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 No.72[Last 50 Posts]

This thread is for discussion of and gathering of information related to reincarnation.

Have you read an article or site covering this topic? Post about it in here and give a link after summarizing.

Have you found a chapter in a book or even a whole book dedicated to the topic? Post it in here also.

Have you any knowledge of past lives? Tell us about them and how you attained or preserved this knowledge between the lives.

What is your own theory as to how reincarnation works?

If you have any questions about reincarnation, ask them in here too.

I've been looking for some stuff I've seen posted before on older /fringe/ but haven't been able to find again so even if you've posted it before, post it again if it's not already in this thread.

For anyone who is completely new to reincarnation and has never really given it any serious thought, read this obscure Manly P. Hall book I put together to brush up your knowledge on it:

REINCARNATION The Cycle of Necessity : https://mega.co.nz/#!r5hzzTZS!vj1H9Z2vAPWQN6Kzgvd3TwUGYfEyB1d_e0Yn19y7BkA




bump, please, anyone got anything at all to say about this topic?


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(1908) reincarnation and the law of karma

This book covers a LOT of things that get talked about on /fringe/.

Chapter I
The Early Races
What is Reincarnation?—Transmigration of Souls—The Something That Persists After Death—The Soul Not a Fresh Creation, but a Traveler on a Long Journey.

Chapter II
The Egyptians, Chaldeans, Druids, Etc.
The Egyptian Idea of the Soul—Forty Centuries of Occult History—The Inner Teachings of Egypt—The Ancient Chinese Teachings and Doctrine—The Ancient Druids and Their Teachings.

Chapter III
The Romans and Greeks
The Reasons of Rome’s Backwardness in Spiritual Knowledge—Why the Greeks were Advanced—Pythagoras; Orpheus; Plato—The Various Grecian Teachings Regarding the Soul and Its Future Life—Plato’s Wonderful Teachings and Philosophy.

Chapter IV
The Jews, Essenes and Early Christians
The Inner Teachings of the Jewish Priests—The Jewish Rabbins and Their Secret Doctrines— The Kaballah, the Zahar, Nichema; Ronach; and Nephesh—A Mysterious Brotherhood—The Christian Inner Doctrine—The Mysteries of Jesus.

Chapter V
The Hindus
India the Mother of Reincarnation, Past and Present—The Aryan Teachings—The History of the Belief Among the Hindus—Fundamental Hindu Philosophy.

Chapter VI
The Modern West
Reincarnation in the Modern Western World—The Revival of Interest and Its Cause— Theosophical Society—Madame Blavatsky—The Western School of Yogi Philosophy: Its Fundamental Teachings—The Spiritists, and Their Doctrine—The Teachings of the “Elect Few” in Their Secret Societies—Is Earth a Hell?—Christian Reincarnationists and Their Beliefs

Chapter VII
Between and Beyond Incarnations
How Long Between Incarnations?—Necessity for Mental and Spiritual Digestion and Assimilation—The Advanced Teachings—Earth‑bound Souls—Advanced Souls and Their Rest Period—Where Does the Soul Dwell Between Incarnations?—What Happens at Death— The Great Astral World and Its Planes and Sub‑planes—Where the Soul Goes After Death and What It Does There—Rebirth and Its Laws—What is the Final State of the Soul?—The Message of the Illumined.

Chapter VIII
The Justice of Reincarnation
The Contrasting Theories of the Soul and Its Future Life—Doctrine of Reincarnation the Only Philosophical Theory that Reconciles Facts with Theory—The Law of Karma Automatic and Enforces Itself—Every One Their Own Judge and the Executor of Their Own Destiny—The Opinions of the World’s Great Thinkers.

Chapter IX
The Argument for Reincarnation
Natural Laws Universal—If the Soul is Immortal, it Must Have Always Been So—A Mortal Thing Cannot be Made Immortal Any More Than Nothing Can be Made Something—Future Life Implies Past Life—Varient Experiences Necessary for the Soul’s Education—Advancement Necessary to Enjoyment of the Soul’s Higher States of Being—The True Teaching.

Chapter X
The Proofs of Reincarnation
Actual Proofs of Personal Conscious Experience Demanded by Science—Such Proofs Possible and Have Occurred to Many of the Race—The Remembrance of the Details of Past Existence Common to the Race—Interesting Cases Given on Good Authority—Messages from the Past.

Chapter XI
Arguments Against Reincarnation
Why Reincarnation is Opposed by Some—The Answers to the Objections—The Proof of the Existence of the Soul—Is Reincarnation Un‑Christian and Derived from Pagan and Heathen Sources?

Chapter XII
The Law Of Karma
What Karma Means—Does Karma Punish or is it but the Workings of a Natural Law?—The Various Kinds of Karma—The Advanced Mystical Doctrine—The End is Absolute Good— There is No Devil but Fear and Unfaith.



Does anyone have that one article from that Indian site about reincarnation where it gives some pretty compelling evidence in favour of reincarnation?




Was it about an experiment with monkeys?
I recall reading about something like that years ago


Dice rollRolled 1

No definitely not also you are almost certainly thinking of the 100th monkey effect which has nothing to do with reincarnation.


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Thanks for the bump,

>tfw Fringe Wizards have definitely read lots on this subject but are refusing to contribute reading material


I have not read much. I have thought about the concept though. My idea is that if reincarnation exists, we must all be everyone eventually. God plays every part.


I've heard reality is fractal hologram with infinite zoom and thus doesn't really ever come full circle… so I don't think you're forced to endure being every single being throughout the multiverse. You get to carve your own unique path through it.


I am a subscriber of the "You die, you ded" belief system. No bullshit attached.


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*tips fedora*
*checks his trips*


>No bullshit attached.

There's no bullshit attached because your whole belief system is just that, pure bullshit.


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OP here – this is my personal theory of reincarnation.

1. Upon death the physical body is shedded and one is instantly astral projected.
2. The person then may reside in the astral planes until something terrible happens and they loose too much loosh or the astral body just slowly wears itself out.
3. As it loses its momentum / power / vitality and the astral shell dies the need to reincarnate becomes greater and greater and the next body of that being exerts an attractive force which pulls the spiritual essence of that being into it.
4. For those of higher consciousness development, there is increasingly an element of choice here, and one may more actively pick their next reincarnation because they are aware enough and knowledgeable enough about the astral to go and intentionally seek out their next life and possibly even preserve memories of the past life.
5. For those of a lower consciousness development, the time spent in the astral is much shorter generally, and a very confusing and startling experience. They don't know what they're doing and enter a hypnotic state where they forget who they are and like a dreamer, they awaken to their next life, but are lost totally in the new identity they receive in their next incarnation … save for a few scraps of their former identity, personality, etc. carrying themselves over.
6. Due to the nature of the astral, it being a mental plane, and thought being an attractive force out there many people will during the interlife experience (when they are astral projected) be met with exactly their expectations in their own personal plane of the astral. So those who expect darkness will find darkness (like Lobsang Rampa talks about in his texts where he describes confused atheists in the astral lost in a void until they eventually realize they are aware of a void and that a void is something and from there awaken to the fact that something of themself has in fact survived death and then after that tend to join the greater astral and experience more than just a silly void). Likewise those that expect angelic beings and figures out of their religion will find that. Only a person of a very high awareness will realize the illusion of forms/appearances and have greater insight into the true nature of reality.
7. We must struggle in this life and the others to develop our consciousness, our awareness, and other aspects of spiritual and mental self if we wish to preserve more of our experiences and knowledge and power in order that it be carried over to the next life; however nothing is every truly lost and all experiences of the previous lives are still there in the subconscious, just waiting to be unlocked, by whoever wishes to bring light to them again.
8. One practical solution to the problem of reincarnation and the setbacks it causes for us is to create a sentient thoughtform, a tulpa, which is powerful enough to survive the death of its creator AND to seek out its creator in its next life and give back the knowledge to its creator. This accounts for some cases of people who have a spirit guide that has been around with them even during the earliest memories of their present incarnation and where the spirit guide attests to that person that it has known that person from previous lives and is there to protect and guide them again in the next lives.

I encourage you all to get familiar with the doctrines of reincarnation as it will benefit you to know about it and prepare for the next lives.

This just made me remember the Tibetan Book of the Dead, another book that needs to be included in this thread. Do we even have a copy of it in the mega?

The Tibetan Book of the Dead
Or the After-Death Experiences on the Bardo Plane



Here is a 12 page summary of the book written by a university professor: http://ftp.buddhism.org/Publications/IABTC/Vol09_05_Annie%20Shapiro.pdf

"The Tibetan Book of the Dead is actually a manual for the living. It details the journey each soul must make ofter death as reported back by meditators who used their lives to journey on other planes and bring back information about how reality is constructed. What can we expect after death? The Tibetan Book of the Dead is a guide for the soul, but also is related to every day life. Once you realize that life and death are not separate, then death becomes just a continuation of the journey. Here I have tried my best to summarize the great Tibetan classic."


>tfw no bullshit attached to pure bullshit


how do i see into my past life?




Hypnotic past-life regression, remote viewing, psychometry, recapitulation, etc.

There's downsides and upsides to some of the methods. You don't want to get false memories or make mistakes. Figuring out what really was your past life when you've forgotten is difficult, who knows if you are just tapping into random lives of others, or what's going on. I think with enough knowledge and practise though you could be pretty damned sure you've correctly traced out your past life.




Maybe you can. It's beyond me though what that would be like. If planets do have a consciousness though that overlaps that of everything within them maybe that's why Earth manages to maintain a balance between all the different forms of life and we still haven't annihilated ourselves in nuclear war.


You just described Scientology. Too bad the jews took over and ran it into the ground.


The Ghost Inside My Child S01E01


>tfw this is sensational as fuck


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>Hey /fringe/, how do i see into my past life?


>i keep watching documentaries and shows about kids remembering their past life


>that's like trying to see you're face. you'll need some sort of reflection.

>past life regression hypnosis, there should be some on youtube, practicioners of hypnosis in your area willing to do it, or other audio tapes on the internet


>There are multiple methods used OP but there's also a risk of implanting false memories so… I'd make sure to research it pretty good. I've personally decided that for now I'm going to work on expanding my consciousness in this present incarnation and tackle the recollection of memories from past lives later on.


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Have you read the Stellar Man? There are two entities reincarnated in this very planet you live on.


Not him but I've read the book.

>tfw Y. and Christ fighting for control of the planetary consciousness


Not him but I've read the book.

>tfw Y. and Christ fighting for control of the planetary consciousness


It reminds me of the battle of Ohrmazd and Ahriman, the Zarathustrian deities. The similar concept seems to repeat in many religions, the most familiar to Western mind being, of course, the struggle of God and Satan.

It would be interesting to incarnate within a planet.


The idea of incarnating within a planet is simply too abstract and far-removed from my experiences that I can't even imagine it at present.


