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Esoteric Wizardry


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I just discovered this board and it's been great for answers since it helped me come a bit further but I'm still not there yet. In fact I'm still having trouble getting the vibration into my whole body.

Let me explain, I can pretty much "turn of my body" to the point where i feel numb and even though i know my fingers are touching it feels like my hand is wide open (is that good?), and i get tiny twitches in my toes automatically and the nerves contracts unconsciously (dunno if thats suppose to happen). The only time I've felt the "vibrations" is when i get this trembling sensation in my hands and a little bit in my feet but they don't last longer than 2-3 seconds!

Anyone here got some tips/ knows how to get further than this? And maybe some tips on how to get into the vibration state?

Would be much appreciated!


Do you even read the rules?



Requesting a 3 month b& on this dumb cunt.


Whenever I used to try this a couple of years ago I would get no further than the vibrational state and so I stopped trying, it's impossible to relax when my eyes are twitching and my heart beats so fast. what I used to do is listen to the high pitched ringing noise you can hear when everything is quiet and try to amplify the sound of it higher and higher and when it got really loud it would start them off, good luck man.



There are two (2) question threads up on the first page yet selfish OP creates a question for HIS problem, a poor quality thread with little input, and expect us to rush to his aid.

>3 month b&

>sticky the thread to front page

>b& anyone helping OP for a week

Do it.



You bumping the thread to be cool isn't helping.


Ask in the question thread for a much faster response. There's a thread for astral travel in the catalog you can read through. Astral Dynamics by Robert Bruce is often recommended.

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