op here
>because you're addicted to pornography
I'm not addicted to pornography, far from it.
>you're no longer satisfied with normal pornography
I had this fetish since the very beginning, even before I started watching pornography for real.
>You find pleasure in being submissive
it may be true.
>many fetishes and find a paranormal reason for all of them
I'm asking about this specific one.
>it's better to lose them.
thanks for your advice. I need to know the answers first though.
>I am pretty sure the Bible had beings that were larger and taller the more intelligent they were.
this is the exact thing I want to discuss.
any pre-modern era sources on giants that may relate to this fetish?
like the Bible's Nephilim who were said to be giants and sons of gods.
my knowledge on these topics is very limited, that's why I ask you.
>there's a thread that has something about this you gross weirdo >>56878
I have seen it. and it has encouraged me to start this thread.
though I doubt tulpas and everything that thread is about may be the sources of macrophilia.
therefore it is quite unrelated.