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Esoteric Wizardry


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Just finished this book.

My conclusion; it was overall a huge waste of time, the book is utter shit, and written by a humongously politically correct faggot who can't shut the fuck up about muh oppressed niggers, muh fascists, muh fags, etc.

It reeks of a libertarian mindset.

The only part of the book that was of any worth at all was Liber Astarte; http://www.sacred-texts.com/oto/lib175.htm

The rest is garbage and I won't be adding this book to my library.

I read it only because I am presently studying evocation intensely and this book deals with the matter but well, it's all just full of bullshit occultism, really useless book.

285 pages…

Ah well, I'm going to finish Max Freedom Long - The Science of Miracles now… or maybe if I get a whole day (well 5 hours straight) to do it, I'll go through all of PME in one sitting…. or I might finish some half-read Atkinson books I'm still going through.


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Maybe the sun is thinking about us.



The sun hates me.

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