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Esoteric Wizardry


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Dreams, understanding, revelations, omens & looking at dreaming from a scientific standpoint.


When you dream your energy body detaches from your physical and expand to collect energy from the area, while in this state your energy body or "aura" is easier to pierce and beings can communicate with or influence you more easily.


As far as we know there is unconscious and conscious dreaming, of the latter there are two types, Astral Projection & Lucid Dreaming.

Astral projection is when you're consciously able to move about the dimension of thought and emotion, the astral planes, this is learned by a lot of training - everyone has an affinity for this and most people slip into these realms every night, unconsciously, not being used to an awake state of dreaming they mostly wander around in a haze.

Lucid Dreaming is supposedly playing single player, here you consciously wander around your own mind, your own personal sphere or layer of the astral. Astral travelers are able to visit but it takes much skill and effort, sometimes you will have entities enter your LD to impart wisdom or scare you for loosh.

You can slip from single player mode to multiplayer.

>does this dream matter or mean anything?

A dream that has meaning is a dream that you remember. Its distinctly different from the regular brain "save & discard" dreams.


This thread is not for helping you learn AP or LD.

>Question thread

This thread is to discuss dreams and their meaning, premonition, glimpses of fate, transfer of knowledge etc.


Tipp you are based my man, I wish I could be on your level and combat imps n shit


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Farewell Tipp, have it your way :v

i was hopping you guys could give me a hand interpreting this dream:

I usually have a lot of lucid dreams, and others i just kinda know something is odd but despite my awareness i feel compelled or forced to play along.

This one was a mix, i dreamed about me going to an rural area to fix some computers in a minor casino, however before i enter the building i was pickup by a guy who owned a bus, the typical yellow school type, telling me how he wanted me to show the town and just go with him, and also how pretty i was, i decided to say jump in and after a while he was asking me to suck him off, just like that , after some begging and been the faggot that i am, i agreed, got on my kneels and pulled of his pants while he was still driving, here the oddness hit me, not because the blowjob but because i also could see outside the bus, like when you are in a game and close to a wall then it kinda lightens up for you to see behind it.

The outside looked like an ordinary park with nice trees and benches and a green field to run, in one of the benches there were 2 old ladies talking to each other, suddenly one of the grannies blinks and then her eyes change, just like pic related (perhaps a little more alien-like shape), and looks directly in my direction, the ladies where like 30m away but once she made visual contact with me i could feel a slow motion movement of the bus and a close up.

the first time i just shake it off like weird shit from a weird dream, since dreams tend to be well… weird, but then after 30 seconds on the bus, again, i spot another person running on the side, he was a regular guy with his mp3 and sport wear one second and the other he blinks and bam! full black eyes again staring at me, this time closer, for longer and slower time,

after the 5th time i stop sucking the driver and ask him if he also sees it, he replies see what? gaze at the window again but all the people i see are now back to normal, look at the driver again to shout "i swear i saw something weird" but i got interrupted at mid sentence when the drive is the one now changing eyes, graves me like a rag doll, throws me out of the window while whispering, "Get out of my bus"

i hit the ground and i found myself in a even more rural area, witch looks poor as fuck, a village close to a desert, i see the bus ran way and i just stand there trying to figure out what the fuck has happened. A few seconds latter i just wake up feeling happy, witch is weird since i usually woke up feeling like 'oh shit morning already?, give me 5 minutes more'

I recently started to get more into this occult stuff, and the day before the dream i was meditating and latter chanting alash tad alash tad ashtu…. So my final question for you guys, is this was just another 'normally' weird dream induced with my recent interest for the occult or there is more to it?



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Probably not the answer you wanted, but your dream sounds normal to me (except the sucking dick part). Chances are that you saw something earlier in the day that effected your dream, like something related to black eyes.

I can't think of any importance in black eyes, since they're not naturally occurring.


Anyone megadose vitimin b6 for dreams?



What's the stuff you were chanting?

I draw from this that you're being used by service to self entities/people, which society is mostly composed of.

You shouldn't give in so easily to others, you get nothing in turn and will be left in a worse position than before.

Pretty clear on just that; let yourself be abused, get knee deep stuck in shit.

As for the eyes, not of so much importance, just to show negative traits. Dark soul, bad intentions.

Pretty normal lesson.


>some time after reading book about Huna

>want to meet one, wonder if there are still legit practitioners, ponder if I should include Hawaii in travels

>on a sandy beach at the outskirts of a rainforest, strong sun, warmth, people all around

>they're eating, laughing, talking, one giant healthy family of hundreds

>there is speaking all around me in a language I don't know, I wander around the labyrinth of people and drink in the lovely atmosphere

>someone greets me, we communicate in gestures, body language, instinct and eyes, more join in, there is some spectacle because I'm not supposed to be there, people give me food, laughter, joy, understanding, desire to share

>something happens, they attempt more intricate communication, energy work, expressing emotions through movements, dance

>I "smile", my vicinity radiates "happy", I attempt to do the same

>there is massive resistance and I have a hard time moving energy from hips to higher, instead it goes downwards into my feet, the usual kick on the ground to move energy up in a motion to hips to sway spine instead blasts the sand beneath my feet, burying me a decimeter with each failed attempt

>people look in wonder/awe/slight fear as I fail a couple of attempts, they whisper, I'm doing something, something they can't, something "bad/strange/exotic/revered", the mood goes low, music quietens and everyone is now looking at me wondering how or what I did

>I stand still and see around me, I wonder what happened to the music

>someone of power walks through the people, grabs me and drags me off, we shift/stride, we are outside a hut, he but throws me in there

>sitting inside with him, face to face, his expression is that of someone demanding to know what is going on, who I am, how I got here

>I have no answers, up to being kidnapped by this guy I've been in a haze

>next I know two regal light blue eyes stare into my eyes/soul, there is a massive transfer of information, at first there is only him taking, after the initial shock I compose myself, I'm in lotus, I tale one breath and my heart aligns, everything is clear, I now also receive while he searches

>the information, I can't remember what but it felt like it had the weight of several lifetimes, I know that if I find the right questions I could draw upon this information to answer

>after searching me for knowledge and witnessing me display power he align with respect and reverance, he feels we are somehow the same

>we are now at a waterfall, it is dark, quiet, sun has set an hour ago kind of lighting, this place is "special" to him

>he sits there in deep thought, I sit

>up above us a piece of the waterfall gives way and crashes 30 meters to the base, the piece is rusted iron/steel, reminiscent of mashed up building blocks from a house/skyscraper

>the broken off rubble forms into Christian cross

>we observe it settle and then as if by some invisible force it tightens, it is stronger, more defined, it is "set in place"

>this was not his doing

>he "sees/knows", he is awed

>he has seen through me, something, I don't know what

>next I feel him resigning to fate

>he ends his life/astral dwelling

Christianity will rise again and this man will be born in time to be part of it, he saw something in defending Europe and Christianity, I don't know what.

