imo, practically, step one would be to make yourself invisible to power however you can. This allows you more operational freedom.
Summon the Cardinal Kings out of the Lesser Key and bind them to redirect all powers from you for good or ill. Both the good and ill influence of power are "their" tools anyway, but understand there may be some consequences to going this route. Least of which is the difficulty in summoning the Cardinal Kings.
Next step is to then go as off the grid as humanly possible. Using currency is to be avoided. Debts should be paid or renounced. Again, avoid contact with the tools of power, but this time within the material space.
Both of the above are really hard. Not to mention those are just to give yourself enough space to become an something of an esoteric threat, not necessarily an existential one, to tptb.
The other option is to go all-in subversive. But that's substantially harder and there are more barriers in place to prevent success there. We are talking about some masters of the sinister, they know a thing or two about infiltration.