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Esoteric Wizardry


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A Brief Order of Nine Angles Glossary

Introductory Note:

The Order of Nine Angles employs a variety of specialist esoteric terms, such a nexion, presencing, acausal, Tree of Wyrd, and so on.

It also needs to be understood that the ONA uses some now generally used exoteric terms - such as psyche, and archetype - in a particular and precise esoteric way, and thus such terms should not be considered as being identical to those used by others and defined, for example, by Jung


Exoterically, the Abyss represents the region where the causal gives way to, or merges into, the acausal, and thus where the causal is “transcended”, gone beyond, or passed, and where one enters the realm of pure acausality. Hence The Abyss can be considered as an interchange, a nexus, of temporal, atemporal, and spatial and aspatial, dimensions. This region is, for example, symbolized on The Tree of Wyrd, as being between the spheres of Sun and Mars, and ‘Entering the Abyss’ is that stage of magickal development which distinguishes the Master/ Mistress from the Adept. Esoterically, The Tree of Wyrd is itself a re-presentation of The Abyss, as are other esoteric re-presentations, such as The Star Game.


The term acausal refers to “acausal Time and acausal Space”: that is, to the acausal Universe. This acausal Universe is part of the Cosmos, which Cosmos consists of both the acausal and the causal, where “causal” refers to the Universe that is described, or re-presented, by causal Space and causal Time. This causal Universe is that of our physical, phenomenal, Universe, currently described by sciences such as Physics and Astronomy.

The acausal is non-Euclidean, and “beyond causal Time”: that is, it cannot be represented by our finite causal geometry (of three spatial dimensions at right angles to each other) and by the flow, the change, of causal Time (past-present-future), or measured by a duration of causal Time.

In addition - and just as causal energy exists in the causal (understood as such energy is by sciences such as Physics) - acausal energy exists in the acausal, of a nature and type which cannot be described by causal sciences such as Physics (based as these are on a causal geometry and a causal Time).

According to the aural tradition of the ONA, there are a variety of acausal life-forms; a variety of acausal life, of different species, some of which have been manifest in (or intruded into) our causal Universe.

For more details regarding the acausal, and acausal life, see the following ONA MSS: (1) The Mythos of the Dark Gods: Beings of Acausal Darkness; (2) Advanced Introduction to The Dark Gods: Five-Dimensional Acausal Sorcery.


An Aeon - according to the Sinister Way of the ONA - is a particular presencing of certain acausal energies on this planet, Earth, which energies affect a multitude of individuals over a certain period of causal time. One such affect is via the psyche of individuals. This particular presencing which is an Aeon is via a particular nexion, which is an Aeonic civilization, which Aeonic civilization is brought-into-being in a certain geographical area and usually associated with a particular mythos.


An archetype is a particular causal presencing of a certain acausal energy and is thus akin to a type of acausal living being in the causal (and thus “in the psyche”): it is born (or can be created, by magickal means), its lives, and then it “dies” (ceases to be present, presenced) in the causal (i.e. its energy in the causal ceases).


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Baphomet is regarded as a Dark Goddess - a sinister female entity, The Mistress (or Mother) of Blood. According to tradition, she is represented as a beautiful mature woman, naked from the wait up, who holds in her hand the severed head of a man.

She is regarded as one manifestation of one of The Dark Gods.

Black Book of Satan:

The book of that name containing the traditional ceremonial rituals of sinister/Satanic ceremonial magick, used by ONA Initiates.


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Dark Gods:

According to the Sinister Tradition of the ONA, The Dark Gods are specific entities - living-beings of a particular acausal species - who exist in the realms of the acausal, with some of these entities having been presenced, via various nexions, on Earth in our distant past. [See, for example, the ONA MS The Mythos of the Dark Gods: Beings of Acausal Darkness. ]


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1) The title of the first volume of The Deofel Quartet.

2) The exoteric name given to the esoteric (or “hidden”) nexion which is opened by Adepts to prepare the way for Vindex. This nexion - like Vindex - may be presenced in a specific individual, or in a group of individuals. There is a symbiotic relationship between Falcifer and Vindex, who - if presenced in individuals - can be either male or female.


