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Anyone else here training themselves in sex magick?

Here are some goals to aim for:

Fapping Achievements

1. Shortest fap - get rock hard very fast and cum, all under a minute

2. Longest fap - fap for at least an hour without ever losing hardness and then cum

3. Softest fap - fap with minimal physical contact, barely touching yourself, just very lightly; ultimately aim to fap without any physical contact at all

4. Fiercest fap - grab it hard and fap with high level of intensity, endure the next couple days of HURT afterwards

5. Most faps in one day - cum as many times as you can in one day

6. Psychokinetic fap - use psychokinetic skill to fap, don't touch your dick once in the whole process, cum without anything touching you

7. Nothing fap - think of nothing and fap without any pictures or anything, just pure willpower getting you through the whole process

8. Waifu fap - only fap to your waifu and nobody and nothing else

9. Astral hand fap - exteriorize your astral hand and use that to fap

10. Carried Away - become so horny that you feel unable to resist fapping and break your own will to resist. You should vow not to fap and then fail your vow to unlock this achievement.

11. Slow Fap - fap really slow but don't lose hardness and still cum in the end.

12. Fast Fap - fap really fast but hold off on cumming for as long as possible while not ever slowing down.


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Sex Achievements

1. Succubus Encounter - Fuck a succubus in a dream / while astral travelling.

2. Succubus Adept - Evoke a succubus and fuck her while in the waking state.

3. Astral Sex - Call up the astral light or a basic form, then draw in the spirit/awareness of a target into that form, and let it be shaped to them. Then have sex with them. Then confirm via skype/IRC/chat/email/whatever you successfully had sex with your target.

4. Astral Sex Adept I - Same as above but evocation this time, you will evoke the astral light or form in front of you, draw their awareness into it and have it shape to them, and have sex with them; while you remain in your physical body and they in the astral form. Confirm afterwards.

5. Astral Sex Adept II - This time your target remains in their physical body and you project to them to have sex with them.

6. Psychokinetic Sexual Assault - Make someone in public orgasm just by willing it.

7. Mental Influence Pro - Make someone in public get naked when entranced by you and touch themselves for you.

8. Psychokinetic Fucking - Be naked in room with someone else and fuck each other purely through psychokinetic power without ever actually touching yourselves or each other.

9. Love Potion - Imbue a glass of water with orgasmic energy so that anyone who drinks it will orgasm from doing so.

10. Go Fuck Yourself - Astral project out of your physical body and then have sex with yourself. You can for example suck your own dick in this way.


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Sex Achievements II

These all require a partner physically with you… would be similar to the fap things, having sex with your partner as long as possible, etc. I won't bother writing out this section because…

>tfw no GF


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Celibacy Achievements

1. No Fap - Do not fap at all for a set period of time no matter what. Avoid arousal, stimulation, etc.

2. No Acting On Arousal - Same as above except look at pornography and whatever else might tempt you and yet don't act. Try to be aroused constantly and for long periods of time but never touch yourself.

3. Arousal Kill - Get as intensely aroused as possible in situation where your sexual organ would seem to have mind of its own and then suddenly on command kill off your arousal in seconds by an application of the will.

4. Flaccid Fapper - Start fapping and will that you go flaccid even as sexual stimulation continues without stopping.

5. No Cum - Have orgasm without cumming.

6. No Orgasm - Cum without orgasm.


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1. Arousal Control - Choose what should arouse you and become aroused by it. Choose what should not arouse you and don't get hard at all.

2. Gender Switch - Use the imagination to transfer your whole awareness into a body of the opposite gender and then have sex or fap, experiencing in detail what the other gender experiences when they fap/fug.

3. Merger - Achieving a merging of consciousness with a sexual partner in which you feel no separation and everything they think and feel you think and feel as well at same time, as if your consciousness occupies at once two bodies.

All these things should be recorded along with number of times fapped since you started fapping or if you don't know how many times you've already fapped in your life then start logging it now. Don't bother to be super detailed, you just update the counter each time after fapping, and if you manage to break any records in any of these categories you update that with the new value or status.


What is the purpose for these exercises?


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Shoulda used the degenerate flag



Testing the limits of your mind and body in relation to sexuality, exerting absolute self-control and mastery over the sexual mind.

If you have any built up desires pertaining to sex this is also a way to utilize and exhaust those desires while continuing to grow in power.

If you are deficient in sexual drive (like me) then working at this stuff maybe helps build up the sexual drive too.

