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Esoteric Wizardry


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I prefer the old /fringe/.
>less neophytes
>less fedoras
>no "give me superpowers or magic is fake"
>less holier than thou know it alls
>less drama

I just want to discuss esotericism, mentalism and magic.

>mfw trying to cope with the changes


Why the bold on neophytes?


It's a filter for n e w f a g. Ask smiley.


>Not in /illuminati/ yet
>calling others neophytes


I too, feel the move here was a bad idea. Now the original /fringe/ has suffered and I no longer frequent either board. My studies return to the solitary path.

I will see those who are worthy on astral /fringe/.


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I third this notion.

Public exposure is not our way. We will only attract profligates and untermenchen.

We must recoil to a stronghold that we can control, brining fringe here was a mistake. We should take only those talented enough to find us.


What's wrong with being a neophyte? Are we really that annoying?


We all start somewhere but the annoying ones are those who never get past the beginning phase and persist in pestering others as if they can advance for them. I am more or less self taught and recommend everyone takes that option. Only having yourself to blame for failure is a good way to ensure success at any cost.


Give something attention, and it will grow. Not saying that there is a certain presence here of annoying people with sub-quality threadcrafting skills, but there's an easy way to minimize the thread, and ignore it.


If you guys want we could purge the mundane filth through magickal means all without the need to actually ban them thus we can still preserve the free speech aspect of /fringe/.

Do you want to do this?

Does anyone remember the /illuminati/ meeting we had about this?

I think we've managed to drive out a few of them already with the latest loosh farming operation.

If anyone wants to know what I did with all that loosh, I went into a trance for about 4 hours, saw hundreds of people from all around the world (one person a a time) and strange super colourful plasma things and what looked like liquefied metal statues moving about and tons of strange symbolism and psychedelic shit until I was in the astral for what I experienced was 3 days and nights, all experienced in a row, and each day I went on a bike ride until the third day when my right knee was hurting too much in the astral and I decided to walk for that day.

Each day also, aliens were messing with my astral room, and moving things around and duplicating objects in it. They made a ton of turtle pillows for example and scattered them everywhere. They were very elusive and I never actually spotted them but I'm sure it was them, they always leave a place with a certain feeling that is very intense and very much like their signature of having interfered with things there. I tried releasing some energy and sort of burning up and well fuck it's really abstract and hard to explain but I was imbuing the surroundings with my own energy and trying to counter them.

On my bike rides I'd been all over this place in the astral and also visited some restaurants and other places and talked to people out there.

At one point while I was walking a police officer came up to me and drew on the zipper of the coat I was wearing with a marker then let me continue my walk.

I eventually disconnected when some vaguely Middle Eastern or East Indian woman asked me where I had "filmed a plant" and upon pondering the question fell out of the astral and back into third density.

…and I'll probably be returning again in a moment.

We don't actually have to leave our 8chan base we can handle this problem with magickal solutions.
Post last edited at 2014-10-31 09:46:45


I would also like to take a second to thank you for moving here, allowing the likes of me to find about your teachings.


How do you feel about neophytes who only lurk for ideas and book suggestions? I don't post at all so please don't magically purge me. I just want to learn without bothering anyone.


Do not fear!


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>we could purge the mundane filth through magickal means all without the need to actually ban them
Do it.


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Magick requires targeting. We'd need to be able to focus our intent on targets. If we'd do a purge it could be something like posting like normal while focusing our intent on the person we're responding to and entering trance then sending the impulse to them to leave. Then watching as they leave; and all without announcing that we're trying to banish them too btw as that tends to incur a conscious resistance to the act which then has the opposite of the desired effect.

I've done this myself many times to work magick (not just for banishing but for many different purposes) on /fringe/ and sometimes while visiting other boards. For example I might;

>do my daily energy work and chakras meditations and so on

>get to posting
>see a person who wants to get better at something or do something, or see a poster I want gone, or a poster I want to make them feel something or receive an impression
>go into trance
>focus on them while posting in trance
>send the impulse/impression/feeling/thought/intent
>next thing I know, exactly what I intended plays out regardless of what I happen to be typing and posting to them

The only way it seems it can potentially work with announcing it beforehand is if the person is completely receptive to it; aka they both want it and believe they can receive it.

However a person that doesn't know I'm doing this, I can do it to them easily, because I can encounter no conscious resistance from them.

I believe that subconscious forces are at play all the time in the world and actually really effect how people receive you, how they react, etc. and that a little more understanding and awareness of this can explain why some people can do the exact same thing as another person and yet get totally different results; why some people are always picked on for no apparent reason, why some can't seem to make anyone fall in love with them, or why some people appear to be having everything handed to them in life and everything just goes stupendously perfect for them all the time.

Do you know that stuff in the Montalk reality manifestation and sycnhronicity articles and so on? Well see pic related I have found it to be very true in my practise of magick and effective to a point that I think twice about even sharing this, knowing its power, knowing that others might use it in a way I might not like on me… :\

It's just another reason the Fourth Law of the Magus exists; to keep silent. (1. Know 2. Will 3. Dare 4. Keep Silence)

It's easier to influence people who don't know they are being influenced.

Fedoras like I guess #7406 are probably thinking something else judging by the picture he's posting but in reality it would be a very subtle thing and no mundanes could even tell anything is happening. Posting would appear to be taking place just like normal; but the undesirable posters would just go away and each one thinking of course that they are simply choosing to leave when in reality they are acting on an impulse sent to them by an occult practitioner with higher consciousness then they.


Wait, really? Let me see


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neophytes are good for loosh farming brother wizards



They're good for manipulating people into sex too, phone up crowley on the astral line to verify.

