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Esoteric Wizardry


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So I had a couple of bad trips on shrooms and both times I went to this place:

Basically it's a big endless room with these monsters in the corners of my vision making terrifying faces and stabbing me with needles and sharp objects (pic related). The room has a checkered floor and ceiling that stretches endlessly in all directions.

So now whenever I see a checker pattern on a floor or a t-shirt in real life it kind of creeps me out because it reminds me of my bad trips. I started doing some research and apparently these checkered patterns are used by the Illuminati to symbolize duality or something?

So what's the deal with checkered pattern? I've been doing my own research but you know what it's like trying to sift through conspiracy theory blogs. What is everything I need to know about checkered patterns?



one simple exercise to train the focus of vision, but also to harmonise oneself is to stare at a checkerboard until all the squares are grey.

Jean Dubuis, fundamental of esoteric knowledge, lesson 1


The checkered floors means the duality of morality. Black (evil), White (good). The symbol of stepping unto this floor means: To be above morality (good and bad).

Learn to face your fears OP.


The room you visited is the gateway to the astral through yourself. You can go there without drugs as well, just use your imagination.

The reason demons hide there is because you have to face them before you can continue to the astral.

Stop taking shrooms and learn how to astral project instead.


Just don't use psychedelics, don't be a schizophrenic retard please



Interesting trip. Checkerboard is indeed duality and base consciousness. It is the floor in freemasonry where all initiates start from and begin their journey towards the higher being.

It's possible that these demons are getting to you only because you choose to stay in your duality awareness perhaps there are things that you can do to change this. Realize what you are struggling against and let it go. Obviously you wont get rid of duality right away, but you can take steps towards higher awareness


Maybe something like this would help. View the checkerboard as coming together in grey. Just like the artist Alex Grey who drew that picture of demons sucking the life force out of the individual. He knew black and white come together in one.



why not? i thought psys were approved of here


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Just curious but would black and blue checkers mean anything ? Also how does one shed morality ? It's so basic it's almost primal. But also wouldn't doing that make you a sociopath ?



>So now whenever I see a checker pattern on a floor or a t-shirt in real life it kind of creeps me out because it reminds me of my bad trips. I started doing some research and apparently these checkered patterns are used by the Illuminati to symbolize duality or something?

Yes, they do. Male and female, dark and light, negative and positive, and so on…

>What is everything I need to know about checkered patterns?

Dualities exist, but there are dualities within dualities, i.e; a star or sun has the potential creation for a black hole, likewise said singularity tends towards endless brightness when the event horizon of the core is reached; to use one example.

The entities of which you mention are an inclusion or transcendence of these extremes.



Assuming you are OP, you can be amoral or true neutral without necessarily being a sociopath.

Just try not to let that sense of self or egotism get the best of you.



bullshit occultist



>no reasoning provided

Bullshit response.

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