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Is 4chan really a manifestation of the Ancient Egyptian god (Ogdoad syzygy) Kuk, Kek, Keku who is depicted as an anthropomorphic frog (male form), symbolizing chaos and darkness?

Other interesting facts his number was 4 and repeating digits were seen as an auspicious sign associated with him



nice dubs


kek and pepe weren't memes when image boards started so I doubt it, but possibly. Maybe we retrospectively affected history.



Autocorrect, meant to say retroactively




That's a frog? Looks like a monkey holding two knives.


isn't there a frog of doom card or something like that in the illuminati card game? nothing surprises me anymore



I would say it's more likely that some sort of collective unconscious influenced the popularity of pepe

>captch: fdildo



I havent returned to 4chan since that gamergate thing… what hapened now?


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Indeed there was.


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Fucking kikeminati and their bullshit vortex of thoughtforms reinforced by media


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>"You may interfere with a privileged attack"

>privileged attack



This is in the right direction. Animals are ubiquitous in human experience, and humans like to make symbols of and relations between things. The symbolism of frogs varies from culture to culture, and depends partially on climate:


Given that ancient Egyptian mythology contains hundreds to thousands of gods, and the total number of gods believed in during recorded history is tens of thousands, it's no surprise that there's frog gods or gods occasionally represented as a frog.

As for Pepe himself, he has direct genealogy in Kermit the Frog, as is shown from the original artist's other work which often features corrupted muppets.


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Decided to watch I, Pet Goat again, and came across the frog mask, that was then switched to the Domo-kun mask with waves coming up from the ground between the change. This was after the scene in which the anti-Christ figure rose out of the group of old Anon looking figures and destroyed them, with the programming complete of empty egghead kid, then the dead muslim boy being lifted up and spinning in a circle.

Food for thought.


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It's very possible that the kek god phenomenon is just coincidence coupled with confirmation bias.

Two different memes have to circulate to 4chan, thus 8chan, at around the same time in order for someone to make the connection. The first is Pepe, the other is Kek. Without both existing at the same time, the connection would be impossible to make and having both exist as one meme would be impossible to carry over time.

First examining Pepe just leads to the comic Boys' Club. Looked at independently, it seems innocent and can be explained easily explained due to the nature of 4chan OC in 2008. Using reaction images was a great way of conveying humor and emotion and usually the more obscure the more entertaining. Given the obscurity of the comic Boys' Club, a comic made in 2005 in the relative internet dark ages, I would assume that less than 5 people would have started the spread of Pepe reaction images on 4chan, with pure conjecture that it was one person forcing it which leads to people saving those images and reposting them as reaction images, just like most memes on 4chan. However, out of 4 main characters in the comic, Pepe would be the only one to become popularized.

Obviously frogs in culture aren't strictly limited to 4chan, thus 8chan, but I question why Pepe would be one of the few memes from 2008 4chan to survive and evolve into different meanings while other very popular memes during that time fall to the wayside. I find it strange that as the userbase of 4chan evolved, Pepe evolved with it. For instance Pepe started off as "feels good man". It wasn't until later that Pepe became known as sad frog with "feels bad man", which according to Google, started in 2011. Likewise Pepe would evolve again into smug frog more recently. If it was just Pepe that existed, I wouldn't think much of this meme that seemingly refuses to die in today's internet where memes are popular for very shorts amount of time. This means that it's just coincidence and Pepe is very lucky, or there is someone out there who desires to keep this meme alive.


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Which brings us to Kek, which is popular today since it represents the phonetic "kekekekekeke" which is like "hahahahahaha" for Koreans. This seems unrelated, but I'll come back to this in a moment. Kek on the internet became popularized due to WoW where Horde players who said "LOL" in general chat would translate to "KEK" to Alliance players. This led to kek becoming slang for lol in the WoW community, which then was brought over to 4chan, thus 8chan. Since 4chan has always been hipster on memes, typing lol eventually became meaningless and kek became a better way to express genuine laughter. Given the humorous nature of 4chan and 8chan, an inside translation joke on how to say lol would become ingrained in it's culture and stay popular and in the forefront.

So now you have the symbolic representation and phonetic representation of the Egyptian God Kek floating around in the same place. Sort of like having dry tinder in an area with lightning storms, it's only a matter of time before a spark starts an entirely new idea. It's only a matter of time before someone makes the connection between Kek and Pepe and asking themselves if there's something strange going on. Which may or may not be the case here.

Let's ignore the negative here and actually believe that somehow, as if by some outside force or deity, it was fated that 4chan would be the vessel to rediscover Kek organically through their own memes.

In order for that to be possible some force in the past would have to make sure that whatever God they wanted to "send forward" into the future would be rediscovered somehow. The people rediscovering it would need the physical symbol, phonetic symbol as well as information on Egyptian gods in order to make the connection all at the same time.

So you would have to make it as easy as possible for this to happen. To do this with a frog, all you have to do is make sure frogs don't go extinct which is fairly easy. To do this with phonetics, you would have to make sure the pronunciation of Kek somehow stays relevant. The easiest way to do this is not relying on words, but sounds that all humans make. Laughter is one of them. So you would have to steer phonetics and the written word to make sure that laughter is spelled the same way as the god Kek. That would take some outside effort, but again believing that god entities are behind this I would think it's possible. So coming back to the Korean language, the meme Kek would only arise at a time when humanity started experiencing a more encompassing collective conscious and at a time when the Egyptians or the gods behind this kind of meme wanted Kek to resurface.

