with it

Sort of… but that's very vague. Could apply to anyone.

>I can give you a technique or 2 to keep your energy clear, if you need it.

Sure okay


Can you be more coherent pls? I don't really get when you're just listing random things

Thanks tho btw.



here are pics of the cards and meanings.

I'd upload them here but it isn't going through.


>that's very vague. Could apply to anyone.

Yeah, the cards are often this way, and the skill/intuition of the reader helps (of which I have little).

It's all figuring out which vibes resonate strongly enough (and I don't know what feels like what yet; which words in my head are the ones that fit, etc), which is why fortune tellers can sound so vague.

I appreciate you calling me out on it though; any feedback helps me refine this.


>>I can give you a technique or 2 to keep your energy clear, if you need it.

>Sure okay

Someone mentioned a shielding technique on here of making a shield that is hexagonal, hardness of (or beyond) diamond, slippery. So nothing can break or grab through it.

Techniques I know include

1) letting go of tension, bringing in solar/divine light to clear the energy.

[this one is followed by making a connection of reaching up/bringing down divine light and lifting solar plexus energy into the heart center, so it's no longer an ego/power struggle]

2) Making a bubble of light, breathing more and more into it, then condensing it to a thick layer around your skin, and changing your wavelength to either clear or a wavelength that isn't affected by the surrounding energies.


The things as I listed them were how it's written in the chakra deck book.

The cards are all color-coded to chakras, and I drew all grey for you, which I assumed meant significant spiritual growth.

It is a complex deck with a lot of meanings, which makes it difficult for me to do this well. Still a newb.

When I looked at the Release card just now I thought of death. Dunno if that means anything.

Let me know if you need me to clarify anything.

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