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The 21-page manifesto, which authorities say Odom sent to his parents as well as several Idaho television stations, is a window into what he was thinking.

“My last resort was to take actions to bring this to the public’s attention,” Odom wrote in the manifesto. “I hope that something good comes of it. Just realize that I’m a good person, and I’m completely innocent. Also realize that the ‘people’ I killed are not what you think.”

“Everything started while I was at University of Idaho,” Odom wrote. “Spring 2014 was my final semester and was taking a heavy course load. I was very stressed due to the intensity of my schedule, so I searched for a way to cope. I discovered meditation, which seemed to help, so it became part of my daily routine. As I learned more about meditation, I became interested in consciousness and our ability to affect it. I kept working on my meditation techniques and began achieving extreme states of consciousness.”

One night in February 2014, Odom was meditating when he said he had an out-of-body experience.

“I entered a space that was completely dark and had no awareness of my physical boundaries/orientation,” he wrote. “I felt very peaceful there until a blue light began to approach me. As the blue light got closer, I realized that it was another being.”

When Odom awoke, he had tears in his eyes, according to his manifesto.


At first, the alleged alien encounter seemed like a blessing for Odom. “The remainder of the semester became exceedingly easy for me,” he wrote. “It felt like I had tapped into some kind of power. I was exerting no mental effort even though the classes had been extremely difficult before.”

But Odom’s close encounter would prove to be the beginning of his nightmare.

Odom accepted an offer from Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, to work on a PhD in human genetics, but he quickly dropped out because the work was too easy, thanks to his alien awakening, he wrote.

“The day after I decided to leave, my life became a living hell,” Odom wrote. He couldn’t sleep. After a few days, aliens posing as classmates tried to provoke him to become “the next school shooter,” he wrote, so he left Texas and returned to his home town of Coeur d’Alene.

“This is where the story gets weird,” he wrote. On a flight home after a job interview, Odom began to suspect that strangers were sending him secret messages. Newspaper headlines had hidden meanings.

“It was blatantly obvious they were doing something to me, but I didn’t know what,” he wrote. “I had applied to several government agencies before this happened, so I thought this might be their way of contacting me.”


Odom then began to experience strange sexual feelings — “it felt like someone was manually pumping blood into my penis” — and he heard suggestive songs inside his head, he wrote.

Soon the songs gave way to a voice telling him that he was going to be “sacrificed like Jesus and get beheaded,” he said. When a man knocked on his door with a religious pamphlet, Odom “became completely delirious” and “thought for sure I was going to die.”

He bought a one-way ticket to see his family in Albuquerque, and he said he thought the man next to him on the flight was reading his mind. At the baggage claim, Odom believed he was “surrounded” by aliens, whom he could detect by their constant “sniffing.”

“The sniff is something they do all the time,” he wrote. “I think it has to do with dominance.”

Odom thought he saw the aliens everywhere. They disguised themselves as humans but really looked like giant green frogs with proboscises on the top of their heads, he wrote.

“As time went on, they started coaxing me to go outside alone,” he wrote. “I was scared to death they would kill me, so I refused. Eventually, they threatened to harm my family, which caused me to give in to them. I told them I would do whatever they want if they left my family alone. They responded by saying ‘Go to church.’ I knew they meant The Altar, so I agreed to go when I got back.”


At The Altar, Odom smelled something like “a reptile and vinegar,” he wrote. “I realized that whoever I was dealing with was extraterrestrial, so I became very scared.”

At times, Odom’s manifesto appears to acknowledge that he is delusional. “I began to hear voices more often and I began to hallucinate things that I knew weren’t real,” he wrote. But he blames the voices and visions not on his own mind but on telepathic aliens.

Part of his alien obsession appears to have been sexual.

“They also started playing with me sexually,” he wrote of his Martian tormentors, who he labeled “hypersexual.” “Both the males and the females would play out their sexual fantasies in my mind.”

Once, in a grocery bakery, Odom believed he was “surrounded by a bunch of old men” who were actually aliens.

“They started stimulating” him and ordering him to perform sexual favors, he wrote.

Odom’s tormenting visions caused him to attempt suicide twice, he said in his manifesto.

“I filled a charcoal grill with lit coals, put it in my car and rolled up the windows,” he wrote. “I reclined my seat, laid there calmly, then fell asleep.”

But the aliens didn’t allow him to die, Odom wrote.

“They woke me up in an extreme panic, which caused me to get out of the car,” he wrote.

According to his manifesto, Odom then checked himself into the local Veterans Affairs hospital. A VA spokesman was not available Tuesday night to confirm whether Odom received treatment at the center.

After leaving the hospital, Odom returned to the Altar Church, where he eventually found himself face to face with pastor Remington.


