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I'm trying to investigate and establish a relationship between ancient mythologies and religions in an attempt to clarify Earth's true story.

In between we have to have in account that all that happened millenia ago, carries on on the very genes of our history and as we suspect is't very likely that there are people trying to confuse us and control us (namely illuminati and their eye). But as I embrace and dabble in the occult, I believe in scientific and logical approach to do that, so as powerful as these entities may be, they're nothing more than aliens and most of them are probably dead long ago.

>So on one hand, we got David Icke and Zachariah Zitchin talking about our reptilian overlords and how the illuminati are followers of Enlil, the original sumerian bad guy and that Enki, his brother is the good guy.

>On the other hand, we got people saying both these writers are actually illuminati themselves trying to confuse us.

>We also might keep in mind the official religions that tell us of one benevolent god and another who is a "serpent" that wants us to do evil.

>This opposes the view that that very same "serpent" might actually be the great benefactor of mankind that gave us the apple of knowledge and thought.

So where is the actual truth in all this?

So far I managed to identify certain archetypes and patterns that seem to overlap but I'm not sure how the story continues.

First, we have a fatherly figure (Anu), possibly accompanied by a feminine one (Gaia, Ninmah, Great Mother Godess) that is in charge of the supreme throne.

Then we have the creation of men made in Gods' "image and likeness" namely genetic hibridization and heritage, possibly for working purposes.

After this, a conflict appears.

The son god betrays his father (Chronos cuts Uranus' genitals, Lucifer betrays God, the Serpent gives men the Apple, Prometheus gives fire to men and Zeus punishes him for it) although this is not obligatory in all views, as Enki or Enlil never betrayed Anu in sumerian myth.

Another recurrent figure is the fertility goddess (Isis, Ishtar, Inanna, Aphrodite, Hathor) which may be accompanied by or merged with her dark side (Ereshkigal, Nephtis, Lilith)

But the one problem I find in this association is that Isis for egyptians represented fertility, magic and intelligence but for sumerians Inanna was a total slut more inclined to darker aspects. Isis was a mother and a waifu, Aphrodite was the nice slut to have a good while with, Ishtar was the slut that would leave you naked and trembling on a dark alley after being gangbanged. Of course then Christianity takes Isis and merges her qualities into Virgin Mary (That's right, a virgin).

And finally we have the son figure, called upon to redeem the world and mankind from it's sins, namely Zeus that vanquishes Chronos into Tartarus, Horus defeating his evil uncle Seth and avenging his father Osiris, Thor fighting the big bad snake that is Jormungandr and of course, Jesus, dying in the cross to save us all from Lucifer by casting him to hell… Same thing Archangel Michael did by the way.

So how do we reconcile all of this? Lots of questions remain, like:

Is Zeus a good or a bad guy? sometimes he helps men by defeating badder baddies, but then he starts again not wanting us to evolve.

In some myths, it was actually Chronos (the big bad greek baddie) who saved man from drowning in the deluge.

Who the fuck is Enki and who the fuck is Enlil? Is Marduk (son of Enki) actually Zeus and Thor? Is Innana (Anu's great granddaughter) the same egyptian Isis? Why is she benevolent wisdom and magic goddess on one view and vampire life sucking slut on other? Or maybe there's two of them?

Why do the illuminati supposedly worship Isis when she's supposed to be the good aspect?

Also why do they worship the Eye of Horus, when Horus was a Jesus-man-saving figure? Does this mean Horus is actually the last generetion annunaki (5th generetion actually) who was actually a good guy?

I get that they worship Lucifer for giving man knowledge but the problem is that they want that knowledge at any costs, disregarding freedom, life and emotion. But what does that make them? are they "Christians" or "Satanists"?

