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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1456071204072.png (3.12 KB, 406x377, 14:13, Untitled.png)


OK, this might be a long-shot, but whatever.

Can anyone please tell me where I could find more information on this symbol? Can it be considered a trident, which brings me to reading up on Poseidon? Or is there a different connection I could be checking? Because it appeared to me just as it is shown in the image, which of course is similar to a trident, but not a 100% match.

The reason I'm asking is because this was the first solid visual manifestation (eyes closed, saw this) after a month of meditating for 5 minutes before bed every day (nothing unusual, just breathing techniques and trying to let my thoughts flow). I haven't seen it before, not that I can recall anyway and it was something that I saw with my eyes closed very clearly for more than just a few seconds. I was thinking about symbols at the time, specifically about the swastika and what exactly made it so powerful. That then morphed into this and got stuck like that.

I wouldn't have really paid it too much attention if it were not for the fact that I saw a similar symbol the next day on the cover of a Blue Stahli album, titled The Devil. The cover displayed a slightly different trident but that was enough to peak my interest.

I figure it wouldn't hurt to ask here, the worst that could happen is that I will know more about some random symbol.



The Devils pitchfork

Satan's coming to rape you son

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