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Information in picture related is being deleted everywhere across the net, it just disappears or is attacked in any conceivable way trying to "discredit" it. I'm posting this here both to try make it known across redpilled communities and also as to find out just how much compromised or not 8chan is. I'll cross-post this to some other boards which may be interested in this aswell.


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Of course it's getting deleted. While being borderline mundane info, is still fucks big time with the EQUALITY and RACE MIX agenda of Uncle Rothfeldsparstein.


Or maybe that's all bullshit if you want it to be

Why the rules ?


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you have peeked my interest op, anymore info?



>Gray eyed/Green 'streaks'

>Hair is somewhat ash colored under light

>Combat based

Oh, now "White Devil" makes sense.


fucking lol

>nature shuts hybrids down through phimosis

>thinking phimosis prevents sex


It's all bullshit and from "Slavic Aryan Vedas" which is essentially heavy disinfo with likeable parts. Read for yourself. There is a conspiracy surrounding the Ancient Russian Empire and the Russian language, but it doesn't mean that the "Slavic Aryan Vedas" are the absolute truth!

The true origin is of the ginger gene, rhesus negative O type blood, Neanderthals and the North Pole.


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Why the fuck is this on topic?


The reason there are different races is because the original homo genomes were modified so that individual groups would perform certain functions. Make of that what you will.



actually, the lord oaga-mobota made white man with snow, dark man with soil of earth. that why white man soft and dark man strong like stone

i have irrefutable proof of this, btw



ayo hol up

so u be tellin me we wuz kangs n shiet?



>green eyes are pure int build

well that would explain alot.

>my brother is a tech and im on my way to becoming a politician and then a doctor after the war specializing in genetic engineering




I'm brown-eyed and I am absolutely not an extrovert, OP. Only an extrovert with people close to me. That's some kind of misinformation, anon.



That's because according to OP you are a degenerate hybrid and have not inherited the traits of any of your ancestors



This looks very silly and absurd.

Even if it was true, I cannot imagine it would present any kind of threat to the jewluminati, such that they would need to move to shut it down. It's been here for three weeks, for example.



mental illness in the black american community seems sadly un-diagnosed and un-treated

these people should focus on

medication, rather than melanin and meditation


You know you fucked up when disinfo dindu is more believable than you.


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Let me see if I got it right. The whole population of superior Aryan men is and have always been controlled by inferior and subhuman Jews.

So what exactly would make Aryan people

superior then? Just accept, dude. Being white makes you more pretty, but (excluding niggers) the average dude is always average.

Green eyes reporting in.



This meme is shit.

Let me see if I got this right. The whole population of superior wizards is and have always been killed by inferior and subhuman mundanes.

So what exactly would make wizards superior then? Just accept, dude.



Do you find anything controversial in your own claim, m8?


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>medication for mental illnesses

Away with you.



control =/= superiority



Care to explain how, in this specific case?


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>not wanting to dumb them down and shut down their powers even more so we don't get genocided too hard on the day of the spear

Scram shlomo, you'll look just as white to them on the day they finally snap



Who are you talking about?

Jews would only impose such poisons if it brings them benefit, in most cases, that means controlling bluepilled goyim

It's blatantly obvious that those toxins are redundant and any occultist worth his salt would stay far away from mind-supressing drugs


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The post I was replying to told someone recommending that retarded 'woke' black people should be medicated (thus dumbed down and made easier to control) to go away, with a pic of a sneaky jew (jews like blacks to be rowdy and anti-White with their conspiracies)


Contrived, overly simplistic, careless and totally misinformed platitudes grounded in emotional subconscious biases reinforced by second-hand information of potentially similar elements. Full of countless fallacies, psychological blind spots, and no accounting or recognition of unrelated non-deterministic variables. Don't forget the blinding emotional factors. There is no interest in pure dialectics, only appeal to emotion.

Talk about digging your own grave.



He didn't say the whole population of Aryans are enslaved, just the descendants of the ones here on earth.

As to how that could happen, its a war, its subject to the vagaries of geopolitics. If it were so easily decidable, it would already be peace.


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This is utter bullshit.

Though it did spark my curiosity with the "Arctic Home in the Vedas" link, made me ponder about what Earth was like in 10,000BC, how different it is to now, I can't even fathom warm tropical climates and uniform climate across the globe, and the Alps themselves were lower which could allow for easier migration.

But there is still so much that in unknown about this period in time. For one thing I do not believe the out of Africa myth the mainstream academia tries to sell us, but I don't know what to think about this Arctic theory either.

Still like I said, fun to ponder about how geologically different the Earth was long before our time, or just in the time period of early humanity. Pic related.

There's also something extremely comforting about the idea of "nordic aliens" because it means that the white race is not in as much danger as we think if its not limited to the Earth but there is nothing to suggest they exist, Earth being so the sole birthplace of the white race is just as valid a theory, however discomforting it may be due to the ongoing soft-genocide against whites taking place in our own homelands and territories.


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I've found it interesting how myths and science are beginning to come closer together. Despite the mainstream shitting on him, Gram Hancock has done quite a bit of research on ancient civilizations, and I think at this point it's pretty obvious that the history as we know it is terribly wrong. He generally tries to err of the side of caution when it comes to them, keeping things in the realm of then physical, instead of delving into the spiritual side of it, but when you realize a lot of what he is uncovering has been known for centuries. You can begin to look at what the ancients said about our past to get an idea of what they were really like. What they describe really blurs the lines between "magic" and technology.




uhuhuhuhu. I like these replies. they make me feel warm and fuzzy inside, almost like I have past life recollections of similar lands that you have pictured.

wouldn't trust the "research" though…



i want to hug you



The ultimate redpill is that it's possible for man kind to create divine creations, more easily than building a nuke.



Though I guess it may be obvious but the energy of the nuke is creation, as in adam and eve, etc. It was used for destructive purposes but out of it came lots of new things…



Nuclear fission holds some of this potential, but what I am talking about is literally instant manifestation of whatever the user desires, at least that's the endgame possibility.



yes that's precisely what i'm talking about. a nuclear explosion is that manifestation, but only one way of many to trigger it. methinks that's why nukes aren't employed in modern warfare except as a last resort threat thing.

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