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Esoteric Wizardry


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Next time you see a feminist bitch with pixie cut or some other ugly style, KNOW WHO'S BEHIND IT!!!

Next time you see a feminist bitch with pixie cut or some other ugly style, KNOW WHO'S BEHIND IT!!!

Next time you see a feminist bitch with pixie cut or some other ugly style, KNOW WHO'S BEHIND IT!!!

Next time you see a feminist bitch with pixie cut or some other ugly style, KNOW WHO'S BEHIND IT!!!

Next time you see a feminist bitch with pixie cut or some other ugly style, KNOW WHO'S BEHIND IT!!!

Next time you see a feminist bitch with pixie cut or some other ugly style, KNOW WHO'S BEHIND IT!!!

Next time you see a feminist bitch with pixie cut or some other ugly style, KNOW WHO'S BEHIND IT!!!

Next time you see a feminist bitch with pixie cut or some other ugly style, KNOW WHO'S BEHIND IT!!!



theres a character in the bible who performs miracles and when a woman offers to cut his hair he claims he would lose his ability to perform miracles

I can't remember the entire story, googling for it now.


here it is

Delilah was approached by the lords of the Philistines, to discover the secret of Samson's strength, "and we will give thee, every one of us, eleven hundred pieces of silver." Three times she asked Samson for the secret of his strength, and all three times he gave her a false answer. The first time, he told her, "If they bind me with seven green withes that were never dried, then shall I be weak, and be as another man." Then he told her, "If they bind me fast with new ropes that never were occupied, then shall I be weak, and be as another man." The third time, he told her, "If thou weavest the seven locks of my head with the web…."[3] On the fourth occasion, he gave her the true reason: that he did not cut his hair in fulfillment of a vow to God;[4] and Delilah, when Samson was asleep on her knees, called up her man to shave off the seven locks from his head, then betrayed him to his enemies: "The Philistines took him, and put out his eyes, and brought him down to Gaza, and bound him with fetters of brass; and he did grind in the prison house."



Samson. yeah and then he asks god for forgiveness, his hair grows back, and he brings down the pillars and the temple to which he is chained, killing himself and taking a lot with him


but short hair can be cute when done right


does short hair hurt men? because I'm not giving that up



I think for men it's more along the lines of our beards and facial hair. Since in most cultures that's considered a sign of wisdom, age, and knowledge.



That's only true for actual antennae, like on insects and whiskers on cats. We can't even feel our hair, only at the base of where it connects because that's where the skin is moved around. If long hair was truly very important, we would not have evolved to become bald.

Chances are you're just a redpill metalfag who wants to justify being unkempt.



Feminist activists with unusual hair have it because they want attention, that's all.


Please make the discussion more productive by making it clear why exactly do you disagree with that post.


hair represents femininity. it is fluid and free flowing, like women. short hair on women=masculinization of women=white genocide

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