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Esoteric Wizardry


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This thread shall be sage-shat and deleted in 3… 2… 1…



What did you want to do by posting this?

Every single person posting here either has subjectively experienced the things in which this board concerns itself, or is otherwise capable of the mental gymnastics necessary to counter the contents of this video.



*tips fedora*


ITT: Fedora sceptics retards found their way into /fringe/ and think they have real criticism even though they know nothing of the actual subject matter discussed here.



Make you BUTTHURT.

It worked. xD


bumping best thread!!!!



How's that origin of the universe theory working out for you?

You realize you can't create or destroy matter right?

So how did the universe begin from nothing fag?


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Sup OP, if you are reading this i really would like to ask you an honest question:

How come you have not realized the Scientific Method is fine but its just as flawed as Socialism as economic System…?

Its like denying a person to establish a business until is proved that the same formula can be done in every part of the work and have profit.

You guys are surrender your individuality to come off an Ice Cream guy with "a flavor to satisfy everyone" but instead only like 20% like it.

there are good funds in local researchers yet they are watered down because at huge escales cannot be applied, same shit goes to homeopathy and traditional chinese medicine.

Embrace the Subjective Synthesis, it doesn't mean you have to give your precious scientific method you all hold like a frightened child holds his blanket, drop your illusion of always wanting to "be right" and you will be rewarded with a true open field to experiment and more info your current method will never get.




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>the truth can be found strictly from observation

>being a logical positivist

>being an empiricist

ho hum, what a tedious man blinded by his own arrogance..

I find most "scientifically minded" people to be a muddling cocksure bunch. They are certain that this world is all that exists. If you push them, they will claim that love is simply "a series of chemical reactions", further still that "consciousness is a series of electrical signals, no more".

They don't want to accept that there are limitations of science and so put their hands over their eyes to make philosophy and metaphysics go away. But these loom over science, casting their long shadows of doubt and insecurity. If you remind them that cause and effect is a scientific conjecture they will ignore you, if you explain how God must exist in order for science to even exist, they will ignore you. No.. It isn't frankly worth wasting your time on these Fedoras.


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