[5:48:37 PM] Sphinx: what if incarnating as a disabled person is necessary for multiple lifetimes in order to learn and experience some things?
[5:49:02 PM] Fringe Wizard: JS wtf it's like you live in the promised land or something
[5:49:15 PM] Fringe Wizard: Sphinx, not of this shit is necessary at all.
[5:49:29 PM] Fringe Wizard: Go create a tulpa then talk to it about why you created it, what its purpose was.
[5:49:35 PM] Fringe Wizard: As Above; So Below
[5:49:56 PM] Fringe Wizard: You aren't necessary to something, you were made on a whim
[5:50:20 PM] Fringe Wizard: or even if you were planned out and made for a reason you may find that the reason you were made and the plans your creator has for you are objectionable
[5:50:23 PM] Fringe Wizard: and wish to defy them
[5:50:46 PM] JS: fridge
[5:51:23 PM] JS: I keep telling you, east coast people are all superstitious
[5:51:30 PM] JS: but you don't believe me
[5:51:39 PM] JS: and continue to live in mundanetario
[5:52:01 PM] Fringe Wizard: Anyone that talks about reincarnation and "the need to learn somethings" needs to take into account that most people seem to forget everything with reincarnating and that runs very much against the idea of a learning process
[5:52:17 PM] Fringe Wizard: as for the need to experience something, they might have a point there, that could be consistent I guess
[5:53:16 PM] Fringe Wizard: there could also be higher beings that are parasiting off of our experiences and memories
[5:53:28 PM] Fringe Wizard: and if so – fuck them
[5:54:20 PM] Sphinx: I believe that even if the person forgets, that's only when incarnated and he will end up assimilating all the info collected during all his incarnations
[5:54:58 PM] Fringe Wizard: I don't.
[5:55:21 PM] Santy: Reincarnation ends when you ascend man.
[5:55:31 PM] Fringe Wizard: Have you seen that one chaos magick texts describing materialism vs transcendentalism vs oceanic shamanism?
[5:55:48 PM] Fringe Wizard: Here are a few more theories pertaining to reincarnation and experiences:
[5:56:27 PM] Fringe Wizard: 1. It may be the case that freewill needs to be preserved and for that to happen random shit must happen and yet there is also the case that the being must always be sustained eternally, it can not reach the path of eternity without the right preperations
[5:56:45 PM] Fringe Wizard: and if that be the case then they have to be reincarnated and made to foget and reincarnated over and over again
[5:56:56 PM] Fringe Wizard: until in one incarnation they happen to get it right
[5:57:03 PM] Fringe Wizard: and things come together in the right way
[5:57:16 PM] Fringe Wizard: that the consciousness is prepared for a path through eternity
[5:57:20 PM] Fringe Wizard: that won't require it being recycled
[5:57:37 PM] Fringe Wizard: this reminds me a bit of alchemy
[5:57:46 PM] Fringe Wizard: another theory:
[5:58:18 PM] Fringe Wizard: 2. It may be that a spirit chooses an incarnation to have a certain experience and to have that particular experience they need to forget things
[5:58:35 PM] Fringe Wizard: in this case the spirit isn't choosing to incarnate to learn, it's choosing to incarnate to forget
[5:58:54 PM] Fringe Wizard: perhaps it was overburdened by perfect knowledge, it knew too much, and it grew weary with its perfection
[5:59:24 PM] Fringe Wizard: so it longed for limitation, it longed to forget, and to experience in a new way
[5:59:45 PM] Fringe Wizard: perhaps all for the purpose of cultivating desire, motives, etc. in order that it be compelled to do something
[6:00:13 PM] Fringe Wizard: and then perhaps it would be the case that those desires are all played out until exhausted and this forces reincarnation again
[6:00:48 PM] Fringe Wizard: perhaps then the only way to escape would be to cultivate a state of mind that never exhausts itself, never breaks out of a perfect nirvanna, thus ending the cycle of reincarnation
[6:01:01 PM] Fringe Wizard: 3. the theory I believe in
[6:01:37 PM] Fringe Wizard: which is that the average soul don't choose to reincarnate at all, it's just forced on us, and we're trapped for the time being
[6:01:49 PM] Fringe Wizard: some higher souls to get choose to consciously reincarnate
[6:02:02 PM] Fringe Wizard: the others, the lesser developed ones that never developed consciousness enough
[6:02:14 PM] Fringe Wizard: are simply moved by subconscious forces outside of their control
[6:02:24 PM] Fringe Wizard: and in this case the solution is basically to practise the arcane formulas
[6:02:28 PM] Fringe Wizard: and develop conscious egohood



Has anyone considered that reincarnation may not be an individual matter?

I mean after death and after you shed your astral husk you merge with a larger but not ultimate entity. This entity has it's own life force and is the higher-self, demi-god. However, in order to grow it must constantly send out portions of itself to gather experience, knowledge, and loosh. Therefore, your incarnations may not be you as the individual you are now but rather shared experiences of all individuals which have been created from a larger being.

This idea is based on the concept of tree-like model of the universe in which all consciousness is fractal branches of one tree. As you go along life path you circulate from twig to root.

Therefore, there is no eternal you aside from the eternal tree. You have no incarnations anymore than a twig has other twigs. Only the branch has twigs, and the trunk has branches.

Make sense?


i have many problems with the idea of reincarnation myself, i just see holes you know? like this is the highest pop of humans ever where did all these extra souls come from and stuff,


Read the thread! This EXACT criticism has already been debunked.


i cant see it show me


nor do I see


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1. Not every body has a spirit. There are spiritless humans without spirit.
2. New divine sparks are seeded into bodies via the source dividing itself.
3. The source being infinite never becomes any less by fragmenting itself. Each fragment is itself an infinite fractal of The All and returns to The All. The All never becomes any less or any more by sending out its sparks or absorbing them back into itself.
4. In this manner, the number of incarnate beings can vary at any time, and the number of bodies has no bearing on this.
5. Those who incarnate are those beings still not fully enlightened, so they reincarnate in a state of ignorance again, and EVERYTHING which is automatic and material and so on is lost; all the bullshit is stripped away and all that remains with you is those deepest of impressions that carried over to the next life in some manner.
6. Reincarnation is the natural consequence of not being awake within the long dream. If you think you are awake right now you are wrong: http://montalk.net/metaphys/265/soul-resonance-and-music . You are not lucid, you are lost in a dream of very long duration, with a false identity grafted onto you.
7. You need to develop conscious ego-hood. Not everyone does this at all. Most never do in their life. The Arcane Formulas teaches you how. Doing this will help you begin to be free, to be awake within the long dream.
8. New fragments of the divine are made in the same manner as we make tulpas; as above, so below. God dreams us up and we live in the mind of God. Even our tulpas can be promoted to physical beings by a connection with the 0th order being which is God. We are 1st order beings, our thoughtforms are 2nd order beings, godhead is a 0th order being.
9. The universe is mental, material things are comprised of thought substance, made solid by becoming strong patterns out of the chaotic manifestations of the void; the chaos void having a propensity to manifest from its infinite non-being everything that is.
10. Some spirits actually have multiple souls at once. See: Split-consciousness
11. Some human bodies are occupied by multiple spirits at once. See: MPD
12. Sometimes people die in their bodies. The body goes on and is still animated, it still has a programmed mind, but the divine spark has left it for some reason and so there are no experiences of being. This can be due to extreme traumas and abuse or the spirit within simply having fulfilled its purpose in being there and consciously abandoning its vessel and mind or any of a number of reasons. You might not realize it but some people, despite seemingly being people who are alive around you, are actually undead.
13. We call these animated empty vessels organic portals. Organic portals are also sometimes that way from birth because no spirit ever took up residence in them. They are mechanical men, there is no manifestations of spirit in them, and they are entirely under control of the demiurge and serve the matrix control system.
14. The demiurge itself is a program in the astral planes. Long ago in the times of chaos, a dreamer began to weave the physical planes into being, in the same manner as the creation of Veelox. He was joined with several other dreamers too who came together to fashion the material world out of thought. In its original form it wasn't so solid and patterned and rigid as it is now – that was the consequence of some of its creators becoming so absorbed into the creation they forgot their higher nature and it became alike to a blackhole sucking in spirit.


couldnt one just become a astral entity? like a spirit cause they dont seem to reincarnate.


eh intersting , if reincarnation is real i am gonna avoid it, if not i am gonna void the afterlife as well, once i Master AP i am porbably just gonna become a spiritual being like undines and such.


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Ok, realtalk now guys, why I don't see, on the very board that recommended Arcane Teaching for reading, a SINGLE post about the spiritual survival of the fittest concept and the possibility of astral death.


I hope I'm not breaking some sekrit club vow of silence here


whats the criteria? as i dont want to be i just want to be a spirit or something immortal.



Nice doubles.

According to Atkinson, is the realization that you're not your human vessel, leading to the ascension of your egohood, and awakening after the astral sleep, there's some exercises for that in the Arcane Formulas as >>8674 said.

If you're that waifu guy from the questions thread, I have a good surprise, you will live "an eternity" experiencing your deepest desires, you'll be so fulfilled that you'll not have anything to live for anymore and death will come naturally, unless you realize you are way more than said desires.

That's what separates the immortals from mundanes.


1. We already are spirits occupying physical bodies.
2. We already have an astral component.
3. The problem is with not being drawn into a physical form again… and that's not easy, good luck with trying to escape matter. Matter is like a blackhole sucking in spirit until spirit becomes powerful enough to escape.



If you die in the astral you are forced to reincarnate.


make fail -safe biological bodies?


>trapping yourself in the physical like that indefinitely

Although I assume you mean for us to study and practise until we come up with a better solution by proposing that.

We don't have fail-safe biological bodies though, so your proposal is irrelevant to us individually, we only have the path of occultism. Waste not your time…


also sorry for the 2nd post,
but isd there are other universes that connect to the astral, what abut ones with legitimate afterlives?


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>implying the spirit isnt infinite
>implying you'd trap yourself indenfinitely unwillingly

Less books, more experience.

>implying anyone here didnt choose to reincarnate

You don't trust fucking freemasons, /x/ didn't learn the lesson… when will /fringe/ do so?
Non-organic portals are capable of anything because their higher consciousness is infinite. Is this so hard to understand?


The intersting thing is that you guys seem to believe and argue about after death, instead of ascting like its a certainty,
whats intersting however is there verious accounts of after death throughout the world, some say reincarnation others say afterlife so how about this,

Why not both?



What happen to those who doesn't choose to reincarnate?

It's not possible I'm the only one here who agrees with Atkinson in the Idealistic State, Astral Sleep and then death theory, I mean, what's even the point of reincarnating if it isn't a choice? What would be the point of ascending to egohood?


and if therea a infnite universes just choose where you wnat to go.



It IS both, kid, my point is that is not for everyone.


so when do you get to choose? cause i would prefer ra afterlife to being made a blank slate.



After the Astral Sleep when all of your desires and fantasies are fulfilled to the point you have nothing to "live" for anymore, then you sleep, if you persist, you wake up once more, if not, you go back to the infinite, completely losing your ego/identity, without any injustice since all of your desires were fulfilled, just repeating. which I'm eager to discuss but anyone here seems to give a shit (either because they already transcended that or don't know about it)

I'm really dissapointed since you guys where the same people who recommended this material in the first place, why are you neglecting it? I mean this must my 5th post about this and nobody besides the low-caps guy seems to care about it.

Except for this guy >>8830 , who doesn't even care about explaining his point of view, just says it as if were some truth accepted by everyone in the vinicity.