He had immense power and wisdom. I think I have seen that a new saint of Christianity will be born, if not a few weeks ago then in the coming months.


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I had a somewhat strange dream last night, probably doesn't mean anything special.

I was in some kind of futuristic looking educational building, and there was this red-haired woman that seemed to be around the same age as me (mid twenties) that was trying to teach me something.

She suggested that I go swimming in this "canal" that ran through the building and was fed by a waterfall, it was really narrow, but long, maybe only a meter or two wide, but stretched of for ages.

After swimming down the canal to the other end, she suddenly started to get intimate and removed her clothes, bending over so I could see her rear. The strange thing was, the back of her legs, her ass, and even her pussy itself, was covered in egyptian hieroglyphics as if they'd been tattooed on. There was also what looked like some rectangular object embedded under the skin of her left ass-check, which when asked, she claimed was a metal plate from when she broke her hip as a child.

Its probably nothing special, just the strangeness of the hieroglyphics stuck out to me.



If you still remember it vividly it wasn't a normal dream.

Water caverns represent sex/sexual energy

Red hair divinity/ascention

As for canal, flow of water is full of energy, there's a pyramid in Bosnia being excavated right now, opening tunnels.

In areas where the water flow beneath there are crazy amounts of energy.

Look that up if you like.

People can help and guess but the best interpretations come from the one who had the dream.

Did you draw any knowledge at all from this?

Can you recall the glyphs?

Key part here is future, you'll learn it in time or will get another chance. You can meditate to reach her, or attempt to.

>higher entities have to resort to sex attempting to teach degenerates

Don't feel bad, I once sexed up someone putting me through some sort of test. She ended up trying to drown me once I lost the flow of my movements.



> there's a pyramid in Bosnia being excavated right now

I'd heard of the pyarmids in Bosnia a while ago, but wasn't aware they were being excavated. Last time I heard, officials were still trying to stop people digging, claiming they were just hills and nothing more.

>Did you draw any knowledge at all from this?

Not that I know right now, I felt pretty good after it but I can't say I've learned anything yet. I just remember feeling that it was a place of learning I was in.

Aside from me and her, there was only one other person I saw, it was a more elderly looking man that spoke to her briefly before she approached me, I got a vibe from them that they were both teachers, and that I was a student here.

>Can you recall the glyphs?

Unfortunately no, there was so many of them, I can't really recall what glyphs they were and what order they were in for sure.

I did notice that they were written in the more "short-hand" version, similar to the papyrus I linked, rather than the full ones you get on the walls of buildings etc. Most of them were black, but a few of them stuck out as being a light blue in colour.

>Key part here is future, you'll learn it in time or will get another chance. You can meditate to reach her, or attempt to.

Yeah, I'll definitely keep trying. Thanks m8



That kike awaz or something, head of Kairo museum put sticks in the cogs, first they had an endorsement that they were legit, but that would be problematic because then giza would not be largest, or first, as the earliest fresh top soil on Bosnian in 30k years, and you can speculate that it's not man made because the concrete is twice as hard as that we can make today.

I'm not vouching for it and I'm not sure it its on Carl munck 's grid, but there are questions that can't be answered.

It's like the Crime an pyramids, not mentioned because they're inconvenient. (Also the reason the war suddenly appeared.)


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>What's the stuff you were chanting?

I got it from one of the books in the Mega, Kingdoms of Flame by Koetting.

the autor said that it doesn't know the meaning but over the years several spirits in different occasions have said those words… supposedly its for "calling forth"

Pic related is from a book of the same guy and if anyone is interested i made a cleaner edit but i made it 6000x6000 pixels



Thanks for the demons brah.


I dreamed with (light) red eyes/iris children (conjunctive part was still white), they seemed orphan and quite angry at me for some reason i didnt understand, in the dream i was a mail man delvering random shit to some chinesse folk at night hours, every now and then the group of children (like 5 or 6) would just pop up like goku teleporting and trying to demand i give them something in exchange of a puppy they would give me.

Appart of the usual "angry"ness it may carry, what it may represent this dream?


I dreamt that there was an enormous (about turkey-sized) raven on our property collecting butterflies. Its feathers were iridescent purple, save for the feathers on its head, which were just black.

Is this some kind of old symbol, or is it nothing to worry about? I've never seen anything like it in one of my dreams before.


Please help me explain some dreams. Most of my dreams are nonsensical things involving mundanes in my life, but these ones concern me.

Dream 1, not any time recently but no date listed.

>I ate a pill to kill myself after realizing how pointless living a physical life is over the astral.

>then I realized there's no point not to live and that I messed up and I tried to puke it up.

Dream 2, even farther back

>meet beautiful redheaded girl

>genuinely fall in love

>remember going to parties and events, etc

>one day someone tells me she's been murdered

>find her holding onto dock in water (presumably dead) without any teeth and bloody mouth

>suddenly shes alive again and fine (my dreams are insanely inconsistent)

>follow her onto bus as she explains why she had to leave

>use phone to get bus schedule so I can go back, but phone has no way to access internet

>bus crashes

>wake up

Dream, 3 days after the last one

>casual dream fuckery

>cut to tv feed

>dead looking, frail, old man in chair with bloody teeth and gums

>head rolls back as he talks about "not wasting your first life" (quote from sleepy me so I'm not sure what it means)

I think I can explain the teeth, it's around the same time I had an oral surgery. But why all the death? The last 2 dreams were in august of last year, so they didn't lead anywhere.


Spoiler this image.



why spoiler that image?



>how to interpret dreams 101


>dream raven symbolism, various gods, loss, death, knowledge, messenger

>butterfly, happiness, spirits, a life on the road, a new beginning

>purple, insight, premonition, knowing

You will experience tremendous loss and/or might result in a less wily lifestyle causing you to settle.

Hug your dear ones, tell them you love them.

I take dreams about ravens very seriously.

Good luck.



Don't even want to try. Do 101 above and tell us what you think.



>dream one

Significant but very straight forward, dreams let you experience scenarios one is not normally able to. Someone/thing giving you lessons.

>dream two

You need to draw personal understanding from this, but I'd say that it's again related to learning.

Loss of teeth related to fear of loss of something important and lack of stability.

