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Esoteric Wizardry


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The rules are simple and only apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/:
1. No duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit.
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I'm stuck in a rut…

I'm not here to talk about my experiences, my relationships, my travels or my encounters with things not of this world, or my relationship with the "occult". I'll just tell you this: I have more than my fair share of experience.

You see, I can't divulge too much about it…but I've been creating something that could be seen as a massive tulpa, but really isn't. Case and point is, it's on such a large scale that it defies the very nature of existence itself, and involves a type of possession invocation where thought and matter will fuse into a singularity, which will then be absorbed and used to create something transcendent to what was used to create it, becoming more substantial after the body dies.

The question is this: In the event that the consciousness does succeed in this mission I have so vaguely bestowed knowledge unto you of, is the body, separate from the mind, forced to repeat in its experience, only to be put through the hellish revelations I reveal to it which defy any understanding human beings currently have over and over, without repeat? My life has been a constant struggle for balance between that world and this and something I firmly believe in is that if you neglect this life while focusing entirely on others that this life will ultimately suffer in both quality and experience. Realizing the mundane, futile, empty nature of linear existence doesn't put any food in my stomach while I'm here.

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