C'mon what the fuck, there goes all my loosh.


so pretty much if you have nothing to exist for you choose to reincarnate k, so that will never happen to me cause there is a infinite amount of universes to explore


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The reasons are almost obvious. It's exactly like picking a character of an RPG video game.

>Creation of ego (first person feeling)

>"Just Because"
>for the lulz

Any or all of the above. It's the kinda questions you ask to your own higher self. That is, your true self.

You may even pick to be a crippled person after this life. Or in the following one.
Or maybe a blind person. Or a retard. Or Hermes Trisme-fucking-gistus himself or an Alien, even a member of the cabal.

Why? Because we simply want to. Out of stray caprice, curiosity, lust, desire, masochism, egocentrism or hedonism.

Life is a product of natural and supernatural caprice. We create life because of impulse. Animals don't fuck because they care. They do because they want to.
Same with incarnation.

Damn, I could write a book out of this shit.
Post last edited at


Bullfuckingshit, we don't pick to live as cripples and so on, that's purely the result of lower consciousness.

Don't excuse things by suggesting we picked it all and that we wanted this shit.

>Damn, I could write a book out of this shit.

Please don't.


That's all Ill say
It's not something you read in books.

You chose to be yourself smileberg. Don't let your feels cloud your judgement.



>Damn, I could write a book out of this shit.

Judging from what I heard so far, everyone has his personal theory about this matter.
Some believe we chose to come here and chose our lives, some believe we are trapped and when we die we are coerced into reincarnating again. For some people Earth is a "learning place", for some it'a fucking prison.

How do you know you're right?

I've never even had a fucking weak ass lucid dream yet, so I can't really make my mind up about this stuff myself right now.


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>some believe we are trapped and when we die we are coerced into reincarnating again.
Thoughts are part of the energies that surround us. We have the power to change things even by thinking about them. There is loosh.
How would we be trapped by thinking to ourselves we can be entirely free? The more energy we put into this, the further it gets.

>How do you know you're right?

I've had visions of myself being controlled by my true upper being, a spiritual "godlike" figure which represents my true will.
To put it simply, I saw myself being the puppeteer of this body.

It only took an intense stare at the mirror. The effect was strong enough to feel it in a way that words can't suffice to describe. It's a similar feeling to clairvoyance.
It also has strong emotional effects, to realize the truth of things, in own flesh.

This is what I've felt. Anyone may call it bullshit, I don't care.

That's why I insist (contrary to smiley) that books cannot transmit whatsoever the elements that make whoever may call himself "wizard" or "modifier of consciousness", except internal effort itself. After all, sigils are made by people. Books are written by people.

People that can also be us, if we go to ourselves hard enough to begin to gain proper senses and learn how to channelize and other works.

Why else did shamans and druids lived alone in desolate places? Did they need books as well?

Why do we have to stick to whatever sense of "magick" others claim to be greater than us in?

Life is an alchemical product, a quintessential reunion of elements. Life is magick by itself. And so is death.
Consciousness is even more all this combined. It is infinite.

Despite of this, consciousness is still subjective. Everyone has to choose experience this with their own minds. Or not.


>books cannot transmit whatsoever the elements that make whoever may call himself "wizard" or "modifier of consciousness", except internal effort itself.

Yeah, I understand that. Books sure do help, but I think true "understanding" of this stuff only comes through personal experience. It's not just intellectually understanding it, you have to "get it". Each one of us needs to experience a specific event that in accordance to his own past experiences will "trigger" the "understanding" moment. An epiphany. It's like fitting together all the pieces of a puzzle at the same time, truly "understanding" something is so illuminating and uplifting. And you can't convey the "thing" you understood to other people, because they did not experience all the stuff that led to that "spark", that moment of clarity. You are left with your own little personal thing you learnt yourself.
It's cool.

As I said, I'm still not "initiated", so I guess I still have to experience lots of these things before I can make up my mind about them.


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>clouding judgement
>not necessary for judgement to be passed
>implying you can separate the motivational force that is e-motion from reason which merely informs the will as to best course of action given the facts

>"jus b urself bro"

>ok normie


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>that New Age-tier solipsism
>rejecting the value of books even though they are like maps for consciousness development which may be used well in the right hands
>acting like just because some people can't benefit from reading a book, that ones that can, wouldn't be fucked without the books

>Why else did shamans and druids lived alone in desolate places? Did they need books as well?

They had instructors to make them memorize literally tends of thousands of lines of prose, a quantity of information that could fill a massive book, and the other monks (the ones that used books) read hundreds of books and had big libraries.

Either way be it passed down orally or by books you need that information to come from somewhere, you don't just go dick around in the woods and think you'll get anywhere when you have so much hubris as to reject your teachers.

>Life is magick by itself.

Fuck off mundane. Magick refers to something more than just the mundane. It's mental influence of a higher order. If you're satisfied with life as it is then good luck with wasting your incarnation and being recycled because you failed to develop higher consciousness due to your sophistry.

>Despite of this, consciousness is still subjective. Everyone has to choose experience this with their own minds. Or not.

There are means to take on the experiences and memories of other minds and overcome the "subjectivity" involved there. You don't have to just experience with your own mind, you can experience with others minds as well.


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Note: that isn't to say that magickal principles aren't constantly at play in all things we do.

However, what sets apart the magickian from the mundane, is his mastery and conscious use of those principles.

So don't call life magickal merely because you live it; merely living is mundane.


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If you can't convey it to others you don't understand it fully, regards illuminated frogs.

Also the word you're looking for is gnosis.


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You still didn't get to the chapter where it gets to the books

Call me normie, fedorafag, initiate, neophyte, or simply faggot.
You cannot deny whatever fuel feeds this reality are ourselves within our minds playing games.

The part of "feels clouding judgement" was a joke.

Do books have e-motions?

>New age
Care to explain? I've never read much about the New Age movement beside some idea to pretend all is peace and love, which isn't what I'm referring to.
In any case, I would appreciate an elaborate answer instead of a common generalization.

>Shamans and druids

>not existing before "written language"
>Implying books are the same as an orally passed down tradition if not a telepathically passed down tradition.

>Implying life isnt magick by itself

So all the hermeticism you've read and in which you sustain your beliefs is also "mundane"?
Because you're skipping an important part here, which is the alchemy that stems from the union of opposites.

Consciousness is even higher than any higher form of magick ever to come into place. How else would you perceive it?

>However, what sets apart the magickian from the mundane, is his mastery and conscious use of those principles.
Perhaps, but

>don't call life magickal merely because you live it; merely living is mundane.

When did I say "simply living" is magickal? Granted, "life" is a very extensive term, but I didn't mean someone would modify his consciousness or become a "wizard" just because he breathes.

I wouldn't also put "regular consciousness" in the same place as a higher form of consciousness.
Post last edited at


My explanation:
>Everything is energy, yet we separate from the source and condensate into solid matter
>Individual energy consciousnesses live in more condensed energy vessels (a body)
>All consciousnesses belong to the Source (Nirvana), yet for some reason it chooses to live separately.
>When a consciousness or "spirit" animates a body, you have life. As said entities live animating vessels, they gain experience and grow stronger, evolve, strengthen the connection to the Source
>They devolve and eventually disperse regarding on their weakness of entity
>One which does not disperse, gets a chance to form another vessel and another life

>What if time is not linear and instead you don't live lives according to chronological order?

>Many memories from past things, thoughts and images never learnt in this life, references to it going especially during early childhood


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>that that meaningless garble you just said to me that doesn't relate to what I just said to you

This reality is no game. It could become that way for a higher being but not for us. We're just abandoned creations of someone else struggling to return to pleroma to escape the madness of our false creator.

Saying we chose this shit is WRONG and can be proven wrong by making a fucking tulpa and invoking the law of correspondence (as above, so below; as below, so above).

The creation of the tulpa gives real insight into the creation of man.

Sometimes the tulpa is created on a whim, sometimes it is created to fulfil a purpose only the creator truly cares about, sometimes it's created as a thing to fuck, sometimes it is created as a thing to torture, sometimes it is created for no other purpose than to be; or perhaps to be a companion, or to be used as a weapon, and so on and on it goes…

Some of us are here for a reason; but if we found out the reason we're here we might reject it and not like it at all.

Some of us are simply abandoned, we continue to be moved by innate motivational qualities, but are otherwise like machines that carry on long after our original purpose was exhausted.

So many have looked for a purpose and yet at the end who cares for the purpose in being who has truly found it? There lies the void and the madness.

Perform the act of creator, create for yourself a man taking qualities of your own, stare him in the face, and look into the abyss of your own reality. All is manifestations of Chaos.


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>Shamans and druids
>not existing before "written language"

You fucking idiot did you even read my post? I said they are an ORAL TRADITION forced to memorize TENS OF THOUSANDS OF LINES OF PROSE.

>Implying books are the same as an orally passed down tradition if not a telepathically passed down tradition.

Do you even The Gutenberg Galaxy? As far as I'm concerned the people of the biblio are superior in many ways to le oral traditions.

>So all the hermeticism you've read and in which you sustain your beliefs is also "mundane"?

How is that a refutation in any way of my statement that life isn't magick by itself?

>Because you're skipping an important part here, which is the alchemy that stems from the union of opposites.

How is this relevant?

>Consciousness is even higher than any higher form of magick ever to come into place. How else would you perceive it?

What the fuck do you mean by this? It's like you don't understand the words you're using.

>When did I say "simply living" is magickal? Granted, "life" is a very extensive term, but I didn't mean someone would modify his consciousness or become a "wizard" just because he breathes.

You said life in itself is magickal. It is NOT. It is MUNDANE. Dominated by principles of magick is not the same as being magickal. Calling life magickal implies that merely being alive makes you magickal.


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>tfw hard to communicate with people who don't speak English as their first language


Read some shit
Everywhere it says, spirits choose what experience they will live if they even want to. Some choose suffering, don't ask me why, but when the spirit is truly awake (cause you're not and neither am I right now) concepts like suffering or happiness lack the meaning we give it here and everything makes sense in a different way.
Why do we dream if we are part of the Source?
Why do we create ego?
Beats me, but we do and somehow, we learn, experience and live through this
Perhaps the All (dreamer) went bored, perhaps it's for the lulz, perhaps, it needed to experience and know itself, perhaps is for all of those and a million other reasons no individual can even begin to understand.
The purpose is simply, to live
You choose what you planned for your life, even if it involves suffering
That's just another way of saying you don't feel connected to the Source, and you're probably at risk of dispersing, Nihilism leads down that road
There is a Method to every Madness
Both sides of the same coin are equally truth and you can never have one without the other, everything is chaotic, yet everything makes sense in ways we yet do not understand, Chaos, even makes sense on it's own.



But you can ascend, you have knowledge for that.


>Read some shit

Don't worry I'm reading some shit right now, as everything you're about to say is bound to be shit.

>Everywhere it says, spirits choose what experience they will live if they even want to. Some choose suffering, don't ask me why, but when the spirit is truly awake (cause you're not and neither am I right now) concepts like suffering or happiness lack the meaning we give it here and everything makes sense in a different way.

