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>tfw leo

>tfw pisces ascendant

>tfw i will never be a cool outgoing leo who gets all the chicks becuase i'm a weak-willed pisces rising autist

>tfw my leo self-centeredness manifests itself as chronic masturbation

>it was literally written in the stars for me to be a virgin forever

wat do?


Post the rest of your chart


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People have overcame impossible odds countless times. Therefore, you can overcome impossible odds. Anything can be accomplished. Any dream can be achieved. It may take a week or it may take a lifetime, but I have seen and learned enough to know that hard work does pay off. Kill all the doubt dude. It will take time but you can evolve beyond this current state. Seriously, there were at least a million times where I was about to give up and kill myself but I kept pushing. I don't have it all figured out but I at least have a somewhat clearer path now. I have an obligation now to teach this to people because I was blessed with enough protection to get through some very difficult trials.


Keep moving, don't look back.

Everyone is important. Your life is fucking important. My life could depend on you one day, so get to fucking work.



Since you gave me a retarded pic I cant go much into aspects, but heres my initial reaction to your chart.

I see your sun in leo, your pisces ascendant and capricorn moon. Guess who else had a Cap moon? Your ascendant isnt the cause of your weak willed autism, I would attribute that to your Mars in Taurus and Mercury in Virgo. Your mind needs cleansing, you probably think a lot about your health and/or work related matters (physical work when it comes to your hands). Since taurus is a love of comfort and pleasure this could be a source of your masturbation addiction.

Then I see you have a Cap stellium with saturn, moon, neptune and uranus in the 11th house. This is strong influence, since Saturn especially is all about structure and discipline which governs the 11th house of Institutions, Groups and Social (civic) duty. Pluto in Scorpio in the 9th house looks like it could possible give you some dark shadow issues that you need to deal with. Venus and Jupiter in Gemini is a good sign, you may feel conflicted or have many different things on your mind at once but you have a quick and intelligent mind.

Cant go much into houses and aspects, look more into what each planet in each house means and read up on aspects. Once you begin to understand the cosmic energy in your blueprint you will begin to make the correct decisions.



Interesting, i never got into astrology aside from mundane stuff, like knowing im virgo and a goat/sheep in the chinesse one, where do you recomend me to get a proper Zodiac chart so you can do the same on me anon?



>tfw scorpio

>tfw leo ascendant

>tfw when saturn in aries

>tfw jupiter in capricorn

>tfw mars in virgo

You think you have problems? I have large genitalia and cannot even start a relationship!



Not anon, but www.astro.com has free Western chart drawing.



Do your own research and then come with specific questions, but do as >>71896 said and research your chart.

I recommend looking up things on Esoteric astrology and once you under stand the symbolism start reading on vedic astrology



learn an instrument


If you got zodiac problems I feel bad for you son, I got 99 aspects, but the trine's ain't one!


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>tfw sun pisces

>moon taurus

>asc. saggitarius

>same problems

TBH I know next to nothing about astrology, planetary energies and the zodiac



I feel your pain OP

Im Saggitarius with Pisces ascendant

All this creativity and autistic emo crap while everything says I should be travelling around the world partying all night and having tons of pussy… Instead I'm stuck at home meditating about life, imagining crap and getting depressed because I can't go out



>want to learn how to play violin

>will probably settle for guitar because violin is hard and I already own a guitar

feels bad man



LOL! i already know tons of instruments. i just play them alone in my bedroom and nobody knows my talents.



we know now


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>tfw Pluto and Moon won't get along.

>tfw Pluto and Moon's conflicting energies basically are utilized to troll the other planets.

>tfw fuckin empty as shit chart

>fuckin true node in Aquarius just chilling like a drunk idiot while sun in Cap is being bombarded by Pluto and Moon's argument fetish

At least I'm not Anthony Burch.


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Ok, pic is my chart… but what does all this shit mean?:


Sun sextile Pluto, on 6 March (5 Mar. - 7 Mar.)*

Sun opposition Jupiter, on 8 March (7 Mar. - 9 Mar.)

Sun square Saturn, on 6 March (4 Mar. - 7 Mar.)

Moon's Node opposition Chiron, on 23 March (7 Mar. - 7 Apr.)

Sunrise, at 7:06 a.m.

Sunset, at 6:58 p.m.


Moon conjunction Venus, at 2:46 a.m. (0:57 a.m. - 4:35 a.m.)


Moon void of course (Aquarius), at 2:46 a.m. (2:46 a.m. - 1:08 p.m.)

