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Why is there a need to "respect freewill" when from everything I've read about the topic, freewill doesn't have to be respected at all, because true freewill is inviolable?

If you can make anyone do anything, it's because on some level of their mind, there are the permissions in place that you may do it. In a sense everyone has a degree of freewill in so much as their lower consciousness comes to recognize the absolute power of spirit. They are free all along, just men of lower mentalities haven't introspected and searched deep enough into their soul, to see the permissions chains that govern what is allowed and not allowed to happen in their life. It's like playing a game, you don't want to lose, but when you initiated the match you accepted the rules of the game and the possibility you may be subject to various experiences that may not be desirable yet you wouldn't want to play the game if victory was assured. Then it would be meaningless. Why play an FPS where every bot is going to miss and you're going to win for sure?

Some say, you didn't choose this life. I used to say this myself. The reasons given by retard New Agers that "we chose our lives" which often get solipsistic are insufficient and ridiculous. In a way there are some things we didn't choose but it depends upon the level you look at it from. You didn't choose X but you did choose the possibility for X to happen to you because you wanted to play by some rule.

You didn't choose to "lose the game" or to enter a "seemingly rigged match" (what life often feels like here on Earth). Yet if you begin to imagine a series of permissions, rules, etc. that govern your life and what you allow and don't allow you'll eventually realize exactly why you haven't opted-out yet, why you're still subject to everything, and how you don't want to call it quits.

Think about a world or a condition where you can't be hurt. Some people have realized this. There are people who can swallow poisons, run swords through themselves, expose themselves to seriously contagious diseases and yet not be effected, drink incredible amounts of alcohol and not become drunk, let a scorpion sting them, pass molten metal through their bare hands without burning, etc. The reason they can do this is they is they got so deep into the higher phases of their own mentality they severed their emotional attachments to a reality of pain and harm in relation to x. If the sum of your inner-most and most abstract desires reaches a certain point, you can opt-out or opt-in for new potential vectors of experience.

On the matter of opting-in, think about what Montalk has said about aliens. Aliens are like an expansion-pack to our reality. Oh yes, they are definitely here, and their influence is felt in the world and it's becoming stronger in time. Yet many people still haven't quite opted-in with them yet. Yet if you make a sincere, earnest request, from the heart; that you should be visited by alien greys or the likes – it will happen. You will be opened up; to a whole new side of reality filled with its own potentials for paranoia, fear, love, hate, humor, and all the rest.

Think about hierarchies of desires. Greater desires trumping lower desires.


You will find that a desire for objectivity is why most of us still play the game where we can be hurt. On some level of our mind, we want to obey the mechanics of pain and pleasure, and we don't want to opt-out. Many people consider this reality the "real world" which really translates into "their emotional attachments to this world are the strongest such that they consider what happens in it of the utmost importance to them personally". They sometimes dream of other realities and yet there is still this strong desire to stay here in this world, to participate in life on Earth in the system Sol in the year of 2016, and to continue the struggle for personal success. We call this world "real" because it means so much to us and we are so attached to it and we obey its laws. How many people have bothered with the possibility of experiencing in an hour an entire alternate lifetime through meditation? Not too many. It would be as lucid, real, and sincere as the world they presently live in. Yet here they want to be, they don't care to go life another life, this is the one they want to live.

Even the man of very weak desires, who refreshes threads over and over, who never wants to get up out of bed, who pretty much just wants to post on imageboards every day of his life. This man is still living in accord with that principle set out in The Arcane Teachings where the dominant desire directs the thoughts and actions. If he feels his desires are too weak, he ought to cultivate his desires, strengthening the desire for life and activity and other things. If he doesn't bother, that's the choice he is making then, within the matrix system in which he lives.

Remember this for it is true: A person will never experience or be subject to something which the depths of his mind will not allow.

He will suffer lots, go through much distress, and be broken in so many ways. He will be fractured, forgetful, distracted, and ignorant; but the keys of his salvation are still within his own depths. It is easy to be horrified when you regularly fill your awareness with the terrifying possibilities of this world. Yet every torture may be ended by letting go. Your mind is allowing you to experience everything but will stop whatever you want to stop if your desire is intense enough.

