14T. "Metapolitics from the Romantics to Hitler" by Peter Viereck. NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 1941. (TS-4) (OT-1)
MA: "This is quite simply the definitive history and analysis of the Germanic mystical and magical tradition as it has been applied to society and politics.
No other political analysis of Nazi Germany compares with it, and an understanding of the Nazi phenomenon is impossible without it. Major sections deal with Romanticism, life-worship, Kultur, dynamism, Wagner, Chamberlain, Fichte, Hegel, Rosenberg, and Hitler."
14U. "For Freedom Destined: Mysteries of Man's Evolution in the Mythology of Wagner's "Ring" Operas and "Parsifal"" by Franz E. Winkler. Garden City, NY: Waldorf Press, 1974. (TS-4) (OT-1)
MA: "The definitive study of the magical and philosophical aspects of the "Ring" and "Parsifal" operas. From the book: 'When we think of the origin of man, we insist illogically on confusing the history of his purely biological being with the history of his spirit; the latter defies any attempt at investigation by methods we now call scientific.
Darwin and his followers deal with the emergent evolution of visible man, while on the other hand religion and mythology deal with the evolution of his invisible soul. In his cycle of the "Ring" and "Parsifal", Wagner uses the magic power of music, words, and scenery to open man's heart to the history of the hidden essence of his own self, and to the changing forces that are active behind the sensory phenomena of man and Earth.'"
14V. "The True Believer" by Eric Hoffer. NY: Harper & Row, 1951. (TS-3) (OT- 3)
MA: "Hoffer's thoughtful study of the mind of the fanatic and of the various media through which such a mind attempts to fulfill itself - religious, political, or social.
It is particularly instructive to compare Hoffer's theses with the experiences of Hitler, Himmler, and Rosenberg as treated elsewhere in this reading-list category. The book's strong point is Hoffer's famed common-sense, but this same feature is also its weak point, because it is obvious that Hoffer is not aware of [or does not understand] the principles discussed, for example, in #14T."
14W. "Astrology and the Third Reich" by Ellic Howe. Wellingborough, Northamptonshire: Aquarian Press, 1984. (TS-3) (OT-3)
MA: "A historical study of astrological beliefs in Western Europe since 1700, with special emphasis on German astrology during 1919-1930 and in Nazi Germany.
A revised and expanded edition of Howe's earlier "Urania's Children", this book also presents and critiques basic astrological theory and explores the Lesser Magical use of astrology as a psychological warfare device during World War II. Howe, in addition to being the author of #10F and a contributor to #4E, served in Britain's Political Warfare Executive during World War II."
14X. "The Occult Roots of Nazism: The Ariosophists of Austria and Germany 1890-1935" by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke. Wellingborough, Northamptonshire: Aquarian Press, 1985. (TS-3) (OT-3)
MA: "This new and very scholarly book fills a crucial need in the study of 20th-century Germanic occultism, namely a detailed and non-sensationalistic account of Guido von List's Armanenschaft, Joerg Lanz von Liebenfels' Order of New Templars, and Rudolf von Sebottendorff's Thule Gesellschaft. Also profiled is SS-Oberfuehrer Karl Wiligut, occult counselor to Heinrich Himmler and architect of such projects as the Wewelsburg restoration and the SS-Totenkopf ring. This book is a revised version of the author's doctoral thesis at Oxford."