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Please tell me I am not alone here. Do you also get more 'virtuous' with gains in magick? Is it the magick causing the virtue, or the virtue causing the magick- or are they unlreated.

After a great progression, I now no longer find porn, drugs, and degenerate behavior in general at all attractive and thrilling at all. I find even the thought of drinking and binge eating to be revolting.

I want to go study algebra and sacred geometry, and the stars. I no longer even remotely care about the temporal politics that entangled me now (I have learned it is a contrived facade and given up).

I find that these things actively 'damage' my aura and soulfield in general, like they change me somehow. Has anyone else felt this? is the act itself the cause of the damage to my soul, or has anyone felt this change them as well?

It honestly feels like the aura is being 'slimed' or ditied in some way by even being around them in some fashion, that they exude the aura of a particular energy which is more destructive and damaging to ourselves. It not only affects my own personal thought patterns and ability, but is actively able to change my aura and how I am able to feel.


I feel exactly the same actually


It works like magick -> consciousness -> virtue

Religions try to make it the other way around but after centuries they loose the "why" and everything else becomes a mere cover/illusion.

But yes I can relate. Few months and I was already feeling like that.






I agree with your understanding. The magick itself seems to cause a greater level of consciousness and self awareness as a whole and leads therefore to a progression in virtue.

I think actually that major 'religions' use a virtue that has some semblance to the ones we learn due to the fact that degenerate behavior damages/stains our aura/soul/consciousness. But- they are wrong in that all of the things they proscribe cause this damage (thou shalt not kill for instance).

Rather, It seems that the aura itself, can be changed to 'feed' off degeneracy (see modern western leaders ala angleka merkel) and debauchery, causing the individual to have a 'corrupted' soul.

But it seems that we have also a split, between 'light' and 'darkness', that I have experienced a reat rise in virtue as my ritual/magick/meditations have progressed. rather than debauchery.

I would believe that attachment to degenerate behavior causes some disruptions in the aura/soul and creates a decrease in magick. is this due to their loss of power by causing disruptive behavior or is it the lack of meditation they do?

Can virtue be the sole path magick has? can magick lead us to vice as well? I keep wondering these things as i increase in power.


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I observe this on myself too, the further I progress in my path of cleansing the more noble thoughts I get.


I haven't observed the increase in morality as I progressed with magic.

But I'm pretty much LHP so maybe that's why


Maybe it's progession or maybe it's because I'm a month into nofap, but instead of staring at womens bodies and wanting to have sex with them, I'm staring at their faces and wanting to kiss them. I find porn disgusting now and I feel bad for all those involved.




I observe this as well. However the love of porn and degeneracy seems to stem from the 'stain' on the aura that is inflicted on us, and not inherit to us.



I don't do nofap anymore bc I want to edge/get better, but I do try to love myself/concentrate on self rather than fantasies, when I remember to do so.

But when I get an excess of heart energy and look anyone in the eyes that I like even somewhat, I get an urge to kiss them. I got it with some guys, and some girls.

Yeah, definitely gets that way.

and porn is so ugh, but I still don't mind fantasies/nudes, the latter I care for less than the former. The former mostly for practice/quick ramp-up of energy to practice drawing sexual energy up instead of releasing it as semen.


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I feel the same way, but with the exception of my libido shooting through the roof.

I do find myself fapping to tamer subject matter than before, even if I'm doing it more often.

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