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Lets talk about character building /fringe/.

There's an entire section/sub-book within Personal Power dedicated to it.

It's also part of Initiation Into Hermetics and is the subject and focus of The Universal Master Key.

I am very interested in the matter. I see few men of upstanding character in this age. So to be one of them, well that can be a source of great pride, I think it's great.

Yeah some people just think you're stupid if you don't cultivate virtues, that you'll be "easily exploited by the world", or that you "should get ahead". That's kind of irrelevant and a misunderstanding though. They don't understand the intense synchronistic power that comes with being a man of get character. They don't appreciate how strengthening the personality unlocks the doors to the higher powers.

I also have an innate desire to be a man of great character. Like all men, I'm presumably going to die one day, me discovering the philosopher's stone aside. What legacy will I leave? Will I have favourably impressed everyone I crossed paths with? Will I know in my innermost mind that I acted in accord with divine principles, making myself more godly?

I think everyone should improve their character. Even if they have done very shameful things or been very low, their reputation is terrible, and it seems like there's no point as you've already disgraced yourself; one ought to turn that around the very moment the idea comes to them to do so. Now could be such an opportunity as you are now thinking of it. Let your heart's desire be to meld yourself towards greatness.

My way forward is to contact a divine, perfected, "higher" self. A version of me that is wise and who possess every quality developed to a high degree which would bring me to a state of perfection. Perhaps the superconscious soul mentioned in Max Freedom Long - The Science of Miracles.

I don't want to fake it either. I request to God that I be shaped in this way, that events are arranged in my life to bring me to this perfection, and it must come from a place of love that my intentions and actions come forward; not a place of fear where I am afraid to be perceived a certain way or I unnecessarily limit my range of expression.

What is here called "character building" is nothing short of the Great Work. Man making himself into philosophical gold. From this purified state, only good thoughts and actions can spring forward, and a higher understanding and genuine power.

Post your thoughts, observations, and aspirations concerning this topic.


The creation of the black and white mirrors as it is described in Initiation Into Hermetics is fundamental to have a reference of the elements that compose us, but I think that, most of all, you should come out of a place of humility, sincerity, compassion and self-Love, every day of our lives. We must know ourselves completely, what we do best, what we do worst, our virtues, our desires, our Will.

To refine one's character is a lifelong task and it involves commitment, unshakable will and gravitation towards the supreme Good, because it's the only way to achieve goodness in ourselves. All things that are not aligned with goodness are easy to spot: they are the causers of tension, they are the easy way out, they are what makes us suffer, what is not worth it but you do it any way. These are the things that impede our progress and dim the light of our virtues.

Furthermore, none of the negative qualities we possess should be shunned or destroyed, but rather improved on because they are the prima materia on which we work to achieve the alchemist's gold. You can only improve what's crooked.

And whatever gold you already have, or silver, or anything that shines within you, give it to someone, offer it to someone. Be of service. Give a good word, everybody needs one. Work for others. Cooperate. Aid growth. Help Nature. Gold isn't meant to be accumulated and hidden, that's why we are in such a global mess.

As Jimi Hendrix would say: " I know, I know, you'll probably scream and cry that your little world won't let you go. But who in your measly little world are trying to prove that you're made out of gold and can't be sold? Are you experienced?"

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