She is important to you, she is out there but you will lose her cause you're afraid, fear, no stability.

You will see her again after the supposed meet and break up but you will die die without doing anything important OR you will die together.

That you ran to find her indicates that you made an effort and found her, got her back.

>dream three

Someone literally telling you to not waste your life and you think it's related to the dentist? I would post an image but I don't have one for this peculiar feeling.

Don't waste your life.

I'll second that request to spoiler the pent for summoning, dick move to post it. Thank you for the effort but most would want nothing to do with it.



Good luck and bless you dude.

Also, nothing is set in stone, take precautions, protective pents, tell people to use safety belts. Tell them you had an awful dream and to be careful.


what does it mean if your friend gets arrested in your house?



Every night my mind is somewhat defragmenting hormone levels in sleep to get ready for the next day, and to do this it makes me experience emotions in sleep. The images generated during dreams are part of the process that I'm able to see. When experiencing scenario like:

>use phone to get bus schedule, but phone has no way to access internet

I don't deal myself with the context of the emotion, just focus on the feeling of slight disappointment/frustration due to the Internet not working. It can also be the overwhelming feeling that is often accompanied by facing an obstacle. I ask myself, why did my unconscious need to fuck around with this emotion in particular? The context is not important, it's just whatever efficient memes of memories it could use, in this case scenario of using phone.

I think of the images I'm being presented in dreams as metaphors of the processes inside me. People with bleeding gums in dreams would most likely be bacteria in my own mouth as I sleep breathing through mouth and not nose.

I also think in rare cases images you see before falling asleep and your dream images are processes that your body is performing in blood cells etc. Images of worms swarming is the accidental side effect of your body playing around with digestive processes in your stomach. There's something about movements of swarming worms that has to do with microscopic movements in the wall of your intestine, and it's why you see it.


These were within two days of each other. I don't normally get terribly vivid dreams, so they stand out when they are.

1. Hard to describe the context, i.e. this is really the only part I remember. It was a feeling of nausea, except centred in my head, if that makes any sense. I bent over, and went through the motions of vomiting, only it was from my ear. Disgusting, yellow pus was coming out of my ear, and I was catching it in my hand..

2. I'm in this very futuristic, lonely scene, sort of something out of gattaca, but it turns out to be an airport. I'm getting on a plane somewhere in Russia. Later, we land, but when I am getting my things together, there is a problem: I have these bricks of cash, maybe 6 or 7 in all, in various denominations (20s, 5s, etc). I try to stall, but everyone's getting off the plane, and soon I'm part of the crowd, with the cash stuck in the shoulders of my jacket.

We go to customs, and I'm stalling again, looking over the sign with what's allowed or not, and I'm pretty sure cash isn't listed anywhere, so I go up to the desk. They keep me there for a long time, with different people coming and talking to the customs agent and me. They make me strip to the skivvies, which I do to show I mean well. They ask why I have the cash, I mention that my credit card doesn't always work when I'm travelling, and I'd need to pay for a ticket home.

I'm worried now, thinking I'm going to prison in Russia, but this customs person seems to want to believe my story, even though the others don't seem to. A line of prisoners (I assume, they're stripped down like me, but in shackles) walks past. The customs agent tells me she "wants me to go home," and I awaken.

Probably worth mentioning that been using cannabis for a few months, and stopped a little before that. I think I may have had a beer or two the night of #1. Not sure what to make of #2, but I'm getting the message I need to quit clogging my brain up with things. Any suggestions on further unclogging?



Could be a premonition.

Could also be a reflection of your feelings; want him to get arrested? Is he doing stuff that you fear will get you in trouble?


>>I think of the images I'm being presented in dreams as metaphors of the processes inside me

For the most part this is what dreams are, things at the back of your head you need to solve or experience. Supressed stuff resurfacing.

Reflecting and understanding is good for progress.




Doesn't have to be drugs unless you feel you smoke to much, could be a confused mind, conflicting thoughts


Related to doing something you're nervous about, something you think illegal, you're afraid of the consequences, you rationalise it because it's not a big deal but part of you/something want to go 'go back' away from that which might lead to prison.

Did you smoke a lot?



More often than I'd prefer. I've found it to be a useful substance at times, but the lucid, unadulterated mind is also a critical processing tool. Put yourself into a hectic work environment followed by that form of "unwinding," as I began to use it, and I think a lot of unprocessed clutter began to develop.



Clutter from new thoughts? Solve that and yoke all you want.

Weed is not for supressing thoughts, it's to allow another perspective to help solving them.


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Hi I need your help /fringe/

I keep having dreams where I forget where my classroom is located and it usually is at my highschool, which I of course, do not go to anymore.

Was wondering what this means? I looked up some dream interpretations but they only mention forgetting to go to class. I don't forget to go to class I just forget where its is, in the dream.

Any ideas?


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You maybe hold the feeling in your subconscious that you didn't learn in school like you did by yourself, that you feel guilty of wasting time in mundane bluepilled "education" or even that you feel guilty of not studying enough in highschool and/or socializing enough in the latter.


Your posts you wrote in this thread are your dreams, guys. Interpret these before reaching into the slush of subconscious.

If you had all posts you ever made on imageboards sorted into years, it would be a such a dream journal.


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Happened just yesterday

>about to shag cute grill extremely similar to pic

>she wants to shag too, playful as fuck

>but i need to pee before activating the Johnson

>i say to her that i am going to be back right away

>go to bathroom


>realize i forgot to pee


>she looks at me with disdain

>the dream ends and i wake up

every time



>that you feel guilty of wasting time in mundane bluepilled "education" or even that you feel guilty of not studying enough in highschool and/or socializing enough in the latter.

I do this quite ofthen, but dont even need to be in dreams… never study international business people! better pick up programming or something alike.


No offence but this one looks like regular teenage feelings of underachiever / low self esteem.

why not try to take the chakra test on another thread? i won't be surprised if you come low on the naval.


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>not peeing in her


got out of my house

saw 2 ufos (basic flying saucers with red circles on the bottom)

thought "holy shit they're NEAR"

they immediately go through my house, they weren't "physical"



hey can any of you help me?