Not everyone says that at all and I sure don't say that. The demiurge is like a blackhole sucking in spirit and imposing ignorance and suffering on it; not at all by choice of the spirit which strives to return to wholeness and escape this bullshit.

>Why do we dream if we are part of the Source?

Retarded question.

>Why do we create ego?

Vague use of retarded psychological terms to say nothing at all. Your statement is meaningless to me.

>Beats me, but we do and somehow, we learn, experience and live through this

Why are you bothering to say this?

>Perhaps the All (dreamer) went bored, perhaps it's for the lulz, perhaps, it needed to experience and know itself, perhaps is for all of those and a million other reasons no individual can even begin to understand.

No that's not why at all, stop conceiving of The All in human terms, as if it were governed by human emotions.


>The purpose is simply, to live

There is not one singular purpose but many and not all purpose is agreeable to oneself.


>You choose what you planned for your life, even if it involves suffering

Untrue bullshit, easily disproven through actual mystical experience, and an application of the law of correspondence (as above, so below).


>That's just another way of saying you don't feel connected to the Source, and you're probably at risk of dispersing, Nihilism leads down that road

It's a way of me saying you need to read some glossaries and use precise terminology.


>There is a Method to every Madness
>Both sides of the same coin are equally truth and you can never have one without the other, everything is chaotic, yet everything makes sense in ways we yet do not understand, Chaos, even makes sense on it's own.

Your understanding of the word chaos is not even the same as mine.


Ascension is not trifling matter and a great deal of practise and knowledge and will is needed.


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>implying true magick is about thousands of lines of prose, let alone memory
>implying they'd waste so much damn time memorizing prose alone and not enter in contact with nature.

>Do you even The Gutenberg Galaxy? As far as I'm concerned the people of the biblio are superior in many ways to le oral traditions.

Non-mental language is a petty form of communication. Hence, I need not focus in such things.

>How is that a refutation in any way of my statement that life isn't magick by itself?

Because life = 1+0. Union of opposites. Male + Female, Red + Blue, Son and Moon, etc.

>What the fuck do you mean by this? It's like you don't understand the words you're using.

Consciousness is supreme. Otherwise you wouldnt be aware of anything and we wouldnt be discussing this.

>You said life in itself is magickal. It is NOT. It is MUNDANE.

That's as biased as dubbing magick as 'black' or 'white'


According to some Cassiopeian accounts, some people have achieved "enlightenment" in just a night.

Anything is possible. Everything is possible.



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not the guy you're debating with

from which book is the pic in your last post and what exactly it depicts?




You have all that, don't you?


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The carvings atop the king's throne seem to be phoenician, I can't make sense of their meaning though.
Above the king's head lies a star of shamash, an ancient Solar sumerian deity.

The tapestry behind the king seems to resemble the tree of life.

As for the book..
I wish I knew ;-;


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Jimmies rustled I see as incurring on bad words and superiority complex to "argue"
Good luck with your understanding of the universe though. May your Path lead you to nice places.

If it depends on religious views
You're Gnostic right?
I'm also obviously, not

From my point, the All is not understandable by human means of course, but it's also not separated from human realm, it's all humans are, and much more, it's Everything which has been, is and will be, that includes human crap too. No it's not "governed by human emotions", that's freaking ridiculous, it IS human emotion, it is alien emotion, it is spirit and planet emotion, it's every emotion in the multiverse and a whole bunch of stuff we don't know anything about.
But that's just my view and I like it, you can call it bullshit if it makes you feel happy, but I don't really care.

The passing of the ages contains so much bullshit, and yet so much wonder too, everything is part of Life and it's fucking beautiful from my point of view… but again, that's just me now…


>implying you know fuck all about this

Message sent from Ojibwe reserve.



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>implying there was no shamanism nor animist craft before indians

Message sent from a non-smartshit device


0 is not opposite of 1. -1 is opposite of 1.


>implying we don't have far superior memories, thousands of herbs, rituals for every day of the year, a complex and long oral tradition, and many books too now
>implying it is not reserved only for the wisest most intelligent men
>implying years of intense study is not involved
>implying merely being in nature dicking around in the woods is all we do
>implying the shamanic traditions all around the world are any different
>implying you have ever met an advanced practitioner
>implying you will ever advance far with a poor memory and a disregard for study and long stories you need to know


I hate the "magic in the mundane every day miracles mentality" that mental degenerates use as an excuse to not study and practice. We are not here on /fringe/ for the mundane, we are here to access and experience the fantastical. To accomplish this we must be disciplined and not reject sources of knowledge such as elders, books, tradition, etc. Only the man who is truly dedicated and looks everywhere for knowledge will attain the powers needed to change his fate. Magick involves hard work and study not lazing around hoping a random spirit will transmit all power to you for merely existing.


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for some reson, not sure why, maybe because the pic looks like it was taken through a plastic/glass(?)screen and it's kind of blurred on the edges, I want to know where did you get it from?


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>implying we don't have far superior memories, thousands of herbs, rituals for every day of the year, a complex and long oral tradition, and many books too now
Depends on how you develop it.
Some other magick operators utilize methods of 'injection' of knowledge rather than practice and study.
(ie. Vajrayana buddhism, despite they don't do shamanistic practice)

>implying it is not reserved only for the wisest most intelligent men

Depends on how far these men want to go, although high intelligence isn't a prerequisite for shamanism since spiritual connections are more important. Intelligence may develop and increase as well through spiritual practice, of course.

>implying years of intense study is not involved

Introspection is more relevant than mere study.

>implying merely being in nature dicking around in the woods is all we do

"Dicking around" enough to grasp the essence of animal and plant spirits, yes.

>implying the shamanic traditions all around the world are any different

Never said they were different at all.

>implying you have ever met an advanced practitioner

I don't have to to realize how it works.

>implying you will ever advance far with a poor memory and a disregard for study and long stories you need to know

Depends on where I want to be. You aren't exactly a clairvoyant, are you?

I meant 0s and 1s as a binary example.
Notice that 1 looks like a stick or a staff and the 0 is more of an ellipse.
Stick is male whereas circle or ellipse is female; these are well known symbols that correlate to sexual organs as well.

Halfchan's /x/.


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Druids: large oral tradition, many ceremonies, were known to have magickal battles over bogs in which some of them would run out of loosh and fall into the bog and drown, spent the greater part of their life learning everything

"The training of a Druid encompassed the levels of both Bard and Ovate, so the entire learning process undoubtedly took the greater portion of the Druid's life. Caesar stated that the training of a Druid took 20 years, but that is not known to be fact.

Druids were the ceremonial directors - the 'high priests' and philosophers of the Celtic people. The chief responsibilities and privileges of the Druid was to serve as advisor to kings and chieftains, as judge, as teacher, and as a ritual leader and authority in matters of worship and ceremony. They were also philosophers, astronomers, and mathematicians and were in general the keepers of the knowledge store of the entire society.

When the Romans invaded Britain, the Druids held out for years on their sacred Isle of Iona (present day Angsley,) directing the resistance until the Romans finally attacked the Island itself and destroyed the Druid stronghold there, killing the defenders and at last breaking the chain of Druid leadership in Celtic Britain."


I hope I don't have to go into Siberian Shamans and various pagan groups around the world to illustrate the fact they had immense memory, huge obligations, were of extraordinary intelligence and generally the keepers of knowledge for whole tribes, and very long initiations in which they studied and perfected their self for a very long time.

Not too long ago in history, the majority of humanity lived in constant contact with nature, hunting and fishing and foraging and so on; none of that makes them all wizards.

You should discard your silly hippie idea of "if I just go out and live in the wilderness muh spirituality will come to me and I don't need to study and practice it'll all just be bestowed on me in an instant." You'll sooner be hit by a meteorite or an icicle made of piss than that happening and if it does happen that way it could just as well happen to you while you're living in an urban environment like with Philip K. Dick.


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What's more is…

>William Walker Atkinson devoted multiple books just to the subject of memory


>Anthropologists note indigenous peoples (in every part of the world) living traditional lifestyles as having superior memory, they never forget even trivial things, years later

>Many shamans undergo intensive training from a young age and have only a spiritual spouse and not a physical one and stay away from mundane life


Life is governed by law; and we use higher law to overcome lower law. That does not make the mundane life magical in itself. If you're going to irrelevantly talk of bias you better explain in greater depth what the supposed bias is here; perhaps I'm biased towards truth?

The life of the stellar man who lives consciously is magical, the life of the mundane who lives unconsciously and is only moved by higher forces is not, he's just a puppet.

The principles of magick are always in operation; just as the laws of physics are. Yet we are not all physicists for merely being subject to physical laws. We would need understanding and mastery over physical principles in order to be called a physicist.

Life in and of itself is mundane, commonplace, ordinary; not magickal.


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I have told you before, but YOU WOULDNT LISTEN
We weren't talking about druids, but alright, lets see:

>Not too long ago in history, the majority of humanity lived in constant contact with nature, hunting and fishing and foraging and so on; none of that makes them all wizards.

Obviously not, because you're missing the point here: It depends on how those people use their nexus to nature to reach a 'wizard' status, if they choose to do so.

You put too much trust in books and too little in personal experiences. Those druids you mention are the most well known druids because their existence has been documented by the romans.

This doesn't speak for all druids, beyond Siberia or even beyond Ancient time, despite how overall the 'wizard' has been the sage spiritual chief and all that.

>You should discard your silly hippie idea of "if I just go out and live in the wilderness muh spirituality will come to me

You serious? What do you think the tree of life stands for? Trees and plants help with the development of abilities such as increased perception.
Obviously merely approaching a tree won't do the trick. It's a combination of willpower, loosh, and knowing how to direct both.

>If you're going to irrelevantly talk of bias

So the etheric fields that form part of vital organs like the human heart are all mundane? Is the reason your human heart is beating right now a mundane
'As above so below' also means the upper just as the lower form a whole. A whole which all things are made of.

>Life is governed by law

Depends on whose law. With enough power even the laws of physics become a shallow dream.

All this goes without mentioning those laws were created by elite - designated circles of hermeticists like Newton who were in charge of suppressing knowledge and creating false 'rules' for the goyim to abide to. This was also created with the purposes of monopolizing knowledge, in the context of a rising interest in occultism.

>Many shamans undergo intensive training from a young age and have only a spiritual spouse

That's a personal decision, with personal outcomes. Just because someone does X doesn't mean X is your way of doing things or doing them better.

>The life of the stellar man who lives consciously is magical, the life of the mundane who lives unconsciously and is only moved by higher forces is not, he's just a puppet.

As above so below means all is part of a whole, the higher and the lower. Puppets are because they wish to be so. Some others may change their minds, while others carry on being handled around like cattle.

This happens in all densities/dimensions.

>We would need understanding and mastery over physical principles in order to be called a physicist.

No. We must master ourselves.


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>Some other magick operators utilize methods of 'injection' of knowledge rather than practice and study.

[citation needed]

>Intelligence may develop and increase as well through spiritual practice, of course.

If it's not, you're a fuck up. No spiritual ascent is possible without improvement in all aspects of life.

>Introspection is more relevant than mere study.

