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File: 1457555763964.jpg (342.52 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, all-seeing-eye.jpg)


Let's talk about the illuminati

>What's the actual plan and how do we stop it

Because it is well known they want to control shit though banks, political leaders, mass media, music industry and shit.

But what's the point of it?

Take Disney and music industry for example

Constantly bombarding us with shit about the all seeing eye and massive cocks in children movies. It's pretty obvous there is a point to it but what?

What do they gain with blatantly feeding us their crap?

>Condition our minds to being obedient to these symbols?

>Use them as a comunication means between initiates?

>Brag about how awesome they say they are?

We constantly see our world bombarded by crap about ancient superior civilizations, shadow governments, puppet media, secret societies etc in movies, music, videogames, literature etc. But it's all on plain sight.


Wouldn't it be more effective if we didn't know any of it?

Every single fuck of an american president always has to say "new world order" at least once in a public speech.

Some say there is a disinformation campaign but if there is, then what would be the lie and what would be the actual truth?



On one hand you have people claiming they are designing a society that is perfectly ordered with everyone having a role, a purpose and not a thought out of place. On the other hand people are saying they're designing a society of absolute freedom, without morals, authority or nature to impinge on anyone. Which one is heaven and which one is hell must be in the eye of the beholder.

>Some say there is a disinformation campaign but if there is, then what would be the lie and what would be the actual truth?

If you watch the Grand Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus, the fair owner alludes to Pop Illuminism as being a campaign to remind people of Good and Evil. That's one way the illuminati myth is used, but it goes beyond people making hand gestures in music videos and referencing trauma conditioning.

The key reference book is the illuminatus trilogy, but good luck parting any truth from the lies, it's simultaneous disinformation and exposure.

Most of the disinfo will be about what the illuminati stuff represents, like, what the eye in the pyramid represents. Is it an eye in a prism? God's eye overlooking everything? A red herring? A butthole (as insisted in an old thread)?

>Wouldn't it be more effective if we didn't know any of it?

Depends what the point is. Half of me thinks they want people to have a spiritual experience; along the lines of what the guy talks about in My Dinner With Andre. Some of me thinks they put this stuff in the open as a laugh at the people who go through life blind to it and then when they die, they realise all the clues they missed and it drives them insane.

>>Condition our minds to being obedient to these symbols?

People will do that to themselves.


>Wouldn't it be more effective if we didn't know any of it?

There is subtle references everywhere, but no solid proof that is publicly known. This causes the effect of "they're too powerful".

As for the rest of your post. Why should we stop them? Yes, what they are doing is terrible, but it is not our responsibility. In time, the pendulum will swing and they will fall. All evil turns to good eventually.

If people wanted to be saved, they would stand for themselves.



>What's the actual plan and how do we stop it?

The plan is to establish a new world, with the elites as absolute rulers. There will be no spiritual growth, no social mobility and no freedom. There will be stability and order, sure, but you'll still be living in a giant human farm and a spiritual trap.

How do we stop it? First of all, we need to break all financial systems around the world in a single blow. Nothing should remain standing.

However, more importantly is: how do you escape the trap? You know that this is all temporary, and you will outlive this thousand-year-empire. Safeguard the knowledge, and pass it on.

>Why condition our minds to these symbols?

By harnessing YOUR power, they can establish THEIR world. You understand the power of your mind, right? All these symbols, references and thoughts are used to advance their plan. They let you "will" their empire. And of course, initiated ones recognize these symbols.

>Wouldn't it be more effective if we didn't know any of it?

Well, their point is to keep it secret, yes. That's why it's so subliminal. It is out there, but always under the surface. History has not been kind to absolute rulers, and they do not want to undergo the same fate.

They are not all-powerful though, and some people have understood their symbols and learned about the nature of their world. It cannot be helped, i guess.

That's why they still need to respond with force, through police or even fellow subjects.

There is a lot of disinformation out there, but it is only targeted to people who recognize the trap. If you've come past level 1, they have a few more levels for you in stock.


File: 1457624309988.jpg (191.09 KB, 949x697, 949:697, Butterfly Symbolism Mind C….JPG)


Interesting. Anon may be on to something there.

>Good and Evil

Apparently there's the idea that men is "above morality" but on a personal level I believe duality of the multiverse is about contrast and balance, not the absolute rule of evil which is what they seem to be campaigning for. A society with "absolute freedom" and "no morality" where the only true value is power in disregard or spirituality, emotion, life or respect, is not exactly "balanced"

>Pop Illuminism

Anybody cares to explain why the common hand gestures and references to trauma conditioning specifically? What's the point of the overused butterflies, mirrors, checkboard floors etc? MK Ultra? But why?

