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Esoteric Wizardry


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>be me a couple of days ago

>make sigil for hella cash

>today inadvertently visualize parking spot at rush hour

>mfw get three parking spots to choose from, at rush hour

>figure I should put those mad skillz to good use

>visualize finding money on the ground

>a couple of hours later, on my way home I find a lotto ticket on the ground

>mfw it's for this friday

Pic related, but obviously not the ticket I found.

I want to understand what's going on. Enlighten me brehs.



*next Friday





>Pic related, but obviously not the ticket I found.

Don't be bitches and start asking me for proof.

Just post similar experiences you've had. Cmon.


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There you go. I will post the full one on Friday after I know the results.

Now would somebody care to post their experiences with sigils and visualization? I'm really curious.


I once used a sigil to find money and I found someone's credit/debit card on the ground although obviously that wasn't very useful for me. It was good for clearing up doubts and teaching me not to be vague about what you wish for.




Once did this for four leaf clovers. I opened my eyes and there was one staring me in the face. I found many that day/year.

I was reading Seth Speaks at the time which goes into the subject heavily



I can't get into most books (including this one) because I've been a hardcore skeptic all my life and they trigger my bullshit alarm very quickly.

Ironic how the book is about our beliefs shaping our reality. I have a much easier time with Robert Anton Wilson and the like with some cheesy 70s humor thrown into it.



OP, are you from Asspain?

¿Podria contactar contigo de alguna forma?

Btw I hope… no, i think you will win some money.

¿Quieres ser mi amigo?



I have an account here if you want to exchange private messages: http://www.astralpulse.com/forums/profiles/re-u35991.html

No se si te puedo ser de mucha ayuda la verdad. Tengo muy poca experiencia.


OP here. I'd like to bring closure to this thread by informing you that no money was won.

I blame the probabilities being too low ;)


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And that's why i love occultism, because it works! Enjoy!



Hey… you're from wizchan aren't you…



You were doing right till that last line.

I appreciate that you took the time to tell us what happened to you, but that "blame" stuff was uncalled for.

You just need to work harder and get your goals clearer, thought I think that you'll find the pursuit of money quite vain in some time.

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