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Magick - according to the Sinister tradition of the ONA - is defined as “the presencing of acausal energy in the causal by means of a nexion. By the nature of our consciousness, we, as human individuals, are one type of nexion - that is, we have the ability to access, and presence, certain types of acausal energy.”

Furthermore, magick - as understand and practised by the ONA - is a means not only of personal development and personal understanding (a freeing from psychic, archetypal, influences and affects) but also of evolving to the next level of our human existence where we can understand, and to a certain extent control and influence, supra-personal manifestations of acausal energies, such as an Aeon, and thus cause, or bring-into-being, large-scale evolutionary change. Such understanding, such control, such a bring-into-being, is Aeonic Magick.

Aeonic Magick is the magick of the Adept and those beyond: the magick of the evolved human being who has achieved a certain level of self-understanding and self-mastery and who thus is no longer at the mercy of unconscious psychic, archetypal, influences, both personal/individual, and of other living-beings, such as an Aeon.

Internal Magick is the magick of personal change and evolution: of using magick to gain insight and to develope one’s personality and esoteric skills. There are seven stages involved in Internal Magick.

External Magick is basic, “low-level”, sorcery - where certain acausal energies are used for bring or to fulfil the desire of an individual.

Ceremonial Magick is the use (by more than two individuals gathered in a group) of a set or particular texts or sinister rituals to access and presence sinister energies.

Five-dimensional magick is the New Aeon magick sans symbols, ceremonies, symbology (such as the

Tree of Wyrd) and beyond all causal abstractions, and it is prefigured in the advanced form of ''The

Star Game''.


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1) The name of one of the “boards” (spheres) of The Star Game, taken from the star of the same name: Zeta Puppis in the constellation Argo.

2) The title of the ONA text “Naos - A Practical Guide to Becoming An Adept”.

3) According to aural legend, there is also a Star Gate - an actual physical nexion - in the region around or near to this particular star.


A nexion is a specific connexion between, or the intersection of, the causal and the acausal, and nexions can, exoterically, be considered to be akin to “gates” or openings or “tunnels” where there is, or can be, either a flow of acausal energy (and thus also of acausal entities) from the acausal into our causal Space and causal Time; a journeying into the acausal itself; or a willed, conscious flow or presencing (by dark sorcery) of acausal energies.

Basically, there are three main types of nexion. The first is an actual physical nexion. The second type of nexion is a living causal being, such as ourselves. The third type of nexion is a magickal creation: that is, some form in-which acausal energy is presenced or “channelled into” by a sinister Adept. [For more details of these three types see the ONA MS The Mythos of the Dark Gods.]

Nine Angles:

The Nine Angles have several meanings - or interpretations, exoteric and esoteric - depending on context.

In the esoteric sense, they re-present the nine combinations (and transformations) of the three basic “alchemical” substances, which nine and their transformations (causal and acausal) are themselves re-presented by The Star Game.

In the exoteric, pre-Adept, sense, they may be said to re-present the 7 nexions of the Tree of Wyrd plus the 2 nexions which re-present the ToW as itself a nexion, with The Abyss (a connexion between the individual and the acausal) being one of these 2 “other nexions”. It should be remembered, of course, that each sphere of the ToW is not two-dimensional (or even three-dimensional) and in a simple way each sphere can be taken as a reflexion (a “shadow”) of another - for example, Mercury is the ’shadow’ of Mars.

In another exoteric sense, the nine are the alchemical process of the 7 plus the 2, which 2 are the conjoining of opposites: and, in one sense, this conjoining can be taken to be (magickally, for instance, in a practical ritual) as the conjoining of male and female (hence what is called one of the Rites of the Nine Angles) - although there are other practical combinations, just as each magickal act involving such Angles should be undertaken for a whole and particular alchemical season: that is, such a working should occupy a space of causal-time, making it thus a type of four-dimensional magick which can access the fifth magickal dimension, the acausal itself. A somewhat more advanced understanding of the Nine - in relation to a ritual to create a Nexion - is hinted at in the recent fiction-based MS Atazoth.