>What it really represents

So… informed people like us esoteric wanderers who know the ancient symbols are safe from most of the disinfo?


I'd quote tha ancient struggle between science and religion. "If spiritual world really existed then why have we no proof?" Answer "Mystical powers are no strangers to physical phenomena, they instead manifest as such" Explaining: Yes the pendulum will always swing to seek it's balance, but it's always someone's responsibility, willingly or not.


So… we wait for the revolution then?

All this careful plotting and underground scheming has been specifically designed so than masses woudn't notice they're getting screwed.

Also about symbols

>Empower them though masses

>Try to hide them from people for maximum underground profit

>They wont work on higher level minds

Yeah that could make sense…


It'c clearly a meme being charged by peoples "mammonism", or obsession with money.


>Wouldn't it be more effective if we didn't know any of it?

They have to reveal their plan as part of the universal plan. Of course it starts out as just images and symbols in places but the more they tighten their rope the more they have to reveal. When they reveal their plans fully then they cannot be blamed for what happens to us after that. It is only our ignorance that we can blame from that point forward.



Do you know how awfully convenient it is that the umbrella term "Illuminati" exists for those in power?

Whether they have magic powers, and secret blood lines, or not, the fact is simple:

Calling them "Illuminati" helps their agenda. When you try and spread the word to regular people they just think you're crazy, but if you point at someone actually responsible and say they specifically are contributing to it…

Rothschild family?, forced global depopulation via endocrine disruptors, etc.. theres a lot of fucky shit going on behind the scenes. The point is to look at all the small plans. It just all adds up.

Same thing goes for conspiracy theories too. How convenient that the word holds no weight, yet plenty of conspiracies turn out true.

You can debate mystics, metaphysics, the all seeing eye, and whatever all you want culturally, but to me it just looks like a nice distraction.


Back to fedora life.



>The key reference book is the illuminatus trilogy

This. The biggest takeaway from those books was that Jewish detective saying something along the lines of this:

>If the Illuminati was as powerful as people say they are, then one would either never hear about them since they would be in control of all information sources or they would openly boast about their works. Since this isn't the case, they are not yet all powerful

Another takeaway was secret societies in general and how they benefit from the Illuminati meme. Everyone can talk about "DA ILLUMINATI" because at this point it's pop culture. This leads to lesser known or unknown secret societies being completely overlooked because the real threat is the Illuminati, an untouchable and seemingly nonexistent yet omnipotent group.

My opinion is that it doesn't matter. Going down this road will only lead to becoming a paranoid schizophrenic, where the Illuminati is everywhere and everyone you know is an Illuminati agent.

If it's even marginally real, then most individuals have a very limited opportunity to stop them. Even then, it would be impossible to know what you're preventing exactly (because maybe they mapped your psyche and knew that you would react a certain way which lead you to acting in a way that follows their grand plan).

I'd compare it to a low level MMO character venturing into a high level PVP area. It probably won't end well. The best course of action is to be as observant as possible and have a code to live by, everything else will figure itself out.



>Another takeaway was secret societies in general and how they benefit from the Illuminati meme.

how they would* benefit.

Illuminutty may be real, just covering my bases :^)



I always saw the illuminati as anyone who is 'illuminated' ie, enlightened to one thing or another.

the truth of each group is a different enlightenment but within that group they all define themselves as enlightened.

how and what these groups then push their 'truth' into the world is what defines that group



You forgotten one critical point: In his apocalyptic vision in the Book of Revelation, the Apostle John sees the “beast,” also called the Antichrist, rising out of the sea having seven heads and ten horns (Revelation 13:1).

You also see the one false christ, white, long hair, rising his fingers to the sky. But the bible says clearly:

1 Corinthians 11:14, “Does not nature itself teach you that if a man wears long hair it is a disgrace for him?”


His appearance was so disfigured beyond that of any man and his form marred beyond human likeness” (Isaiah 52:14).

There are CLEARLY antichrist tedencies out there and you eat them like chicken wings. There is something outthere and people like "Illuminati" knows this, majority are sleeping like junkies on drugs.


This entire thread is cancerous shilling for whatever particular reason.

If anyone TRULY seeks to know, the end result is in the enigma.

The answer is that there is no answer - the mystery causes fear,

the fear creates negative loosh, and the "others," partake of the loosh. It's not a complicated or deep system. The word "Illuminati," is severely misused, by the way. I'm a member of the "Illuminati". It only means one who possesses the inner light, or seeks to open that light within others. It has no connection to all the mystery religions with their methodology of fear control and endless chaos; but to true enlightenment. There is no initiation except by one's own recognition of the light. By using this umbrella term for themselves, they subconsciously cause others to fear the light, and the enlightenment, thus burying themselves in the darkness. The symbols, the "common knowledge," it's all useful information for idiots. They try to tout the smallest abilities they have as great and powerful when they merely can affect the mind through proxy, technology and symbology, all tactics that they garnered from other beings who view themselves as superior but all are ultimately food for "fourth-density," beings.