Yes Newburg, now bugger me on the alter it'll evoke Pan I promise.



the only good alternative is /arcane/

it was started after this board and the mod ran off the rails

try it for a more refined experience



Hey faggot.

1. Your board's not a good alternative, it's fucking dead, besides ME posting on it – but you fucking deleted my hundred+ posts I made.
2. We on /fringe/ have been doing this shit for years and you are from /tulpa/ and don't even know the most common knowledge basic shit about us.
3. We're a fucking wizard board, I've always been "off the rails" so to speak, from the very beginning and before that.

You ban fucking everyone from your board and steal content because you're a mundane parasite.

Keep this shit up and we might hold a Fringe Illuminati meeting about you and you might learn magick is real the hard way.


Also, apparently you're the guy that wants to "expose me", well get in touch faggot because together we can chronicle my whole life and go over all the absurd things about me. You've only touched the surface of my so called "insanity".


"mundane" here, I'd love to see you do that.
Hell, any kind of magical demonstration would seriously throw me off balance.

Good luck with it though, poking fun at delusional people is too much fun



if people are being driven out by magick, why does it seem like there are more and more defora threads as time goes on? :\


is this the board owner or someone parodying him? i can't tell. i thought his flair was supposed to be bold if it was really him…



Bumping for smileberg biography, dis gun b gud



Yeah, it's him.


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…because we haven't yet decided if we want to drive them out yet or not.

The current course of action is simply to not mind them and just keep studying as usual.



Neophytes need to both lurk moar AND (most importantly) do the fuckin work. What I have found with neophytes is the endless questions and the minimal effort put into the work.

Also, the further along you go, the more obvious ones own ignorance becomes. It may sound discouraging, but in reality it just becoming aware of the vastness of this here universe in a very real way, not some romantic fantasy by some faggot author.


This so hard. I rarely ever pose questions to /fringe/ myself I just bring information here and discuss it. I can't remember the last time I ever asked a question… only things I can remember are requesting if anyone has copies of certain books I'm looking for.

I come here for:

>shared experiences

>a place to assemble knowledge, what with all these books and sites linked here
>answer others questions, but I do feel many of them aren't doing enough to answer their own questions
>report on my latest happenings and findings, I really like to come here and share what I've learned

That's what people should do. Anyone here making threads that doesn't present information is just a parasite. Look for what information you can gather on a topic, read up, share what you read; practice, share what your results with your practice were.


Was the /illuminati/ meeting concerning the influx of neophytes & shitposters conclusive to a definite course of action?


Everyone was just like "we don't mind them, we're too busy practicing magick anyways, and they're kind of funny" and one wizard recommended we just start saving the important material in one's notes in case all the shitposting knocks it off the board and bump the good threads again as needed.

A little bit of discussion about how we can magickally influence them was had but nobody actually wants to divert from their own magical operations they have underway to do it, whether it's healing one own's body, developing an ability more, contacting aliens, etc. everyone has more important priorities than chasing away some Fedoras.


Sounds just as I thought. The only problem with that is that neophytes find themselves sifting through filth to find gold, and this turns more than a few of the undeveloped ones away from the path. Granted, this acts as a filter to dispose of those who lack the drive to follow the path, there is a loss of initiates, and one can't help but wonder the differences of a future without the shitposters continuing and one in which they're allowed to continue. Could the loss of these future magicians be massively influential?
I wish one with more skills concerning clairvoyance than I could read into this and see if there is any significance here.


Old /fringe/ was dying and getting stale. the move has been the biggest boost in activity in a long time


You are so arrogant and elitist and you inspire other people to be the same, fuck you.


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Accept the Purple Pill and come to the dark side… it is where true power lies.


Smiley inspires me more than anything or anyone.


Same. Going from mundane to 24/7 consciousness and being on the verge of ascension, at 21, in just 2 years of study + practice and sharing all this knowledge with us, is truly admirable

They're the only reason to visit this board nowadays really. I hope they write a book before they leave us


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Smiley's success in such a short time is really inspiring; it also remind me to practice, practice, practice, whenever I can.


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I was stuck in loop of horseshit for YEARS because of disinfo and extreme depression. I had to deal with contradicting theories, charlatans, roleplaying faggots, new age hippies and the lack of finding any way to attain all these miracles I read about.
I was very skeptic of every "teaching", especially western traditions because they seemed to be all roleplaying or useless (Crowley, etc). I knew a lot about /fringe/ subjects, even Montalk and Miguel Serrano, but I never found how to apply anything in an effective way because every practioner I met was useless and their lack of insight made even more depressed. All these Thelemite faggots on /x/ made very upset because I thought "This is what wizards achieve?". I want real power!
I only managed a few ridiculous astral projections that never lasted more than a few seconds each. Then I also got these stupid permanent tinglings on my upper chakras and no "spiritual" person I ever asked had any idea what was going on. I felt like there was barely anyone that really "knows" and stuck with useless delusional people.
It wasn't until I found /fringe/ in 2013 and then finally read all of it last month before I actually started to be absolutely serious to study the real occult. Thanks to Smiley the puzzle pieces that didn't seem to fit aligned themselves and I felt liberation. I know what to do now.


So much magic…so much welfare.
You NEETs sicken me.


Much obliged.


>Then I also got these stupid permanent tinglings on my upper chakras and no "spiritual" person I ever asked had any idea what was going on.
I've got this too, any idea how to stop them so I can simulate other chakras for a change? Scratching them works for now but I'd rather magical solution.


I made a thread for this and haven't found anything yet.


>go work goy!!


Then piss of back to your whatever pretentious hipster site you came from and stop shitposting and whining, nobody is forcing you to be here…


>I bought into this bullshit why didn't you?!
That's what you sound like bro.

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