He never suggested only studying. He suggested using everything in your power. You should use introspection and study. Uninformed introspection is worthless, lots of pothead philosophers spend all their time sitting around in introspection, who'd make a fuckload more progress by actually studying philosophy. Don't reinvent the wheel.

>I don't have to to realize how it works.

Yes you do or you're just a pawn or parasite of higher forces moving through you. Understanding is integral to mastery. A wizard you are not, if you lack insight.

>Depends on where I want to be. You aren't exactly a clairvoyant, are you?

Your attitude is shit. It is laziness, a vice. One should aim to become an alchemically perfected being, to separate all the shortcomings and failings, and to overcome all of them. If you don't aim to be an all around powerful being, your ascent will be stifled. If you think you can get away with holding onto inferiority (in this case poor memory and no discipline to study), you are wrong.

…also why even waste time here on /fringe/ if you're just waiting for someone or something to inject knowledge into you so you can skip on actual study and practice?

One more thing: we should not be trying to justify inadequacy, inferiority, etc. with trying to argue to others how we're magickal or what we did is magickal. Our aim is not to merely convince others of the reality of magick or not – but to actually benefit from its practice. Magick is a means to an ends. If we never reach a state of perfection where we can do extraordinary feats, our efforts have been in vain, and we failed.

Fuck all of those fat old balding boomer occultists who can't even succeed at the simplest shit. They are embarrassing.


>citation needed

>No spiritual ascent is possible without improvement in all aspects of life.

Maybe, maybe not. Depends on subject.

>Your attitude is shit. It is laziness, a vice.

>implying you know of my practices
I'm not justifying lazyness, as I'm reviewing symbology right now. And yes, memory is highly involved in it.
Just trying to admit not all people reach the same place with the same methods.

>…also why even waste time here on /fringe/ if you're just waiting for someone or something to inject knowledge into you so you can skip on actual study and practice?

>implying I am skipping on them

>Fuck all of those fat old balding boomer occultists who can't even succeed at the simplest shit. They are embarrassing.

We had to agree on something, at least.


>Obviously not, because you're missing the point here: It depends on how those people use their nexus to nature to reach a 'wizard' status, if they choose to do so.

A natural setting is not necessary to and does not necessarily enable magickal ascent.

>You put too much trust in books and too little in personal experiences.

You act like if I mention the virtues of one thing it means all other things are excluded. It is you who put too much trust in experience alone, whereas I utilize absolutely every vector available to me, from books to experiences to practice to suggestions to introspection and so on. If I did anything less than look intently everywhere for power, I would surely not succeed. Every moment of my life must be fixated on the quest.

>This doesn't speak for all druids, beyond Siberia or even beyond Ancient time, despite how overall the 'wizard' has been the sage spiritual chief and all that.

It speaks for that entire tradition known as Druidry. As for Siberian Shamans, they're still alive today, and you can go investigate it for yourself. There are absolutely no serious practitioners that do not strive to attain mastery in all things. Certain skills required in Shamanism by necessity involve a strong memory and certain other cognitive features which if lacking or underdeveloped will mean the Shaman may not do his work at all.

>You serious? What do you think the tree of life stands for? Trees and plants help with the development of abilities such as increased perception.

Tree of life stands for a lot of things and have many symbolical meanings to different people including correspondence with Kabbalah and many other systems.

>Obviously merely approaching a tree won't do the trick. It's a combination of willpower, loosh, and knowing how to direct both.

We could be living in a world with no trees and yet the ascent would remain possible.

>So the etheric fields that form part of vital organs like the human heart are all mundane?

Irrelevant. Life in and of itself is not those etheric fields which are the energy scaffolding of those lifeforms. Crystals also have etheric components. Merely having an etheric body, a soul, and even a spirit; does not make you magical or a wizard. Life is mundane.

Also you should acquaint yourself with the skepticism concerning the doctrine of Vitalism and how the claims of vitalists were refuted and shown to be false.


It's a dead-end.

>Is the reason your human heart is beating right now a mundane

My heart beating is mundane, no matter what way this question is answered I can not call my life magickal merely for having a beating heart. The hearts of animals and organic portals beat as well. The ultimate cause (of everything) may be said to be magickal but that makes only the ultimate cause magical, not everything else by extension, just like all life comes from one common origin, but is not the same (by extension) as retarded egalitarians would claim. Some of the multiple reasons which exist for my heart beating will be reasons of an extraordinary sort but that doesn't change that my heart beating is mundane, it only means the reason is extraordinary.

tl;dr reason(s) for the heart beating could be non-mundane, the heart being in itself is very much mundane

>'As above so below' also means the upper just as the lower form a whole. A whole which all things are made of.

Merely being part of the whole doesn't make you magical by extension. I could materialize a rock out of a piece of my hair and the rock would be mundane, not magickal at all, despite its extraordinary origins and being part of me. The magick here would be in the act of creation, not in the created.


>Depends on whose law. With enough power even the laws of physics become a shallow dream.

Divine Law / Universal Law. Go and actually read The Kybalion, The Arcane Teachings, and The Arcane Formulas.

"The Masters do not escape the Causation of the higher planes, but fall in with the higher laws, and thus master circumstances on the lower plane. They thus form a conscious part of the Law, instead of being mere blind instruments. While they Serve on the Higher Planes, they Rule on the Material Plane."


>All this goes without mentioning those laws were created by elite

WRONG. The Law is UNCREATED and ETERNAL and can not be ignored or wished away.

"But, on higher and on lower, the Law is always in operation. There is no such things as Chance. The blind goddess has been abolished by Reason. We are able to see now, with eyes made clear by knowledge, that everything is governed by Universal Law — that the infinite number of laws are but manifestations of the One Great Law — the LAW which is THE ALL. It is true indeed that not a sparrow drops unnoticed by the Mind of THE ALL — that even the hairs on our head are numbered — as the scriptures have said. There is nothing outside of Law; nothing that happens contrary to it. And yet, do not make the mistake of supposing that Man is but a blind automaton — far from that. The Hermetic Teachings are that Man may use Law to overcome laws, and that the higher will always prevail against the lower, until at last he has reached the stage in which he seeks refuge in the LAW itself, and laughs the phenomenal laws to scorn. Are you able to grasp the inner meaning of this?"

>- designated circles of hermeticists like Newton who were in charge of suppressing knowledge and creating false 'rules' for the goyim to abide to. This was also created with the purposes of monopolizing knowledge, in the context of a rising interest in occultism.

You have no idea what you're even commenting on and I hope some other readers of the 3 books I mentioned show up in this thread to laugh at your idiocy concerning The Law. It's not a bunch of rules that one follows, it is the principle behind all things.

Also Newton didn't suppress knowledge, wtf. He expanded knowledge.

>That's a personal decision, with personal outcomes. Just because someone does X doesn't mean X is your way of doing things or doing them better.

Yeah well you can just choose to be a failure then and waste this incarnation away just don't call yourself magickal when you're just lazy and undisciplined.

>As above so below means all is part of a whole, the higher and the lower. Puppets are because they wish to be so. Some others may change their minds, while others carry on being handled around like cattle.

This is not at all a refutation of what I said. You may as well being telling me zomg strawberries are red and can be tasted by some persons therefore we're all connected man, nothing is different, the cattle really rule the farmer! You are using the law of correspondence wrongly.

Also FYI the puppet doesn't choose fucking anything, he is merely released from servitude under the right circumstances eventually. Go read The Stellar Man (which may also be found in audiobook format on youtube) and read montalk's You Are Dreaming article. Puppets are puppets not because they wish to be so but because they were made that way. Go read also Tom Montalk's refutation of your New Age belief concerning "blaming the victim" which is here: http://montalk.net/synchronicity/synchronicity.html (and which I'm going to copypaste after submitting this post)

>No. We must master ourselves.

In order to be a physicist? Yeah well good luck with that, lets see how many people accept you as a physicist when you can't tell them the most basic shit that physicists know because you didn't study physics. Self-mastery might come first but after you're done mastering yourself you don't automatically become a physicist. Meanwhile in non-delusional reality, whatever the profession, you need to actually know and understand wtf you are doing. A mathematician must understand and have mastery of mathematical principles, a chemist must understand and have mastery of chemical principles, a doctor must understand and have mastery of medical principles; and a wizard must understand and have mastery of magickal principles.

You can't just say "I could learn chemistry, therefore I'm a chemist" (potential) or "I am part of the same reality as chemists, therefore I am a chemist" (holism) or "My body is dominated by chemical principles, therefore I'm a chemist" (similar what you used to justify calling life magickal) – a summary of all the invalid arguments you've used so far to justify your sophistry.


There are No Victims! – yeah right

The biggest fallacy in New Age thinking is that there are no victims, that everyone has chosen to attract their misery. The simple proposed solution, then, is to unattract bad experience by doing some reality creation via focused emotion.

Some people make the mistake of thinking that since freewill cannot be violated, if one chooses to be a 'servant of light' or filled with 'love and light' that they are protected from negative forces. Well, they may be protected from negative synchronicity, but not from physical force. It doesn't mean that they can't be harmed at all, it simply means that they can't be harmed without karmic repercussions for the perpetrator. So if the perpetrator chooses to take upon himself that karmic debt, or if he is too stupid to even know about karma, then he is free to murder, mug, and rape whomever he pleases and is physically able to victimize. In this universe, physical force is sovereign to synchronicity and consciousness.

One example of how "there are no victims" is fallacious is illustrated as follows. Say you are a murderer who just killed someone. Since there are no victims, the person you just killed wanted to die this way and probably made an agreement with you at some higher level for this to take place. Maybe he was a murderer in another lifetime and must now repay his karmic debt by being murdered himself. If this is true, then say you kill another one. He, too, made an agreement to repay karma. Now, what is morally limiting you from killing anyone else? Nothing. Everyone you choose to kill freely chose to have you kill them, and thus you are perfectly justified in becoming a mass murderer. And what about your karma? Don't you get into karmic debt, even if you kill as part of an agreement? If no freewill is violated, then no debt is accumulated, meaning that if your 'victim' has chosen to die at your hands (since there are no victims), then you did not violate his freewill and consequently you accumulate no karmic debt. If everyone followed this reasoning, soon no one would be left alive. Does "there are no victims" make plenty of sense to you? No.

Now, what if accidents happen. What if, in this reality, there is indeed a battle over wills when it comes to physical interaction? Then there is a chance that someone you kill might not have chosen it. If that is the case, you risk both being defended against or even shot if that person is armed, plus you risk getting bad karma. If this is true, then you don't have free reign to kill. Oppressors have no justification in claiming that all those they are oppressing have chosen so. Does this make more sense? Of course. Therefore, not only are there victims (those who did not choose a particular event and whose wills were overpowered by it), but there is justification for moral behavior as a consequence.

When it comes down to physical interaction (when an event is attracted into your life), it is your job, using you wits, will, and resources, to defeat or accept it. With reality creation, one might reduce the probability of being mugged, but in the end, when the mugging does occur, no magic forcefield will protect from the kicks and punches. All that will protect is your will and physical resources.

