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Esoteric Wizardry


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"It is a mistake to consider any belief more liberated than another. It is the possibility of change which is important. Every new form of liberation is destined to eventually become another form of enslavement for most of its adherents. There is no freedom from duality on this plane of existence, but one may at least aspire to choice of duality."

-Peter J. Carroll, Liber Null and Psychonaut

"Chaosophy" is a meta-belief that all beliefs are tools for power. "Nothing is true, everything is permited" means that all possible interpretations of reality(religions, magick systems,etc.) are valid and every way of manipulating reality works as long as you belive in it.

Chaos magick primary teachings are probably familiar to most magicians. The basics of practical works are

Warning: It's very easy to get crazy with this, so do yourself a favor and don't take it too seriously

You can ask me any questions on this thread. (I might take some time to answer)




A way to classify all types of magick and anything supernatural. But it's not always precise. Trying to create an explanation for an event based on each model is the best exercise to practice the chaos magick way of thinking.

>The Spirit Model

This model includes any magick that utilizes the concept of spirits or independent entities and interacts with them through various means and with individual purpose. It's used a lot. It includes gods and goddess as well as angels, demons, saints, ghosts and everything in between.

Can include: prayer, ritual, offerings, altars, mediumship, dream communications, dream magick, commanding and bartering relationships, etc.

>Energy Model

The energy model takes the view that all things in existence are made up of energy, and that energy can be directed and utilized.

Can include: psionics, chakra work, kundalini, tai chi and other martial arts, reiki, auras, etc.

>Psychological Model

Focuses on the magick as happening in the mind sphere. This model is constantly growing as our understanding of the human brain does.

Can include: meditation, trance, hypnotism, neuro-linguistic programming, use of sigils, traditional ritual, study of consciousness, etc.

>Information Model

The information model starts with the premise that all things in existence are comprised of information. Even energy itself is coded to exist. The human is not simply a processor of information, but also an active nexus of convergence between programmed existence and conscious reality manipulation.

Can include: telepathy, remote viewing, cybernetic modeling, study of memetics, study of dynamic systems, sociology, anthropology, coding, marketing, virality, etc.

>Meta Model

The Meta-Model of magick is where Chaos Magick fits nicely. It is the conscious application of any of the above models, and indeed, any established paradigm or system. Often utilizing a meta-model approach to ones own personal outlook and practice results in an idiosyncratic and eclectic belief structure peculiar to the individual. This differs from the traditional scope of eclectic magick as it allows not only synthesis between belief structures, but also a deeper, more personal internalization.




"The Pact is a vehicle for the persuit of the Great Work of magic and the pleaures and profits attendant upon this quest. The Pact also acts a psycho-historic force in the battle for the Aeon."(Peter Carrol)

Iluminate of Thanatheros (IOT) is an active international occult organization and magickal pact created by the authors of main Chaos Magick books.

The sticky mentions it but I don't particularly recommend joining them. Why?

>On the first rank you are required to study the same short book(Liber MMM), experiment and make a detailed report absolutely every day for 6 months.

>Members have to offer themselves as a shield for magickal attacks against IOT, and provide energy for them. (Non-members can actually steal "the inexhaustible sources of Chaos or the field of power of the IOT").

>Their information is limited. Everything is archived, but they won't share, not even with their own members depending on their rank.

>Other stuff that would just make the thread unecessarily big.

There are good things about them i suppose. Their huge archive looks useful. imagine a gigantic magickal diary with varied experience from multiple highly trained individuals.

And their influence over the "battle for the Aeon" looks positive.




Sigils are viewed in Chaos Magick as a way to make your desire go to the subconcious mind where it has the power to shape reality.

There are many method of creating a sigil. The point is that it should be very hard to discover the initial intent of the sigil. Consult existing sigil for reference.

Example method 1:

>Write what you want to happen starting with "My Will is to"

>Remove repeating letters

>Make all letters on the alphabetical order.

Example method 2:

>Draw what you want to happen, a symbolic simple representation of the desired event.

>Distort it to make unrecognizable.

>Add details to make it look more "magickal"

Toughtforms are present in many magical systems. The difference on Chaos is that you can use anything, even thoughforms that weren't ever created intentionally.

Want to run faster? Summon Sonic the Hedgehog. Want to train battle on the Astral Plane? Son Goku will help. Programing test? Spock's logic will do the trick.

Simplified toughform creation guide:

-Decide shape, name, function and sigil for the toughform

-Draw the sigil anywhere, or keep its image strong on your mind.

