A way to classify all types of magick and anything supernatural. But it's not always precise. Trying to create an explanation for an event based on each model is the best exercise to practice the chaos magick way of thinking.
>The Spirit Model
This model includes any magick that utilizes the concept of spirits or independent entities and interacts with them through various means and with individual purpose. It's used a lot. It includes gods and goddess as well as angels, demons, saints, ghosts and everything in between.
Can include: prayer, ritual, offerings, altars, mediumship, dream communications, dream magick, commanding and bartering relationships, etc.
>Energy Model
The energy model takes the view that all things in existence are made up of energy, and that energy can be directed and utilized.
Can include: psionics, chakra work, kundalini, tai chi and other martial arts, reiki, auras, etc.
>Psychological Model
Focuses on the magick as happening in the mind sphere. This model is constantly growing as our understanding of the human brain does.
Can include: meditation, trance, hypnotism, neuro-linguistic programming, use of sigils, traditional ritual, study of consciousness, etc.
>Information Model
The information model starts with the premise that all things in existence are comprised of information. Even energy itself is coded to exist. The human is not simply a processor of information, but also an active nexus of convergence between programmed existence and conscious reality manipulation.
Can include: telepathy, remote viewing, cybernetic modeling, study of memetics, study of dynamic systems, sociology, anthropology, coding, marketing, virality, etc.
>Meta Model
The Meta-Model of magick is where Chaos Magick fits nicely. It is the conscious application of any of the above models, and indeed, any established paradigm or system. Often utilizing a meta-model approach to ones own personal outlook and practice results in an idiosyncratic and eclectic belief structure peculiar to the individual. This differs from the traditional scope of eclectic magick as it allows not only synthesis between belief structures, but also a deeper, more personal internalization.