One of my problems is I don't see the world very sexually, don't really have an overwhelming urge to have sex, and it feels fake and forced when I try to work myself up to be as lustful as possible.

Ah well I'm doing relatively fine, I'm just disappointed in my ability to win every single no fap challenge I decide to enter into, I want to lose for once but the desire to fap just never becomes strong enough. I want to feel like I'm really being tested.

I think I'll have to find some way to intensify the pleasure. That's actually a part I skipped in all this now that I think of it. Trying to make the whole process more pleasurable.


and from this I gain…?

You shouldn't think of such degenerate things. The desire for these things is unnatural. Your only sexual "achievements" should be

>astral project and get all the sex out of your system and start to really enjoy the astral

>understand sexual energy and use it simply as easy energy before you are capable of giving that much energy through thought


Those are some halfassed achievements, what are you, a woman?



its a way to train retaining/circuiting energy. get gud and you can have sex for hours.

girls have a special look in their eyes after seven hours of getting literally fucked dry.

its something like a mix of greed/desire for more although exhausted, inadequacy, bliss, devotion and insecurity.

>you monster

>you're not human

>am i not sexy enough for you to come for?

>i'm not good enough

>i need to be good enough

>wow wtf is happening

>you are my god please don't leave me

its pretty satisfying.


only settle for beautiful girls, all the effort is wasted on anything that you don't want to make your pet.

the following shouldn't happen because you're banging her in a way that she understands that this is for you, and that she should be happy to get to bask in your glory.

>i'm tired, i can't stand more, give me a break

firmly tell her that you're not satisfied yet.

if she insists and you're in a relationship, no sex for a week. while shes on her back trying to recover, whip out your phone and finish to porn, make sure she sees.


fucking is a lot like dancing, its very much about rhythm, which is why dancing can be very sexy if you can express emotions through motion.



it all makes sense now, you've been a troll this entire time.



>while shes on her back trying to recover, whip out your phone and finish to porn, make sure she sees.

Uhhhhh tipp, this last bit… finishing to porn?

Doesn't seem like a good idea to me.

What you need to do is become such a sexually powerful entity that you can totally dominate her with just your eyes, just your thoughts, just your will, and of course the regular way giving her the D, like in every way you just need to fuck her so hard on so many levels.

When a woman's orgasming before you even make physical contact with her and she's getting overloaded by your immense river of energy her devotion to you will be absolute.



It's about the statement. If you don't, you'll have worked your ass off to impress and she will still hold all the sexual powers.

By finishing to porn instead of letting her cuck you you're telling her that you don't really need her, and that you came fast to porn but needed hours in her loose twat will make her not sleep at night.



Won't that just make them think you're a weird porn-addicted creep?

I think it would be better if you came to nothing at all, to prove you don't need her, nor any porn.



then she might just think you didn't fap to her.

gotta make sure she knows you didn't.

trust me, this will ruin a woman. absolute insecurity.

she might add a retort to demean you because she took offense, smile and leave the place or smile and tell her that she wasn't up for the task, insinuate shes bad at sex.

modern women are nothing but sex, thats their value. if she can't use that power or doesn't have that value to you she'll feel worthless.



dude you've been reading too much manosphere shit lmao



Agreed. You're talking like you're right from reddits /r/theredpill.

"all women are whores, dominate them and make them worship you"

This is not a healthy attitude to hold.



I know women who are already broken like that to begin with and I don't have an interest tbh in that shit. I think you shouldn't demean your sexual partner like that, you should dominate them, cause incredibly intense pleasure, etc. but not tear them down. It is more of an accomplishment to build others up. Trust me, it's really fucking hard to build people up, and easy to tear them down. So building someone up is the real challenge, the real expression of power.



no its all experience and psychology.

not all women, just most.

i'll treat a woman right if she deserves it, if shes nothing more than a superficial meatbag with materialistic desires then i'll she should be treated accordingly.

women are people, just like most people they never develop themselves enough, earning the right to be called human.

impulse controlled animals.

put pussy on pedestal and you lose.

equality reigns but only if she is truly your equal, if she is not, she is to be treated for what she is for, a greedy child.



>It is more of an accomplishment to build others up

You're talking about real women with a foundation of humanity, reason and logic. I've met two like that and have done everything possible to help them reach greater heights, but I'm talking about the average woman like the average man, the idiot.

most of the people on /fringe/ came here to learn magic to get their dicks wet, for picking up fuckbuddies, this is the proper attitude and approach.