Who among all these deities wanted our best and who just wanted to control us? Who is in power or behind the curtain right now? (Talking mostly about followers here as the true "gods" seem to have gone underground long ago)

And don't even get me started on attempting to clarify lineage among the old gods…

I have a weird understanding that mabe the thing goes like:

1st generation: Sky gods

2nd generation: Chronos(Enki/Enlil?) and friends

3rd generation: Zeus,Marduk, Maybe Thor, Hades…

4th generation: Isis/Inanna Osiris/Dumuzi, Seth, Dionysius

5th generation: Horus and ?? Though some people equate Horus to Mars (Roman) or Apolo who is 4th gen so…

What does fringe think? Can we solve these misteries into something that actually makes sense?


Sounds interesting, but I'm not sure if there's any point on speculating about the history of mankind, it's really difficult to reach a conclusion, documents can be forged , evidence disappears, manuscripts can be mistranslated.

I think we have enough with our recent history that we shouldn't bother -for the time being- with other stuff



True… the past is blocked with forgery and lies.

If I were to find an argument to support history research, other than my own consuming thirst for knowledge, I'd go with saying that from every point of view, it is vital to know our past so we can know who we are and who we want to be in the future.

Erradication of history in popular culture is also one of the agendas to make sheep more obedient, someone with no past is lost. So I'd want to throw as much light into that past so that we may find ourselves again




I have no idea about any of this stuff as I only focused on my own growth these past couple of years but in order to avoid being led astray it's important to know these things.

I'd be overjoyed to read more of your findings OP, or whoever is capable of contributing further.


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Who, who could ever be behind this post?!


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OP here… I believe in order to answer some of these questions, we first need to clarify what is the true meaning of certain symbols.

There has been a great amount of fear and paranoia involving symbols all over the internet and popular subculture. Like the Eye of Horus, Isis, "As above so below" which has been associated with goat sacrifices and child eating cultists, and so on…

But on a personal level, after my own experiences and discoveries, I've come to believe that any given symbol is as good or evil as the purpose to which it's used.

And so whatever obscure faction is in charge of running things, they have made sure they take over certain symbols and brand them as theirs, twisting their meaning for their own purposes.

>I.E, first we have the Eye of Horus, a symbol of protection, wisdom and awakening turned into the All Seeing Eye which represents the concept of how we are all being watched, which is more associated to a domination/oppression symbol.

>Another example is seen with certain celebrities, especially in music videos. They tell you they own the world, they tell you they own celebrities, they put Katy Perry cosplaying as Isis, and then they tell you Isis is their symbol, but is her? What if they want to supplant Isis in popular culture with Lilith or something?

So I guess the true question relates to what's the point of all of this in the large scale of things? If a certain annunaki faction’s legacy is leading the world through mass media control, mind conditioned puppets and political and economic power, what's the point of putting all this symbology? It's not subliminal, it's blatant. Anyone with mild occult knowledge can figure out their meaning, but is the purpose to educate? To convince people of something? Perhaps to condition people into obeying when such symbols are used so that the monopoly of that power belongs only to them?

Whatever the case is, I believe most "illuminati" symbols don't belong to them. They are merely using them and drawing power from them, twisting their meaning and deceiving us into believing they are bad for us.

Back to topic, even though they assimilated Horus and Isis as their symbols I have my doubts to whether the original beings were actually on their side or not.

At some point in history, the original gods ceased to interact with humanity, and the angelic dynasties ended, giving birth to the age of man (AKA dark ages) where all people could do was praying, rarely getting any answer safe from the true mystical powers that are more related to spirituality, magic and the power of the mind than aliens, as powerful as they might have been.

This was the perfect opportunity for usurpers, liars and betrayers to take over civilization with lies, confusion, misguidance and what little was left of the forgotten knowledge which was now hoarded by a few.

It is possible that the old gods are either gone, dead or asleep maybe by their own choosing, or they finally died of old age or ran out of immortality juice, or even slain by the hand of men. But whatever happened, I don’t think they're around much to prevent anyone from "using their name in vain" Thus they became symbols to be used by whoever wants to. Maybe their own lineage, or maybe even a rival one.