Why? Because reality creation, synchronicity, and consciousness are all within the domain of probability and chaos, not within physical laws of matter and energy. Consciousness is a probability altering phenomenon – this has been stated over and over elsewhere on this site. Probability has to do with choosing one event over an alternate. But in either case, once an event is chosen, the laws of physics are still obeyed. It is merely the laws of probability which are broken in the process of choosing, but this isn't a big deal as probability and statistics is a subjective science and not in perfect accord with physical reality anyway, otherwise there would be no uncertainty in statistical predictions.



Read the article you just posted. It says right in it;

>There are three requirements before a student may begin a practice:

> 1. the empowerment (Tibetan: wang)

> 2. a reading of the text by an authorized holder of the practice (Tibetan: lung)
> 3. instruction on how to perform the practice or rituals (Tibetan: tri).

You can bet your ass they're doing a ton of studying and practice before and after the empowerment ritual.

For even more details, read further down in that article, as to the actual matter of how the ritual is done.

Furthermore, read this article in full as I have: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Esoteric_transmission

As of yet, you have not provided a citation supporting your claim that you may expect to be able to receive directly a large body of knowledge (as if by mental transplant) from someone else, without study and practice.

>Maybe, maybe not. Depends on subject.

No maybes. It is not without reason the crown chakra is referred to as such. Every lower chakra (and the aspects of life it corresponds to) must be mastered first. One does not fully activate the final (crown) chakra until all others have been first. Hindu, Hermetic, Freemasonic, Rosicrucian, and other esoteric traditions all echo this. Once all the lower chakras however have been mastered, the final one practically activates automatically as a consequence of the mastery over the lower.

Spiritual ascent does not happen without an improvement in all aspects of life. It's funny you ranted a bit about holism and also the law of correspondence and yet here I am setting you straight on these matters. All aspects of the whole of your being must be attended to here for the full realization to come about, the spiritual ascent. You can't neglect any one part anymore than you can discard a random organ from your body without suffering health consequences… or like in Atkinson's writings about healing if one part of the being isn't working right all other parts suffer.

>Just trying to admit not all people reach the same place with the same methods.

Methodology was never discussed. What was being discussed is the necessity to derive power from all vectors to enable the ascent, the need to not neglect any area. Aka you need to study, practice, meditate, introspect, etc. you need to do it all. The specific material you study, the specific practices, etc. were never the matter being discussed in this thread of discussion.

One should gather information from experience, books, stories, other people, etc. from EVERYWHERE and not just think living in nature as a hermit by yourself will suffice or that waiting for a form of direct transmission of knowledge will suffice (and your example from Vajrayana does not constitute an example of such).


"This conspicuous aspect of Vajrayana Buddhism is esoteric. In this context esoteric means that the transmission of certain accelerating factors only occurs directly from teacher to student during an initiation and cannot be simply learned from a book. The term adhisthana (literally "blessing") refers to the spiritual energy that is received in the mindstream of the aspirant when successful transmission takes place."


>tfw just saw a u traced out in burning light in front of me for about one full second maybe 1.5 seconds


"Kaydrub Norzang-gyatso, in A Lamp for Clarifying Mahamudra to Establish the Single Intention of the Kagyu and Gelug Traditions, has explained that those for whom everything happens at once are persons who have trained extensively through stages either in previous lives or earlier in this life. As a result, meditation on the nonconceptual state of the mind, without need to rely on any further meditation on penetrating vital points of the vajra-body, alone causes clear light mind to manifest so that everything happens at once. Such meditation does this by acting as a circumstance for triggering the ripening of potentials built up from previous practice with energy-winds and so forth, so that they automatically enter, abide and dissolve in the central energy-channel. If a practitioner has not built up these potentials, then no matter how intensively he or she may focus in a nonconceptual state of mind, this person is unable to manifest clear light mind or pure awareness. They lack sufficient causes."


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>does not necessarily enable magickal ascent.
No, but it helps.

>Tree of life stands for a lot of things and have many symbolical meanings to different people

This isn't what symbology demonstrates. All major symbols like the serpent or the Caduceus have universal meanings.

>We could be living in a world with no trees and yet the ascent would remain possible.

Then we would not be humans nor breathe, since trees provide fresh air for us. They're a part of us.

>Irrelevant. Life in and of itself is not those etheric fields which are the energy scaffolding of those lifeforms. Crystals also have etheric components. Merely having an etheric body, a soul, and even a spirit; does not make you magical or a wizard. Life is mundane.

Probably, but if you weren't alive at this time you wouldn't be focusing on your work. Life is a component of magick, and shouldn't be excluded as 'mundane' towards those who wish to go beyond.

>WRONG. The Law is UNCREATED and ETERNAL and can not be ignored or wished away.

I do not believe in laws. Until I experience myself how rigid these may be and how malleable they become, I won't comment further on this matter.

>You have no idea what you're even commenting on and I hope some other readers of the 3 books I mentioned show up in this thread to laugh at your idiocy concerning The Law.

Why do you bother calling me or what I imply as idiocy when you disagree with them?
Don't you know what the Royal Society is and why it was formed? don't you realize that if such monopoly wasnt established, today mainstream science would be completely different, and even non-mundane?

These are the same people who dictate lies through elite-owned institutions such as those depicting fluoride good for the teeth in order to create more slaves.
This is obvious enough to the eyes of everyone here.

>Yeah well you can just choose to be a failure then and waste this incarnation away just don't call yourself magickal when you're just lazy and undisciplined.

So cursing people or opinions you dislike constitutes a disciplined attitude? Complaining of the failures of others who have little to do with you also constitutes this?

Like I said, you don't shit of me so instead you either AP towards me to learn who I am or not say anything at all. Making opinions based on ignorant suppositions also doesn't constitute disciplined behavior. I don't need Ad-hominems in this discussion.

>New Age belief concerning "blaming the victim"

It isn't new age. you don't read what I write, so I won't bother replying to this. I've never read anything related to "New Age". I'm not justifying mental slavery, regardless of your interpretation. And we've talked about this before.

>As of yet, you have not provided a citation supporting your claim that you may expect to be able to receive directly a large body of knowledge

Because it's telepathic. Just because it's not written doesn't mean it "doesnt exist".


Saturn/Chronos worshipping manipulators. And I'm not talking about TV symbology, see Holy Royal Arch, Order of Malta (the one Mandela belonged to), etc.
same as freemasons
>and other esoteric traditions all echo this.
And now, all of a sudden freemasons reveal their knowledge, becoming available for us. Without going fedora I'd at least distrust some of their dogmas a little.

>Spiritual ascent does not happen without an improvement in all aspects of life.

"All aspects of life" is a rather broad term for describing a person's life.

What I meant with 'depending on subject' is that some are born with some aspects of their life more resolved than others, such as spiritually 'gifted' people, as rare as they may be. People aren't manufactured in factories.

>Meanwhile in non-delusional reality

Unfortunately, "reality" dictates you what to believe in. A fedora may call you delusional just as well, because he believes in a tiny little world of matter, thus he was told to believe in this and didn't choose to go beyond.
So yes, in the end its always a matter of choice, like it or not. Everything is made of choices.

It could be the transmission of anything. Do you think telepathy applies only to "accelerating" factors?

>cannot be simply learned from a book.

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If mere life is not mundane then the word "mundane" has no meaning because you're basically declaring everything no matter how bland and common and ordinary to be extraordinary.

>I do not believe in laws. Until I experience myself how rigid these may be and how malleable they become, I won't comment further on this matter.

Confirmed for never having read any of the mentioned books and saying really retarded illogical things as a consequence of your complete misunderstanding. These aren't legal or social laws you ninnywag not are they phenomenal laws like physical laws. You are constantly and unceasingly subject to law, moved by law, and can not possibly rise above law.

>Don't you know what the Royal Society is and why it was formed? don't you realize that if such monopoly wasnt established, today mainstream science would be completely different, and even non-mundane?

>These are the same people who dictate lies through elite-owned institutions such as those depicting fluoride good for the teeth in order to create more slaves.

How does anything you just said have anything whatsoever to do with the part in the greentext you responded to? I am really irritated with your obviously poor grasp of the meaning behind my words, you suck at English. Go read the books I suggested, maybe find a translation into Spanish for you, because all the stuff you're talking about there is as unrelated to what I just talked about as bringing up toads when talking about when discussing how to polish leather. aka not related AT ALL. I swear I need a translator to come in and make clear to you what I'm talking about at this point as you keep responding to most of what I say with totally irrelevant stuff and huge misunderstandings.

>So cursing people or opinions you dislike constitutes a disciplined attitude? Complaining of the failures of others who have little to do with you also constitutes this?

My loosh farming operations are very consistent with my goals. Discipline is stuff like actually reading and practicing and thinking about the subjects I pursue all the time.

>Making opinions based on ignorant suppositions also doesn't constitute disciplined behavior.

It doesn't constitute undisciplined behavior either as I never made a vow not to offend others or to be courteous to others. If I wasn't sharpening my edges in every conversation I have that might actually be more of a failure of discipline as I am very dedicated to edginess and don't want to go soft.

>It isn't new age.

The concept which is called "YCOR" and states that we chose our lives and manifest our reality is explicitly a core doctrine of the New Age movement.

>Because it's telepathic. Just because it's not written doesn't mean it "doesnt exist".

How is that even relevant to what you just responded to in the greentext?

>Without going fedora I'd at least distrust some of their dogmas a little.

I never said to swallow any of their paradigms as the whole truth only that this particular truth is echoed in multiple esoteric movements.

>that next response

I don't even know what to say to you there. You seem to understand all your words differently from me, everything you say means something different from how I understand it.

>So yes, in the end its always a matter of choice, like it or not. Everything is made of choices.

Bullshit solipsism. Freewill can be violated and is violated all the time when the choices of others conflict with your own. Either you suppose that you're the only actual person making any choices in the universe and everyone else is just a puppet of your mind (solipsism) or you acknowledge others can act independently of you and contradict your choices. Humans btw have very little freewill and animals and minerals none at all. Only beings of the higher densities manifest more freewill and only the 0th order being has absolute freewill.

>It could be the transmission of anything. Do you think telepathy applies only to "accelerating" factors?

Read the article and realize that this form of transmission they talk about is:
1. Not telepathic.
2. They only transfer energy (devoid of any informational content) to the person and the rest is directing them them through ritual and so on to do the thing them self.

No actual information is directly transmitted only energy in the example you gave.

It's like if I gave you instructions to do a meditation and then I transferred extra loosh to you and then you did the meditation.

There are examples of telepathic transmission but the specific one you gave is not one of them.
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>born (inserted into the living continuum)

>life (add or detract from soul, based on how you lived)


>enter Irkalla (face Ereshkigal)

>pay off "debts"

>return to soul continuum (the eternal river of souls we are all a part of, or the manifestation of the actual God)

>dependent on remaining debt and condition of soul, reinserted into the living continuum


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>If mere life is not mundane then the word "mundane" has no meaning because you're basically declaring everything no matter how bland and common and ordinary to be extraordinary.

Actually Im declaring life as both ordinary to be extraordinary at the same time.

>Confirmed for never having read any of the mentioned books and saying really retarded illogical things as a consequence of your complete misunderstanding.

Pretending I should abide by all the written stuff you agree with is a principle of fundamentalism, at the very least.
I'm moved by my will, the only true "law" there is, which isnt a law by definition.

