It is more important to understand the principles of ritual and the construction thereof then it is to follow any one given ritual for a stated purpose.
It is more important to know the basics formulas of magick, plainly and truthfully stated, which are wide in their application, then to know specific inferior derivations of these formula.
Is it important to have the right conceptual framework for the most potent application of magick, so as not to limit the mind into a subjective or inferior mentality, in which one does not appreciate the true and objective powers of mind.
It is best that the operator uses the most plain terminology, and that he communicates effectively, without misunderstanding with his fellow magicians; otherwise he may as well hold his silence and continue his work in solitude.
He who wishes to be an adept, will understand the mental laws and axioms, and by this knowledge be able to solve any problem he is confronted with.
He who is a neophyte ought to learn the whole of magickal practice, then to make inquiry into specifics.
He who wishes to truly Know must be sceptical without being blind to his assumptions; if he is to indulge in denial he must be aware of what he is accepting then.
He who wishes to strengthen his desire should feel a great drive towards both polarities, then use his awareness to manifest the necessary polarity, the lust of life being always that of death, success of failure, etc.; always there is compensation.