Unless of course, any of them managed to pass to a different plane of existence in which case it turns imperative to identify which ones are our allies and which ones just want to fuck us and not in the pleasant way. All these wizards here… you do not want to invoke something that will rape your mind and destroy you for good do you?

I'll get back to the actual old myths later.


If you can't say anything simply, don't even attempt it.

Hail Enki and our Old Gods. The True Gods and enemy of the filth. Soon they come back to retake the world from degenerate offenders like that of your flag.



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I am glad I found your thread OP. I too have been fascinated by the true history of Earth as of late and have tried to find a common story between all the mythologies related to the creation of Man.

>1st generation: Sky gods

>2nd generation: Chronos(Enki/Enlil?) and friends

>3rd generation: Zeus,Marduk, Maybe Thor, Hades…

>4th generation: Isis/Inanna Osiris/Dumuzi, Seth, Dionysius

>5th generation: Horus and ?? Though some people equate Horus to Mars (Roman) or Apolo who is 4th gen so…

Here's the theory I've come up with:

1st gen: The primordial entity(Chaos, the God of Genesis 1:1, The Most High)

2nd gen: Sky and Earth(Heaven and Earth in canaanite and hebrew mythology, Uranus and Gaia etc.)

3rd gen: The first usurpers(Cronus, the God of Genesis who creates all things, El ) and their sons, the creators of animals and men(Epimetheus and Prometheus, Adam and Lucifer)

4th gen: The second usurpers, the gods of thunder(Zeus, Baal, The Lord)

5th gen: Man

To get it out of the way, it is my firm belief that the God of the old testament is actually a multitude of entities I will try to use separate terms when referring to him/them.

So we have a primordial entitiy which is the basis of all things(The All) and out of it spring Sky and Earth. I interpret Sky and Earth as being the cosmos and matter. Out of the union of cosmos and matter results Terra and here our story begins. The first beings, which I will refer to as Titans appear and take control of Terra(Cronus takes Uranus' place, El becomes the chief deity, the God who creates all things takes the place of the one who created heaven and earth).

Then come the second generation of beings, The Olympians(Zeus, Baal, The Lord). They take control from their fathers and continue ruling. Now, even though in greek mythology there's a war, not all Titans are slain. Epimetheus and Prometheus still live.

Epimetheus is tasked with giving all animals their attributes(just as Adam is tasked with naming all things). Prometheus, who loves man gives him upright form and fire(Lucifer, the light bringer). The gods are angry with prometheus and cast him out, and imprison him for eternity in a place of endless suffering(just like Lucifer).

Now Epimetheus/Adam is still free but the gods are a bit angry and so they decide to CREATE a companion for him. Mind you, he never asked for a companion he was given one. The greek gods made Pandora and gave her to Epimetheus, Eve was given to Adam. This created woman was the one who unleashed evil upon the world(ate the apple, opened the box). I believe the serpent in the bible to be just the personification of curiosity as opposed to the common interpretation that it was an evil entity. Note also that the serpent speaks only to Eve, not to Adam.

So man comes to know evil and becomes roughly as we know him.

I know less than you about egyptian and sumerian mythology so maybe you can help fill in some gaps in my story where you find them.

I am a bit uncertain of the timeline and nature of the power switch between Sky+Earth, the Titans and the Olympians and this is about as far as I've come with the theory, I have yet to try and make parallels between the lesser gods and other significant events which happened on our planet(except for the flood which is pretty well known).



I'm curious to what makes you so sure of Enki's allegiance with us?