Moon enters Pisces, at 1:08 p.m. (7 Mar., 1:08 p.m. - 9 Mar., 1:40 p.m.)

Moon square Mars, at 2:11 p.m. (12:30 p.m. - 3:52 p.m.)

Moon conjunction Mercury, at 8:29 p.m. (6:38 p.m. - 10:20 p.m.)

Moon conjunction Sun (New Moon), on 8 March (8 Mar., 6:11 p.m. - 9:38 p.m.)

Solar eclipse (t), on 8 March; invisible (8 Mar., 5:19 p.m. - 10:35 p.m.)

Moon trine Lilith, on 6 March (6 Mar., 9:34 p.m. - 7 Mar., 0:56 a.m.)

Moonrise, at 5:54 a.m.

Moonset, at 5:49 p.m.

>Transits of today

Tr. Mars sextile Saturn, at 9:43 p.m. (5 Mar. - 6 Aug.)

Tr. Venus square MC, at 7:47 p.m. (7 Mar. - 8 Mar.)

Tr. Sun trine Pluto, at 11:00 p.m. (6 Mar. - 8 Mar.)

Tr. Moon square MC, at 4:14 a.m. (6 Mar., 7:53 p.m. - 7 Mar., 12:30 p.m.)

Tr. Moon opposition Mercury, at 9:39 a.m. (1:21 a.m. - 5:52 p.m.)

Tr. Moon opposition Jupiter, at 11:59 a.m. (3:43 a.m. - 8:12 p.m.)

>Long-term transits

Tr. Neptune sextile Uranus, on 9 March (13 Apr. 2015 - 7 Feb. 2017)

Tr. Saturn square Sun, on 27 February (9 Feb. - 22 Nov.)

Tr. Jupiter sextile Pluto, on 10 March (2 Nov. 2015 - 14 July 2016)

Tr. Mars in 10th house, on 21 February (21 Feb. - 11 Sept.)

Tr. Mercury in 1st house, on 23 February (23 Feb. - 16 Mar.)

Tr. Venus in 1st house, on 27 February (27 Feb. - 28 Mar.)

Tr. Sun in 1st house, on 2 February (2 Feb. - 10 Mar.)

One anon said i should come with some specific question, so:

Im always been an idealist fagget and here in mex all you can find is shitty jobs even a low wage at McDonals in USA is a thing i envy, so should i keep in my journey to erher a) make my own business b) find a (legal) way to get the fuck out of this shitty country? I want to learn programming and move to somewhere else, but sometimes i feel its hopeless/no goal in sight.

Should i become a proper Mexican and sell my dreams and hopes to a shit job with no future and learn to deal with it? im one of those trap faggets but im sick of pretending for the sake of the ultraconservative community and the shit they may give to, not me, but my family, who requested my silence, i want to move but my fam is deep in debt and i dont want to leave without helping.

I guess the true question here is, what actions will lead to a better economic growth?

My older brother who is/used to be my hero, now its suffering a lot from a bad marriage, (crazy entitled bitches cheesy American move style)… and i feel really bad for him, should i keep with them and trying to help my bro(but force myself to deal with a fucked up marriage with 2 children) or should i leave him to his luck?

I have no interest in Love at the moment, but genuine friendship is always welcome.

Sorry of those weren't the "specific questions" the anon was aiming to but those are the ones popping all day in my head.


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So i've been using jos for understanding my natal chart, would you say the information is accurate?


also, can i get some outside interpretations on my chart please


We all have Neptune in Capricorn.

Something worth noting.



These are decent questions but pretty mundane tbh. Let me start off by saying that you have a lot of activity in your 7th house which deals with relationships, be it with family (typically governed by 4th house) friends, lovers, coworkers etc. All relationships. Your sun is here, with your moon conjunct meaning your emotions are heavily tied to your general ego. This can be an overwhelming aspect but not necessarily negative. Jupiter, venus, and mercury are also in the 7th house in Leo which makes me believe this is a good position. You are outgoing in your relationships and im sure your relationships mean a lot to you.

I would look into your 12th house activity as that rules the unconscious, your imagination and all ethereal things of that nature. Also look into Pluto in your 9th house of travel, philosophy etc. IMO there lies your answer to your current logistic situation. Its close to your midheaven (MC) which is generally your vocation.

Learning programming would not be a waste of your time, im sure its difficult there in mexico but tinkering with computer science and starting your own business will only help you learn and grow. BTW dont be envious of shit tier jobs like mcdonalds. Grass is always greener, have some standards.

