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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1457754603570.png (131.67 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, Awesome_Face.png)


So I just had a thought and though the elitist self-absorbed mages on here will likely just cringe at this thread, I invite anyone with true magic knowledge to please cast spells that cause people whom look at this thread's icon to know and be good at magic.

I have spent a great deal of time posting on here and have not had magic results even with extensive trying, joining a magic-focused skype group, reading the Kybalion, Initiation into Hermetics, and The Book of Knowledge, spending a great many hours attempting various magic stuff over about 2 years now. No results. The mass of proof against magic, from my personal experience, is overwhelming. But still I try and believe in it.

Perhaps, if one would be so kind from one aspiring mage to the true mage reading this, could you please spare me a spell and cause anyone who looks at this thread's icon to know and become good at magic?

Surely, someone in Fringe, should they have magic abilities, is willing to contribute a spell that aids in this endeavor.

The reason I am using the awesome face image is because it's simple, likely not already used a whole lot for any other spells, is easy to remember, is fairly common, and doesn't have anything particularly negative associated with it.


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OP, none of those things you have done will help you unless you are already at a level high enough to understand their true purpose. Not to mention most of what you have studied is Jewish/Abrahamic magic which is basically the "mainstream" pop culture of Magic and occultism and certainly not the best out there.

I wouldn't usually go down this route but….. Perhaps you should try psychedelics.


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I want this thread to become immensely popular as that is the only way the spells will in theory be most effective, if they are cast upon a single symbol. Inviting anyone on here with comprehension of casting spells to please cast any spells on this symbol which would improve someone's overall magical abilities.

Also, since my methods have yielded zero results, I invite anyone to please give advice on what else I should try within reason that does not require illegal usage of substances and is within the realm of realism.

Additionally, I would like to casually voice my frustration toward this community once more. Fucking hell, why can't there be a REAL course on teaching magic, do none of you know the basic methods of pedagogy? For once, somebody on here please do NOT be a poser, please do NOT make up things and fool yourselves into believing they're real, and please convey LEGITIMATE means by which a sane human does not have to be an insane fool just to learn. Unless, of course, this community wishes to concede that EVEN if someone tries as hard as they possibly can with lots of time, resources, and refinement of technique, they can still end up spending their whole life without anything of definitive magical nature occurring.

If nothing else please cast spells on the awesome face symbol representing this thread so that if I am missing something, I and other people can somehow find a means of knowing and firmly applying magic.


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I fuckin laffd



I laffd



not one but two giggles Jimmy? you're gong to have to buy me a hat soon if you keep it up.


try new energy ways by robert bruce. instant confirmation



The books op mentioned are in the faq as starting books, so in your opinion how would someone start and get to this "high level" to make use of the books mentioned?


Does anyone have advice that actually makes magic easily doable without requiring insufferable leaps of ignorance?




Try remote viewing.


It's the only form "magic" I've been able to use and consistently prove. It's not much use though.



I masturbated to this. Will post results.



>The mass of proof against magic, from my personal experience, is overwhelming

This is the first wrong point with your thread. You don't need a proof.



I did the spell you asked. Maybe >>72291 could be a better pic.

So 2 years trying and no results?

First of all congragulations on your persistence. Now allow me to tell you what could be missing.

There are important steps to be done before and after the magickal ritual itself.

You must get you mindset right to prevent you from sabotaging yourself.

Avoid any taughts of doubt in your sucess. Unfurtunately, since "The mass of proof against magic, from my personal experience, is overwhelming", tht will be very hard for you.

You should also completely forget you did the ritual.

Stop the rituals for a while and meditate.



This is why I find things like ARVARI and hypnosis so fascinating and perhaps some of the better methods available if you're a product of the hyper-critical and materialistic West. Doing magic in a deep trance allows you to bypass what hypnotists call 'the critical factor,' that part of the mind that analyzes skeptically. It allows you to turn off the part of your mind that doubts things, essentially, and maybe even induce a post-hypnotic suggestion to forget about the ritual after you finish it, perhaps even to turn off lust for results.

The more I study magic, the more I think working in deep trance could be a huge key.



Yep, I am coming to the same conclusion.

I even think that reaching a state of trance, engages the "schrodinger cat" in reality, making it more liquid to suggestion.

I even think that its the key element here. Being in a conscious state really solidifies everything in to determined options. We have to bypass that for magical work I think.



OK now I am great at magick.

What do I do now? Make things levitate? Talk to ghosts?


Make Fringe great again. Cast spells on the Awesome Face to have it help people aspring to become good at magic become good at magic.

Also I am now labeling the majority of the Fringe community normies because I bet most people on here are lying or fooling themselves. Let's respond to a couple now.


Yes, recommend even MORE books to kill the time I have left on Earth. If you can't paste me the info I need to do it in a paragraph then I'm not interested. Half the time it feels like the people wanting me to read extra books are just trying to 'cast spells' to make it so I'm closer to death by wasting my time and further from the truth by giving me false information.


>This is the first wrong point with your thread. You don't need a proof.

I'm gonna be real clear about this. Fuck, this, bullshit mindset Fringe and you are espousing. YES I NEED GOD DAMN PROOF. Magic is based on proof through self-experience if you deny this you deny the basis of all magic. If I'm not getting my self-experience then I am surely not experiencing magic.


Depends on what kind of results you are looking for. I would say this very thread is proof that you're an accomplished mage. You've done a good job at attracting talented mages from around the world. Now what would be most helpful is for someone you trust to open your eyes to the wonders of the magical world instead of studying texts (unless you find enjoyment in this, but by the way you wrote of it in your post, it sounded as if you were more or less studying it like an exam. don't do this.)

Best wishes on your journey and be safe. Stay away from all harm, and allow no harm to come your way. Namaste. Peace.



Starting with seeing this thread a amazingly productive week started for me. You actually boosted my magic and helped me know myself better. Thank you.

Now that that's out of the way. I believe you are better than you think. You're just looking at it wrong. Try Prometheus Rising and reflect on that.

You are like Neo the first time he went to see the Oracle, waiting for something to happen.

If I remember and I have time I'll throw some cards at you and report back.



new energy ways had me moving energy through my body in a way i could actually feel within ~15 minutes

also, i doubt you're over 30. saying you 'don't have time' to read a book is pretty asinine. you're going to get what you put in


So would this be considered a kind of meme magic?


Cast spells on the awesome face today. Make mages magic again.


Bumping for the sake of Awesome Face's magical potency.




Be blessed with Fiery Geburah as you stare at the image! 5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555554555555555555555555555555555

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