Second, I believe part of the agenda is that we hate all things lizard when actually we shouldnt… These beings created us in their "likeness". The elite wants us to think only them have snake DNA, but with the level of mixture, it's almost impossible. In all probabilities, a lot of us are nephilim descendants if not all uf us. That's what the eastern beliefs talk about when speaking about "kundalini" the inner serpent of wisdom. It's our most evolved side that allows us to separate from monkeys… for better or worse. At least I hope I'm right…



Yes, we can all agree that monotheist modern religion descends from politheism and the different manifestations od "God" in the Bible, are actually many different entities. The deluge and others are clear examples of how one god wanted us dead and the other made a last second move to save us. At least one of them was Chronos.


And yes that is mostly exactly how I've found it. However I disagree on one point… spirituality and actual creation of earth have nothing to do with these gods. In finding spirituality I turn more to the concept of the All, Tao, Nirvana, etc… universal energy taking form. At some point, that led from carbon and hydrogen to sentient lifeforms.Those lifeforms interacted with each other, built civlilazations and eventually gave a nudge to monkeys to create men.

BTW Taoism speaks more of energy types, the 1 (All) creates 2 (opposite energies AKA Sky and Earth), 2 creates 3 (interactions between 2 create 3 states AKA triads in all beliefs, states of matter, layers of existence etc…)

Thanks for the Epimetheus part, I had missed that. The myth of creation of Adam according to Sitchin doesn't mean Adam as a guy but as an entire race "The Adam" Never imagined Pandora could relate to Eve but it makes perfect sense…

As for the serpent, I stand by my idea for now that serpent was the description given to an actual snake-like entity same as you can find dragons and more serpents in all mythologies. Evil is apparently a point of view. For an overlord, its evil to give knowledge to cattle.


Arya returns.


yo im with the american homies where can i find a kali incarnate (fuck this sumer bullshit). i bet she fine an i wanna smash hit up an og doe naw meen





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>spirituality and actual creation of earth have nothing to do with these gods. In finding spirituality I turn more to the concept of the All, Tao, Nirvana, etc… universal energy taking form.

As do I, that is precisely why I referred to the entity which the greeks call Chaos, as The All.

Entity is perhaps an inappropriate description but I believe it to be conceptually the same thing. Just as you said it is universal energy taking form. The laws which it chooses for a certain plane of manifestation are then as you pointed out reflected in all beliefs and states of matter.

Everyone has this concept no matter what they call it or how they understand it(as a spiritual force or as a physical thing) because they cannot stray from their very nature.



>Everyone has this concept no matter what they call it or how they understand it(as a spiritual force or as a physical thing) because they cannot stray from their very nature.

Well said


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On continuing my research I've come across the subject of attempting to establish a correlation between certain figures but as not always the lineages/generations match (but mostly they do) 2 theories occurred to me.

>Certain cultures, in their exchange and continuous struggles, occupations, invasions and trade, tended to associate certain figures too quickly. And so similar features were associated by similar gods even though not always they were the same

>Second, It occurred to me that maybe some of these names are not names but titles, like "Queen of Heaven" and so every goddess along the line who occupíed this position may have been called Isis or Hathor or Bastet or Inanna and even Gaia or Nut or Ninmah who were clearly from an older generation.

So I focused on the subject of figuring out why in underground pseudo-esoterism and secret society theories, people associate Inanna with Isis cults and Lilith.

And apparently the bad guys' faction may be using Isis and Horus as a mockery, making people think they are evil symbols. As for the Inanna association I also have a few theories:

Maybe Isis and Inanna were two different entities (sisters?) and at some point they were merged as part of a someone's agenda.

>Another possible explanation is that same as us, these "gods" went through many things in their lifetime, events that possibly shaped and changed their personalities throughout history… as living creatures, they have a right to evolve/regress too. So aspects through different life stages are also possible.

>Also what I previously mentioned about the "Queen of Heaven" title

>Finally, a view of primitive men tells us that on the dawn of civilization, men were a lot more savage and driven by primal impulses. Rape, murder and viciousness were common and even though the primal impulse still exists, society has silenced it and made sure it's a punishable thing. But in the old days, seeing a dominant goddess as a total slut is completely ok to current society's standards, maybe in the likeness of our present day "rule 34". Imagine a sexy beautiful goddess, then you're a horny cavemen, there's bound to be porn of it.

