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since I see this board has wide range of topics,

I would like to start a discussion on macrophilia aka giantess fetish.

it is basically impossible in real life and pretty useless for any purpose imaginable.

why would then anyone have so deep need of having and fulfilling this fetish?

could it be that it has its origins in the paranormal world?

another realms, giant extraterrestrial creatures, experiences from past lives?

can you shed some light on this? I really need answers to my condition.


You have this fetish because you're addicted to pornography and you're no longer satisfied with normal pornography. You find pleasure in being submissive which is either a cause or a result of your addiction. Macrophilia is a form of domination/submission.

You could have many fetishes and find a paranormal reason for all of them, but it's better to lose them.

Since this thread is already made and we really don't need yet another giantess thread, I'll make it about giants in general. I desire to grow bigger and taller because I find it to be physical perfection. Additionally, I am pretty sure the Bible had beings that were larger and taller the more intelligent they were.


Idk but there's a thread that has something about this you gross weirdo >>56878


op here


>because you're addicted to pornography

I'm not addicted to pornography, far from it.

>you're no longer satisfied with normal pornography

I had this fetish since the very beginning, even before I started watching pornography for real.

>You find pleasure in being submissive

it may be true.

>many fetishes and find a paranormal reason for all of them

I'm asking about this specific one.

>it's better to lose them.

thanks for your advice. I need to know the answers first though.

>I am pretty sure the Bible had beings that were larger and taller the more intelligent they were.

this is the exact thing I want to discuss.

any pre-modern era sources on giants that may relate to this fetish?

like the Bible's Nephilim who were said to be giants and sons of gods.

my knowledge on these topics is very limited, that's why I ask you.


>there's a thread that has something about this you gross weirdo >>56878

I have seen it. and it has encouraged me to start this thread.

though I doubt tulpas and everything that thread is about may be the sources of macrophilia.

therefore it is quite unrelated.


Not only could this have been a simple post in the questions thread (to not prune an old thread with potentially *useful* information) there is another active thread on this exact topic…


My view is that it is about power and domination.

There are 2 main things that goes for being dominated.

The "freedom from choice", the confort of bieng dominated, never being able to fail because you never make a choice.

And the comfort from not having to play the dating game, frustating to many men.

Why does it need a paranormal explanation?

The only correlation I can make is the "game" of the universe where the goal is spiritual development but it requires suffering. Hard to explain.


Not exactly the same topic



I do not ask for explanation on what it means.

I need to know why it takes such form.

even if it is about domination, it is not natural to develop it in that direction ie. giant women.

so I ask if you have knowledge if humans have experienced giant beings in their history?

are there any more myths than the ones in the Bible. are there any other sources for this?

maybe there exists an extraterrestrial civilization of giant beings?

or are there any reports on spiritual encounters involving such entities?








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It is not impossible in real life. Giants exist.

There has been numerous giant skeletons found all the way up to 50 feet of the so called "Progenitors" that David Wilcock talks about. These giants still might exist in stasis and in the hollow Earth.

Not only that but there are aliens that are much larger than we are who exist on other planets. Also I heard from a certain insider that there is a very tiny alien race that had shrinking technology and wanted to shrink him so he could visit their planet.

This shit is real. You can also experience size change in the astral or possibly we will get to experience it in virtual reality very soon.

It's a great time to be a sizefag.



Thank you for this answer.

Can this fetish be due to meeting them in previous lives or elsewhere?

>These giants still might exist in stasis and in the hollow Earth.


>Also I heard from a certain insider that there is a very tiny alien race that had shrinking technology and wanted to shrink him so he could visit their planet.

any more info on this?



David Wilcock presents Giants as hostile.

in that context this macrophilia thing looks like a very bad idea.


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What about this one, I like to dominate taller than me high test women and can't cum unless pregnancy play or love is involved.

>tfw spirit guide is an amazon

>five minutes after her telling me something important about something something challenge ive made her blush and sit in my lap one hand holding her back and the other between her legs

Shit was cash until I lost my flow and she stopped feeling like a schoolgirl in the hands of someone knowing what hes doing and decided to flood the hot springs water cave system with a waterfall from her mouth down her ample bosom

>tfw breathing water with a perfect babe in my lap unwilling to let go

If I didn't doubt her appearance, intentions or my own actions that lucid dream would have become a bestseller. "50 shades of spirit".


Having sexual attraction towards taller women could spring from your own sense of inferiority and a desire to see your offspring successful, which you believe will happen if they are tall.

There's also the element of desire to be dominated, which stems from wanting someone to take care of you sexual because you feel insecure or or yet developed/mature enough to lead a sexual encounter with someone you perceive as strong.

An issue here would be perceiving all women as strong, equating you to inferior.

You should then learn that any good relationship is to give and take and being equally powerful in, say, sex, one should in such a case learn or feel when the time is right to be dominant or submissive.

If you fail this you are not in balance and will end up in a abuse relationship with you getting the short or long stick, likely up your butt.