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It’s unclear whether Odom actually met with Remington, who emerged from a coma Monday and has not spoken publicly of the shooting. In Odom’s manifesto, however, the Marine veteran describes sitting down with the pastor sometime around August of last year.

“We were in mid conversation when he suddenly revealed himself to me,” Odom wrote. “I have no clue how he did it, but it looked as if his human face became his real face. … His eyes … were huge and bulging, the eyelids were darker green, and the irises were yellow/brown with slit pupils.”

Odom thought the church was going to turn him into a “sex slave,” he wrote, but when that didn’t happen, he left and didn’t return, allegedly until the shooting Sunday.

For a while, it appeared as if his nightmare might be ending. He returned to school, studying pharmacology at North Idaho College, he said.

“I began to recover,” he wrote.

“Unfortunately, they followed me to school,” he said of the aliens. “There were several of them in every class I took. They made it impossible for me to study, and they continually harassed me especially while I took tests.”

Odom wrote that he was targeted because of his knowledge of genetics and because the aliens had a hard time controlling his mind.

“I was too smart for my own good, so they decided to remove me from society,” he wrote. “They were worried I might change the way other people think, which could lead to problems. Problems in the form of a scientific revolution.”


I'm assuming that there is some context about this in relation to this board that I'm not fully grasping



Smiley is the board owner of /fringe/.



OK. And what does Smiley have to do with the article?



newfig gtfo

anyone who knows the board owner immediately recognized the similarities not only in looks but also thoughts and behavior



OP believes Kyle Odom is Smiley. While there is a resemblance it is unsafe to say if he is really Smilesberg. Previous pictures that have been said to be Smiley are a bit younger, similar face, and much longer hair. The actions of Odom certainly fits within the extremes of anyone who regularly uses this board, and fits into the /x/ part of fringe that (going against the rules) pops up.

What Odom wrote is more important along with what he did.



nobody actually believes this is smiley, you dumbfuck.


The saddest thing is it's all very probably true.

The worst part about the holocaust is that it never happened.

Everything real in this world is false, and everything deemed false is very likely real. We are in the matrix.


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He really doesn't look that much like Smiley. Different facial shape, different chin, different nose, and his eyes are more hooded.

Also I don't think Smiley has it in him to mag dump someone, even if they are an alien. He'd probably just try to curse them from his bedroom.



Stress can do that to a man.


I thought Smiley lived in Ontario and worked on some kind of vegetable/fruit farm? Now he's in the USA?



It was just a joke.



When ever I read stuff like this, mind control, sex slaves and ayy's living among us. I start to get this weird feeling like I'm nervous or scared but that isn't quite right, notably my eyes start to water and my nose runs like I am crying. I get the feeling there is something buried in my mind trying to come out. This never happens with any other tin foil type shit, and I don't really know what to think about this one, I think it is possible aliens are living amoung us but I highly doubt it. I'm rambling now but I have had this sensation for years, One time I could have sworn I "over heard" 3 of them in my head like they were discussing and studying me, I was at work, at a fast food restaurant at the time, counting down a till I heard these voices, sounded like various rapid clicking sounds, each one had a different tone, like a voice would have. Then suddenly I knew what they were talking about, at least the gist of it, then they realized I had heard the whole thing and it immediately cut off. I haven't noticed anything since.

Maybe you have no idea and you are probably faking it, but this is all 100% true….for what its worth from some guy in the internets



Also I have no idea why this happens or why I feel this way, I was hoping someone here or /x/ might be able to enlighten me, I was going to post this in the question thread but I thought this might be better since it is related


I love smiley so much


literally who?


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I knew I had read this somewhere else: /pol/res/5307459.html#q5456238

Is a poster on /fringe/ undergoing a Discordian LARP?

Pretty obvious there is an intent behind this, there was even a thread about pepe being an 'ayy lmao meme' going back to 4chan /x/ around the time of the exodus to here.



Yeah I posted this /pol/ asking the LARPER on the off chance he might be telling the truth, like I said I don't really believe this stuff but the feeling I get from reading certain things is just so unsettling


You guys really need to start thinking about what's really true and what's mental illness.

Why the fuck the alien would let he write a manifesto if anything he said is really true? Look at how stupid it sounds



>Shooting inocent people

Really.. damn



He got #wrecked by spiritually powerful beings of a higher density and the manifesto is just disinfo which they profit by. 'tis glamour, form, maya… chances are they come not from Mars and do not have their origins as an amphibian race.



Yeah, apparently MSM misreporting or human error isn't a thing either, if the story conflicts about whether its point-blank, from a distance, or the number of shots taken and where they may have landed is inconsistent, it could only be evidence of a cover up… which if it is, makes it a pretty shitty one at that.

