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Esoteric Wizardry


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I've becoming quite interested in esoteric and occult wisdom. I'm currently listening to the Kybalion in audiobook form. Me and my friend recently came across this girl who asked the route to the buss station. We also needed to go that way so we walked with her for a little bit. We started talking and we asked her where she was going, she told us she is not allowed to speak about it. She then went on to speak how awesome the last few weeks where and how she was searching for thruth and that she found it within and how "they" try to hide it from you.

Anyway me and my friend started researching our local freemason lodge and thinking of joining them.

Is joining the Freemasons a good start to become a wizard or is it just a pyramid scheme?

What are some essential things you will learn while being a freemason?

Since I don't want to break rule 2: general Freemason thread.


armchair occultism verrecke


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Yes, you should go join them, they'll teach you everything, more importantly, you don't ever have to post here again if you do.



Could you elaborate? Why wouldn't I ever have to post here, will freemasonry answer all my questions?

Just finished the Kybalion and damn that was great!







So what is non shit and do you recommend?



I hope you like gay sex with old men.

You want to get started in magic, do level one of Initiation Into Hermetics and read Khan's threads. Start practicing today. Start with the Bearheart LBRP. Khan has a video on it on his channel (ElectricCurrency).

Masonry is a waste of time at best and evil at worst.



>I hope you like gay sex with old men.

Lol, this.

Masonry is just a bunch of faggots.



I will still join the masons. I'm just very curious what it's all about. I will do those things what you said as an added extra. Perhaps it will help me to gain higher ranks in masonry. I'm on the quest to find truth and don't think it can be found on just one place. To find thruth I must leave no stone unturned.



Nigger, that shit about gay sex is not just a meme. They will lock you into decades of pleb-tier mundanity.

But hey, at least you will be able to get away with a lot of crimes.

Make sure to ask them to explain Jahbulon the first time you meet them.



Really gay sex? I don't think that that happens in every lodge, right? If so I'm out of there.

Also is it really that mundane, alot of Freemasons became powerful people.

If I shouldn't join the Freemasons what should I join then? I don't think there are that many other organisations I can join in my city at least.

Please help a mundane like myself.



A lot of things are said about the Freemasons and most of it are just half truths.

The worst theory i know of is that freemasons perform pedo incest gay sex on their sons during rituals to open a portal for gods beyond our solar system wich is the Lovecraft pantheon. That would imply their god Jabuhlon is superior in power to Mars, Jupiter, Saturn(Jehovah),etc. Don't take any of that seriously.

They will deny it but joining any "occult"-like organization is a waste of time for getting occult knowlegde and power.

Freemasonry, Rosacruz, IOT, Catholic Church, Golden Dawn, Wicca covens etc… all unworthwhile

If you are willing to spend that time and effort for the occult like that, visit the sticky thread websites, read the sticky thread books, discuss what you know on the question thread and practice.

Remenber to never stop learning and you will suceed.

PS: I don't consider you a mundane anymore, finding this board is no mere coinsidence.



>Is joining the Freemasons a good start to become a wizard



>I hope you like gay sex with old men.

That's OTO. Masonry is nationalist.


>Make sure to ask them to explain Jahbulon the first time you meet them.

That's explained in HRA. It's not a big deal.


>Really gay sex? I don't think that that happens in every lodge, right?

It doesn't happen in any lodge.

But research it a bit more. If it's something you're actually interested in, then join. It never hurts to learn more.


The gay sex is employed in lodges among many, many other things to deprogram/weed out unsuitable initiates + to provide entertainment and loosh to these who are higher in ranks. If your desire is to learn about few influencial people in the world, then go ahead, but you will never learn the whole truth and the price you'll pay is that your personality will change numerous time on your way. At some point you might drop the desire to look for truth all together, and you'll start experiencing the desire to serve someone's else ideals.


>joining the masons

you can figure it all out yourself. they're plebs.


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>considering freemasonry

>considering falling into the pit

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