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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1455228506979.png (530.33 KB, 1350x2000, 27:40, meme magician.png)


Can we as a community create a tarot deck out of memes?

The collective power of mimetic imagery will make such a deck particularly powerful.




File: 1455322786059.png (605.42 KB, 800x1280, 5:8, Screenshot_2016-02-12-19-1….png)

The strength!



the original tarot deck is made of memes already


Rule 2…

>2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread.


rule 2, but the idea could be fun, don't ban OP



Memes are eternal and are rule to evolution.

New memes can call upon the current collective conscious as well as draw from the old imprints.

I would argue that a meme deck would be stronger, we live in a time where memes have never been more powerful.


So the question is: What would each card of the major arcana look like?


Would it be possible to do Tibetan deity meditation with Pepe instead of a Tibetan deity?



popular internet memes is just the means of acknowledging the population with the concept of memes so that transition comes about peacefully. internet memes aren't even real memes. someone who wants to see real memes at work should just go to places like youtube comment sections of very popular videos, as these are very dumb and the memes there are very crystalized.

people there have often very similar sentiments about things and even use the same words and phrases. they follow notions that repeat and argue about things in similar patters. when you can predict what they'll answer to your post, it's a sign you grasp the nature of meme inhabiting the person you talk to



I think you meant MEMEtic



If you want a livechat where you can organize this, allow me to shill my shitty website - http://seafour.club/


Question - is there any real magical value in learning Tarot?

I've checked a few guides and it seems pretty shallow

Any superior sources of recommendation?



No, tarot readings are designed to be so vague that you can apply whatever results you get to yourself



The tarot originally was only the Major Arcana and was used for getting known with the archetypes of our logos (sun) and its logo over there again (milky way).

It was only later that it was adopted for divination.


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