I often have these dreams set in fictional worlds… sometimes huge sometimes fragmented realities and sometimes even formless voids.

sometimes i have a few of these dreams a night in a row, sometimes i have many, many of them in a row.

when i wake up i can only barely recall the last or the last few dreams

they are so large and detailed i often cant remember anything beyond vague impressions and short detailed bursts of clarity

the problem is, when i wake up after this shit i sometimes have trouble coming back to reality as in I cant remember the day before, I have to work hard to recall my own name and shit, if i get woken by a phone call it takes me 5 or 10 seconds to put together replies and i often say the wrong weird shit

if i have to do something in the morning before i leave for work i move objects i will need before leaving into strange places to prompt me to remember to remember why i moved it or i will just forget shit flat

i dont have time to lay in bed and recall the dreams properly, ive got to get up super early and go to work, i used to smoke a fuck tonne of weed which completely suppressed this shit but i cant do that anymore so what the fuck do i do now??

is there something i can take to increase memory recall? maybe if i can recall the dream i might be able to recall the day before the dream as well? should i just do memory expansion exercises?

I have also thought about getting some hypnotherapy / past life regression type shit to maybe get through this shit for good and find out whats going on has anyone had that shit before?



That would have been extremely rude, i didn't even knew her name or what kind of music she likes


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You have been chosen. They will come soon


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Hm, dreams of waking up, realizing I can manipulate matter, playing around with gusts of wind and moving stuff, get confused, went to the the rail way, get stuffed in some tight space near the train track, have to wait out while the train goes like 5 cm from me, while I am squashed near the wall. Forget to cover ears, one ear ringing(right).

Climb out of the tight space after train goes by, seems like there was explosion, fire elementals walking around. I try to manipulate matter, cant do it. Get cough up and forget about everything with some woman, that is trying to interest me in some cause, Im interested, last thing I remember is saying " well, I do have to admit that you have a good marketing strategy! " kinda realizing that someone is trying to interest me in something, but not sure what.

This got me thinking, it seems that when I am asleep, I am much more easy to manipulate. Duh, I know. I do have a light structure barrier in my room, it could have been not charged enough maybe, plus i got back home really drunk , so there is that… but any tips on dream protection?

But what protection can I use to reduce the chance of someone interfering with me in my dreams?



The second you don't feel like things are going your way, focus a stillness which will have you dream consciously. Either tag along for lessons or take control to avoid "nightmares" getting the better of you or forced negative affirmations.

Can always wake up.



That Reminds me of the .wemb of a couple fucking while the stoned grill says over and over "WHATS M FAVORITE GENERE OF MUSIC :D?"

Topkek as they say


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This works perfectly for me as a means to induce lucid dreams. I just play it softly with my speakers while I go to sleep. It helps with insomnia too.


I have yet to experiment with this one. Many of his binaural beats are excellent.


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I had a dream last night that Im having a hard time understand. Also I tend to not remember dreams ever, I know I have them since it's a part of life but I only remember one or two every few years. Anyway -

The dream started with me and these two others walking into a very large store, I could tell they were my friends and I cared for them but for the life of me I can't remember either of them, all I know was one was wearing a grey hoodie, don't know what gender and the other was a black dude. I walked through them he store (which was empty) untill we reached a large room which was a corner of the building with may windows in it that looked out to trees on one side and the highway on the other. We walked down a few steps and entered the store floor since it was lower then the rest of the place and joined in the crowd since so many people were in there. It looked like they sold electronics there. Anyway we walk and the black guy knocks over something on display and the manager comes up and demands a few million dollars due to the displayed item being priceless, my friend had nothing on him and was taken away along with the grey hoodie person by security. I tried to reason with the manager but they just smirked at me and shook their head. After he said " I was going to let you off but now that I hear you're voice I'm going to call (blank) to deal with you. They've told me all about you." The blank in question was a 'friend' from my past who lives across the country now, my group of friends had a very large falling out with him because he started doing drugs and threatened our lives multiple times and one of us a gunpoint. I haven't thought about this guy in months and was genuinely shocked and scared to hear his name. All of the people were then put in a single file line and lead out of the room, the employees used a strange gun looking device and put these large green staples in everyone's arm, when it was my turn it didn't workwork so the manager came over and put three of them in my hip, I then ran and was chased by security along with another stranger who was tackling and fighting them. I hid behind this large room separator and two black cats with long fur came over and cuddled up to my legs. I ran out with the stranger and was followed by the cats and burst through the doors of the place.

I then woke up just feeling scared and anxiety. I don't really understand any of it.



Sorry for wall of text in advance, on mobile.



>Also I tend to not remember dreams ever, I know I have them since it's a part of life but I only remember one or two every few years

Your pineal gland is probably semi-calcified, m8




>emphasis on important stuff

>unimportant stuff as = keep text short

>as much info as possible in as little text as possible

>point out what it makes you feel and relate to

>clean text

>detail the atmosphere

>greentexts are good


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In my youth I had many experiences/dreams and was in direct contact with who I believe is Jesus from about just before my 17th birthday to around 18 and a half. He had pic related (I know its a really bad drawing of it) but from what I could tell it was a rod and staff. The thing about it was I could tell it was perfect and living whatever that means. Anyway one dream in particular I would like to ask about that I have remembered that happened in between this period.

>Rod and Staff descending from heaven

>sash of king also descending from heaven

>Sash being affixed onto me and Rod+Staff put into my hands

>"Lord, I cannot"

>"Do not fear(or maybe do not be afraid)"

>"As you hold it so do I"

I think I know what this means but I would like any input. Will discuss any of the other things I saw/learned if anyone is interested.



Ur chosen, holy holy holy.

Looks like an eastern orthodox/celtic cross.

Pretty clear. Try to talk to him.



Second coming?




This was awhile ago and I have talked with him a few times. I mostly talked with the holy spirit though as he taught me at that time in my life. I could always feel him and my heart felt like a transceiver for his voice, Whenever I asked something I always heard an answer immediately. What I was taught certainly made me butt heads with my grandfather who is a charismatic protestant pastor which I can't say I enjoy because I love him dearly but I would never turn from God because of that. At one point he told me even though I regarded him as an elder does not mean he can't be wrong. He taught me things such as men trying to learn from books or by their own might gets them no closer to him but if they had turned their hearts to him they might receive from him by his grace. An example of this is when I was younger I was interested in reading the book of Enoch but I had bought multiple translations and asked him which one to read because he had already said the book was of him. He then said to me it does not matter what you read for I am your truth. One more example is I had tried to start meditating at some point after I had met him. He asked me why I meditated when I already had him. I am your peace he would say.

Sorry if I am rambling or if this is the wrong thread for this sort of thing. I just saw this board and decided to visit it from being at christian. All I got at that board was people insulting each other for denominations rather than having a zeal for God. The reason I made this post is because I still do not understand some of the things I have seen in the spirit or the symbols of it. I was wondering if this was the place I could discuss some of it because I certainly can't discuss it with family or those I could don't have the knowledge to help even though they would like to. All I can ask is you correct me lovingly as a child who wants to understand.