Insanity has to do with a condition of subjectivity, disorganized thinking, or dysfunction in relation to this world. If you want to manifest objectively, if you want to create things of beauty here, don't be afraid of the role you play. Do not be withdrawn from the world, fearing it and hating it, choosing to be "neutral" and "passive". If you are strong enough to impose your will you can share and manifest every beautiful thought you have here.

I see freewill being used an irrational excuse not to perform certain types of magick or not to impose one's will on the world and just stay out of things like some cuck.

I feel completely at peace with myself, with God, with the laws of our universe. I believe the reason I am here is that ultimately the sum of my desires keeps me here, in this place and time, in this body and mind. I am not afraid to participate in this world and to impose myself in it. I am not disgusted by the world, I am in awe with it. I am working out my karmas; this means addressing the desires, the akashic seeds, which govern my life. I can work out the karmas of others as well because I can receive through the water element anything from anyone else. Everything that ever happens is the result of karma which is the desires entertained by the spirit on various levels of the microcosm and macrocosm.


If you want to stay objective and to not experience harm (or a certain class of harmful experiences), you much go with your awareness to the akashic sphere, and you must form an intense desire (that trumps all desires held or received) there to be spared from experiences in which that harm could be a possibility.

Every year thousands of people die from little insignificant scratches, vitamins that look like pills or something like Tylenol, jumping from an insignificant height, or other things that shouldn't normally kill a person. Even more perplexing is when these same people may at a previous time have had similar or bigger scratches, consumed harmless pills, etc. and nothing happened.

Under the right karmic conditions, a simple touch of the hand can kill or heal, when in other conditions it's merely a touch and does practically nothing.

Many injuries are influenced by a subtle level of reality, there really is such a thing as "accident proneness", and there are individuals who have extremely high probability of getting hurt in specific ways. Hypnotists looking into this, find that it often has its roots in suggestion and past emotional experiences, that impressed themselves into the depths of the person's mind. If you are particularly cursed, no matter how cautious you seem to be, a part of your body may continue to be very vulnerable to injury when it makes no sense for it to happen. A light bump can cause a cursed part of you to get really fucked up, I'd personally had a curse put on a part of my body before, and kept getting injections and other problems in that body part all the time until the curse was removed.

There's people that survive incredible shit. They should be dead. Yet they aren't harmed at all or in other cases they are harmed to an incredible degree, bleed buckets of blood way beyond what any normal person can bleed without dying many times over, etc.

There are no accidents in this world. Everything can be boiled down to awareness, will, desire, and imagination.

I see too many people that don't realize they are part of one great body, like a cell in a human body, and that every motion of consciousness moves all the rest. I don't mean this in the way of the egalitarians at all. Within your own body there is a constant war, life and death, specialized cells killing dysfunctional cells, and sometimes there are viruses and cancers fucking shit up. The important thing for you to be aware of is your own nature and to live by it. It's a harmony born out of chaos born out of a higher order. Be mindful of your thoughts and what it is you really desire. Don't think you want the world to burn when really you want it to go through a detox.

Neutrality is nearly is practically impossible and not likely where your heart truly resonates. If you encourage or discourage anything, if you support one modality over another, one ideal over another. If you are against someone stirring shit up; you're not neutral. True neutrality would be not caring which ideology wins, which utopia/dystopia is manifest, what is done or not done. Most people who think they are neutral are mistaken.




none of this matters.


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Fuck these fags.

I appreciate what you wrote, op, including your comments in the questions thread.



Please elaborate more on how to remove the self-imposed limitaions.

I want to "cheat code" my life.



Faith Power is pretty important for breaking through limitations. There is a rightful place for and use of the faculty of faith. This is covered in PersonalPower which is mentioned in the FAQ. If you want to activate for example the other 2 physical senses man is missing (there's 7 senses) faith will help along with the use of the formula of master key of occult attainment. Whatever limits you are trying to break through, you need to create a condition in your mind where you're able to basically forget the limitation, and it seems to have been erased from your mind. Sometimes people do magickal acts like breathing under water or picking up hot coals or levitating simply because they forgot they can't breath under water or they forgot coals are supposed to burn or they forgot they aren't supposed to be able to fly. You'll often find in such cases that it felt completely natural, they "just did it", etc. Also often younger children are known to be able to break past these limits as they tend to have less fixed and well-defined beliefs about the world and "what is possible". A general attitude of "anything is possible, I won't discount anything" helps too. Just remember this stuff has to sink deep into your mind and emotion intensity is key to impressing anything deep into your mind. A mantra repeated very often, hammering it away slowly in your mind, can get lodged in deep through repetition or the same phrase used in your mantra spoken only once during a very emotionally intense moment in your life can sink deep in at once and leave a very deep impression.


this was awesome, thanks.