Beyond this, the Nine Angles are symbols of The Star Game which itself is magick - that is, one nexion which can presence the acausal. But even this is only a beginning - a re-presentation, in symbols, of what is, in essence, without symbols: a useful means for Initiates, and Adepts, to move toward the new five-dimensional magick embodied in, and beyond, the ONA.


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The psyche of the individual is a term used, in the Sinister Way, to describe those aspects of an individual - those aspects of consciousness - which are hidden, or inaccessible to, or unknown to, the individual. Basically, such aspects can be considered to be those forces/energies which do or which can influence the individual in an emotional way or in a way which the individual has no direct control over or understanding of. One part of this psyche is what has been called “the unconscious”, and some of the forces/energies of this “unconscious” have been, and can be, described by the term “archetypes”


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Satan is regarded, by the ONA, as the exoteric “name” of a particular acausal being: that is, as a living entity dwelling in the acausal. This entity has the ability to presence, to be manifest in, our causal, phenomenal world, and the ability - being a shapeshifter - to assume various causal forms. [Regarding the "names" of such beings, see, for example, Footnote (2) of the MS The Mythos of the Dark Gods. ]


According to the ONA, Satanism is a specific Left Hand Path, one aim of which is to transform, to evolve, the individual by the use of esoteric Arts, including Dark Sorcery. Another aim is, through using the Sinister Dialectic, to transform the world, and the causal itself, by - for example - returning, presencing, in the causal, not only the entity known as Satan but also others of The Dark Gods.


A name for the basic symbology (causal magickal symbolism) of the Seven Fold Sinister Way represented exoterically by The Tree of Wyrd, and consisting of seven stages or “spheres” joined by various pathways.

Sinister Dialectic:

The sinister dialectic (often called the sinister dialectic of history) is the name given to Satanic strategy - which is to further our evolution in a sinister way by, for example, (a) the use of Black Magick/sinister presencings to change individuals/events on a significant scale over long periods of causal Time; (b) to gain control and influence; (c) the use of Satanic forms and magickal presencings to produce/provoke large scale changes over periods of causal Time; (d) to bring-into-being a New Aeon; (e) to cause and sow disruption and Chaos as a prelude to any or all or none of the foregoing.

Sinister Way:

A name given to the system of training (magickal and practical) of Initiates used by the ONA. Sometimes also called The Seven-Fold Sinister Way.

It consists of seven stages, each represented by a particular magickal Grade. [See, for example, the ONA MS NAOS.] One aim of the Way is to create Satanic individuals.


Often used as a synonym of magick. Sorcery - according to the Dark, Sinister, tradition followed by the ONA - is the use, by an individual, individuals, or a group, of acausal energy, either directly (raw/acausal/chaos) or by means of symbolism, forms, ritual, words, chant (or similar manifestations or presencing(s) of causal constructs) with this usage often involving a specific, temporal (causal), aim or aims. [See the ONA MSS An Introduction to Dark Sorcery and NAOS.]

Star Game:'

The Star Game is a re-presentation of the nine aspects of the basic three whose changing in causal time represents a particular presencing of acausal energy. That is, the nine re-presents not only the nexion that is the presencing of the acausal evident in our psyche and consciousness, but also many other nexions as well.

This particular re-presentation is an “abstract” one, as distinct from the more “causal” symbology of The Tree of Wyrd (and of the septenary system itself).

The Star Game exists in two basic forms: the “simple form” and the “advanced” form, and one of its aims is to develope acausal-thinking (beyond causal abstractions) and thus skill in five-dimensional magick.

It can also be played as a “game”, akin to a chess, and can be used magickally, to presence acausal energies. The basics of The Star Game are described in the ONA MS NAOS.


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Traditional Satanism:

A term, first used by the ONA several decades ago, to describe its own Sinister and Septenary Way, and to distinguish it from the other types of “Satanism” (such as those of Lavey and Aquino) which were once given public prominence.