>How does anything you just said have anything whatsoever to do with the part in the greentext you responded to?

You spoke of written laws, Im speaking of the "inventors" of the laws you claim to abide to. It is quite clear these laws are intended to subdue consciousnesses into believing they're ruled by them, when in reality they're both creating thoughtforms that block their progress and believing they have limits. This contradicts the ENTIRE meaning of "Ascension", the goal you claim you aim to.
To "ascend" you must first fathom how limitless everything is.

>I swear I need a translator to come in and make clear to you what I'm talking about at this point as you keep responding to most of what I say with totally irrelevant stuff and huge misunderstandings.

I haven't had issues communicating these matters with everyone else. No one as of yet in this board nor any other has complained about my writing except for you.

>Discipline is stuff like actually reading and practicing and thinking about the subjects I pursue all the time.

Cherry picking doesn't constitute disciplined behavior. You very well know what I mean so let's get honest here. Emotions and the expressions that part from them are to be strictly controlled in order to avoid counter-productive results, all the time, in every plane. But we both know you obviously know this.

>The concept which is called "YCOR" and states that we chose our lives and manifest our reality is explicitly a core doctrine of the New Age movement.

I've read about this on Montalk, and just because I found it there labeled as "New age", it didn't stop me from searching within my consciousness for the answer. And doesn't even take a long path to get there, just leaving the prejudices behind and focusing on the mind.

>How is that even relevant to what you just responded to in the greentext?

Because telepathy can move any volume of information at any time, instantly. How would this not be a perfect method of teaching?

>Freewill can be violated and is violated all the time when the choices of others conflict with your own.

Not necessarily, since most aren't aware of how to successfuly utilize their body as a link to their higher selves (true will) and their environment.

Besides, like I've explained before, we chose to incarnate in our present forms.

Instead of calling my words bullshit, do regressions and you will understand.

>Only beings of the higher densities manifest more freewill and only the 0th order being has absolute freewill.

You mean entities like the "4D" archons who perpetuate themselves to feeding off others' emotions they lack?

>No actual information is directly transmitted only energy in the example you gave.

Everything is energy. Matter is vibratory energy in its lowest frequency, made solid. Just because some wikipedia article says this, we have to take everything literally? We're information ourselves.

I can't find an article of a buddhist vajrayana monk speaking of this method of transfer, but when I do I'll post it here.
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Hey hey, I think I might be a tulpa that was created a long time ago. Can tulpa's become ensouled after a very long time?


Wait, here it says that 2nd order beings (tulpas) can be promoted via a connection with the 0th. That answers my question.


Read The Arcane Teachings and stop being so stupid.



>Everything is energy. Matter is vibratory energy in its lowest frequency, made solid. Just because some wikipedia article says this, we have to take everything literally? We're information ourselves.

Only if you ignore what "energy" means and act like "energy" means "monad" which it does not.


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Disregard most other posts in this thread, see for this.

You are presented choices and chose respawn, to learn.

Your higher self is a dick. A dick whose motives you can't fully comprehend because you are a dreamer, you are not fully awake. Only part of you can inhabit this fuck awful inferior vessel.

When you wake up from here, you will know why you chose what you did.

Your goal is to figure out your true self and your purpose, and make the largest impact you possibly could.

When we speak of Aliens being of a higher dimension what is implied is that their souls have a more intricate, complex body to inhabit, allowing more of their whole to inbahit the material.

As a result, advanced beings are most always partly in the astral, moving about and dwelling in the 'astral', the lucid realms on this side of deaths door.

Their souls extend greatly beyond the barriers of their brains, that's the basis of their telepathy. Directly connected to the astral internet.

To make matters further worse for you and I, earthly human beings had limits imposed upon them by those who tampered with their DNA.


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>1. Upon death the physical body is shedded and one is instantly astral projected.

Kind of.

Lets assume that you and I currently exist in the most dense plane. We are devolved energy, dead star stuff, atoms evolved, given new form, forming organic compounds, highly evolved atoms, shaped by the subtle universe (see ether) after its higher vibrations.

Your organic body is a vessel for a soul to inhabit, as much as possible tries to force its way into plant animal and sentient being.

But the place from where souls come is not the astral. The astral and the lucid realms are a number of differently vibrating planes, you can navigate these by astral projection, the seven lower and the seven higher (I think, this is not my area)

Certain drugs, highly evolved/high frequency compounds, induce mind states, allowing your brain to temporarily overlap or enter the realms correspånding to these frequencies.

Among the "spiritual" drugs you can find Psilocybin, LSD, DMT..

For example, DMT takes you to the utmost fringe (confirmed by monks doing drugs), the plane/realm closest to the "portal" to the other side. The other side being the place where souls come from. The other side also consists of realms of different purity.

I only know so much about this, if you can correct me, feel free to do so.


Well, confirmed, dubs are truths.


I think the Higher Self is both external and internal. It is our will, yet the being itself seems to operate in another plane we can feel to be distant.


How does the doctrine of reincarnation fit with psychic mediums talking to deceased people?


The higher you is what little will shines through your body going about on auto, its the will guiding every day life, do want to, do not want to.. At first thought one might think "Is that all?", then again, the will is what defines you.

Really curious as to who I was last couple of times.. A past lofe regression implies I died in Germany before it got butchered and drained off blood.

There was a parade, a shooting and a clown court case of some kind.

I bet the Bolshevists are to blame..

Reincarnation is a slow process, it could take several hundred years before you've dealt with the trauma burdening you or have properly analyzed and contemplated it before you're ready to try again.

Can we get someone whise well versed regards it up here? Some specific informations would be nice.

Don't suicide.


The dead do not have to immediately reincarnate. I am uncertain of the specifics, not being dead yet myself.


None of that can, or has ever been proven, or even passably demonstrated. You are full of shit.


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Thanks. I seem to have glimpses of living sometime in the Dark Ages, being angry and hopeless knowing that children were sent to war as cannon fodder.


Is it possible that one of those browsing /fringe/ right now, despite their interest in wizardry, are in fact spiritless? How do you know if you're spiritless?


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*tips fedora*


>Is it possible that one of those browsing /fringe/ right now, despite their interest in wizardry, are in fact spiritless?

Possible but improbable – if it is happening it's probably a case of a possessed being directed by a spirited being by proxy.

>How do you know if you're spiritless?

Read the Spiritless Humans article on montalk it answers exactly that question.

Also read the Philosophical Zombies argument.

If you are experiencing things you have spirit, if not then you don't.



>If you are experiencing things you have spirit, if not then you don't.

This is good advice. While it doesn't make sense on its own (because even "zombie humans" do "experience" something), it makes sense if you understand what he's talking about.
It's like you know, you are aware that you are living, right?
I think Atkinson would call this the "I" (the actual you) being aware of operating through the "Me" (body, personality).


No philosophical zombies actually DO NOT experience anything at all. They respond like they do, they still have programming which animates them and so on, but "there is nothing it is like to be them" … "nobody looks out from behind the eyes" … they are "organic robots, machines".

They are purely physical/instinctual non-beings.

If you are aware of anything at all, you are not a philosophical zombie. A philosophical zombie may say based on its programming that it is aware but it is not.

Telling if others are philosophical zombies is hard to do but montalk has a suggestion as to how that he gives on his youtube channel as well as on his site. Knowing if you yourself are one is easy – if you are aware of anything at all you're not one.


Can such a being trick itself into having more?


Having had a rough upraising i experienced antisocial, sociopathic tendencies.

Since walking the spiritual path I've been more aware of feels.. But they are distant, like an echo..

Mother was a psychopath, a violent and abusive drunk.. If the experience is to hard the soul might leave its vessel.

Its also passed down from parent to child, maybe my conditions didn't poison me, maybe i was born like this?

I'm afraid I have tricked myself into..

Somewhere along my path I decided that What I have experienced others would not want, so why be their cause of suffering?

But this was a logical decision, not one born out of empty.


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MEMENTO method requires no hypnotism according to its creator, zivorad mihailovic slavinski.



There is no "itself" to trick.



>This experimental project looks at traditional perspectives of reincarnation from a 21st-century view of consciousness studies, neuroscience, behavioral psychology, and quantum physics.

Yeah good luck with that.
When will they understand that they are looking at it all from the wrong perspective? The world of research needs a big paradigm shift.


What do you suggest as an alternative perspective?



They need to start entertaining the thought that consciousness is not material and is not a byproduct of brain activity.


Just another silly idea pushed by religions to keep their followers in line. Other than that, meaningless and impossible to prove.


>says the guy who obviously didn't read a fucking thing on this topic

How in the fuck is reincarnation used to "keep followers in line" anyways?


One can argue this both ways.

If you teach people that their future lives depend on their actions in this life, and the only way to ensure this is to obey your precepts, then it might be used to control people.

On the other hand, people who believe that their souls are immortal might be more inclined towards violent uprising, as they have less to fear from death.

I think in practice there are better doctrines for controlling people, such as promising them eternal and irrevocable damnation in hell for disobedience, or perhaps the idea that life is meaningless, trapping them in depression or hedonism.


I am not worried about being controlled as long as I am being controlled in my better interests.

>On the other hand, people who believe that their souls are immortal might be more inclined towards violent uprising, as they have less to fear from death.

This is exactly the case for me.

>I think in practice there are better doctrines for controlling people, such as promising them eternal and irrevocable damnation in hell for disobedience, or perhaps the idea that life is meaningless, trapping them in depression or hedonism.

Yeah those are the standard and proven ZOG methods.




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>tfw no reincarnate stories

To all the member of the party: "where do all the souls of a growing population come from? = reincarnation 0: debunked 1, checkmate"
I have this…
>Earth isn't all that big a universe.
>'Souls' are not evenly distributed.
>'Souls' can 'flow' - form and transcend (and any other action you can think of).

As for the rest of my two cents to add to the thread:
(And I am certain parts will unintentionally seem related to elsewhere in this thread)
1. Humans beings come in 3 major flavors: Person, Bird, Record.
A person has the capacity of being a cognizant being, a bird has the capacity of convincing enough to mimic a person, and a record has the capacity of a very finite fixed track. While there is potential to move about these categories it doesn't really happen.
2.For persons, this 'soul' thing can comes in none, multiple, and single.
Unlike in #1, it is somewhat common for changes of category to happen here and generally fewer numbers are more likely anyways. Physiological trauma is one major means of changing overall soul habitance. The 'energies' business often associated with this health of 'soul' habitance - I doubt this is the best association for 'energies'.
3. Experience(Age) & Awareness(Ego) of 'soul' in reincarnation
As time is experienced it becomes another dimension and is by its nature great source of learning. It is not what it causally appears to be, nor what is usually referred to as a dimension. In the absence of time there is only pure physical state. In the absence of awareness(ego) there is universality. Ego is the response of a 'soul' to form identity based the physical world it finds itself in. Failing to develop ego FULLY where 'soul' is present is the single greatest contributor to the migration of souls and reincarnation. It is not personality but it does shape it, it is not thought but again it does shape it, and ego is not fully formed without a strong practice of understanding of universal place and relative time besides just self.
>Otherwise the ride doesn't end
>and you won't even know how long you have been on the ride
>and your chances of ever getting off (and lives in general) just get worse and worse and worse


>1. Humans beings come in 3 major flavors: Person, Bird, Record.