- Was trying to telepathically communicate with chimpanzees while in a car in the middle of a street.

- On chimp noticed and an elephant appeared on the other side of the street.

- Elephant started charging the car

- Kept charging

- Eventually another car crashed in my car.

- I'm dead, I'm bleeding from my splattered face, it's hot.

- I feel peace.

- Don't know where to go as I am leaving my body.

- Remember stuff I've read about not going into the light.

- Panic

- Realize panic begets panic.

- Feel peace again.

- Wake up.

- Realize I'll wake up after death


I had a dream the other day where I had full penetration sex with a girl in a dress. That was a first for me and I didn't ejac. Could it have been a succubus? I got the feeling it was one of those anima/animus dreams. I felt good after I woke up, but a little guilty. If it were a succubus wouldn't I feel drained or something?



What colour & type was the dress?


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I think it was pink, maybe yellow or red.

It was silk and looked like number three or nine on pic related.



Ah okay.

It was probably just a regular wet dream. Don't sweat it.



Why would the dress color matter?



It wouldn't… I thought we might of been in the same dream



Were you the grill?



yeah, but not the one in yours obviously


I've been having a re-occurring dream or I guess you could say "episodic" dream.

The reason that I mention it is that it has some very bizarre properties for a dream.

>It generally takes place in ruins of a temple, city, church, etc.

>Multiple people are in the dream

>There is a period before you fight that you can talk with other people

>The first time you have the dream, you can't remember most of it

>The first time you have the dream, the thing you can remember most is a feeling of "suffocation" and "dying", extremely vivid, but not much else if anything at all

>While you're in the dream, you can't remember your real name, and instead use some strange dream name

>While you're awake, you can't remember the dream name

>Everyone in the dream is aware that it's a dream, but cannot do the things you can usually do in a lucid dream

>Instead, everything follows a rigid logic

>Tokens with bizarre symbols can be redeemed for specific powers, stuff that's usually taken for granted in lucid dreams requires these tokens

>For example there's flight, increased strength, etc. of various qualities and time limits.

>Tokens for changing your physical appearance can be found. They're pretty rare and I've yet to use one for its intended purpose.

>The dreamers are made to compete with one another, sometimes in teams and sometimes individually

>Most of the time you're fighting monsters, but sometimes it takes the form of tests of courage, or one-on-one duels

>You are able to summon a weapon, which usually takes form unconsciously

>Some people get really flashy weapons like guns or even multiple weapons

>Mine is a simply functional bastard sword that's outclassed by almost every other weapon

>Inside the dream, you are being watched over by some sort of demon that you can consider your "supervisor" or "buddy"

>Sometimes they'll fight for you but most of the time they just give bad advice, at least in my case

>There's a possibility of starting out with a strong demon, but I got a feminine imp that is weak and infuriatingly snarky

>There's a possibility that you won't get a demon at all

>Most people without demons die pretty quickly

>Apparently if you have an entertaining/warped personality you're more likely to be brought back

>If the demons take a liking to you, they may give you gifts

>You can bribe the demons with tokens for advantages in battle

>You can bribe the demons with the lives of your team-mates

>After you die in the dream, you don't return to the dream >You can kill/damage your team-mates but only if they give you a reason to hate them. If you bear no ill will, you can't kill them.

>The greater your rage, the more powerful your strikes

>Normalfags die pretty quickly, and I've learned to accept this instead of trying to save them

>Old people are generally more powerful than young people. I get the sense that some have been experiencing this dream for a very long time.

>Time is warped in the dream, it can go on for entire days but you'll only have slept for 10 hours.

>There is usually a "winning condition" in addition to simply surviving. If you reach this condition you retain the tokens you've collected, otherwise you lose them.

So far I've been very lucky, I haven't been selected for any one-on-one duels, and narrowly avoided death on 2 occasions. The duels as it stands are hearsay, actually, as I've never experienced them. Another rumor is that the demons in the dream eventually manifest themselves in the waking world similar to a tulpa. The dream itself is pretty rare, I've had it only five times although it started happening mid-2015.

I'm also posting to inquire if perhaps anyone else has shared this dream. I have no idea what the scale of this dream may be, but am interested in whether it is affecting other people at all or if it's simply an elaborate construction of my warped psyche.

In the case of the latter, how would you interpret such a dream? I'm starting to worry that I may be a little insane. It reads like a shounen manga/anime, so I'm leaning towards the assumption that it's not a "real" thing, if you know what I mean.

If it is real, is there any type of exercise that I can do to gain a more powerful psyche? I have a sneaking suspicion that your strength in the dream is related to your level of imagination and ability to conceptualize things.

In case you were wondering, the strongest contestant I have seen so far has 2 pistols as his weapons and no demon. I would normally expect guns to be beyond the realm of possibility in a regular dream. Thankfully I was on the same team as him. He's a pompous, smug asshole but he's competent which is all that really matters as far as I'm concerned. He didn't answer a single one of my questions, though.




this needs more details.



>gets to play Gantz

Could be worse.

Usual time on the clock when these dreams appear? Any sigil you took note of? Names?



Oh, yes. You're being farmed for loosh.

They take you to these astral realms and make you fight monsters, spending loosh left and right which they collect.

Sounds like a cool dream though, I would stay until I could manipulate things like normally. Hunt down the watchers. Eat a few demons.



What kind of details?



It's only happened when I stay up absurdly late, around 5-6 AM and then go to bed to sleep most of the day.

Most of the people in the dream are foreigners. Although I can clearly hear them speaking a language which I can't understand, somehow I'm still able to understand what they're saying.

As I mentioned, in the dream you can't remember your name or most of the details from real life, and while awake you can't remember the names in the dream. Maybe there's a way to circumvent this but I don't know how.


If this is the case, is there any way to break free or maybe turn the tables on these captors?

What's "loosh"?



>did you see each others faces?

>where were you

>said anything particular?

when two people meet in a dream things can be warped for each person.

still possible you two fuged.


loosh, term for energy.

>looshing = leaking

>getting loosh farmed



> break free

Don't accept the conditions of the plane and you will be b& or get more control.



Okay. I was at some kind of a small party with people that seemed friendly but no one that I recognized. I was sitting on a couch talking to the girl for a while and I remember the conversation being fun. Next thing I know she's on the floor with her dress pulled up and no under wear and we had sex. I don't remember how she looked at all or what we said to each other, just that she was cute and had on a pink dress .