That said I wouldn't change my attitude even if I had a unicorn, it spices things up and challenges them, a strong woman loves a challenge.



lets say you pick up a good looking girl from a night out, the day after it turns out shes a degenerate and spends all her money on clothes and make up for hookupculture, has no life goals, doesn't think further than her nose, has a dead end job and is emotionally ruled and thats as far as the computing goes, emotional calculations.

Lets say that, you see potential in her for whatever reason and want to spend your life with her, you would first have to burn the ground to plant new.


New archievements unlocked:

Fapped 2 hours straight before cumming.

Fapped and came 7 times in one day, all the while my dick really hurts from the previous 2 hour fap session.

Now I just want to try fapping to plants and see how many sex plants I can cum on in a day but I'll wait until my dick stops hurting for that.



I don't consider women my equals at all nor advocate equality. I advocate total domination, supremacy. However I feel so beyond women I wish I could uplift them some more without worrying they will ever match me or surpass me.



t. delusional autist who never leaves his house



maybe you should learn to sink into the level that women are on and you might then win the favor of one so you can stop being so pathetic.



>my self-worth is measured in relation to women


Dick slinging aside,

I've been wondering, every school seems to have something to say about what we should be doing with our loads, which makes it seem like there must be some important truth somewhere. Are certain camps closer to the truth than others or is it all just a means to regulate social conduct?

Taoists and mystical negroes say to jerk off but not cum

>painfully sore balls and lower back

>cumming provides immediate relief, seems unhealthy

O.T.O. people say to just eat your loads


>every Crowley type I've met has appeared unhealthy and, coincidentally, really into himself

Christians say to practice celibacy

>have felt some benefits here, more energy and better skin, but not enough to justify missing out on one of the funnest things in life

>the celibate monks of Tibet don't seem particularly noteworthy (hope to be corrected here)

>Tesla and da Vinci, two of the most interesting and mysterious dudes ever, were said to be celibates

Anyone have any insight to share? A book to recommend? Since we can't know what people's habits are and poll which camp has the most successful people and virile-looking geezers, it seems like anyone's guess.


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>O.T.O. people say to just eat your loads


>every Crowley type I've met has appeared unhealthy and, coincidentally, really into himself



>one of the funnest things in life

Been practising masturbation right now. I get more pleasure out of just willing pleasure then I do out of fapping. When I fap I don't feel any pleasure at all.

I think I fucked up my ability to feel anything that isn't willed long ago though.

How do I attune to things again so I can automatically feel things by doing things?

I always have to make a determined effort to feel any emotion.


Fapping without cumming:

>hurts a LOT

>doesn't seem to produce any notable benefits at all

>doesn't really feel like anything

Fapping with cumming:

>is quicker though it becomes harder to cum the more frequently you do it and more extreme stimulation then is required each time

>doesn't really feel like anything

>doesn't hurt much

>no noteable benefits at all

Eating my cum:

>tastes ok only if I consume certain things in my diet that make it that way, otherwise it's like eating snot, and typically gross

>leaves me feeling embarrassed to be around other people

>doesn't really help anything

Leaving cum on skin to be absorbed again:

>not sure about this one, I think it helps if you do this actually, but you should wash it off about a half hour or hour later or whenever the cum has died and the lifeforce gone from it, perhaps when it's starting to dry up

>have tried meditational practise where I simply focus on the cum for a moment and will that I absorb the vital energy from it back into my body and then continue to will it while the focus just sort of falls into the background and the subconscious takes over more

Would actually recommend this if you don't mind having a whole bunch of cum on you for awhile. I may continue further experiments with this. Just apply the cum wherever and do that meditation and then make sure to wash it off after it's dead. If you don't wash it off, it seems to fuck things up. Yet I feel keeping it there temporarily and doing this practise has some benefit.


>really has not benefited me at all

>I have been very weak and had really poor health while being celibate for a very long time

Yet I don't get any better from having sex.

Using my Will to bring fourth emotions and dump them into a thoughtform, in the case of sex, bringing fourth a succubus:

>far more powerful and doesn't require any touching yourself, no jerking off, etc. at all

>is purely mental and spiritual in nature though it could probably be combined to any of the physical methods

I am presently of the opinion that cum is a physical medium for vital energy and that some amount of vital energy is parted into it which can and should then be drawn out of it. I believe you could also with the right mentality part lots more vital energy into it then normal and possibly drain yourself of your life-force to point of killing yourself. I am doing more experiments still. I wonder if some cum is more charged with vital energy than other cum and how to ascertain that.

