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An excerpt from Dynamic Thought which summarizes the whole book:

In this book the writer will advance a very different theory of the Universe of All‐Things from that of Modern Science, although he feels that his theory may easily be reconciled with the most advanced views of that school.

In the first place, as he has stated in the first chapter, he does not hold that the Universe, as we know it, is self‐sufficient, but he recognizes a Something back of all phenomena and appearances, which Something he calls “The Infinite.”

And he differs very materially from the views of those who claim that Mind is but a property, or quality, or something proceeding from Matter or Force, or Matter‐Force, or Force‐Matter—according to the views of the respective schools. He takes an entirely different and opposite position.

He holds that all that we call Matter (or Substance) and Mind (as we know it) are but aspects of something infinitely higher, and which may be called the “Cosmic Mind,” He holds that what we call “Mind” is but a partial manifestation of the Cosmic Mind. And that Substance or Matter is but a cruder or grosser form of that which we call Mind, and which has been manifested in order to give Mind a Body through which to operate. But this view he merely states in passing, for he makes no attempt to demonstrate or prove the same, his idea being that it forms a different part of the general subject than the phase of “Dynamic Thought,” to the consideration of which this book is devoted.

He also differs very materially from the Materialistic school in his conception of Force or Energy. Instead of regarding Force as a distinct principle, and as something of which Mind is but a form, he walks boldly out into the arena of Scientific Thought, and throwing down his gauntlet, proclaims his theory that “There is no such thing as Force apart from Life and Mind”—“All Force and Energy is the product of Life and Mind—all Force, Energy and Motion result from Vital‐Mental Action—all Force, Energy and Motion is Vital‐Mental Force, Energy and Motion.”—“The Mind abiding in and permeating all Substance, not only has the power to Think, but also the power to Act, and to manifest Force and Energy, which are its inherent and essential properties.”

He also takes the position that Mind is in and about and around Everything. And that “Everything is Alive and Thinking,” And that there is no such things as “Dead‐Matter,” or “Blind‐Force,” but that all Substance, even to the tiniest Particle, is permeated with Life and Mind, and that all Force and Motion is caused and manifested by Mind.

He holds that all forms of Force, Energy and Motion, from the Attraction of the Particles of Matter, and their movements in response thereto, up to the Attraction of Gravitation, and the response of the Worlds, and Suns, and Stars, and Planets, thereto—are forms of Mental Energy and Force, and Action. And that from the tiniest atom, or particle, to the greatest Sun—all obey this Great Action of Mind—this Great Force of Mind—this Great Energy of Mind—this Great Power of Mind.


I am just about done reading it btw, I just have two chapters left to go, and I really want to hear from others who are reading it or have read it, also would like to know what Tom Montalk would have to say about the content in there.


Bullshit/armchair occultism.



Please elaborate.


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He's just a butthurt thelemite who hasn't even read Atkinson and is being contrarian.


empty words = armchair occultism



in particular, methinks he was butthurt at one anon insinuating that franz bardon was a fat armchair occultist who smoked cigars and has had a grudge on WWA ever since. He even used fat as one of his derogatory adjectives until another anon asked for proof


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Did Atkinson ever go on to write this book? Did he maybe release it under a different title?

>It shall be the purpose of the sequel to this book (now in preparation) which will be entitled “ The Wonder” of the Mind,” to describe these inner workings, and to point out methods of utilizing the same.


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He knows about the Hermetic Brotherhood and the Rosicrucians.


Just 100% finished reading Dynamic Thought by William Walker Atkinson.











I know, I just like to ask people who have nothing to say to tell me more



;) Don't forget to write it in your wizard progress thread.


My thoughts on Dynamic Thought:

I felt it was necessary for me to read, it brings together many different concepts Atkinson talks about into one over-arching theory, and gives me lots of ideas.

I think he might have been wrong about what he said about gravity.

The various propositions he has made besides that seem sound.

Matter is actually substance, attraction works along the lines of desire/emotion, all force is mental in its origin, the whole universe is a mental body, individual men are like drops of mind in an ocean of mind, at once part of the ocean and yet individuated from it. Men are constantly radiating thoughts to others which propagate in various ways and can be sensed. He made an interesting comment in the book about how nerve force is different from electrical energy, yes they are similar, but he pointed out something that sets them apart. If anyone else knows what passage I'm referring to, it's near the last few chapters, and you may want to read on it and comment o nit.

He lays out his criticism of the materialists and makes a pretty good case for why the idealist conception of the universe is more reasonable.

Everything has mentality, is alive, feels, makes choices, etc. in various degree from the most base matter to the minerals to the plants to the animals to men.

A lot of Dynamic Thought is also redundant with what Atkinson writes in many of his other books.

Is there anything else I should say? I think that's about all I want to say. I feel the whole book could be condensed a lot by focusing on just the stuff that is special to this book and pruning out what Atkinson covers in other books.

The excerpt in the OP is good enough for most people to read without reading the whole book I guess. I recommend just reading the first two chapters and them skimming the rest of the book for some of the other neat stuff mentioned if you don't want to read the entire thing through very carefully like I did.

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