Mine took place on a white beach, and I was in a sparkling green thigh cut dress. Don't think it's the same


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Had a real spooky fuckin dream I remember vividly. Normally I don't believe in this shit but I keep on having awful awful nightmares on a weekly basis. This is pretty long but I'll try and condense it. They've become progressively more surreal and disturbing.

Some background stuff underlying these dreams

>Consistently have been feeling like something at the side of my bed is touching me, I remember first it simply seemed like a groping, like a jog jumping up on you, I actually thought it was my dog the first time it happened but she was not there and it returned when I tried to sleep again

>Eventually I felt absolutely certain something was there, simply watching me

>not sleep paralysis, I could move, I was just utterly terrified

>Eventually I felt like something was stroking my face as I was sleeping

Some of the dreams I had leading up to the big one:

>Dream involving my best friend, some kind of ritual in a water-filled crater for wishes

>Ended up swimming away into the ocean with him for a minute, then returning for some reason, I almost was pulled into a current

>We argued about who would get the wish, and eventually I made it, we agreed upon world communism, and when I made the wish my heart exploded, I remember lying as a dead body for a while, before finally awakening

>Dream where I wandered a city, was kidnapped and taken to a warehouse and tortured to death

The big dream that I remember almost in it's entirety went as follows

>Simply wandering out of my driveway to go to a horse race, simple enough

>Get on a bike and start going the wrong way, fall and skin my knees

>Suddenly back in the drive way with best friend from the wish dream

>We bike down, this time making it to the entrance of the races.

>This is where shit starts to get weird

>The attendant, seemed normal enough, but instead of the races there was some kind of water slide

>When I question this, his eyes became red and swollen, with slits like a lizards, he became angry and threatened me

>When I backed down he returned to normality

>My friend seemed to be gone though

>Neighbor lady is on the slide as I am going down, falls off though

>When I reach the bottom I am in an ocean, and I am chased away by others, and the neighbor who for some reason I remember calling an alligator, more lizard motifs

>I remember mostly feelings while in the ocean swimming, rejection, feeling I had transgressed somehow

>I was swimming towards some kind of glowing tower on the horizon, and when I looked upon it I saw visions of the earth from space, and two of what I can only describe of deities (For some reason, I feel like they resembled Zoroastrian images but my memory is dim on this part) merging in a glowing light

>I began to swim under the ocean now, looking for a whale, I felt like I knew of a wise being that would take me to this tower

>I found a whale, but as I swam towards it, it opened it's mouth and had incredible sharp horrifying teeth, it was huge enough to seem to fill up the sky.

>I remember hearing voices whispering of power as It swallowed me and I was filled with pure terror.

>Pic related evokes the same kind of feeling

>All I remember then walking through dark fleshy rooms, seeing a giant tree like structure, throbbing like a heart. Then trying to climb it and then being shocked, dying once more.

I awoke after that feeling utterly exhausted and anxious, I never wrote anything down and I still remember all of these details. Does it mean anything?

Sorry for the length.



slight correction for clarity

>I began to swim under the ocean now, looking for a whale, I felt like I knew of a wise being that would take me to this tower, and that it was a whale.



Oh well.

>tfw no astral witch gf


Been meditating on a regular basis since a few weeks ago, feeling pretty good in general, and everything is working out for me, dunno if it correlates with the dream.

Had this dream like 2 days ago about meeting my soulmate, it was a beautiful woman, everything about her felt so right. Like I knew her from a long time ago, what hit home was her face.

A large part of the dream involved being with her. Hanging out with her at some point, difuminated into a regular dream which I managed to go into lucid at some part, so first thing I did was invoking her ; she appeared, then I stared at her face trying to remember or recall if i knew her from somewhere.

Her face didn't morph into other things like oniric stuff. It was this beatiful and peaceful look that burned into my memory. Then I woke up inmediately.

What could this mean? Is my soulmate close? Or is it just an entity fucking shit up?



Sometimes when you have a dream feeling like you're in love with the person in the dream its your anima and it means you need to discover your female part of yourself or something. I might be completely wrong though.

If you want to be with a girl your mind might have you be with a girl in a dream to make you happy.

Dreams like that are always nice.



Saving figuring out this one for an occasion where I'm really, really, really stoned. Means a lot of things. Only one that can really piece it together is you, what does it mean to you?


Could be.


>Dreams like that are always nice.



I now have everything I need, see you coming week bby.



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Are we witnessing the first account of premeditated dream rape before it happens?


Curious if there's a method to re-invigorate my dream world. When I was younger my dreams were often very vivid, having mystical elements- often cosmic and otherworldly. Now I dream about hanging out with friends or going to the grocery store, and I find it infuriating. I've tried to quit/cease fapping thinking there might be a correlation but that just makes me dream about sex. I've been keeping a dream-journal for about six months, since I quit smoking weed. This has helped me remember them much better, but they're often not even worth remembering.


How to reignite my deeper dreaming?



Calea zacatecgichi or Galantamine in conjunction with Choline.

Not a long term solution, but a boost to reignite the desire to recall and achieve lucidity.


Ok so I had this dream months ago and it's stuck with me for a long while and I've forgotten parts of it but I do remember more of it from the last bit of the dream the part I remember best is that it was

a steampunk type world in some kind of metal building or facility. I think I saw the outside world briefly and there wasn't much green. Anyway near the end of the dreamthis still freaks me out a bit to this day there was myself and another person. No idea who he isor was as I'm pretty sure he's dead and we were fighting this…thing. Best I can describe it as was a demon made of shadow. Just pure blackness. We were losing but somehow he destroyed it. It's back was turned or something and he ran up behind it and stabbed it through. It ended up arching over backwards almost and let out a bloodcurdling scream of the word "blood" there's a blinding flash of whiteness and next thing I know I'm carrying a baby while racing up a flight of stairs and I reach a catwalk and the baby keeps changing. One minute it's a boy the next a girl then a wrinkled old woman.

That's the only part with any remaining coherence, haven't gotten a response from anyone whenever these threads PPP up so I hope I can get something here.



Its a call to destiny.

Its fairly easy to interpret, but I'm leaving that to you as its you who must understand it.

Anyone answering this will do you a great wrong, robbing you of its personal depth.



Thanks corporal cryptic. So I'm going to be some kind of monster hunter in the future or something? If that's what the shadow/demon/monster fight implies that's fairly simple. What about the changing/rapidly aging baby?



No and cuka I won't tell.

Don't think about what you're doing but what is happening and what it symbolizes.

It's not hard.


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>go to /fringe/ in my dream out of habit

>find it filled with orgy porn in every thread

>check it today and find some degenerate sex magick thread

>mfw fucking degenerates shit up /fringe/ even in my dreams


I had a dream a few days ago that was very brief but i cant seem to get it off my mind.