Apparently they harassed him for his intelligence, which if true, then why would they pull strings to get him admitted into a prestigious university to study a science degree and 'leak information' about them? Keep in mind they are supposed to be far more psychic and way more advanced than us, yet somehow they couldn't see how events unfolded.

Since Kyle has an understanding of science, by what means did he collect data? What data is there available? The manifesto has none.

If there is any at all; how could it be stored without the aliens knowing about it and sabotaging him in the process? That is assuming he is correct, of course, and more plausibly just didn't lose the plot.

If these entities are as much behind our governments as alleged in the manifesto, then why would Kyle deliver the evidence he accumulated into their hands?

Imagine if Assange or Snowden leaked information on government activities by not releasing it publicly, but feeding it back into the NSA or the databases from where they originated.

The more you think about it, the more retarded the story becomes, including the actions of Kyle Odom. This is even if you assume that the manifesto is a CIA/NSA fictional write-up, because Kyle had enough intelligence on him to know what was going on, and delivering his 'information' into their hands is a stupid move, and yet… this is the end result. Kyle has not delivered.

In the end, the story is going to be one of the following:

1. This was all in Kyle's head. Many mental illness cases have similar themes and overlaps.

2. Kyle is an MK-ULTRA victim, designed to discredit any conspiracy movements it comes into contact with.

3. He was right in a sense, but still way off the mark; instead he was trolled hard and plausibly made to hallucinate or manipulated into thinking the preacher or others he came into contact with were out to get him, resulting in innocents/other human beings getting harmed.

Kyle being smart doesn't exclude him from being mentally ill, or being played like a fiddle. The Unabomber fits this description easily.


If anyone wants a more believable story that has similar parallels, checkout 'Mirage Men.'

The documentary is obscure, but follows in the footsteps of a NASA scientist in the 70s and 80s who uncovered evidence of what he thought could be alien space ships, or advanced aircraft technology being pioneered by the US Air Force.

Just so happened that the Air Force and the NSA picked up on his activities, panicked at the idea that what they were working on could be detected so easily, and began turning up at his house feeding him disinformation about how what he uncovered was bloodthirsty, malevolent ETs descending to Earth in UFOs to experiment on human beings for unknown purposes, and kill people for a source of food.

The purpose was to discredit the NASA scientist, but the process went further and drove him insane to the point he had to be admitted to a mental hospital, and people who knew him were basically admitted to by the agents, including directly in the documentary; that this was done under 'patriotic reasons' to mask their projects, such as the creation of the stealth bomber and other aircraft. If he could uncover their activities, then potentially so could their Cold War enemies. Hiding behind aliens was a convenient mask for them.

At the same time, the agents involved admit they were fed the information from a higher office in Washington, and it becomes ambiguous at this point because its unclear whether he is lying about his information source to discredit them further, or doing soft disclosure on a potentially frightening subject. This particular event led to the creation of MJ-12 and the Dulce Base controversy that Phil Schneider was attached with.



>innocents/other human beings




>and began turning up at his house feeding him disinformation about how what he uncovered was bloodthirsty, malevolent ETs descending to Earth in UFOs to experiment on human beings for unknown purposes, and kill people for a source of food.

That's not disinformation though. That's real information. I wonder why he would be told the truth so up-frontly.



Assuming it is the real information, it would be an example of Wine In Front Of Me game theory aka circular reverse psychology.

>All right: where is the poison? The battle of wits has begun. It ends when you decide and we both drink, and find out who is right and who is dead.

>But it's so simple. All I have to do is divine from what I know of you. Are you the sort of man who would put the poison into his own goblet, or his enemy's?

Knowing that in the future this man would be put into an insane asylum due to the gravity of the information given to him, telling him the truth instead of lies would obscure the truth behind the fact that this guy would be perceived as insane. You could continue with the logic, but assuming its truth, this would explain it.


I love smiley too… <3…. He found me on some board and brought me here…

I think the answer is the lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram. I noticed when I practiced it in my daily life, I would all of a sudden become lucid in a dream for a second to find I was using it to protect myself in the dream world, unknown to my waking self. With much clear effect.

>a blue light came and visited with him

>after that time alll classes at school became easy

>it turned on him when he left school

It sounds like he was taken by a demon while meditating, which can happen if you don't protect and seal your auras before meditating or astral projection.

I think we need to actively move towards spreading the news of safety concerns… I have several theories about how the astral realm works and they are starting to come to me clearly…

I've heard talk of cern using the particle destruction worm holes to tear a hole between the third and fourth dimensions, that combined with amateurs using rushed and artificial means to advance in meditation and lucid. We could have a clear strategy to bring demons into the material plane.


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Here is his manifesto. It's worth a read. Spooky as fuck.

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