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Esoteric Wizardry


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2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread.
3. No creating new threads purely to shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET).
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Do not start threads just to ask a question; post your questions in a pre-existing thread instead.

QT #20 http://8ch.net/fringe/res/69999.html

QT #19 http://archive.is/dqm7j

FAQ: /fringe/faq.html

cuka blyt smiley do your edits


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Most things you want to ask about has been answered in the last four questions threads, check the archive, search for keywords, don't be a dick. Lurk.

Honorary mention, this thread.



Do we have QT 1-18 archived?

Anyone wanna help me go through them, cut out good posts and categorize it into folders?


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I have yet to see a guy willing as they will to his level, outside of Messi. You can't even stand in his way, there are no means to stop him, no tactics to slow him down, no situation that he is unable to resolve, just like Messi does what he does by WALKING in the pitch, and you can tell that something is going to happen as soon as they have the ball. I can feel the power emanating from both of them. Pure magic



evolved/perfect body can hold evolved/perfect soul, most athletes are sensitive but are conditioned by society to ignore it and do not cultivate.

now stop reposting /sp/



>not going to fringechan

8/fringe/ Questions Archive

Threads 1, 2, and 3 were not archived.

4 https://archive.is/ByA2Y 09/29/2014

5 https://archive.is/JOe9t 12/18/2014

6 https://archive.is/Ln5Jx 01/29/2015

7 https://archive.is/6wPgk 03/11/2015

8 https://archive.is/F3zSg 04/07/2015

9 https://archive.is/PXRdD 04/28/2015

10 https://archive.is/4ScDD 05/19/2015

11 https://archive.is/r8wWL 06/08/2015

12 https://archive.is/h7dvH 07/15/2015

13 https://archive.is/VlImO 08/21/2015

14 https://archive.is/LXPHn 09/08/2015

15 https://archive.is/lTQj6 10/04/2015

16 https://archive.is/q9WHz 11/01/2015

17 https://archive.is/gOSxE 12/04/2015

18 https://archive.is/BARDt 12/29/2015



I will when there is HTTPS.

I posted a huge list of many important threads here, but it seems like a moderator removed it at some point. If there is demand, I can post it again.



>not using both

I'm not going to forfeit good info


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I have been wondering a lot about energy and physical actions in our world.

1. Regarding the actions in the physical world. I am beginning to think sometimes, that no action can be better that any action. It does go kinda counter to what is propagated by the main stream world, where its all about doing, doing, doing - non stop.

But from the magical perspective, lets take some mundane subject. Lets say you are sending out CV's or whatever. If you are in a desperate mood, would it make sense to be sending them out anyway? Would that not reinforce the vibration of desperate in the material realm? I guess the question is- "does releasing negative energy, in the form of material actions worsen the whole situation? Or only the particular actions. Meaning, if I send out 10 CVs in a shitty mood, would that affect the 10 CV's that I send out after that, in a confident and energetic mood?

I understand that materiality is bellow the astral realm, so its effect is not that widespread, but how much of an effect is it really? Do we infuse our circle of interest with our phisical actions? So if we sent out 1000000 CV's in a shitty state, will we have altered the physical realm, and now we need to do some extra work on the positive side, for the material to catch up? If every act, is an act of magic… should we avoid doing acts of self-harming magic? Or simply, is it better to sit with your anger or whatever, while doing nothing, or do the action while your angry?

2. I am starting to understand energy better now. It seems that if you want any more interesting results, there is no way around it, you have to be gathering energy to do those acts.

And isnt this the answer to pretty much anything? The more energy, power you have, the more you can do, the more aware you are. Is energy= awareness?


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You are now able to browse and post with HTTPS on fringechan.org.




Not every act is of tremendous power and effect, CV sent in poor state will just be discarded, a new tree chopped down for new paper and a little extra work for the people doing the sorting of applications.

You can send a LOT of shitty CVs, chances are you get an employment, it all depends on who deals with you.

Or you can send one or a couple of amazing CVS where you propose a five year plan for the company, have applied blueprints for the new office building, display innovation and knowledge in various fields and offer your unique thinking and your ideas.

Not even that is 100%, but instead of someone putting your CV in the trash bin they'll have a conference meeting about it around a projector, your name might get tossed around the bosses office and your phone might ring.

Done from a selfless POV that only wants to help, people will be willing and eager to listen.




Thanks for the response.

No, I get the idea of providing value and such.

I guess I need to clarify what I mean.

Because of certain events and influences in my upbringing, the material wealth thing sometimes brings panic to me. Something like a scarce mentality stuff. Now, I am doing shadow work, chakra work and some affirmations and stuff, but even after like 3 months of that, I still get the panic that "I cant get money, cant make a living, why is it not working, why cant I just get it, wha wha wha".

Retarted shit, but I have been doing this for such a long time, I mean I hope all of these practices that I do will clear me up someday, and I do feel much more stable than I did before.

I just kinda don't want to fuck shit up any more than I have right now. My attempt to move out of my parents did not work out, so I am 24 and back at my parents house, and sometimes its just not okay.