I have also been able to find that fapping to objects helps me remember those objects more vividly. You can try fapping to each object in your room, focusing intently on the object, and should be able to then remember each object better that you fapped to.


I think orgasm also would probably release a ton of energy. I have to figure out a way to induce orgasms and see how they change things.


My life is an orgasm.



Do you lose vital minerals if you shoot blanks?



Any new update from OP?



first, i'm a woman, and second, it's spiritual orgasms…



>female orgasm


I was talking about the orgasm that matters, the male orgasm, granter of life and creation, does a male still lose rare minerals if he shoots blanks?



When I used to fap every day I'd feel less passionate about everything but I don't think it was because of zinc deficiency … the idea that you can fap every day if you eat a lot of oysters sounds hilarious.



I evoked a pair of succubuses but could not fight a private enough place to fug them unobserved today.

I also did some unrelated magicks (as in, not sex magicks).

I am presently very sore all over and continue to expend and consume very high amounts of energy right now. Really pushing myself on every level.


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to add to this:

>celibate route, two weeks in

>streak is ended by fucked up, disturbing sex dream

>feel the past two weeks were not only pointless, but kind of a setback

A nudge in the right direction would be great. This thread is only making things more confusing.



>gender switch

Isn't that akin to possessing them? And wouldnt you become stuck in their body afterwards?



stop making assumptions. op is a fucking armchair occultist



Dub approves


New achievements unlocked:

>gave another /fringe/ user multiple orgasm through long-range mental influence and also remote viewed their dog

>switched genders and experienced the thoughts and body of the opposite gender for awhile before my awareness eventually was whisked back into my original body and mind


We'll see whose the armchair occultist when I fuck you silly with my mind.





We all know you too well. You can't roleplay a different person.



What are you talking about?


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Neville Goddard talking about the secret of the sperm. Sounds kinda newageish, but sufficiently beautifully spoken, though quite long-winded:


Doesn't really answer any questions for me, but does add to the mystery.


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Experience with fapping, broken down into stages (or phases?):

Stage 1 - Introduction:

>started fapping with someone for first time without meaning to

>just getting comfortable with the whole thing in this stage

>lots of cold tingly sensations like when I first saw porn at 12 by accident, the same you get when you're very afraid of being caught doing something wrong

>doesn't really feel like anything and I'm not very good or efficient at it

Stage 2 - Increasing Degeneracy:

>be given explicit permission to fap at anything I want

>still don't do it for awhile

>one day though, frustrated that I've been fapping for hours to faded memories alone and unable to cum, and given suggestion again

>start fapping to porn for first time

>guilty awful feel, feel like I'm a super degenerate Crowley, like absolute filth

>still no pleasure at all

>consider myself a worthless degenerate and think I have totally defiled myself so it doesn't matter what I do anymore, so try to fap to all kinds of strange things, but realize that the only thing I can fap to is benis in vagina, and breasts if I haven't fapped in awhile, but sodomy is revolting, ponies and anime are stupid, homosexuality makes me go completely soft even as I try to stroke myself and repulses me

Stage 3 - Pushing the Limits:

>fap as much as possible, constantly, make careful observations about the effects the whole time

>do this for like 2 weeks

>most I managed was I think 9 times in one day?

>every time I fap to porn, it becomes more difficult to fap each time

>more and more extreme stimulation is required

>to get to the 9th time I had to like play a whole bunch of clips on loop at once, and fap to them all together, with all the moaning being something akin to walking into a barn full of tons of geese making a lot of noise all at once

Stage 4 - The No Fap Stage:

>having just fapped as much as I could for like two weeks and becoming really desensitized decide to start doing no fap

>24 hours to start, then I fap, then I add on another 24 hours each time

>after first 24 hours I think I fapped to a woman and then to porn, fapped a couple times before starting 48 hours

>after that though, I only would fap once to a woman, and then I would try again from imagination and give up after awhile if I couldn't cum a second time from imagination alone

>after 72 hours of no fap, begin to notice actually experiencing some pleasure from fapping, not much but SOMETHING

>I am basically at this point just doing the no fap, then fapping once with a woman, then resuming no fap again

