If you want to stay objective and to not experience harm (or a certain class of harmful experiences), you much go with your awareness to the akashic sphere, and you must form an intense desire (that trumps all desires held or received) there to be spared from experiences in which that harm could be a possibility.
Every year thousands of people die from little insignificant scratches, vitamins that look like pills or something like Tylenol, jumping from an insignificant height, or other things that shouldn't normally kill a person. Even more perplexing is when these same people may at a previous time have had similar or bigger scratches, consumed harmless pills, etc. and nothing happened.
Under the right karmic conditions, a simple touch of the hand can kill or heal, when in other conditions it's merely a touch and does practically nothing.
Many injuries are influenced by a subtle level of reality, there really is such a thing as "accident proneness", and there are individuals who have extremely high probability of getting hurt in specific ways. Hypnotists looking into this, find that it often has its roots in suggestion and past emotional experiences, that impressed themselves into the depths of the person's mind. If you are particularly cursed, no matter how cautious you seem to be, a part of your body may continue to be very vulnerable to injury when it makes no sense for it to happen. A light bump can cause a cursed part of you to get really fucked up, I'd personally had a curse put on a part of my body before, and kept getting injections and other problems in that body part all the time until the curse was removed.
There's people that survive incredible shit. They should be dead. Yet they aren't harmed at all or in other cases they are harmed to an incredible degree, bleed buckets of blood way beyond what any normal person can bleed without dying many times over, etc.
There are no accidents in this world. Everything can be boiled down to awareness, will, desire, and imagination.
I see too many people that don't realize they are part of one great body, like a cell in a human body, and that every motion of consciousness moves all the rest. I don't mean this in the way of the egalitarians at all. Within your own body there is a constant war, life and death, specialized cells killing dysfunctional cells, and sometimes there are viruses and cancers fucking shit up. The important thing for you to be aware of is your own nature and to live by it. It's a harmony born out of chaos born out of a higher order. Be mindful of your thoughts and what it is you really desire. Don't think you want the world to burn when really you want it to go through a detox.
Neutrality is nearly is practically impossible and not likely where your heart truly resonates. If you encourage or discourage anything, if you support one modality over another, one ideal over another. If you are against someone stirring shit up; you're not neutral. True neutrality would be not caring which ideology wins, which utopia/dystopia is manifest, what is done or not done. Most people who think they are neutral are mistaken.