Did I miss something?

Oh yes! Because a human being is perceived to be of better genetic stock if stronger, which leads to bigger or taller, say bigger muscle brains hips or tits, a desire to mate with tall women have a likely hood of stemming from, again, the strife to make your offspring as successful or powerful as possible.

Bigger the better.

Tl;Dr desire to empty your penis in that which gives your offspring the best chance of survival.


Damn phone.. ignore the errors.


You are attracted to the golden mean, to perfection. Nature has decided that taller women are closer to the right proportions that humans should have if properly nurtured.



You can conjure growing pains, but since you're probably not in a growth spurt you'll need to take very good care of your food intake if it's to give any real results.

You can also adjust your bodies blueprint, your energy body to take on any format you so wish (maintaining it in that new form is hard) and your body will align with it.


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I never had much interest or arousal from giantess until I stumbled onto this image, and it sparked my imagination.

You can adapt to any fetish and acquire it given enough time, that's what my time on /d/ has taught me.

Once you imagine a few lewd scenarios with the giantess, you are hooked.

Still not one of my main fetishes though but not something that I don't understand the appeal.


bumping this thread

please post more info on giants



>There has been numerous giant skeletons found

[citation needed]


>David Wilcock presents Giants as hostile.

>in that context this macrophilia thing looks like a very bad idea.




clearly an amazing thread.

there are many plants that increase secretion of growth hormone.

One such plant is called Coleus forskholii,

Mucuna is also reported to do so.

both are quality aphrodisiacs too.

there are also more bizarre ways to grow, via muscle building, eating food, stretching bones (african women neck ring things they do)

stretching, bending, growing organs such a cock. websites such as (thundersplace.org) help guide a little with that.

wearing platform shoes.

tall hats.

etc :)

but growth hormone and possible even trying to induce second male puberties, or second female puberties can incude growth spurts.

reliable methods of doing this require research on growth related plants and hormonal related plants ! Maca is a good plant for that too (and very healthy)

with Mucuna i actually did grow taller !


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how does physiological growing process in humans relate to this thread's topic?

>tall hats.

yes, and 'very small rocks'



because humans are potentially giants?

you can become a giant if you like :)



>you can become a giant if you like :)

What if I want to shrink?

Do you have some smart advice for this?


Paranormal explanation for your fetish is entity attachments / thoughtforms messing with you and reprogramming you so they can draw energy to their particular activities, configurations, energetic constructs, etc.


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Greenpill on Giants:

Physically they are quite harmless, mentally they are psychic adepts though. Much like 6'4" lanklets, going above a certain size is entirely impractical if you rely on physical power alone to survive. So the actual giants were masters of hypnotic influence, tricks, illusions, etc. like in the Norse Sagas.

Giants can't fight for shit. They were like the Indian fakirs with their rope trick. That's how they managed to survive for the time they did. Eventually though manlets learned magick enough to counter them and had little trouble slaying them.


Giant reporting in ask me anything.



>Giant reporting in

>ask me anything.

I ask you for a proof, faggot



Ignore Hanz, he's damaged goods pretending to be a perfect pleiaidian because his ego can't cope with the fact that he's not master race German 3 m tall demigod.



>fan fiction

cute :3



>going above a certain size is entirely impractical if you rely on physical power alone to survive

Literally how?



>Literally how?

You move slower because you have more surface to air/water/gravity to push against you, and you're bad at catching things smaller than you which can deal damage over time or attack in packs too fast for you to catch.



Not main reason for why being to large might be an evolutionary disadvantage, main being that you can't sustain your energy demands, food.

Also at certain height you would be to heavy and an easy jump might put to much strain on your bones and they would break.



I have a source for that shit, it's posted on /asatru/. Loki was a giant and a trickster god who was defeated by a shorter manlet.


bumping for more info on this topic

I too really need to know: WHY?


Well, my fetishes ae wild and bast but this on is not on my list so im may not be the best one to talk…

But i would say that from the Spiritual point of view is about returning to 'the source' and wanting to know more, In therevada buddhism is said that before reborn again you are sometimes confronted with the source, have a little chit chat and then send back again to earth after 'wiping' the consciousnesses just like a HHD, but the subconscious remains intact and it also has a copy of the previous conscious, so macrofilia may have arouse from that experience of been having your individual spirit face to face to a 'big daddy'.

I believe the same could be said in Vore around giants:

New age faggets love to claim every time they can that we are 1 who just split itself to have a better experience of been alive in this 3D world, i that view the Macrofilia+Vore could fit the description as some people may want to stop been a tiny individual and get indulged by this bigger powerful being.

Interesting enough or at least what i have come in contact with is that those who dwell on this fetish are usually in the Right hand path, but i could be wrong.






You sound like a faggot, really.


Why are you trying to find a paranormal reason for your degeneracy? You can't live with the fact that you're a faggot?


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Fuck you peter I don't want to here about this thread again

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