Im in my childhood house in the garage looking out in the driveway, it is nighttime. Suddenly a pack of wolves, potentially 10-20 of them line up horizonitally across the door. I didnt feel frightened by them but knew oh shit i should probably close the door. So i close the door and one slips through at the very last moment, this wolf was a light grey or white, which was a different color than the others which were all black. The only thing it did was sniff around the boxes in our garage, then i woke up. Just seems confusing this keeps playing in my head. I never felt in danger in the dream but my dream self knew better than to be surrounded by a pack of wolves.


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Ok, I had a dream and there is nothing online that can help me here.

I dreamed that I was in a dystopian or cult like sub-society. I was taken there to run through simulations of some game where I had to escape certain doom and if I died I had to start over from a clone of myself. Though they didnt tell me it was a game until later in the dream.

Then the dream became hazy after that, but I remember talking to Larry David for some reason that we were living in a dystopia. The thing is, it was an obvious dystopia, it wasn't like everyone looked happy and content, everyone knew it was a dystopia.

Anyone have any idea what this means?


I was vomiting my friends hair. I had to pull it from my throat in knotted ropes.



Thanks! I somehow missed this reply previously; but I'm looking into C. zacatechichi now. Sounds like good stuff!


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Science is shit. Trying to understand anything from a purely "scientific" viewpoint is just tying a boat anchor to your ankle and hoping for the best while swimming in the deep end.

Your better off just assuming the paradigm of this being a virtual reality where your senses are too limited to grasp the real reality. Then rely on your intuition, gut feelings, and instincts to guide you to higher knowledge.

I've had a lot of dreams where I later walked into someplace I'd never been, but recognized it from a dream. Have had a lot of situations happen, sometimes years later, that I had happen first in dreams.

Talking to the people I meet in dreams can be interesting, especially when you realize they don't know things that you may take for granted, like they are living in a different reality than yours. I think its quite likely that we meet a lot of different people/things in dreams where both of us are sleeping or meditating.

I've had a few interactions with people who were recently deceased in my dreams. Usually they were looking for something, some kind of interaction, before moving on. Wanting to express something they weren't able to say in life (I've got high empathy/sensitivity).

I've had dreams where something is stalking me, trying to hurt me, then a couple of days later come down with the flu.

One time I had a dream where Jimi Hendrix was telling me how he was really concerned about the working people in Seattle. He was bothered by the low wages people had. We were hanging out in a sort of subterranean version of Seattle, with an equivalent subterranean ocean. It was pretty wild.

You can meet some pretty cool people in dreams.



Person you replied to here. After a few days of experimentation, galantamine (8mg) and choline (500mg) taken about 4 hours into sleep gives insane results. Taking it two nights in a row doesn't do anything, so I recommend spacing out the times you do this.

Calea was interesting as well, but is more of a hassle in my opinion since the tea tastes awful and packing a few grams of leaves into 5 pills isn't ideal.

IMO either are not long term solutions for training yourself on dream recall, lucid dreaming, and OBEs.

It's sort of like comparing a wind tunnel and jumping out of a plane with a parachute. You can go to a wind tunnel and glide around pretty easily and without any training and it's fun. But it's nothing compared to the actual thing which takes more dedication.



Scientific is more useful than anything. However, a person has to understand the archetypes typical for scientists. People who were born with talent for science, were also born with certain traits. These traits affect work of scientists, and steer science in certain direction.

No one will present you pure truth, it's always obscured by perspective of the mind presenting it. "Scientific method" is also biased this way, although it's the best that we have. Actually, a lot of experienced scientists know it - pretty much all greatest inventors in history were people with unusually developed intuition.

Talking about it can be dangerous, though. Because scientific paradigm is great and you don't want to ruin it now. Be aware of it, but don't preach it outside the wizard setting. Most people on earth are completely ignorant about spirituality and they don't even comprehend what intuition really is. You don't want to teach THEM that "science is shit". You need to teach them to focus on scientific method and disregard intuition. The ones with special abilities will use intuition anyway. If you preach the meme that intuition, spirituality, and creativity is key to all progress, they'll misinterpret that and cling to some religions or become victims of memetic appropriation.



But when you're talking on /fringe/ it's safe to say that modern day science is no better than Christian "scientists" who based their findings around their theology in the 1400s. The current way science works is more about raising money which means being influenced by outside and vested interests which means a completely subverted experimentation system. This has to change before we can move forward and normalizing what the occult has known anecdotally for centuries.



It doesn't have to change at all… I mean plenty of previously magical phenomenon have been explained through research. It's only a matter of time before we come to understand every aspect of the /fringe/ as long as we can maintain common interest in it, or else it'll be shoved to the back of the shelf.

A lot of /fringe/ goers actually do this to an extent, but they base the functionality of phenomenon off of other /fringe/ phenomenon. This is a mistake, much like Alchemy in the past, it's best to apply as much science as possible to explain the mysteries of the world.

That which has too many hurdles left to jump is what remains /fringe/


A friend of mine wanted an interpretation on this:

She dreamed with her ex-bf's little brother that passed away 8 years ago, which was still alive.

In the dream they were waiting for him to come out of school, her ex-bf told her that his brother grew up and was currently 22 years old.

Then she woke up before he appeared.

Thanks on advance



Calea definitely sounds best for me; the others (from what I saw) are pharmaceutical and I'm more inclined to trust herbal, natural solutions. I don't mind terribly if the tea tastes bad so long as it's effective; I'm sure with enough honey I could choke it down. I also read some people ( including the native shamans who use it ) like to smoke it as well.

Dream recollection isn't a problem. I can recall a good deal of my dreams and have filled up two comp books in the last six months. The problem is the overall banality of them; I do not want to dream about grocery shopping, or playing games, or losing my shoes while I'm looking for work. I want to dream deep- like I used to do.

Lucidity comes and goes; I have frequent dream sequences where I'm going about fairly day-to-day tasks but I become aware I'm floating. This generally allows me to go lucid and I generally just fly around for a bit, which feels good though it's always short lived. OBEs are hardly on my radar; I just want to dream more vivid, fantastic things that are interesting and otherworldly. When I was younger my dreams were always like this.



When discussing dreams I stand by my opinion that science is shit.

If you want to push the discussion into controlled remote viewing, then science has an application. But more often then not science is just another form of religious ideology that throws out anything not already validated and approved of by the high priests of


Dreams are purely subjective. It is the realm of shamans and mystics, where personal experience is more important than receiving validation from the herd.