>pledge 96 hours and there's some intensity for maybe the first 48 hours, a bit of an actual desire to fap and not merely a desire to desire to fap, but unfortunately the desire to fap dies out and becomes a desire to desire to fap again like it always is before the rest of the time is up

>the 96 hours is completed but I have nobody to fap with immediately, so another day passes, and I end up fapping only after 110+ hours

Stage 5 - The Drought:

>at this point I don't want to do no fap anymore, the 96 hour challenge was long enough for me, and I don't feel going any longer is going to help sensitize me anymore as I already feel like I can easily cum to the slightest stimulation

>I want to focus on increasing pleasure now

>I fapped once to some erotica someone posted on /4chon/

>and I fapped one more time to some pornographic image just to confirm something; and indeed I felt absolutely no pleasure in it


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Concerning Sex Magick Operations:

I have come to the conclusion that pornography, although I can fap to it, it drains me of something vital; it desensitizes and takes away from actual pleasure. Each time you fap to porn, you get nothing back in turn, and there is a decrease of pleasure until none remains. Then, even if you wait a long time, it will not matter; you can fap to porn and you will feel nothing. Same thing if you fap to someone that just doesn't return the favour at all. You can wait awhile and it'll become easier to cum to porn but no matter how long you wait, there will be no pleasure in it. It will rob you of pleasure in any subsequent sexual experiences and it will all have to be built up again. The only pleasure that can be felt must be in relation to a dynamic-vital principle which is derived from living sources which must successfully direct their energy to you and not accidentally into things having no special connection to you to convey the currents of vital energy and which only resemble you such as memories. Under certain conditions, a connection can be made, and this energy conveyed.

There is something to having an actual connection with a person that unlocks your emotional potential and arouses real desire within you. Only the desire of another person can act upon you and give rise to a sensation of real pleasure.

Another observation I have found is that fapping to memory alone results in a very strong but static image. It lacks vitality, it is frozen. The mental image absorbs the loosh and becomes stronger but it's missing a certain spark called dynamism; it is entirely lacking in that dynamic quality which animates and defines all life. There is dying off of desire, it all being absorbed into the image, and strengthening it in your mind; but it can not stir you, it can not give anything back.

Expanding upon my above observations concerning pouring loosh into static mental images, I consciously became aware of a way to sacrifice loosh, to make things happen. You essentially give up emotion and become number in the process, and the emotion given up in this way manifests along the lines of intent. I fixate my mind into a state of prayer and feel a certain pressure within me as I keep some part of my mind focused on what is to manifest; and I don't take it away from it even if I do other activities like reading something, writing something, listening to something. In fact when it comes to reading, it helps me in this meditative/prayer state of mind, as I can easily continue to exert this mental pressure and stay concentrated on what I am doing while reading. The whole time, it feels as if every thought and action is for the purpose of what I am trying to manifest, like every breath and thought and line of text read is to exert pressure upon the soul of the world (demiurge) to manifest the intention.

Concerning succubus and manipulations of the astral light, I am presently unable to make a strong, stable, contact with a succubus. This being due to a deficiency of desire; though I have an abundance of Will in this matter, I have not been able to turn desire for desire into an actual desire of sufficient strength. I need to cultivate an intense lust that must take on a life of its own. Everything so far dissolves, falls apart, fails to manifest properly, etc. it can not sustain itself long enough. It fails to spark, it won't take off.

( To give you an analogy, thoughtforms have their own emotional gravitation of sorts, weak ones are held together temporarily by the mind which is focusing on holding it all together in the given form, and the mental substance collapses/disperses as soon as the concentration is broken and the mental pressure to keep it together is taken away. If you have enough emotion/desire to dump into one though, it can become very stable, and express dynamic properties. It is also usually easier to re-form a thoughtform that has been made previously, as if some kind of pattern or mould has been set in the astral, and pouring emotion into it again it takes form in the impression that is already there. It comes to life, it becomes like a vortex of emotions, acting to draw in more mental substance and emotion into it to sustain its life longer. Otherwise it just runs on whatever charge was given it until it runs out. )


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The exact formula here is:

A thoughtform is strengthened by the degree of emotion/desire backing its creation and the duration and repetitions of pouring astral energy into it. A thoughtform can be crafted with low-energy over a long period of time through extended concentration and repetitions of energy into it, or suddenly and all at once by an intense burst of emotion/desire (loosh) into it.

