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Esoteric Wizardry


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The rules are simple and only apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/:
1. No duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit.
2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread.
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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hey /fringe/, did this Russian actually create a Homunculus? Found this on 2ch.hk.

Apparently the guy followed the Paracelsus texts ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paracelsus#Works ), he has no clue whether you can use the sperm and eggs of other species to create a homunculi, and that this one died soon after. He also claims he intends to feed his next homunculus blood and keep it in a warmer environment.

He also says he's continuing his experiments and if things go well he should have results on the 29th of February.

Post last edited at


Small update: I read the comments, apparently the guy just followed the Paracalsus texts, he has no clue whether you can use the sperm and eggs of other species to create a homunculi, and that this one died soon after. He also claims he intends to feed his next homunculus blood and keep it in a warmer environment.

He also says he's continuing his experiments and if things go well he should have results on the 29th of this months.



Stop breaking rule 2. Revise this thread, then delete it, then post a proper thread.


>2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread.




stfu you brainless moron




Doesn't video qualify as a piece of information in this case? Why is this board so Reddit-y?






My theory is that people want to post, but don't have anything to say on /fringe/ so their role on /fringe/ is enforcing rules.


Erm, bumping this thread, does anyone else posses any information regarding more modern attempts to spawn a homunculi? Actual video, or at least high-quality footage would, of course, be pretty interesting, but I'm more interesting in any sort of verifiable experiment notes.



The rules are right there faggot. OP can easily re-write and repost this thread to make it comply with the rules. We don't want effortless question threads like this being spammed on the board and knocking off threads that OPs put real effort into making. We have a stickied questions thread for a reason.



Just write up something substantial. Explain the video in your post, add some more thoughts and stuff about it.

If you just merged your second comment in this thread with the original post, it would be fine.


That is incredibly interesting, wish I could speak better Russian so I could understand it.

I hope he does have more video on the 29th, I will be waiting.


The creation of Homonculus is discussed in Zivorad's books which are in the library. I read about Homonculus for the time in The Invisible Influences.

It is also described in Magical Use of Thoughtforms by Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki and in The Book of Aquarius by Anonymous (Book of Aquarius sucks, I don't recommend).

I'd suggest learning mediumship and then getting higher spirits to help you create a homunculus, as well as reading whatever literature you can find on the subject.

I'll probably make one one day.

Oh and uhhh the hotpocket edit should keep people from complaining, hope you don't mind what I did OP.



This video alone is substantial enough, to pass as thread, none checks the question thread anyways.


We need someone to translate his videos on runes and the other ones.

This what I got from the first video's description through google translate.

How to make a meteorite (torsion field)

6,547 views 3 days ago

Generator of torsion fields and ancient runes allow to influence the course of events. Such Technomagic since ancient times used by Buddhist monks.

In this experiment, an attempt to cause the fall of a meteorite on the ground. In principle, this technique can contribute to the execution of any desires.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It seems the Russian guy is a complete troll, albeit a very creative one, and I wish I could contribute to his pranks by translating them.

Look at his first video - he attaches the extender into itself claiming it will give infinite energy. Also he claims you need to cover the extra socket holes with a duck tape to "prevent electricity from leaking into the air", and that you need to put the extender into it's own socket fast enough to prevent the electricity from running out - the scenes where he does this are blatantly accelerated with video editing software.



>none checks the question thread anyways.

It's the ONLY thread I check all the time and as far as I'm concerned the question thread is the most interesting thread on this board.



This video isn't substantial because it's fake bullshit from a troll.



I agree completely




So it is a troll, but let's make this thread not a waste of another thread being bumped off.

Are Homunculus' possible to create?



No, everything in magick has to do with mind, and body.



it moves…


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Part 2 has released, and with english subtitles.

It's much more human like than the last video. It seems like he went crazy at the end and crushed it. A bad excuse to show the fake blood to prove it's human and to get more attention on the internet. This most definitely proves it's fake, but at least he delivered.


the idea of a homonculus has nothing to do with occultism, rather it was a braindead mechanistic biology theory called 'Preformation' where scientists of the time literally believed you could find a full grown being within any embryo


Yeah I just came from /pol/ to ask about this. What the hell is this shit?



A homunculus is a tiny human. This comes from the belief called preformation where in sperm there was a tiny man and a woman. The russian guy is faking a demonstration where he creates a homunculus by putting sperm into an egg.



alrighty then. thanks for the clarification. I might stick around here and explore the board a bit more.

sage because question was answered



The motherfuckers are moving.

God damn I want this to be real.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

He actually did it

it's getting out of hand



That's not what a homunculus is. A homunculus is a tiny human. That is definitely not a tiny human. If that was real (it's not), he'd have just created a regular human. Unfortunately, there is no english captions and my russian is not good enough to translate.

>high production quality (see newest video)

>always has gun and puts self in film

>hasn't changed in 3 weeks, not center of videos



I always believed a humunculus was a false human created by a wizard regardless of size

also what if that is the "womb" of the homunculus? It obviously hasn't reached its final form yet

btw, it's supposedly him giving tips on how to care for homunculi


Jesus Christ why would anyone want to make one of these things?

What is the purpose?


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