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Is Bashar fringey enough for the /fringe/ club?

I think he is kinda cool.

He helped me a lot with my negativity. I mean before I listened to his videos I had an extremely negative view about society and how I knew that everything was just a ploy by the jewluminati draco reptilians to control everyone's mind and spirit to farm loosh.

But, after some more reading and the help of Bashar, I can glide through society like it's a game. The hardships of society is just another catalyst for human evolution. Perhaps it's a blessing that we have such a great chance to turn this great darkness into great light.

But one thing that irks me lot about him is the fact that he will NEVER talk about conspiracies. He acknowledges them but he says that the focus of conspiracies brings the energy of them into your reality. All you have to do is merely shift your consciousness and the conspirators are gone.

That seems crazy. He could be right but since I have no experience with shifting realities I don't see how that will stop the elites from existing. Plus isn't it ignorance to just ignore conspiracies like they aren't even real? He even acknowledges that there are people on the planet that are doing this. Seems off to me. I'm sure he has an agenda but for the most part he is really cool.

He has also predicted 9/11 (although he said it was a high chance of being a nuke instead of a plane) and Fukushima. His next prediction states that EVERYTHING WILL CHANGE in the fall of 2016. I am almost positive that something huge will happen on this date.

By the way if you want some free Bashar material go here:



Bashar's ability to stop people dead in their tracks when they are going on about some kind of bullshit in their lives is uncanny. He really cuts through the mess and gets right to the issue of altering one's vibratory level of belief systems and attentive processes.

Regarding so-called conspiracies and elites, the idea is that by raising one's vibration to a sufficient degree, one shifts into a reality where such entities are no longer relevant. The reason he refuses to talk about what they actually do is to prevent eliciting a fear and panic reaction from an audience that does not yet understand the role that they themselves play in the process.



Yeah he does a good job at cutting the bullshit but to be fair most of his advice is the same thing repeated.

This one lady was crying that she was going to be deported and she wanted to know what to do and Bashar just told her to flip a coin and she was satisfied. That was interesting

But seriously on conspiracies. I have yet to see how raising your vibration makes the elites irrelevant since you will still be living on a Earth dominated by the elites. I listen to Mark Passio who always goes on about how New Agers ignore the dark side of things that makes them a lot easier to control. It's not a balance of light and dark, left and right hemispheres it seems to be an imbalance in that sense.

I think if people come into /fringe/ they should be ready to freak the fuck out so they can overcome it and raise their vibration in even higher.


You've misunderstood the point if that is how you interpret it. Bashar means what he says very exactly and deeply literally. It is why he repeats it so often to everybody. Because they usually misinterpret it and think that their particular hangup with their reality is somehow special and that a different set of rules will apply.



I am saying the fact that it is repeated makes me wonder why people ask him anything at all. They should probably know exactly what he is going to say by now.



> His next prediction states that EVERYTHING WILL CHANGE in the fall of 2016.

>I am almost positive that something huge will happen on this date.

- Bernie Sanders gets elected

- Bernie Sanders starts dismantling the corrupt government

- Either he gets murdered which starts a civil war because no one buys the government cover up story, or no one stops him and he exposes massive secrets that previous presidents were forced to not reveal (flat earth, ayy lmaos, etc)



Berner is a plant as fuck. Jew/10

You want change you vote for trump and hope berne gets the vp so any of the dumb shit he promises gets carried out.


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>- Bernie Sanders gets elected

>- Bernie Sanders starts dismantling the corrupt government

>A socialist jew that might get elected thanks to promises of gibs me dat to NEETs, niggers and other parasites

>dismantling the government

Lay of the shrooms Grey-kun.



I was thinking this exact same thing. Except in the unlikely event Trump or Bernie are elected and there isnt an immediate military coup de'tat to remove them from power or they don't die from a not-so-suspicous heart attack then I think they will be as useless as Obama was when he said he would "change" things.



Regardless of who gets elected, we will likely face a global economic crisis this fall. The extent and immediacy of that crisis is the question.

Depending on the nature of the crisis, it could swing the vote towards either Trump or Sanders.


It's simple, really. For all the bitching and shooting arrows of personal pain at the scapegoat of the big bad government, it doesn't do jack shit for ones spiritual development.

Even if we were to take out all these individuals in power, there are another 100.000 or so of other malicious people just waiting to get in their position and misuse it to the same extent they did.

Change comes on a personal level and from there you can effect the people you come in contact with. It doesn't offer much in terms of quantity, but quality wise that is the most potent route to go.

I've stopped bothering about all the conspiracies; not that I dont believe them, it's just more productive for my wellbeing to focus on metaphysical matters and character development.

The core of all these conspiracies is that people essentially seek happiness according to their own understanding, and these people haven't found any that is truly lasting, so they give in to greed in an attempt to extinguish the seemingly neverending flaming thirst of their throats, much like a porn addict that dives deeper into deranged fetishes in order to get any satisfaction from his overstimulated sexuality.


weren't most of his predictions wrong?


> His next prediction states that EVERYTHING WILL CHANGE in the fall of 2016.

Predictions like this are devices to invoke your hopefulness, excitement, and anticipation. They are created with sole purpose to give you loosh and magick at least part of the "prophet's" vision into reality. Your belief and expectation of event A leads to event B happening. The "prophet" is not interested in particular events A or B, but only affecting long-term beliefs of people. The frame he establishes with this prophecies will lead to events that are to a degree compatible with his desire.


Consider me intrigued. I personally believe 2016 is indeed the year it always goes to shit, mostly because I've always known all my life that between 2015-2030 I would see the collapse of civilization.

…and indeed, it became very apparent where we were going, in 2015.

I believe by 2030 the process will then have completed itself and we can begin to recover.