The term was used to describe the ONA due to the aural, and other, teachings of the ONA: many of which teachings (such as the Septenary system and Esoteric Chant; legends and myths regarding Baphomet and The Dark Gods; and Satanism as an individual Way of personal and Aeonic evolution) were handed down aurally by reclusive sinister Adepts over many centuries.

The term “Traditional Satanism” has since been appropriated by others, some of whom have attempted to redefine it.

Tree of Wyrd:

The Tree of Wyrd, as conventionally described (”drawn”) and with its correspondences and associations and symbols (see the ONA MS NAOS), re-presents certain acausal energies, and the individual who becomes familiar with such correspondences and associations and symbols can access (to a greater or lesser degree depending on their ability and skill) the energies associated with the Tree of Wyrd. The Tree of Wyrd itself is one symbol, one re-presentation, of that meeting (or “intersection”) of the causal and acausal which is a human being, and can be used to represent the journey, the quest, of the individual toward the acausal - that is, toward the goal of magick, which is the creation of a new, more evolved, individual.


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The name of the exoteric (or “outer”) nexion through which powerful acausal energies are presenced on Earth in order to destroy the current status quo (the Old Aeon, now manifest in the so-called New World Order) and prepare the way for - and inaugurate the practical beginnings of - the New Aeon. Like Falcifer (q.v.), Vindex can be presenced (”manifest”) in an individual (who may be male or female). If an individual, Vindex is the embodiment of The Law of the New Aeon, which is personal honour [See the ONA MSS The Law of the New Aeon and Tyrannies End: Anarchy, Magick and the Law of Personal Honour].

Used as the exoteric name of an individual, Vindex means “the Avenger”, and while it is traditionally (and semantically) regarded as a male name, with the Anglicized feminine form being Vengerisse, Vindex is now often used to refer to either the man or the woman who is or who becomes the nexion.


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>subhuman abomination trying to be edgy



He made a whole board for being edgy.


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>In addition, the ONA claims that its sinister tribes are an important part of its Aeonic, sinister, strategy to build a new, tribal-based, more sinister way of life, and to disrupt and eventually overthrow the societies of what it calls the mundanes

Filthy mundanes.


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Fringe is ONA.



Better flag 4 u.


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While our techniques may appear similar due to us all utilizing the same natural force under different names, a lot of /fringe/ is not that edgy.


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ONA is nonsensically edgy as fuck and has almost nothing to do with true Satanism, which is about (in the practices) the empowerment of the self trough Hermetic practices, the rise of the Kundalini and the completion of the Magnum Opus, thus obtaining Gnosis.

ONA is role play tier occultism as much as Wicca is or even worse. Is thanks to Laveyan and ONA edgytards that true Satanism is looked down by other occultists.This "Sinister" stuff is pure nonsense and kinda funny too, if you ONA cunts want to be useful then i suggest to start killing Rothschilds or something with your "Sinister" dark magic, if you succeed in doing so, then i will take everything back.

Have fun.


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>download fringe library

>Joy of Satan.pdf

>Oh shit this might be pretty cool, like 500 pages on the subject

>very first page

>"We literally believe that Satan is an actual living entity and at one point was a blonde white guy with wings, and is now a horned red goat man."


How retarded do you have to be to not recognize Christianity as a religion while claiming your idea of your deity is based on how they are portrayed in Christianity?

I just can't fucking wait to get mixed up with these devil worshipers masquerading as Satanists.


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hail vindex




>which is about (in the practices) the empowerment of the self trough Hermetic practices

It's like you're quoting straight out of an ONA book they even specifically mentioned Hermeticism.

Are you sure you aren't an ONA-Satanist? Read "The Hard Reality of Satanism" and "The Quintessence of Satanism" from the ONA library.


The Dark Forces

ONA yf87

For too long our enemies have lied about us. But, as the cosmic tides begin another Aeonic change as the Age of the Dark Gods begins, we proclaim openly our defiance and our creed.

