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Esoteric Wizardry


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I am looking for magicians and wizard willing to fight the all seeing eye. seeing as it has control over large parts of the occult realm now.

i had an accident in 2013 where i ended up in coma and during that time the eye stole my mental powers. so i have personal reasons to hate them too.


same here, did you do any work with the g.o.o.d.s?


First step.


once theres a group of us i'll try to coordinate stuff like this.



im not big into occult. i just know that i need to recruit some people against the all seeing eye. i have 1 other guy already. smiley. i want to open a special chatroom for our little resistance army once there are others. you wanna join the skype group chat?


bullshit occultist



sure, give me a few hours to set up skype



ok, i have an account

how do i join?



I already destroyed the illuminati. You're welcome.



add thenexx94



well if anyone has interest just add me on skype

thenexx94 and say you want to join the illuminati resistance




im trying to help


>fight the all seeing eye

>join me on nsa compromised skype and announce that you plan to fight



are you scared of the dark?



looks like a hurricane is coming












>tfw just read the Alchemist


>sweet silence


godspeed Slaaxx




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You can't escape the eye. Even here, it sees.


How in the hell you go against it?


imo, practically, step one would be to make yourself invisible to power however you can. This allows you more operational freedom.

Summon the Cardinal Kings out of the Lesser Key and bind them to redirect all powers from you for good or ill. Both the good and ill influence of power are "their" tools anyway, but understand there may be some consequences to going this route. Least of which is the difficulty in summoning the Cardinal Kings.

Next step is to then go as off the grid as humanly possible. Using currency is to be avoided. Debts should be paid or renounced. Again, avoid contact with the tools of power, but this time within the material space.

Both of the above are really hard. Not to mention those are just to give yourself enough space to become an something of an esoteric threat, not necessarily an existential one, to tptb.

The other option is to go all-in subversive. But that's substantially harder and there are more barriers in place to prevent success there. We are talking about some masters of the sinister, they know a thing or two about infiltration.


Can someone explain who/what the all Seeing eye Is


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>Can someone explain who/what the all Seeing eye Is

The self, anon.

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