>google when Kali Yuga is supposed to end


>my children may live to see the dawn of the new golden age


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This here is also non-prophetic proof that shit is going to collapse in the timeframe I mention.

We're running out of key resources and the damage to our environment is to excessive it's going to all catch up with us.


>In 1972, the Club of Rome’s infamous report “The Limits to Growth” (Meadows et al., 1972) presented some challenging scenarios for global sustainability, based on a system dynamics computer model to simulate the interactions of five global economic subsystems, namely: population, food production, industrial production, pollution, and consumption of non-renewable natural resources. Contrary to popular belief, The Limits to Growth scenarios by the team of analysts from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology did not predict world collapse by the end of the 20 th Century. This paper focuses on a comparison of recently collated historical data for 1970–2000 with scenarios presented in the Limits to Growth. The analysis shows that 30 years of historical data compares favorably with key features of a business-as-usual scenario called the “standard run” scenario, which results in collapse of the global system midway through the 21 st Century. The data does not compare well with other scenarios involving comprehensive use of technology or stabilizing behaviour and policies. The results indicate the particular importance of understanding and controlling global pollution.

>Keywords: integrated global model, limits to growth, scenarios, data comparison, model validation, collapse, pollution



>in the timeframe I mention.

which is?


Past predictions

Year: 2006

Prediction: Nuclear strike

Quote: "there is a 98% probability that there will be a terrorist nuclear strike in the middle east"

Result: Did not happen so far, but no time window was given in the source. In the comments of the video someone said: "In this segment of 2006 he said within the next decade. In 2010 Bashar updated the probability to 75%". So this might still occur.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SExt6SHq3OQ

Year: Oct 2001

Prediction: We'll know about ET life by 2005

Quote: "It's likely (95% probable) that your world will officially know about extra terrestial life by your year of 2005"

Result: Did not happen.

Source: Session: RSVP (2001)

Year: January 19, 2007

Prediction: Another UFO sighting from the Yahyel, the beings from the 1997 Phoenix Lights

Quote: "They will do this again sometime this year. Most likely in March"

Result: Did happen. On February 6, 2007 there was another major sighting in Phoenix.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDAOGIONPcc

Year: 2004

Prediction: Nuclear meltdown in Japan.

Quote: "there is a 70% chance that one of Japan's nuclear reactors could have a breach withing 5 to 10 years"

Result: Did happen. But can also be explained by statistical probability of chance.

Source: http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread895068/pg1 (youtube video has been removed, but I've seen the video before so I can verify the prediction was made)

Year: probably 1998 (at least before 1999)

Prediction: Isolated terrorist nuclear strike in either the middle east or new york

Result: Did happen partly. See note.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZfs2g-6GP0

Note: In the oct 2001 session called 'rsvp' Bashar said indeed that it was not a nuclear strike. But the information I've come across is pretty compelling in regards to the use of SMALL nuclear weapons (neutron bombs). See here: https://donaldfox.wordpress.com/2013/04/20/mystery-solved-the-wtc-was-nuked-on-911/

Year: 1998

Prediction: Hidden chamber underneath the sphinx will be openend within 2-3 years

Quote: "Q:Will this be public info? B: Absolutely, beyond a shadow of a doubt… this one will not be hidden."

Result: Did not happen.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rj_AmiAke6c

Year: 2008

Prediction: Economic collaps in 2013.

Quote: "What you are doing with your economic structure, will carry you for about 5 of your years

Result: Did not happen.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qNzdQfAukA

Year: 2008

Prediction: this is more an announcement instead of a prediction, but he said that the delivery of this information (the channeling) will change in about 5 years (2013). He also said that a sessanian lifetime is 300 years, which translates to 30 years in our dimension, which he said will end in 2013.

Quote:** "…so when the 30th year occurs, in 2013, there will be a transition of how this information will be delivered."

Result: Basically he said he would be dead by now. Not exactly sure when Darryl started channeling him, but the earliest video's I've found were from January 1985. So 1985 + 30 = 2015. Maybe even earlier. But he would not be good at math since in Bashar quote (above) he said that his 30th year will be in 2013, but again 1985 + 30 = 2015. Well okay so maybe Bashar lives a bit longer then 300 years, and maybe there is some time-space flexibility in this, so we'll leave this undecided for now. Also, as far as I know, nothing has really changed in the delivery of information.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qNzdQfAukA

So in terms of the above predictions he is right about 50% of the time. Which is not really that special if you are predicting head or tails, but it might be special when it's big events like this.

I understand that a prediction is just a sensing of the energy at the time the prediction was made, but might that just not be a cop-out? A way to cover himself from responsibility? He always leaves room for the prediction to not occur. What he says about how predictions work is maybe the actual way predictions work, but can also be just a way to cover himself. Maybe Darryl wants to stop this work himself in the fall of 2016, and thus after can't be held accountable, so he can say what he wants. I'm not here to prove he is a fraud or anything, I have been listening and buying his material for years now, but somethings don't always add up.

But hey we'll see soon enough!


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>tfw he is channeling Bashar al-Assad



If I tell you that tomorrow a local sports team is going to win a game at noon and you go out of your way to disrupt it causing them to lose, did my prediction fail or did we simply change our observed timeline? That said doom is always 6 months away

Although I wouldn't be surprised if this was the last "good year" until humanity gets it shit together. Even the Pope has called for 2015 to be the last Christmas like it.



>but since I have no experience with shifting realities I don't see how that will stop the elites from existing

You're shifting now just by thinking, moving and making choices, right?

Its not that they stop existing its more that you just choose to focus on other things thereby "changing the channel"

The predictions are kind of like maps. Upon arriving at a destination it may look very different from the map,

but from a wider perspective the map may still be accurate in some way.


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Man how come the bashar channeler looks like the lead singer of disturbed.

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