No longer shall the lies go unchallenged. Accordingly, we - as representatives of those dark forces which have always shaped our evolution proclaim the following about our sinister Way and its living:-

1) The Dark Gods are means to self- fulfillment, self- understanding and self-divinity.

2) We believe that only through journeying through the darkness within and without, in passing the Abyss, can true self- understanding be attained.

3) Our rites, ceremonies and magick are life-affirming and show us and bring us the ecstasy of existence, the laughter of life and the self-overcoming of the true Adept.

4) We are feared because we understand and because we rejoice in living - in its pleasures but most importantly in its possibilities. We extend the frontiers of evolution while others sleep and cry.

5) All that enervates we despise: we have nothing to do with the cowardly and weak who are trapped by their own failings and who scurry about in the filth that covers those who do dis-honourable deeds. We revere honour because honour means self-excellence and a recognition of the cosmic balance that is an Adept.

6) When we hate we hate openly and with pride and when we love we love with a passion to match our arroga nce: always mindful never to love anyone or anything so much that we cannot see it die, since death is a natural changing of forces.

7) We would rather die than submit to anyone or anything and this pride is the pride of Satan, that symbol of our defiance and a sign of our life-enhancing energy.

8) We prepare - through our magick, our deeds and our living - for the Age of Fire (the Aeon of the Dark Gods) which is to come, when we shall reach out toward the stars and the new challenges they will bring.

9) Our Way is difficult and dangerous and is for the few who can truly dare to defy the matrix of forms (like `crosstianity') that stifle the potentiality of our being.

It has been said (by Nietzsche):

"The more mediocre, the weaker, the more submissive and cowardly a man is, the more he will posit as evil: it is with him that the realm of evil is most comprehensive. Thebasest (most dis- honourable) man will see the realm of evil that is, of that which is forbidden and hostile to him - everywhere."

"The most powerful man, the creator, would have to be the most evil, in as much as he carries his ideal against the ideals of other men and remakes them in his own image…"

- Order of Nine Angles -


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The 21 Satanic Points

1) Respect not pity or weakness, for they are a disease which makes sick the strong.

2) Test always your strength, for therein lies success.

3) Seek happiness in victory - but never in peace.

4) Enjoy a short rest, better than a long.

5) Come as a reaper, for thus you will sow.

6) Never love anything so much you cannot see it die.

7) Build not upon sand, but upon rock And build not for today or yesterday but for all time.

8) Strive ever for more, for conquest is never done.

9) And die rather than submit.

10) Forge not works of art but swords of death, for therein lies great art.

11) Learn to raise yourself above yourself so you can triumph over all.

''12) The blood of the living makes good fertilizer for the seeds of the new.

13) He who stands atop the highest pyramid of skulls can see the furthest.

14) Discard not love but treat it as an imposter, but ever be just.

15) All that is great is built upon sorrow.

16) Strive not only forwards, but upwards for greatness lies in the highest.

17) Come as a fresh strong wind that breaks yet also creates.

18) Let love of life be a goal but let your highest goal be greatness.

19) Nothing is beautiful except man: but most beautiful of all is woman.

20) Reject all illusion and lies, for they hinder the strong.

21) What does not kill, makes stronger.


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Richard Stallman approves of the ONA



>and is now a horned red goat man.

What the fuck, JoS doesn't state this. Show me where it does.


This. Exactly this.



>Die rather than submit

Wait what? That seems dumb as shit. You can't enjoy yourself when you're dead.



>but most beautiful of all is woman

>gays need not apply



>9) And die rather than submit.

>21) What does not kill, makes stronger

there is reason ONA is treated as a joke, and that's just one of them



for all the nonsense I often read on JoS pages, it's pretty damn cool and straightforward when it comes to actual practice


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What the OP forgot to mention

ONA is pro-feminist and matriarchal. Men are second-rate under ONA, just like under liberal socialism.




that's just the last incarnation of ONA

not that any of this even matters, ONA is bullshit occultism²


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Holy shit anon, aside from some little weakpoints (like the feminist taints some anon already pointed out) I DO really like your post^ i could really make a formula out of it in some sort of expresion lilke K+E=(x+y^2)(m) / d in where K stands for Psyche, E for magik, x for Nexions, y for Acasual event, m for sorcery and d for Vindex and so on…

i do feel that the traditional books in todays society only attracts certain type of people like the imaginative ones, yet you present the occult way in a more appealing tone to those who prefer math and board games. will save and perhaps screencap.