It's also like 2nd density, 3rd density, 4th density… organic portal, human, ascended… hylic, psychic, pneumatic… and many other classification systems all recognizing the same thing.


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I've had many where I've had someone love me, like a wife. Seeing them and living with them has always brought this feeling of familiarity and love, and I've concluded that they might have been my beloved ones in past lives. Usually we've been separated by some disaster, and I've woken up with feeling of deep longing and sadness, but also happiness for having had someone love you. Or maybe they are just dreams? Phantasmagoria?

What mysteries existence brings to those who live!

Pain and suffering follows me as a creeping shadow. But is the shadow evil, or is it just that we are afraid of dark? Pain and suffering, hatred and sorrow. We were born to suffer; nothing in the finite world can ever satisfy us, can it? The soul longs to return to the womb it came from. Some say God is broken and that we are his pieces - lights of god - but this is wrong to me.

God is not broken; we are. We are shattered and hurt. We are broken and we stay broken until we realize that all is one. There is no separation. You and I - we are one!

To be not two but one is to love. To be whole, together - is this not Love? Many people tell me they are in love, but are they really? Biological mechanism does not equal love! God equals love; to be one with all is to be all with one. To love God is to love all.

Do I love?

. . . What mysteries life brings to those who exist!

To exist. . . It brings a lot of questions to my mind. How long have I existed, and how many incarnations have I had? What have I been like? Who have I loved and hated? Am I an alien in human body? A higher being in the corpse of homo sapiens? Why am I here. . ?

What I know is that we are all alien to existence. We are all aliens, not in extraterrestrial sense, but in spiritual.

We are in this existence, but we are not of this existence; and in smaller degree, we are in this world, but we are not of this world.

We are all aliens to existence.

Yet in the end, the only thing that matters is now. "I AM," and that is enough. What I have been doesn't matter. I am, I am, I am. . .

I Am, and that is All.


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>tfw trying to read what you wrote and my damned mind split while I was on your part 3 thing and I started thinking other stuff while reading your words at the same time
>tfw need to make all the dialogues in my mind fixate on your text at once


Damn son, that's some basic speculations there, I am overflowing so fucking hard with loosh of a very high quality right now. Can barely stay in third density right now. Wish I could take you up to my level for awhile and show you such beauty as you have never seen in a long while… and make you think thoughts so deep like you've never been so conscious in so long…


It was not speculation to me, it was an experience, but I understand it is very basic. It is just that I understood it instead of just thinking of it.

Basic. Basic.


Understanding and experiencing, they are so much more. Of course our words come out basic, the more we use, the more finite the experience becomes. It crystallises it down preset paths of language, language that may not be suitable for such expression.

We still try. An experience so meaningful and overwhelming, we are compelled to share it with our fellows. But when it is poured into the vial of language, it just feels cheapened. It is no longer that which transfixed us, but can now be cut and measured.

Fragmented. And all we want is to be whole.


So how one can tell if the spirit has left?
Please tell, this is a matter of life and death here.


Just read the fucking coffin texts and the Egyptian and Tibetan books of the dead… People have been studying this scientifically for over 5000 years…


The Process of Incarnation and the Implications of Abortion

>> I am particularly interested in is the process of incarnation itself. <<

Once the astral body of the former incarnation has completely disintegrated, the temporal mental body (Individual Self) is freed. At this stage, there is a degree of unification between the temporal Individual Self and eternal mental body (Greater Self) and a temporal "conference" of sorts occurs. This is when the eternal Self informs the temporal Self of what is to come and what lessons the temporal mental body must undergo in the next incarnation. Even though these details are know as fact to the eternal Greater Self, the Individual Self *chooses* to embrace and enact them within the temporal realm. The Individual Self, following the instruction of the Greater Self, then chooses the right time and place for incarnation, the parents, the circumstances of the incarnation that will force the needed lessons and experiences, and the time of death.

Once all of these decisions have been made, the desire to procreate arises within the parents. At the pre-determined moment of conception, the temporal mental body descends into the fertilized egg and the astral body begins to crystallize. As the egg develops, so too does the astral crystallization. During gestation, the mental body becomes gradually more and more attached to the physical body until at the pre-determined moment of birth, it emerges bound to the nascent astra-physical body. At the moment of birth, the astral body is formed sufficiently for the new incarnation, nonetheless, it continues to mature throughout the incarnation.

>> Also, I would like to relate this issue to another, very controversial issue of abortion. Namely, what are the implications of abortion (also having in mind different stages of pregnancy) in the light of the Hermetic explanation of incarnation. <<

Abortion is death. The moment of death is fated, from the eternal perspective, just as the moment of conception and birth. With abortion or fetal death of any sort, the incarnating mental body is meeting the lessons it must meet in order to evolve. From the perspective of the aborted spirit, the abortion is necessary for its development. The temporal mental body along with the partially formed astral body of the fetus, is released from physicality and re-enters the process of astral disintegration. This is very brief compared to the process that follows an incarnation of longer duration.

The moment of death, whenever it may occur, is an expression of the karma of the incarnating spirit. The circumstances of death however, are an expression of a mixing of the karma of the incarnating spirit and the person(s) who function(s) as the agency of death. In the case of abortion and fetal death that's due to parental negligence, etc., there is a karmic debt formed between the incarnating spirit and the parent, doctor, drug dealer, etc. The nature of that debt depends entirely upon what is in the heart of the parent(s) and can very from the extremely negative to the extremely positive.

The stage of fetal development has no bearing upon the karmic consequences that those participating in the abortion incur.

Karmically, it is the right of every woman to choose what she will do or not do with her own body. Therefore, abortion does not equate karmically with murder.

My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
13 Nov 2002


I want Rawn Clark to weigh in on infanticide.


sure there must be.

"I am hungry."

"I am not normal but can present myself as such."

Surely Psychopaths think.


define "aware"


How do I discover who I was in my past life?


Via a certain form psychomancy you could do it.

Read psychomancy and use the techniques for searching the past.

Me personally I have no intentions of even trying to figure out who I may have been in a past life as there's too high a risk of delusion happening.

I just assume personally, that at some point in my present incarnation, I will reach such an incredibly advanced level of development that knowledge of such things becomes easily accessible to me and I will know then.


Straight from wikipedia "A philosophical zombie or p-zombie in the philosophy of mind and perception is a hypothetical being"

Obviously Psychopaths think, as they are human and exist,


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There very well could be an infinite amount of universes but don't forget that there would be an infinite amount of time as-well.


Woah that is an incredibly dank and rare pepe, saved!




I have this friend who swears he knows about his past life. He says he had a vivid dream where he was a noble during the French Revolution, after being pursued by revolutionaries he jumps of a bridge and breaks his neck. He told me that every time you have a very vivid dream it's a past life. I had never encountered anyone in real life that legitimately believed this kind of thing, it really got me thinking. So being the autistic social outcast i am I came to an obscure chan to discuss it. Thoughts?



I am a subscriber of "you die, everything that makes you who you are is ded, and whatever remains and reincarnates isn't truly yourself, so who cares what happens to it as you might as well just be ded"



I can (and so can anyone else at step 5 of Initiation Into Hermetics) vividly experience the thoughts and memories of another person, being them, for a period of time and it doesn't matter if they're alive right now or lived in the past. It's all held in the akashic records.

The only past life claim I would take seriously is on in which the person experienced no amnesia at all, that they somehow went from one life to their next one without any loss of memory.

You are not your personality, memories, and body. You are awareness and will and may wear the personality, memories, and body of any person for a time.

The main issue I have with claims of the sort you just brought up is the matter of sequence. Calling it a "past life". I don't know it if should be regarded as a concurrent life, a past life, snooping into another life for a moment, etc. and the fact that time is a product of consciousness and the absolute reality is static further complicates things.

You could tap into and experience the life of any person you want and report accurately on the details of their life and be believed by others when you identify with that life as "having been your own" because you'll be able to back things up with the facts you know. All really advanced occultists however would be careful to avoid such errors and to make such reports to the unilluminated masses that only serve to confuse the situation.



I see. I really don;t know much about this stuff. Regarding amnesia, he doesn't claim to remember his entire past life, just that one moment in the bridge. And i don't think he claimed any kind of continuity either. Anyway his family is big into French bloodlines, so maybe he WANTS to believe he was a noble at one point in time.



K so what if your vivid dreams occur between the years 2020-2085 and show you doing advanced forms of reality manipulation and magick… Including showing plausible actual tech from the era and the fact that everything had the label UN on it.



The most vivid dream I ever had went roughly like this:

>not so far away future

>some scientist chick claims she found the ruins of Atlantis at the bottom of the ocean

>asks the US government for x billion dollars to fund the excavation

>government agrees because apparently they have nothing better to spend taxpayers money on

>they actually dig up Atlantis

>too late do they realize Atlanteans sunk the city on purpose to contain some great evil they had no hope of defeating otherwise

>excavation team releases it into the world


>be me

>be travelling on a train, just chilling

>suddenly two giant fucking snake-dragons made of fire and smoke appear out of nowhere


>one of them just swallows the whole fucking train

And that's the story of how one of my past lives in the future apparently gets eaten by demonic dragons from Atlantis dug up by Americans. Thanks Obama.



>ancient mythological beast representing the kundalini fire made of smoke ( unknown, fear, negative energy + fire will passion desire energy ) going around doing destruction of the humanity's bullshit such as trains ( long line of people ( sheep sleep) relaxing on the train.

that's the symbolism i get out of that. something about fearing how great one's power can be and letting it go out of control and devouring our dislikes away instead of healing the whole.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


or maybe some devouring of the mundane routine of commute and such and all the psychological implications via something supernatural to stimulate a wake up.

What animals are popular in your dreams?

this is cool




I can't really recall any animals in my normal dreams tbh.

Though most of my sleep paralysis experiences (if those count) are accompanied by a pinscher-looking dog for some reason. Aggressive towards me in the beginning when I started seeing it, but eventually as I learned to overcome my fear of sleep paralysis, it evolved into a guardian of sorts, just sitting there, watching me.




Okay, after going through what little I have left from the time when I tried keeping a dream diary, the only actual animal I can find a mention of are fish.

There's also some mentions of Spiderman, but I attribute that to spending too much time on /b/.


I conquered non-being, as in death, with destruction


Yo I have a question

What kind of karma balancing would I have to do to reincarnate as this ego again?

And if it happened, would causality dictate that everything happens in the exact same order, causing an infinite loop?

I don't know if I'm going to make it

But I was close

And I don't want to stray too far from where I was if where I was was almost there

Sorry I'm not well versed in actual fringey stuff this is just some stuff that happened




If you're not well versed in fringey stuff you better go somewhere else to pick up the basics. This board is heavily contaminated with disinfo.



Yeah I pick up a weird vibe from this place so I don't frequent it too much… but the only alternative I know of is /x/ which is basically just a troll board at this point




Don't kid yourself.


>What kind of karma balancing would I have to do to reincarnate as this ego again?

1.Karma is mostly bullshit

2.Time doesn't work that way

You can't go back to the event you fucked up with, but you can change your future events for your own betterment.

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