An emotional reaction to any experience, of any sort, vivifies it and draws it towards your centre for a time where it makes impressions upon you and lodges itself. Your centre being where your awareness wraps itself. May expand on this more later but I'm trying to write about sex magick here.

My attempts at evoking succubus have resulted in the following complications:

1. A succubus who lacked Earth; essentially an empty hologram who could not be felt, having no weight or solidity. Grasping her would seem like grasping air.

2. A succubus who upon being touched, instantly sapped me of loosh, and I completely lost my connection to the astral. This was something like an electrical/magnetic quality. I couldn't do anything with her.

3. Several succubus that were opaque and not properly manifested. Couldn't be heard, could only be partially seen, could not be felt. Mere shadows that burned out as soon as the attention was taken away from them in most cases. The strongest only lasting a few seconds of a lapse of attention.

Every time it's the same issue. Not enough lust. Need more loosh. Can't quite kickstart my succubus and hang onto her.

I have been able to, while in a natural and strong trance state I enter from time to time in which I receive visions very easily, and thoughts just pop into my mind 100% complete from external sources, use mere intent to cause multiple orgasm in a subject and to receive clear strong telepathic impressions from them. I was not able to feel anything of their body though or have astral sex with them. The only connection I felt from them was their own desire, which I then looped back at them, in much the same manner as discharging loosh into a mental image. I was aroused but never touched myself or made the effort at all to feel anything. I used what loosh I was getting from them to let the astral light register impressions of what was in their own mind letting me see what they see and to make them orgasm multiple times going from not aroused at all to orgasm in about 10 seconds followed by multiple subsequent orgasms. I didn't experience any pleasure myself in this process but was pleased with the results and the feedback I got. My subject was overwhelmed and I also noticed synchronicities in the days after and correspondences and other weird psychic phenomena that played out around me and in attuned individuals.

I have many more experiments planned. Right now I need a better understanding of what's going on when one feels actual pleasure within oneself and all the dynamics involved in this process, I need more loosh to power a succubus, I need to master the pleasure aspect, and I need to continue my observations of how people react to a variety of things I say while I hold certain mental states, intentions, and emotions in mind. I have to figure out the intricacies of stoking desire in others and making them act on it. I need stronger connections and I need to observe and be aware of all of what is flowing/passing over these connections. I need subjects that will give reliable feedback, will participate consciously or unconsciously in what I have planned for them, and not NOPE out of things.


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Misc Notes:

• I may wish to explore the effects of fapping to erotica. It should be of a different class then pornography, memories, voice, and people. It probably strengthens the imagination more as it guides the imagination.

• I have so far fapped exactly 61 times.

• I as of right now have fapped twice today with a girl. (but when I wrote this, it had been several days of having not fapped)

• The longest time I have fapped non-stop was about 1 hour and 30 minutes before cumming, my dick hurt immensely for days after this.

• The shortest was about 30 seconds.

• Most times in one day is 9.

• An average fap length of about 10-15 minutes seems to be the most ideal, not too fast, but not painfully long.

• I sometimes experience energy surges around the sacral chakra with various results.


File: 1460013839554.png (49.44 KB, 162x225, 18:25, image..PNG)


Bonus round: fap to yourself in the mirror


I fapped 3 times today and a succubus tried to have sex with me earlier but I rejected it in a stupor.


I can't fap anymore, at all, and my experiments to bypass this have not worked.

Can anyone explain wtf is even going on when I'm fapping?

Why there is a seeming limit on it and a lot of time needed to recharge?

In this case even hours waiting didn't seem to be enough time spent waiting.

I want to understand what subtle energies I am actually manipulating in this whole process and obtain a greater mastery over every aspect of fapping.



You gotta stop masturbating for three days. Try working out, pick up a book to read, do a puzzle. Then masturbate, let me tell you the longer you avoid it the better it feels when you get back to it.



Oh you and your silly puritanism…



Mirukawa is such a cutie, I had a large folder dedicated to her on my old computer.



>>painfully sore balls and lower back

pain is blocked energy. learn2circulate energy.



i think so



File: 1461637921714.pdf (2.24 MB, Cultivating Male Sexual En….pdf)

read this



Thanks for posting this, I am gonna get to writing a booklet with no theory, and just exercises, and physiological explanations.


Bjorn, you must take elixir into your mouth

Be like Loki and swallow the pale drops of life, you must first give before you can take, yes?



do you have any good energy books?



I think dry ejaculation is more immediate, and you do not have a period of lower jing

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