Mhe… not really my cup of 'rules' but still respectable. i do prefer unconditional kindfullnes but i also understands its not everybody's tea of choice.



>pro-feminist and matriarchal

Something wrong with it?



>satanism is edgy and all about power

>worships women


can you think of any matriarchal societies that have even compared to patriarchal ones?



Jews are a successful matriarchy and edgy as fuck. Jews do for real everything the satanists wish they did. Human sacrifice, genital mutilation, blood rituals, commanding demons, spreading evil through the world, etc.


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Dude, im on my way to my own personal sephiroth and achieve androgenity/trans status, and even i dont want that feminist bullshit.

At the end of the line both the origins and the current 3rd way of feminism, it talks about how Everything must be made to the lowest common denominator, and only have 1 big mommy as the supreme ruler, instead of focusing on how everyone is an individual and must gather their own strength through effort and meritocracy, the matriarchal perspective is about how to get something you must first be in the 'likes' of the figure in power and matriarchal powers by history are all about mask, appearance and know how to tell good lies, about not been but pretending to be and use it to get ahead of others… pretty much passive-aggressiveness galore.

If you start a magik path in that premise, this is the kind of shit it breads:



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>Dude, im on my way to my own personal sephiroth and achieve androgenity/trans status, and even i dont want that feminist bullshit.

And that gives your words more weight how exactly?

Dude, I'm also androgynous. Mentally for now at least, but the flesh is conforming to the Will pretty easily.

>implying there is one feminism and one goal of all feminists

Also, I'm quite familiar with teachings of ONA and they don't resemble at all what you are describing.

for example:

>instead of focusing on how everyone is an individual and must gather their own strength through effort and meritocracy

see >>73060 it's pretty much all about strength and effort. Have you read Naos, you would have known how much it takes to walk the Seven Fold Way.

>If you start a magik path in that premise, this is the kind of shit it breads

Yeah, because there aren't any new age nutjobs, only feminist nutjobs. I could find someone retarded who would speak about men superiority and post it here, what would it prove?

Take Smiley as an example.


There is no one "feminism" and most feminists are in disagreement with one another. State what you mean exactly by "feminist bullshit" and perhaps we are on the same page and also on the same page with ONA's feminism.



troll or idiot

the only "matriarchic" element is not being able to be a Jew unless the mother is one and that's out of pure doubt of fatherhood



Male is superior to female, there is no equality, nor should there be any attempts at equality.

Males should be in control of anything important.



Female is superior to male, there is no equality, nor should there be any attempts at equality.

Females should be in control of anything important.



absolutely #rekt



>the only "matriarchic" element is not being able to be a Jew unless the mother is one and that's out of pure doubt of fatherhood

Except conversion to Judaism is possible and according to halacha (Jewish law) a convert is the same as any other Jew in every way, shape, and form.


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>get sudden inclination to read about the O9A

>this gives me the inclination to lurk /fringe/

>this thread happens to be almost at the top.



On paper only.



Nope. As someone who used to attend synagogue (I grew up in a Modern Orthodox Jewish family), I can tell you that it's taboo to say anything contrary to this in Jewish communities. It is forbidden by the Sages to even mention that someone is a convert because it risks "dividing Israel" (i.e. into "purity" camps).

You've swallowed too much le merchant /b/ shit


Damn, i miss /fringe/ glory days.

We bump role players now? What's next? Wiccans?



ONA was popular back in /fringe/'s glory days, back on freedomboard.kirara.ca, so uhhh… problem?

I bet you don't even remember when Lobsang Rampa was popular af, you newfig.



