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It is time to share the big secret with you now. The secret that will change everything. The secret that will prove to you that magick works (or placebo). This will be a short post, but a very extensive one.

Ask yourself: What do you want? ESP abilities, open third eye, money, love or something non-physical? I recommend something that pertains to yourself, your own abilities and your own mind. That's the easiest to start with.

So you know what you want? Do you have a clear sentence of it such as: "I want to open my third eye"? Good. Here's the secret to get it.

Stop using the word want. Change your statement into that of gratitude. "I am thankful for my third eye being open". It should be short, concise and simple. Don't over complicate it wish details such as: "I am thankful for cats coming to me on every Sunday between 10 and 11 am when the moon is full". That won't fly. Make it simple and affirmative.

Ready for the hard part? Repeat it verbally and in your mind, multiple times. Repeat it until it becomes automatic. Repeat it until your mouth gets dry. And repeat it even after it has started working. This is all.

Break it down Barney style:

1. Know what you want.

2. Make a statement that is thankful for it.

3. Repeat it endlessly.


4. Profit

5. Write about it in this thread.

Start simple. Build up.



"I want to open my third eye" is a shit statement because the term is unclear. For some it means to be opened to what they can't imagine yet, for others it means to increase the visual faculty especially in connection with the ability to see and register the thoughtforms of others, etc.

You got to be more specific. Remember the "knowing what you want"?

>“Earnest Desire—Confident Expectation—and Firm Demand—these form the Triple Key of Occult Attainment.”

>The Master Formula of Attainment is as follows: “(1) Definite Ideals; (2) Insistent Desire; (3) Confident Expectation; (4) Persistent Determination (5) Balanced Compensation.” Reduced to popular terms, it is as follows: “You may have anything you want, provided that you (1) know exactly what you want, (2) want it hard enough, (3) confidently expect to obtain it, (4) persistently determine to obtain it, and (5) are willing to pay the price of its attainment.”



You should not feel gratitude for something you don't actually have btw.

The proper feeling you must have is gratitude that the thing you want to manifest is already secured.

Like, lets say you want a pair of gloves. Merely feeling grateful for a pair of gloves when you don't have it won't work. However, if I told you I'm going to go out and buy you a pair of gloves and gave you my assurances you'd have some gloves soon, the feeling you'd get right then is the right feeling.

You must go into a deep gnostic trance and reach a place where you feel that you have seeded into the akashic plane (plane of causal-energy/desire) the cause of the manifestation of the whatever it is you want.

The more intense you make this, the faster and more forcefully whatever it will manifest, and it may even manifest instantly.

Some other variables are:

There is a formula that applies here: The probability of the thing manifesting, how specific or general the request/intention is, the intensity of the desire forced into the askahic sphere to seed the cause of the manifestation.

That which is less probable to happen takes extra bruteforce to manifest. That which is very general in its nature may manifest in many different ways and so is easier to manifest (e.g. the death of a person is actually easier to manifest than removing a mole from them, because there are way more ways a person can die, than a mole can be removed), and the very most intense desires when coupled with Imagination and Will can manifest extremely improbable events.

Montalk has a good article on this: http://montalk.net/notes/reality-creation-redux


Why did you take up a trip and make a thread to tell us all the most basic entry-level shit about magick? This also hasn't been a secret ever and is written about constantly throughout the literature forever. Going back a hundred years, people knew how to do this, and wrote openly about it.



Didn't read.

>"I am thankful for my third eye being open"



You didn't even try it.

Gratitude is the correct prayer. Prayer is the secret.

Do it.


This is my thread making trip. Google it and you might find my other threads.

I don't care how not secret you think this is. Mundanes need to learn. Time is of essence. More people need to wake up.

Just do it!



Is it possible to change dense matter?



Start simple. Build up.



would your phrase about the third eye be considered as simple?



Yes. You'll get immediate results and you'll know it works.



It's just the bsr repeating its usual nonsense, Pay no attention to that.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Just throw 10,000 punches of gratitude every day.



hello friend, would this also work for raising my vibrations? (aka just being happy) Or is this included in the premium pack of the third eye being opened?

Taking the risk of the third eye opening, would you recommend it?



I actually did this when I got my first job at a bank…basically I was about to be homeless, but at the last second I go this job.

Anyways, every morning when I got to my desk I would write out everything I was thankful for. I would try to fill up the whole paper, anyways the job grew into something much greater, and I am at a great place in life because of it.

Being in the head space of gratitude made a lot of impossible probabilities come true.

But all this 3rd eye shit is bullshit.



>that cheeky last punch

top kek



>le bullshit "occultist" faec



That, was actually pretty good.

And on topic, I have to say gratitude is also the primary secret key, I feel, to inedia as well. Being so utterly indescribably grateful to God for just being alive.



eh, I apply montalks thinking to this

>want begets want

>longing begets longing

>x begets x etc.

If you put yourself in a state of gratitude, where you feel, visualize, and really meditate on it, you put yourself in in a state that will lead you to more things to be grateful for.

Worked for me, but again the 3rd eye new ager stuff is bullshit. I am sure Goddard would agree with me here.



Hello fellow neophyte. It's probably a good idea to learn a little bit more about magick in order that you have a better understanding of what you don't know. I'm still in that process.

That said, I'd advise using the heart chakra in conjunction with the third-eye for an incredibly powerful combo. Any chakra can be opened by just calling attention to that area and imagining a force entering the female portion of the chakra, and exiting the male portion while feeling the emotion correlated to that chakra. Do this every day for twenty minutes and you'll find it becomes easier and easier to feel a tingling in that area, and an amplification of the related emotions. For me, I can begin to feel tingling (sometimes powerful) in any of my chakras by shifting my attention there, though I wouldn't say for sure that any of them are completely open.