This is what would be necessary for this kind of meme magic to be true, not that I'm a firm believer of it, I just like thought exercises. Another possibility is that the Egyptian god Hah or Heh, also a frog headed god, was the one we were meant to unsurface. Again all three elements necessary to rediscover this god coming to possibility during our time. I'm not sure what to believe, but this kind of thing certainly is possible if you push rational belief out of your brain for a few minutes.



So what's the point? If all this is possible and someone thousands of years ago wanted to tell us something through Kek, what the fuck were they trying to say those absolute madmen? Perhaps it was meant so we would rediscover an interest in the Egyptian gods and keep those memes alive.

Another possibility is that we were meant to discover Kek, then we would start looking into Egyptian gods. Human nature would first lead us to gods similar to Kek.

A good start would be gods that were similar in appearance, or represented by frogs. Incidentally, there is a group of Egyptian frog gods apart of the Ogdoad of Hermopolis. Hermopolis means "City of Hermes" in Greek which describes the Egyptian cult center around the god Thoth, who they associated with their god Hermes. In Egyptian they called it Khmunu or city of the eight, describing the eight gods and goddesses, or four pairs of gods and goddesses (or thinking in terms of the Hermetic principles the positive and negative representations of such forces), which were each representations of primordial forces.

Kek and Keket represent the male and female form of darkness.

Nun and Naunet represented the primordial form of water.

Amun and Amunet represented air.

Heh and Hauhet represented eternity.

The combination of all these gods, or forces and elements, resulted in what could be described as our theory of the "big bang" and the energy created resulted in eventually what would be called Hermepolis by the Greeks and these gods ruled over the Earth in a golden age until they died and began their rule in the underworld.

Essentially this is just another way to describe the creation of the world and is very similar to the account given in the old testament.

Again, there are many ways to interpret the rise of this meme, but one of which is that the resurfacing of Kek and by association his consorts among the Ogdoad may mean an incoming rebirth and the return of these gods, or forces, from the underworld which would usher in a new golden age.

All of this is just conjecture, but it is fun to think about.


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>Decide to look through that card game

>Find this


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The resolutions is shit but still, where did you get it from?


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thanks m8


>that feel when no keket to kek with


Kek, High Energy accelerator research center



Pepe is the frog of right wing revival.


I'd like to point out "kek" as used on 4chan comes from world of warcraft. When players from opposing factions would speak the text would be translated to some fictional language created for the game so that interaction between enemies was impossible. When a Horde player would say "lol" it would be translated to Orcish and show up to Alliance players as "kek". It became a joke on /v/. This is still interesting though. You could argue it spread by some subconscious meme, after all it was originally a pretty innocuous thing that didn't appear that often when playing the game, so it might not be hasard that it resonated with people on 4chan, but one thing's for sure it wasn't chosen intentionally.


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>putting my image of meme baal on the poster

I really hope you guys aren't taking this seriously. The rise of kek is a scripted event. Just like the rise of Trump. Kind of disheartening how many normies would have to wake up in order to change the course we're on.


Keep buying into that narrative. The truth is there are no wings. Just claws and a large mouth.


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I suspected as much


ctrl+f heqet… 0

/fringe/ don't know shit


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Kek is a demonic entity spirit I'm not giving away my loosh to some cunt who pass itself as another being.

Freemasons have a frog god called jahbulon which you learn about in 32nd or 33rd degree, which they tell you is actually lucifer.

Satanic doctrines, the occult is filled with demons waiting to take the energies of your soul

Notice THE EYE imagery for this japanese company.

Satanism everywhere.

Don't worship a Jesus christ entity though, (cause hes a kike amiriteheueheuha) but worship a god of darkness similar to Baal cause the demon cares about your wellbeing.



PLEASE quit mixing up Kek and Heqet, you're going to get chaos and fertility too mixed up.


Hard to say. The Ogdoad had four elements (invisibility, water, infinity, darkness), but had eight deities, two for each element.



What is with Christians thinking that "gods" are similar in any way to the Christian "God"? Understand that gods were symbolic representation of various forces which then got a thoughtform of the literal representation of the god as people lost the meaning of what the gods stood for.

It's completely different so either do some research or just stop making posts like this.




Oh ye of little Faith. We say that now but what if the gods of old were as real flesh and blood as you or I? The physical incarnation of that symbolic enlightened Force!


Greenpill on Gods; practically every God in every religion was originally a human wizard who came to embody some divine principle. It's basically all ancestor worship. Obviously overtime religions evolve and what these various figures mean changes but they're all just shamans originally. All those stories are about what shamans did both in this world and in the astral.



Chaos and Fertility are very much akin. Chaos is all, chaos is creation from the darkness.

Your mundane definition of the word 'chaos' clouds your judgement here.




There was once this god that was all over the place seriously what is with masons and their creepy sexual repression and calling everything satanic or gzuhzs (jesus)

so anyway

but really it's gay and they think you have to initiate to think hang on

sorry i'm driving let me make this turn and

okay sorry i'm rping myself years ago when i first encountered satan and baal at the same time but i didn't know it. adam kadmon too but heys' gay.


did this thread summon me



This ogdoad makes me think of the ogdru jahad from hellboy.

You know hellboy started in 1993, and the song 'red right hand' by nick cave was released in 1994? So close together, and such similar concepts.

Its like you can't stop an idea whose time has come.



Pepe blew up and there's a new owner who sells the data.


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>be alien

>get drunk

>decide to fly ship near earth to give those rednecks a scare

>forget to turn on running lights and hit some space trash they call a satellite



ayyyyyyyy, lmao. kek.

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