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The rules are simple and only apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/: 1. Don't make duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit. 2. Don't make threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread. 3. Don't make a thread purely to shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET), just shitpost / loosh farm inside of threads that already exist. 4. Post threads that fall under the subject matter of /fringe/ (creepypasta FYI generally does not fall under /fringe/'s very broad subject matter, look at the sticky to see what subjects we discuss on /fringe/)

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Hotpocket Edit: Official Hanz Thread, Keep All Hanz Related Stuff In Here

so on 4chan /x/ i am not allowed to post and on all the love apps i am using they block all incoming messages.

IRL they stalk me and take photos of me all the time and i see buildings changing their location and adults becoming chilrden physically.

i also happen to notice the world reacts to my thoughts.

what is going on?

my life is in vain. i live in mysery. i literally can't take this anymore. please help me.

Post last edited at



Mby u shuld kil uself?



give me a pistol or something and ill immediately do it.



oh you cant? too bad jackass.



if the world reacts to your thoughts to that extent shouldn't you already have a pistol?


There's a difference between shitposting and scizo ramblings, could you please keep your insanity to /x/ where you've got an audience? This awful thread might have bumped something good off the list.

I never bothered with Hanz posters, if you're not a troll, apply for psyche ward.

There are things wrong in your head that has little to do with magic, you're severely paranoid and deluded, and I personally would prefer if you did not "move here" which will probably end in multiple threads of nothing.

This board should be above the cult of personality you want to force down its throat, but if not, you could delay personal progress.

Please kindly fuck off.




also smiley is my personal friend so dont fuck with me.



if only you knew how bad things really are..



Well I'm spooped.

If you're to much of a neophyte to realize your purpose in this reincarnation, to take hold of your fragmented, meaningless life on your own accord, maybe you should apply for medicinal help?

They can help you.

Nobody is stalking you, get your head out of your ass. If you can't rid yourself of delusions and fear, let the meds do it.

Now stay in this thread and don't post any more cries for attention that you didnt get from your parents or I'm gonna start throwing ghosts at you, autist.

Good luck in life, hope you get your shit on track.







can't decide whether watching Tipp try to figure out whether OP is a troll or OP believing the shitposting she's dumping is more kek than the other.

underrated /fringe/ 10/10

tell us what's up OP, but until then I'll sage this.



basically the illuminati haunt me. they block my messages, i cant post on /x/, they block incoming emails, they block my messages on every and all dating apps i use, they hack my computer and watch me, they stalk me irl, they prevent me from getting a gf, all in all they completely destroy my life. and all i can do is sit on my computer all and every fucking day and do nothing butpost on these boards. they dont even let me play with other people. they just come into my online games and spam the chats. when i play world of tanks they follow me and spam the server.


and they even block my fucking pictures for other users.


i can already hear you typing "yeah you probably have shizophrenia. seek mental help"


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what the fuck is this thread


Cleanse your colon


Start a meditation program.

20 min minimum at day.



whenever i mediate i imagine loving a girl.



that is okay. Meditating is not about not thinking ( contrary to popular belief ).

Here is a simple one.

>Sit motionless anywhere.

>Be aware of your own thoughts.

>"Capture" your toughs whenever you have any.

>Even if your are thinking 99% of the time you are doing it right.



Under rated answer.


What music do you listen to?



Posting archives of the other threads you made so they aren't lost but deleting them because they are redundant.



Wrong. There are many forms of meditation and most of them involve thought. The one you're describing is the one where you observe thoughts passing through your mind with detachment, aware they aren't your own thoughts, until they run out of steam and your mind goes silent.



Another Hanz thread, archived it and posting it here, deleting the older one.

Hanz, can you not remember your older threads you keep making?

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