When I was 13-14, I fucked up hard.
It was during a very lonely and hermitical time of my life, I was opened to the world of computing and was learning all that I never could have before. So obviously I let my parents take care of my pets and I hardly ever took care of my own personal needs.
Then I was given a small brown rabbit, held in a cage as a gift. I had no time to take care of the rabbit, to play with it, to let it walk around the yard and let it inside the house during the cold winter nights. So I delegated this responsibility to my parents, like the irresponsible child I was.
That rabbit lasted a year of torment, /fringe/. The rabbit had slowly ate itself obese as it festered in its own excrement. It slowly died knowing it would never mate, never be free, and never know any kindness or pleasure other than eating itself unto it's death. It had eventually died during a freeze.
I am now 24, and have been dabbling in philosophy and esoteric ideation. I now find my own life to be a startling comparison to the last year of the rabbit's.
I have been forced to live in this same town, much smaller than I need to live and have a productive social life. I live a nocturnal life in which I work to support my mother and two sisters, and receive nothing for my 46+ hours of work. I have no friends, I have never had a relationship, and everyone my own age seems to have already married and had children. On top of that, the only pleasure I look forward to is eating. I'm not fat, yet, but I will be if I do not find the time to manage myself.
This life is torture, /fringe/, I have no freedom, no opportunity or pleasure, and I will likely die without mating. Just as the rabbit's life.
I have considered suicide, and have come to the conclusion that I would only end up on a deeper circle of this hell I have cast myself into.
How can I break such a curse?