I'd go one step forward and say that I don't think that they are that scary. I'm more scared about real-life issues like actually surviving in this jungle of a world. I think that people who have time to contemplate their navel are the only ones who are truly scared about that shit. It kind of diverts from the real issues. There is no such self-important person as the person who spends all day and night worrying about the Illuminati. It makes you look like a "hero" for fighting against "the forces of darkness."



Like I said. A useful tactic for keeping others in fear, distracting them from the bigger picture. As to "what's behind it all"? There are many forces opposing each other. Ultimately, none of them do anything but cause paradigm shifts. There is no real change here.



Exactly. It all works out to a greater good in the end.


As far as I'm concerned, Reasons for asking this were my own.


Maybe. But not everyone has the same concerns, interests or tasks. What is futile for some, may be of use to others.

>Meaningless plan

Also Maybe. I believe one must be a blind fool to think there are no opposing forces to spiritual growth on this planet. We mostly know their end goal, which is to prevent such growth, hoard power and harvest loosh or whatever you call it. But what we don't know is the "how". We know an enemy wants to "win" but we don't know "how" And I believe the "how" is also important in any strategy game.

>Illuminati means enlighnened

Sure it does. and it certainly has been a good campaign to shift the meaning of things and tricking mundies into thinking all things magical are evil and belong to them. We can all be "enlightened" but not all of us will be fags and keep others from doing so as well for our own benefit.

As for my personal code, I mostly agree that it's not them we should focus, but ourselves instead.

I believe I've found some answers to this point, so I will take them and move on.



We certainly do know "how," they extract loosh. By building people into a matrix of fear, great amounts of emotional attachment are harvested in cycles similar to a dairy cow. That's why all the conflict in the world exists so persistently and why there's always a threat of extermination. When you're fearful, you give energy to the thought that gives you fear. Now, you can dissipate that thought by yourself if the thought is only tied to yourself. But when many people are scared about the same thing, it causes a ripple effect and a "tapestry," or "quilt," is woven. Then the beings "wear," the manufactured "tapestries".

Source: someone who's literally been to the fourth dimension



The conspiracy military bullshit is even more illusory when you reach the 5th dimension and realize most alternate realities are completely without imperial powers because they figured out how to extinguish that shit aeons ago. It's only our world that has this problem because everyone in it is so damn clingy.



more like because they give too much loosh to "higher," entities when all life on the third density is is a self-imposed limitation/learning experience meant to expand the imagination of the infinite, with the end goal being to transcend infinity itself. people keep coming back because they are conditioned to believe a giant heap of horse shit that teaches them that either we're supposed to worship some non-existent thoughtform or believe that the third density is the only layer of existence, thus spawning a fear of death and causing reincarnation

People are fucking retarded. The third density is easily transcended if you just don't fear death and, well, frankly, don't fear at all. When you achieve a state of "bliss," or "nirvana," which is simply a freedom from negative influences that suck you free of loosh, you can transcend this dimension and existence freely again. It's very simple and the fact that this isn't common knowledge on this planet is one of the main reasons why:

1. uber-advanced extraterrestrials stay far away, usually

2. extradimensionals beyond the fifth density don't show up very much due to all the negative conditioning and "higher," entities LARPing as "Gods".

3. Time-travelers want nothing to do with us as a race

4. We haven't achieved space travel beyond what we've salvaged from extraterrestrials and what meager shit we've built ourselves

And so on. In the end all densities are limitations that infinite beings put on themselves so that those limitations can be transcended and more "lessons," can be learned. No one sees life as a learning experience or a baby step towards a beyond-infinitely superior existence, they see it as the be-all-end-all and fear death, and this is where all religion and irreligion comes from - that fear. It's the same with all the symbolism. By making people feel hopeless, they're less likely to take a stand and try to change the status quo which makes people conveniently herded dairy cows waiting for the slaughter as fourth and fifth density beings eat their loosh like it were steak and milk.



A lot of alternate realities don't even have the same kind of "death," that happens here. It's simply a blissful state widely known as transcendence and people don't worry about it until it's their time. Sort of like how it should be here, but the thoughtforms people have created here corrupt the pure system and make it a convoluted mess that views itself as important.



I am at least happy that we are not alone! <3 Thank you for curing my frustration.

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