I'm trying to investigate and establish a relationship between ancient mythologies and religions in an attempt to clarify Earth's true story.
In between we have to have in account that all that happened millenia ago, carries on on the very genes of our history and as we suspect is't very likely that there are people trying to confuse us and control us (namely illuminati and their eye). But as I embrace and dabble in the occult, I believe in scientific and logical approach to do that, so as powerful as these entities may be, they're nothing more than aliens and most of them are probably dead long ago.
>So on one hand, we got David Icke and Zachariah Zitchin talking about our reptilian overlords and how the illuminati are followers of Enlil, the original sumerian bad guy and that Enki, his brother is the good guy.
>On the other hand, we got people saying both these writers are actually illuminati themselves trying to confuse us.
>We also might keep in mind the official religions that tell us of one benevolent god and another who is a "serpent" that wants us to do evil.
>This opposes the view that that very same "serpent" might actually be the great benefactor of mankind that gave us the apple of knowledge and thought.
So where is the actual truth in all this?
So far I managed to identify certain archetypes and patterns that seem to overlap but I'm not sure how the story continues.
First, we have a fatherly figure (Anu), possibly accompanied by a feminine one (Gaia, Ninmah, Great Mother Godess) that is in charge of the supreme throne.
Then we have the creation of men made in Gods' "image and likeness" namely genetic hibridization and heritage, possibly for working purposes.
After this, a conflict appears.
The son god betrays his father (Chronos cuts Uranus' genitals, Lucifer betrays God, the Serpent gives men the Apple, Prometheus gives fire to men and Zeus punishes him for it) although this is not obligatory in all views, as Enki or Enlil never betrayed Anu in sumerian myth.
Another recurrent figure is the fertility goddess (Isis, Ishtar, Inanna, Aphrodite, Hathor) which may be accompanied by or merged with her dark side (Ereshkigal, Nephtis, Lilith)
But the one problem I find in this association is that Isis for egyptians represented fertility, magic and intelligence but for sumerians Inanna was a total slut more inclined to darker aspects. Isis was a mother and a waifu, Aphrodite was the nice slut to have a good while with, Ishtar was the slut that would leave you naked and trembling on a dark alley after being gangbanged. Of course then Christianity takes Isis and merges her qualities into Virgin Mary (That's right, a virgin).
And finally we have the son figure, called upon to redeem the world and mankind from it's sins, namely Zeus that vanquishes Chronos into Tartarus, Horus defeating his evil uncle Seth and avenging his father Osiris, Thor fighting the big bad snake that is Jormungandr and of course, Jesus, dying in the cross to save us all from Lucifer by casting him to hell… Same thing Archangel Michael did by the way.
So how do we reconcile all of this? Lots of questions remain, like:
Is Zeus a good or a bad guy? sometimes he helps men by defeating badder baddies, but then he starts again not wanting us to evolve.
In some myths, it was actually Chronos (the big bad greek baddie) who saved man from drowning in the deluge.
Who the fuck is Enki and who the fuck is Enlil? Is Marduk (son of Enki) actually Zeus and Thor? Is Innana (Anu's great granddaughter) the same egyptian Isis? Why is she benevolent wisdom and magic goddess on one view and vampire life sucking slut on other? Or maybe there's two of them?
Why do the illuminati supposedly worship Isis when she's supposed to be the good aspect?
Also why do they worship the Eye of Horus, when Horus was a Jesus-man-saving figure? Does this mean Horus is actually the last generetion annunaki (5th generetion actually) who was actually a good guy?
I get that they worship Lucifer for giving man knowledge but the problem is that they want that knowledge at any costs, disregarding freedom, life and emotion. But what does that make them? are they "Christians" or "Satanists"?
Who among all these deities wanted our best and who just wanted to control us? Who is in power or behind the curtain right now? (Talking mostly about followers here as the true "gods" seem to have gone underground long ago)
And don't even get me started on attempting to clarify lineage among the old gods…
I have a weird understanding that mabe the thing goes like:
1st generation: Sky gods
2nd generation: Chronos(Enki/Enlil?) and friends
3rd generation: Zeus,Marduk, Maybe Thor, Hades…
4th generation: Isis/Inanna Osiris/Dumuzi, Seth, Dionysius
5th generation: Horus and ?? Though some people equate Horus to Mars (Roman) or Apolo who is 4th gen so…
What does fringe think? Can we solve these misteries into something that actually makes sense?