Ah, fuck, what a vent. I don't want no ferraries, just some normal income for normal self sustaining life.

The reason I ask about my influence is because I am kinda freelancing and creating something for myself. So in essence, it involves trying to reach out clients and such. So I was thinking if sending out proposals while in my panic mode of neediness, would not mess with the energy fields or something.



Tried affirmations?

>I am abundance/wealth

>I attract —//—




Think about the following, it's a drastic and important change in attitude; you shouldnt reach out to clients (especially not with a tinge of desperation), you should do your best and instead attract them to you.

It's not bad to establish connections but you shouldnt beg for work, you should put so much soul and effort into what you do that others beg for your work.



I dont really have a system directly targeted at wealth, I thought that it should come as a byproduct maybe.

For example, after the white/black mirror, where I found the best traits, I created four sigils for each element, with three afirmations each, each representing three attitudes from the white mirror, merged in to a single sigil and mantra.

I guess I should try creating some abundance focused affirmations. Do you think creating a sigil with some mantra words is more effective than using the original words? Because with a sigil, I have something visual, and a short mantra, and as I understand, this should bypass my consciousness more easier?


Yea, that does ring a bell with me. Its interesting that the personal dream project that I am doing is seeing much more movement than the traditional services that I am offering as a freelancer.

Yea, this is what I was wondering about. Today, when sending out stuff, I got in to a really nice vibe of "having interesting fun happening" and sent out stuff on that. I stopped when I started feeling desperate.




>2. I am starting to understand energy better now. It seems that if you want any more interesting results, there is no way around it, you have to be gathering energy to do those acts.

>And isnt this the answer to pretty much anything? The more energy, power you have, the more you can do, the more aware you are. Is energy= awareness?

2nd this q


Not as much awareness as consciousness.

Awareness involves reflection. Consciousness experience/experiencing.

Check last three posts in my thread for something related to awareness.



Thinking of higher energy,



So in a way emotion and thought are related but are of different frequencies and have different qualities.

If you want to know the behaviour of this energy, think fluid magnetic clusters of energy penetrating, everything due to its high frequencies.



Sure awareness is energy. So is emotion.

But Energy is conciousness in varying states of frequency.


when is ww3?


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>Seeking ww3

>not trying to prevent it or at least disabling the warheads that International Jewry hold before it starts

I guess some people enjoy Earth being a nuclear wasteland thanks to some hysterical arch-kikes


In another thread I saw magick summarized as:



>enforcing will/willpower/desire upon reality.(most of the times with belief).

I have no problem with meditation/gnosis and imagination/visualization. I developed these areas with the techniques in IIH. I have had some success with manifesting things I don't care all that much about, but struggle with things I really want. I wonder if this is related to my belief or will.

My questions are:

How do I "enforce my will upon reality"?

What does "enforcing my will upon reality" even feel like?

How does one train will/desire/belief?


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I've been looking into /fringe/ stuff on and off for several years. What pulls me in is the idea of higher knowledge, attaining wisdom, wielding power, knowing truth- but with respect, it seems most forums, this one included, are for those who are already initiated in this craft, or farther beyond that point. I have a handful of friends who are pretty into it themselves, but they're the kind of individuals who would rather throw five books at you than explain in layman's terms what they're doing and why. I'm sure on your end you all are making some pretty good points (and some pretty bad ones too sometimes), but it's all strung together with "3rd Density" this, "echo astral" that… I'm not asking for you to condense several thousand works of several hundred authors and their wisdom over the span of untold millennia into a five paragraph long shitpost. Just, where did you start? What strategies for learning did you feel worked best?



I would really thing you should consider adding energy management to your description of magic. I have been doing some experiments with telekinesis recently, and its pretty obvious that after an energy gathering session, I can perform better. Energy is what you need to focus, to desire, to visualize and to will.

Regarding the will thing. Consider something that you did, it can even be some mundane task, but something that went really smooth for you. If you study it carefully, you will find the elements of desiring something to happen, seeing that something happen, and then deciding, intending, willing it to happen. I was struggling with pinpointing will as well, but I think its all about feeling and finding it for yourself. Because we use it all of the time, try to find the distinction between desire and visualizing, its that commanding presence.


Well, there are a few things which you should start with.

Meditation is like the most basic thing ever, you have to do it and master it.(meditation thread)

Start sensing energy, moving it around(energy work thread)

If you have negativity or insecurity, anger or whatever, look in to shadow work thread. It will help you get over the various shitty attitudes that all of us have to some extent.

So basically, meditation to learn to master your mind and attention. Energy work to start sensing and understanding energy.

And shadow work, for getting past fear, laziness and all other negative traits.


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What this anon said >>71815

And i would suggest to start reading The Kybalion


And for meditations in an easy format i would suggest JoS meditation section (if you can get over and go beyond le Satanic spook, that is)



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Okay, what about "vampiric negative" friends?

I have this friend that I have had for quite a few years.

Recently, I had this crazy experience TWO TIMES.

After a meeting with him, I would have the most strangest "struggle" dream.

The first one- I spent the whole night beating the shit out of him, while he was trying to get in my house.