And with your brother, there is really nothing you can do in that situation but focus on yourself and making yourself as happy and healthy as possible. Chiron is in your 6th house in Leo, I would look into that for more information as well.


That website does have good interpretations, I would be wary though since it is Satanic in nature.

As far as interpretation, look at your 2nd house for money, 9th house for philosophy and travel (specially since your sun is here) and look at pluto in your twelfth house. I also see saturn which you should look into.



You've got a Stellium in the 1st House in Capricorn but your Ascendant is Sagittarius. All those planetary energies are causing quite the commotion and restricting the expression of your First House by causing too much focus on it. The First House is the House of Self, of your demeanour and vitality, of who you present to the world. But your First House is actually in Sag whereas your stellium is in Cap. The best way to release these tumultuous energies is through the opposing house, the Seventh House of Partnership. Through close relation and understanding with the Other (whether romance, friendship or otherwise), you can release the burdens of your own ideas about your persona, the divide between self and mask.

The planets in your 7th House will help you, and you've got some great ones. Chiron is the wounded healer, and Jupiter always brings positive influence to the difficulties it is involved with. Jupiter is in trine with Venus in Aquarius, and the 7th House is ruled by Venus. This says to me that you have a lot to give of yourself in these partnerships for the betterment of all, but you often face difficulty in showing it in the way that you would like.

Uranus, Neptune, Saturn, Sun and Mercury all conjunct indicate to me that this is a very crucial issue for you to address, transcending more than just the physical plane with which you relate.

Pluto and Moon aren't seeing eye to eye. Moon is your reflective nature, your responsiveness to your environment, and Pluto is the phoenix of transformation. But a square isn't just a 'bad news' deal, it means that there is energy here that can be utilised to cast light on your own difficulties and use it to cause these energies to work for the betterment of your total self.


We all have Neptune in Capricorn because it is a very slow-moving planet and many of us here are of roughly the same age.


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>tfw sun Aries with Libra ascendant

>torn between dominating everything and everyone and just staying at home, playing guitar being a faggot

Is Mars in Gemini - Mercury in Aries combination a good thing? Don't know why but I suspect it is.

Also is Moon in Leo feeding my egomania?

Am I destined to be king of the universe or chan shitposter?


What does it mean to be Ares with Aquarius ascendant?

Does this make me a spiritual warrior?




Now if only I could get out of that "people are hell" mentality due to my blah upbringing.


What are good astrological reference materials, online or in print, for someone largely unfamiliar with the subject?


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if done thoroughly and in a descriptive way that we all learn to read these charts from the post i will answer every question in the current Qthread. help me help others.


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Guess I have some reading to do because I don't know the first thing about reading this. Any ideas?


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I see people posting these, I got one a while ago but never knew what to do with it, I hate to bump something old but this seems like the right place, if not the right time.


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do me do me do me




Not the stars, but YOU are setting up yourself to failure.

First of all, astrology relies on dates that are way off. Reasons:

>The first christian calendar, based on Jesus birth started wrong.


>The transitoin beteween Julian Calendar and Gregorian Calendar on the between 1582 and 1927 was not smooth. 10-13 days were skipped to align with events like the equinox and solstice


>But equinox and solstice are still not accuratate. WInter solstice used to be on december 25 with as little as 1 day off, but for example on 2016 it is going to be on december 21.


>This one is controversial: Are you even considering the 13th Zodiac Aign? OK, very very few astrologists use the 13th sign.

Those who don't, say that the signs are based on the 4 seasons, not constellations, but like i showed earlier, the 2 equinox and 2 solstices are days off nowadays.

Give up that mindset that is bringing you down. If you feel sorry for yourself, girls have no choice but to agree with you. You should feel awesome for girls to find you awesome. You can do that by helping others, getting fit,

becoming good at some hobby and spending more time with friends.

Masturbation addiction is not measured by how many times you do it, but of how much it interferes with your daily life( for example you don't go to work or don't do your homework, or because you were masturbating) or causing damage to your penis.

Unfortunately, this chan's anti-masturbation culture and the NoFap movement are doing more harm than good with all the guilt it created.



>>tfw my leo self-centeredness manifests itself as chronic masturbation

as a Leo this is one of the most hilarious thing I've read all month on the internet



What am I supposed to be like?

I'm Geminis.


Wow I have mercury and ascendant squared, I didn't notice that before.

My mercury is in Virgo which is also my sun sign.

Do you guys have any insights to spare on the matter?

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