Shlomo please, we all know you're rootless cosmopolitan mongrels, who after being racemixed then proceeded to inbreed, and today suffer the consequences of both outbreeding depression and inbreeding depression, and you're basically insane genetic trash filth that needs to be purged from the world.

Jews; not even once.



ONA WAS and IS a shame. Only ppl like you give a single shit about it.



the person you're replying to has been around /fringe/ since the old days and has yet to make a major spiritual progress.



lol ona-hurt faggot.jpg


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Then what are you even doing with ONA anon? Their Dark Gods are almost exclusively female and ONA is known for it's feminist outlook. Actually the fact that they are more on the feminine side of the mind was the sole reason I become interested in them.

Also, pretty bold claims there, ones that makes you look just as bad as those feminists who want the supremacy of females.


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Would you guys believe me i have no problem reading in thai but i cant read cursive for shit?… what does it say?



brainless sissy retard



that just proves you aren't white



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>I am an egalitarian



I am not sure but I think it says something about the NSA watching this thread.

Why the fuck they would be interested in this particular thread I don't know.



They're probably interested in this thread because the ONA has been involved in some really controversial shit. They encourage their members to join groups (criminal enterprises even) and subvert them.

I'm interested in advancing magickally, but not at that risk of going to jail. That's where my fascination stops. I'm not that autistic.



>not just breaking out of jail like in the last chapter of Sorcery by J. Finley Hurley



Not doubting the possibility. But I'm definitely not at that level of true wizardry. Sounds like a fascinating read, though.


Have any of you played the 'Star Game'?



I tried to understand it and I guess I'm too dumb too understand. Or maybe I'm not just not steeped in theoretical, magickal understanding. I've always been more drawn to simpler concepts. I think that there's more truth to those than that (things like the Star Game).



Then it would follow…


Similar to an ant colony or a bee hive…


Because you just awakened the (dead) queen.



I'm just going to say it now so it doesn't get lost on anybody, even the densest of you fucks.

Jews are the spawn of Satan. I dare you to prove me wrong.



> is now a horned red goat man

I don't remember reading this, either. In fact, the author talks about how those red devil Halloween costumes are a mockery to Satan.

Also, this is overall a good book, but I generally disliked the author's arrogant and spiteful tone.

For example, she claims that Satan doesn't want us to associate with Christians because they blaspheme our god. But I honestly don't think Satan even cares that my best friend is Catholic. She is a kind person, and probably just doesn't see Satan in the same way that I do, but we still respect one another's beliefs because we BOTH want to believe in a kind and non-malicious god figure.

Similarly, I am not offended if she or someone else who is Christian prays for me. This author seems to think that Christian prayers send angels to attack Satanists (as demons are blamed for attacking other people), but I don't believe that's true for someone who sincerely wants the best for you.

That's just my opinion, anyway. The thing I like about Satanism is that I'm encouraged to think for myself, and that's why I even take text like this with a grain of salt.



Another androgynous transfag reporting in here:

What >>73317 is getting at is that third wave feminism is all about shitting on anything male-related.

In other words, it's the polar opposite of their (non-existent) Patriarchy boogeyman.

It's not only ignorant and silly for either side to think that one is better than the other, but I think it can also be dangerous in the long run as well.


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Hyperbole to make a point.

Also, Satan literally translates to "adversary" and originated in Christianity. This is the whole "there can be no light without dark, no dark without light" idea. While I respect the idea of siding with The Four Crown Princes, the entire basis of their history is that they revolted against an oppressive force that the book doesn't seem to acknowledge. Without The Holy Trinity to battle, they're just some cool dudes.

I choose to see it as The Four Crown Princes are a part of all of us. They are the representation and manifestation of humanity and a model to emulate for a perfect society. More of a parapsychological phenomenon that can manifest itself if you subscribe to holographic universe theory, rather than a physical entity or diety



>I guess I'm too dumb too understand

>I think that there's more truth to those than that (things like the Star Game)


>we BOTH want to believe in a kind and non-malicious god figure.

>The thing I like about Satanism is that I'm encouraged to think for myself

Ya'll niggas dumb as fuck

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