The second-me trying to get home, but him making it hard or something.

Now, I am not about random dream interpretation here.

But these dreams were INTENSE.

The weird thing is, he used to be good buddy of mine. But I went on the path of positivity and growth, while he just got lazier and more negative.

It sometimes seems that he is so fucked up, that he is actually pissed about me getting better and better.

I think he is the type of person that one could consider and energy vampire. I did a test once, where I completly closed off my solar plexus, so that his energy would not come in, and he was trying more and more to get in, phalic symbolism, "filling each other cup" symbolism. Its like he was trying to make me feel something negative, and then…. feed of that.

Its weird because at one point he really helped me with my evolution in one niche aspect, but now its just getting weird and weird.

I mean, are people like that evil agents and vampires, or what.

If I did not have those crazy, fighting all night, dreams, I would not even ask this, but this is crazy shit right here.



He's likely a psychopath or a lost soul.

Cut him off after telling him how detrimental it is to be jealous of others progress, invest in Salvia to ward off spirits/negativity.


I've got a new Skype for wizard puppies, you can reach me @tippTechWizard

I recently read a little more what Islam has to say about magic, it's pretty extensive on what is possible and not allowed.

Degenerate religion.

Looking for all input.



Hm, what is the psychopath or a lost soul in regards to esoteric knowledge? After observing him, it seems like he…. lost his anchor? So does that relate to root chakra?

It does seem that cutting him off is becoming the only option.

But are these people beyond help? I remember talking about all of these things with him, but it seems that you can't reach him anymore. Like a haze is put on his eyes, and he is in another realm or something… I think the only way to do anything would be to be an energy master, and work from that level…


Nice, thanks!







Good book on psychopaths is "mask of sanity", it also had me laughing loud between chapters.

Learn to spot them.

Read Montalk what he says about them.

Only he can help himself, you'll be helping him by cutting him off in the sense that it'll force him to reflect.

He might just have repressed emotion for others, empathy, still, you can't do jack shit about it. Desire to change has to come from within.



Don't disregard a five paragraph shitpost, if a person knows something well he can explain it very simply.

You should read the last question threads to answer what you might question.



Anything and everything you've got on MOSS, shoot.

I want to make a bed under my bed to slide out next to and on top of my real bed.

Green moss base, white moss patterns.

Also or maybe instead one with grass.



>Desire to change has to come from within.

This, true salvation comes from one's resolution


Can someone be agnostic and practice magic?

And atheist?

Can someone believe that magic is from a interior power and not from any kind of God or divine source?


anyone have a good guide/book about sigil craft?



Chaos magick has atheist adherents.

Your concept of "god" will change if you study this stuff. I have not seen a satisfactory explanation of whether this stuff is internal or external. Even when it comes to demonic evocation, some people will say the entities actually come from within you.

Just have a go at it.


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>Even when it comes to demonic evocation, some people will say the entities actually come from within you.

Evocation = outside of you

Invocation = inside you, from within

Daemons are real entities, of lower "rank" in the scale of life, with Gods being of higher "rank" than them.


In a sense, Daemons do come from within you, if you consider your astral senses.

Here's some Uncle Socrates:

"The Daimon of Socrates

For instance, we know that Socrates possessed a personal daimon. "The favor of the gods," said Socrates, "has given me a marvelous gift, which has never left me since my childhood. It is a voice which, when it makes itself heard, deters me from what I am about to do and never urges me on." He spoke familiarly of this daimon, joked about it and obeyed blindly the indications it gave. Eventually, his friends never took an important step without consulting it. But the daimon had its sympathies, and when it was unfavorable to the questioner it remained absolutely silent; in that event it was quite impossible for Socrates to make it speak."

"Between God and Man

Of what order is this daimon, which manifested itself to Socrates in childhood but was also heard by Apollonius of Tyana only after he had begun to put into practice the Hermetic principles? "They are intermediate powers of a divine order. They fashion dreams, inspire soothsayers," says Apuleius. "They are inferior immortals, called gods of the second rank, placed between earth and heaven," says Maximus of Tyre. Plato thinks that a kind of spirit, which is separate from us, receives man at his birth, and follows him in life and after death. He calls it "the daimon which has received us as its portionment." The ancient idea of the daimon seems, therefore, to be analogous to the guardian angel of Christians."

"But the fact that the daimon had preferences among Socrates' friends, that it chose between them, seems to show that its intelligence was different from that of Socrates himself. Socrates often said that this inner voice, which many times deterred him from doing one thing, never incited him to do something else. Now, it is a rule among adepts never to give any but negative advice; for he who advises someone to do a thing not only takes upon himself the burden of the consequences but also deprives the man he advises of all merit in the action.

Apollonius believed that between the imperfection of man and the most exalted among the hierarchy of creation there existed intermediaries. One of his intermediaries was the ideal of beauty that we make for ourselves, an ideal that is formless but is nonetheless real on another plane of life. This ideal was the daimon, the reality of which became the greater in proportion as the idea of it became the more powerful in its creator's mind."


And that's my 2 cents

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