Anyone submitting themselves to a particular religion and looking for validation of their experience in that religion will find the same sort of constraints one would find in science.

A need to conform and edit personal experience so that it conforms to an artificial dogma.

The result is always cognitive dissonance and why so many religious and scientifically minded people eventually come across as being "fake asses".

They aren't being true to who they are and to their personal experience.



Please keep using dropflag



I'm not dismissing the scientific method and experimentation, I'm just saying that modern day "scientists" seek to find data that support their conclusions. I'm not saying that fringe stuff can't be explained, but saying that it's impossible right now to get the funds and proper tools to explain fringe phenomenon, much like how alchemists centuries earlier had to hide behind symbolism to explain their findings or they'd be burned at the stake.

Science as a concept isn't bad but the people who run it have personal interests in not allowing this kind of stuff to be properly researched.


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Hm, some interesting dream.

The whole dream seemed "half lucid". Meaning that while most of my reactions and actions were "scripted", I could kinda think for myself.

>I am visiting some house, I cant shake the feeling (even in dream) that I have been here, dreamt this many times before

>In it, two men are living(my relativelly free thinking wonders if they are parts of my psyche, one being more masculine, another more feminine)

>The whole dream works in sort of sequences, going through different scenes

>In library, I can fly, consciousness at a peak point.

>I leave a room full of women positive towards me.

>This is where it gets intense.

>I decide to go explore the house. I enter it and go in to a hall, this is where it starts to feel very real and intense, the halls and rooms are giant, somehow maybe even frozen, more like caverns. As I go deeper I see some sort of entrance, but someone is guarding it.

>I meet an entity "guarding" the place from going forward. What is interesting is that I freak out and start running, because the figure is grotesque, however, at the same time, I am thinking to myself" hey, I KNOW how to get past this entity, I know that its a thought form that I can make listen to my will, to submit to me, and I can go forward.

>However, I run out the house. The two men living in it run after me, being all chill and all, giving me my stuff that I lost.

>We are chilling and talking outside, some other dude is talking about evocating and seeing crazy shit and we are all like "ohh yea"

Can't shake the feeling like I had this dream many many times…

I am thinking of facing that guardian in mediation, and making it submit to my will…



Maybe that guardian represents some past baggage that you have to take care of before moving forward.



Yea, my thoughts exactly.

I will try to evoke it and see what it is all about.

The weirdest thing though is that feeling that I have dreamt it many times.

It seems that I am starting to remember more and more fragments of my subconscious.


>dream about touching girl and being very flirty

>ask her out a day after


i need to remember that dream characters are metaphors for parts of you, not actual representations of people


Dreamed my friend was dead and crying about killing herself and her family

She's alive.

Dreamed I was having sex with my friend who had killed herself forever ago…





Oh yea, stimulating something.

Last nights dream sequence is happening near the ocean with waves the size of skyscrapers.

Tried evoking the guardian, was a bit fuzzy, strange thing is that I had a hard deciding to kill him, so I started transmuting instead, and the frozen room around him started melting away.. Did not really finish it though, got confused and distracted for some reason.


I've had some kind of evil nightmare recently in one of which I saw the face of a man with an angry and indimidating look on his face looking straight at me. It's like you could see pure evil in his eyes. And I could clearly see his face like it was real.

He had the jew-semitic look. He had black curly short hair. I really don't know how to describe facial features. He had the kind of wide face shape like Netanyahu but with less prominent nose and it was more round

This dream was so weird that I'm almost thinking like I've seen the antichrist or something.



His age looked like he was like 40-50




I'll also add that I don't remember seeing this guy anywhere on TV or media


File: 1460722929208-0.jpg (119.12 KB, 800x1217, 800:1217, 800px-Volodymyr_Groisman.jpg)

File: 1460722929209-1.png (254.35 KB, 600x380, 30:19, CSagL8sWsAAsGxI.png)


Holy shit. I actually found a similar looking guy. Disregard my shitty comparison to Netanyahu because I actually meant something like a face of a slightly overwieght guy,

I'm not sure if it's the exact person because I remember having him more curly hair. He had the same exact skin tone but I think looked a bit more jewish/middle-eastern

This guy is new jewish prime minste of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman



It's been prophesied that the Antichrist will be born between Moscow-St Petersburg, and that he will head the EU in the future, I don't know who this guy is though, maybe interested anons will be able to research it further.


Fell asleep listening to a Dolores Cannon video on Youtube. Slept through a couple of auto play videos.

Had a fairly abstract dream about joining a type of early Christian sect, something like what I imagine the Essenes were like, but this was in the here and now, and not ancient.

Very specific rituals that involved exploring the deep consciousness for healing. It was very intense, and only a few were invited to actually experience it because of the intensity of the experiences.

Things involving being led through labyrinths, and completely surrendering ones ego.

The whole thing was very intense, and there were people there that I have met personally and recognized from previous experiences including one person who has founded a well established religious group.

This person was looking at me, who was pretty much a nobody being escorted ahead of the line, even though they are a well respected spiritual teacher. But they had to wait as they simply weren't ready.

It was strange partly because I was wearing a rough woven robe while everyone else was dressed normal, like today. Shirts and jeans.

There was something apocalyptic about the whole thing as well.

The most troubling aspect of the dream was when my robe was being tailored, and a special "pocket" was being made for my balls.

I could literally hear the shearing scissors cutting the cloth right around my nuts, and was getting pretty concerned.

Fucking…crazy. Especially the religious intonations about having no sexual identity/being castrated. This wasn't just a "subconscious fears" dream, it felt more direct, like actually working with other spiritual beings focused on healing the Earth.

Just wanted to post it for the personal validation.




Normally I sleep pretty hard and though I dream deeply I rarely remember what I dream.

Mostly I dream about flying, or floating, or anything in between of the two as its my favorite. Rarely do I have passionate dreams.

This was an exception, which made it stand out.

One aspect was that the group I became involved in wasn't so abstract. There was a great deal of attention devoted to simple matters of food, of running a "feed the homeless" ministry, and therefore cover the needs of the group. It was bizarre in terms of dreamtime yet made perfect sense upon awakening.

Even the people I saw, who looked back at me in recognition.

Sitting in rows waiting for their names to be called, or patted on the shoulder to be called.

It was a crazy fucking dream. And I have lots and lots of dreams, about seriously crazy shit.

But this was different somehow.



Yes yes, antichrist and such. I hear this every year, but there is no indication at all that an "antichrist" will appear. You mean the Jewish Messiah that will never arrive, they've been waiting for over 3000 years now.

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