So what's the point? If all this is possible and someone thousands of years ago wanted to tell us something through Kek, what the fuck were they trying to say those absolute madmen? Perhaps it was meant so we would rediscover an interest in the Egyptian gods and keep those memes alive.
Another possibility is that we were meant to discover Kek, then we would start looking into Egyptian gods. Human nature would first lead us to gods similar to Kek.
A good start would be gods that were similar in appearance, or represented by frogs. Incidentally, there is a group of Egyptian frog gods apart of the Ogdoad of Hermopolis. Hermopolis means "City of Hermes" in Greek which describes the Egyptian cult center around the god Thoth, who they associated with their god Hermes. In Egyptian they called it Khmunu or city of the eight, describing the eight gods and goddesses, or four pairs of gods and goddesses (or thinking in terms of the Hermetic principles the positive and negative representations of such forces), which were each representations of primordial forces.
Kek and Keket represent the male and female form of darkness.
Nun and Naunet represented the primordial form of water.
Amun and Amunet represented air.
Heh and Hauhet represented eternity.
The combination of all these gods, or forces and elements, resulted in what could be described as our theory of the "big bang" and the energy created resulted in eventually what would be called Hermepolis by the Greeks and these gods ruled over the Earth in a golden age until they died and began their rule in the underworld.
Essentially this is just another way to describe the creation of the world and is very similar to the account given in the old testament.
Again, there are many ways to interpret the rise of this meme, but one of which is that the resurfacing of Kek and by association his consorts among the Ogdoad may mean an incoming rebirth and the return of these gods, or forces, from the underworld which would usher in a new golden age.
All of this is just conjecture, but it is fun to think about.