You can also bind thoughtforms to chakras, which will empower them greatly, and in turn make the chakra resonate way more powerfully. Why don't you have fun and consider making and binding a protective tulpa for the chakras you're interested in? That's what I'm doing currently.



>a protective tulpa for the chakras you're interested in

For each, I mean. Nothing better than your own defensive squadron of companions.


For a long time I've had doubts whether gratitude is really the key. I meditated on this for days and I still don't know. Please let me know what you think because I'm confused:

One of the ways I imagine the universe is as a wave or as a spiral and it makes me feel a hedonistic bliss. It's appreciation for the beauty of the universe and it's complexity/simplicity, so in other words, gratitude. I'd usually call it something like awe for the mechanics of the universe or gratitude for the fact the world is beautiful and good (in the sense that "bad" is just as pretty as "good").

World would be so easy if I could just play music or whatever and indulge myself in this high.

But then I think, isn't this feeling just one of methods of mental masturbation (in this case the neurosomatic circuit)? You get the feeling of this circuit when smoking weed or with prolonged sexual play.

Is this really it? Is this all really that simple? If I use magic to program myself to feel weed high all day or start edging myself with tantra techniques, my neurosomatic circuit gets activated and I start feeling total gratitude, am I all golden?



Yes. Use it for whatever you want.


Try to open it using the same method you got a job with. Be surprised that it's not bullshit.


You should google my tripcode.


You didn't try the technique I advised. Try again.



I'd recommend that anime , if you have 80 hours to throw away on some analogical examples of pathwork.

Good characters , interesting events , a possible higher expression of creational force of spirit.

Mind food , tastes good.


Gratitude isn't key, using the emotions which correspond with the intent is key, and that can be anything.

Any emotions will do, depending on what you want to manifest.



And a long weird arc about ant aliens.

That arc was longer than it has too. Only built Netero as a character.


I'll give this a try. But, to make sure, it's just saying it mentally in my head like a kind of mantra? Or need to inject a lot of feelings in it as well?



I'm thankful to be sober.

This shit works, anon.



Repeat it as a mantra, but try to feel thankful as well.



I have friends.


When will you all realize we live in a mental universe that operates under mental laws and that desire is the cause of all things, that resonating with the right emotional patterns is the key to manifestation, and that Montalk basically has it right?

OP's shit is more convoluted than things have to be.



>I don't care how not secret you think this is. Mundanes need to learn. Time is of essence. More people need to wake up.

>Just do it!

You're ignoring the wisdom of the adepts of all ages who realize everything will get watered down and corrupted by the mass men. There are no shortcuts in the occult. Period.



Thanks. Feeling something abstract like this is kinda difficult cause there's no way to tell if it's right or wrong but I guess it's just practice



Gratitude is a powerful gravitational force but it's best to release requests to the universe

They will always come back

Too much energy/expectations can muddle the frequency


I tried this method for something small and it actually kind of worked. Quite cool, I'll try to continue it.


Explain me this. Half a year ago, I wanted something to happen, I wanted to win something. The probability for winning the thing was like 0.44%. It wasnt the exact thing I wanted, but it was near enough. Like a month later I wanted to do the same, and did it again, same chance, different thing I obtained. not the exact thing I wanted, though. Basically I went to go fishing wanted a 1000 $ worth of fish and got like a 300 $ fish. Only thing I was consciously doing was thinking about getting/winning it. I have read the faq at fringe here, and tried to win the lottery, didnt happen,yet, by applying the master formula. Probablity to win a jackpot is like 1 to 14 million, depends on which lottery you play. So could someone explain to me why it didnt happen yet ?


You know what OP I always found strange that people said "Speak in the present tense about things you want, speak like you already have them" and I saw that you used present tense to about things you want to aquire in the future and so I did what you said but I said "I am thankful for being able to find a girlfriend" instead of "I am thankful for having a girlfriend" because duh I don't have a girlfriend.



ask for a mate/soulmate/whatever, be thankful for it, treat yourself the way you want her to treat you. (mantak chia multi-orgasmic man says about this, touching oneself with love, bringing sexual energy to the heart. also mb cuddle self, tell self you love you, exercise heart chakra toward many things, channel divine love toward as much as you can, but pour it into yourself first) When you find her, set proper boundaries/don't be silly about putting yourself in uncomfortable situations.

good luck (:



Thanks for the info, I'm on my 2nd month of porn-free (I used to be a big addict) and I should read some of Mantak Chia too.



Yw. (:

Yeah, I stopped porn awhile before I met someone and I stopped masturbating around the time I did.

I should also say, on the pouring into yourself first bit, it would be good to figure out how to keep your energy to yourself a bit, if you don't usually.

I had a big problem with that, and it's better to interact while being energetically a bit aloof I think. So, focusing on yourself somewhat. [Posture, mb general manliness stuff, if you don't have that down]

A technique I was taught is to imagine looking at yourself astrally. So you in front of you, and then seeing what's in front of you in the physical. That helped me keep my energy in when I had an incredibly difficult time doing so. Concentrating on anything internal works though; one time I simply imagined tracing the infinity symbol in gold energy within.


can somebody confirm that OP's technique works?



Could you give some examples of emotions which arent gratitude corresponding with intents?



So give a technique that's simpler, other than saying "desire bro, just emotion loosh it up"



Do I say that in present tense?


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