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Thanks OP, i will screencap this tomorrow for the posterity.

just one quck question:

> There are people who can swallow poisons, run swords through themselves, expose themselves to seriously contagious diseases and yet not be effected, drink incredible amounts of alcohol and not become drunk, let a scorpion sting them, pass molten metal through their bare hands without burning, etc. The reason they can do this is they is they got so deep into the higher phases of their own mentality they severed their emotional attachments to a reality of pain and harm in relation to x.

My sister ha some of these traits, she always has had them since youthm like healing fucking fucking fast, eatting like a pig and not get stomach sicknes 80% of the time, and nevers gets cold or sick to the point of needing antibiotics to high medications… YET, she its not the most kind person, she is usually that old sister who is always a bich and supper control freak, this its not me and her having problems,she sussesfully has broken for bad famili relationships with the o ther 7 family members, even my mom and dad, also is he type of person who for neighboors or co.workers its super nice and charming but she admits its a charade because feels forced to be or get kicked out of work, but not out of empaty or genuine wanting to smile, its the kind of person who is always wanting to had something to do or someone to nag at (you are wrong im always right type)… but its extremelly afraid (subconciously cuz wont addmit it) to look at herself, be in a room in silence, she hates silence because she cant stand her own toughts… she also hates been touch by 99% of people, smiling, hugs, showing afection, talk about her feelings, cherring up other person, if someone one has diferent tastes of her, he is stupid and she smart, light at jobs and 'friends' she hate but darkness at home and family, and so on, you may know the cliche.

My question is, how come a person who has never medidate or have a little of seld introspect be capable of such healing process?

In the family im the younges and she the oldes, im also the only one who can stand her shit and i still genuenelly want her tochange for the better and give it a try… how i can help her been more open? and also how i can copypaste her healing traits?

pic unrelated




Oh, nevermind i think i got it by re.reading your post:

>Think about a world or a condition where you can't be hurt

i just got the memory that once my mom told me about how my sis when was around 17 become the girlfriend of some random ugly guy, it was her first relationship, only lasted a year and i guess she blew it up, he ended her first, my sis was so, so, so much hurt her resolution was: TO CLOSE THE DOOR OF HER HEARTH AND BUILD A WALL SO HIGH, TO NEVER BE HURT EVER AGAIN.

i guess she intended in the emotional level, but somehow the in,une sistem also got the message.

New question, i want to achieve that healing stuff but i never, never would like to be like my sis, in the outside she seems like a "cool know it all fun person be around with" people who barely knoe her think she is the best deal. yet the more close you get to know her, the more you realize she cries on the inside a lot and actually lives an unhapy life.


> I am working out my karmas; this means addressing the desires, the akashic seeds, which govern my life. I can work out the karmas of others as well because I can receive through the water element anything from anyone else. Everything that ever happens is the result of karma which is the desires entertained by the spirit on various levels of the microcosm and macrocosm.

I knew the traditional karma people like to think or sometimes see on tv shows its technically self inflicted/impossed, but i didnt get the rest of your explanation, care to add more to it please?



A more in depth guide and reading material on how to do this would be greatly appreciated



It's more likely that she's simply too egocentric to believe she would suffer so easily.


Thank you, OP, nice writing.

> Do not be withdrawn from the world, fearing it and hating it, choosing to be "neutral" and "passive". If you are strong enough to impose your will you can share and manifest every beautiful thought you have here

I'm not consistent in my desires or personality. My interests and world-views fluctuate a lot, sometimes they even change dramatically.

That wouldn't be a problem because people change but in my case it's almost a daily change. I wouldn't characterize it as multiple personality disorder though because I know who I am.

I try to adapt to this chaotic existence by treating the various interests like thoughtforms - merely mental phenomena. But this degrades them into secondary existence, they can't become solid imposed reality like you advise to act on your desires.

So I remain neutral because the effort of imposing my desires on reality would be really overwhelming, there are just too many for a lifetime.

Have you faced something similar and can you give advice please?

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