Again, I hope I'm not mistaken…


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In case anyone is still interested… here go a few "conclusions"

Most of this stuff may or may not be…

>Annunaki were a race of creatures with snake like, AKA reptilian features that lived before us on this planet

>Humanity was a genetic hybrid made out of monkeys and alien DNA which gave said monkeys the ability to think on a higher level.

>Said hybrids lived on a paradise of ignorance AKA "Eden" which was the name given to cities of the "gods" Gods inspired most of the serpent/dragon mythology out there.

>Enki led a wayward faction determined on making humanity evolve, they were demonized as "the serpent" for disobeying the acting rule of things. Neiher his father Anu (Uranus) nor his brother Enlil approved of this at first.

>Next on the big event chain we got the deluge, were all the "gods" gathered, probably led by Enlil and sought to destroy humanity as they were "aberrations", specially with what was happening with the cross-breeding between humans and gods among Enki's faction. Gods who started enjoying sex with humans like rabid monkeys.

>This dicotomy between brothers carried on to myth and btw, one, or both of them became known as Cronus

>Power seat was offered to Enki's son Marduk, who later became known as Ra and Zeus among other names.

>After his reign, another figure comes to play, this time is a she. Known as Inanna, associated with Venus "star of the morning" Inanna sought to be the ultimate gangsta in deities, ruling everything. Her specialty was being very, very promiscuous and that lead to her unfortunate lovers' demise on more than one time.

>Sodom and Gomorrah were part of a larger conflict where these two unfortunate cities ended up getting nuked.

>Biblic Exodus is likely to have been led by a wayward pharaoh known as Akhenaton, and it's at this point that another figure comes to play. A number of culprits could be suggested, but it's probably one of the annunaki that at this point began a violent and agressive world domination campaign. Hellbent on making everyone else submit this "Yahweh" figure didnt hesitate to butcher anyone else on his way. Main suspects are Enlil, Ninurta, Marduk, and Ishkur "god of the mountain", but nothing is certain, for he made sure his identity remain a mystery, and there could yet be other suspects.

>While this happened, something caused the disappearance of the rest of the gods (he probably murdered them or something), from here, their trace grows cold.

>To counter this guy's campaign of terror, a few spiritual guides may have been sent to spread word of a spiritual path other than violence and blind devotion.

>But his campaign was relentless as he developed a tactic never seen before. Wherever the word spread of a "god" this guy stepped in and assumed power, usurping the very name of anything not-him, and so on he ended up dominating most of the known world.

>Under his domain there was war and ignorance as I'm thinking he learnt to feed on misery and bloodshed somehow, But meanwhile, there were a few remaining factions of othe other gods.

>One of them followed "Lucifer" lightbringer, star of the morning. They became experts at infiltrating, power hoarding and copying usurpation tactics from this other guy.

>And so we came to the present. The good news is Yahweh's reign of terror is coming to an end. The bad news is Lucifer's age is about to begin as followers take their seats of power. They're not too keen on sharing by the way. And they mostly don't care about cattle as long as they pay their taxes.

>That leaves one last third remaining faction: Us.

The lesson, I'm guessing, should be clear for anyone here… To ignore outer interferince and focus on our own personal growth. We can't be controlled or dominated or deceived if we work on thinking for ourselves and finding Truth inside instead of in false idols.

I'll leave this here in case anyone was curious… I don't know if I'm right… maybe I'm not and this is just an ellaborated story, but who knows.



>We can't be controlled or dominated or deceived if we work on thinking for ourselves and finding Truth inside instead of in false idols.

I believe this is the gist of it.

Thank you for taking the time to write this all out.


How many Sea Wizards do we have here?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I like it how they like to display occult history in plain sight

I'm just gonna leave this here


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