-Give it energy.(methods include blood, orgasm, willpower, etc.)




You might not see an obvious strong relation to chaos fast, but Principia Discordia is a great way to learn the chaotic way of thinking.

Especially the the part of metaphysics that the book recomends you skip. And the humor helps you on not taking chaos magick too seriously.

The Church of Subgenius also has similar content.


Probably the best books for a begginer to magick are chaos magick books. They already are on the Sticky downlod, if not they are easy to find.

I recommend them in the following order:

>Liber Null and the Psychonaut by Peter Carrol (It's full of pictures for the lazy reader)

>Liber Kaos by Peter Carrol (Extra new content)

Then only if you really want more…

>Condensed Chaos by Phil Hine

>Prime Chaos by Phil Hine.


I suggest you repost this thread in the new fringechan, it should get more attention



I definitely feel the general theme of all beliefs being real resonate with me. But I'm confused as to what other insight is in the literature. Couldn't I just take that insight and go on my way investing in other beliefs?


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I decided to post there too since the beggining.

But i only got replies here so far

Maybe you already knew i posted on both, so you made that post to make people not suspect another thread being stolen


>I definitely feel the general theme of all beliefs being real resonate with me.

Actually all beliefs are false("Nothing is true"), but you can believe them anyway if you want("everything is permitted."), because they are useful and the universe behaves as if they were true.

But then, "nothing is true" is also a belief and therefore does'nt necesarily need to be belived. So ignore everything i just said.

(Don't expect to understand right away.)

>But I'm confused as to what other insight is in the literature.

You will actually get more confused before you can understand anything.

For you I personally recommend Principia Discordia. It will help you undarstand that part. It's an easy reading.

And Chaoism is more than a meta-system. It is also a system itself.

>pic related from Liber Null

It has equivalent principles from the hermetic laws with different explanations mixed with belief manipulation.

>Couldn't I just take that insight and go on my way investing in other beliefs?

Sure you can. Nothing wrong with that. But it's not necessarily chaos.

Chaos magick is an attempt to find the purest form of magick, "raw magick", direct manipulation of reality, using all tools so that eventualy no tools are needed.

In fact changing beliefs is encouraged with the Random Belief Dice Roll exercise on the Liber Null. ( pic related )

You kinda have to believe that all beliefs are true(or at least the ones you are using), but then have the belief that you are able to discart that belief completely as you see fit, even the belief that said that you could discart beliefs(chaoism).

I am sorry if didn't understand much, read the Principia Discordia to get help.



Thank you that cleared up a lot of misunderstanding I was having. I will read your suggestion and Liber Null unless there is a lot of overlap?



It's fine. Just go read those 2.


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You know the weird thing is.

4chan is a working example of Chaos Magick.

Shit has finally hit the fan that they are appropriating Kek, Keke, Kuk as their diety, the Egyptian god of Chaos part of fair pairs of frog gods

What is the worst thing that can happen now /pol/ and /b/ are learning Chaos Magick in reveration of Kek, the keeper of darkness and bringer of light (whom I think is SET and Lucifer?)


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Are you the one spamming the board with pepes? Come on 1 thread is enough.

God of chaos is not the same as chaos magick

I see the strong association of pepe meme with god "Kek", but it doesn't the god has taken over 4chan. Those 4chan threads that start with "If you see this while scrolling the first page, you have been visited by" work based on belief so they are better examples of chaos magick.

Meme magick will spread fast i hope. It will be an important tool in the future against major events.

But most 4chan users have no idea of what they are doing.


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Hu Hu hu


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My fault man. I created a board on here called >>>/magick/ and partnered up with >>>/bmw/ and spread that shit to /bane/, those guys took it to /pol/ who then spread it all over 4chan.

I'm responsible for this. I'm still laughing.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Still laughing?



do you feel powerful



I remenber that, but there are no oaths here and chaos magicians are the exact opposite of religious tards


You mean Kek or oath breaker meme?


Chaos magick (and by extension all magick) can be summed up as 'belief = results', right?

If so, what's the point of any occult literature, shouldn't we rather be studying psychology to better understand how to manipulate our own minds instead?


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yes and no for both questions

Studying belief, placebo and nocebo would be helpful, yeah.

magick can be summed up with(IMO):



>enforcing will/willpower/desire upon reality.(most of the times with belief).

Books teach the basics alongside tools like sigils and toughforms.

Eventually if you read enough (over ~25 books) all you will ever find useful on books is new entities to work with.



holy shit boys and girls shit just got real af lmao kek



tell us more about the IOT

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