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Esoteric Wizardry


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Preliminary Notes:

While we do not know the limits of the ability of the low self to act on the body to bring about healing, the evidence accumulates which shows that the power is very great.

The Case:

While I was living in Honolulu, a young white man came to sell me advertising space in a newspaper each week. He became interested in the Hawaiians and often told me of attending their dinner dances given in the open.

One day he came to me much upset. He had become acquainted with a Hawaiian woman at a dinner party, and the woman had admired his girlishly fine skin. She had asked him thoughtfully if he did not find it a great chore to shave daily, and had solemnly told him that she could make his beard stop growing if he wished to be relieved of the shaving chore. She said that many Hawaiian men had so been relieved of the necessity of shaving. In a tolerant mood he pretended to accept her offer gladly, being certain that it was a native superstition of no consequence.

Taking him aside the woman stroked his right cheek with her fingers for a short time, saying that the beard would stop growing on his face and that he would be free of the need of shaving.

He had forgotten the incident when, about two weeks later, he suddenly noticed that there was a place on his cheek the size of a dime upon which no beard grew. To his alarm the spot grew larger day by day. When it became as large as a half dollar, he remembered that I had spoken of the kahunas and came rushing to me to ask my advice. He was almost girlish of face and realized that without a shadow of beard he would be disastrously feminine in appearance.

I advised him to inquire among his Hawaiian friends for the woman who had caused the difficulty, and when he found her, to ask her to reverse her suggestion. He had some trouble finding the woman, but did eventually, and she reluctantly stroked his cheek and gave the suggestion (it was suggestion beyond doubt) that the beard would return to the bare spot. In a little over a week the beard again began to grow in the denuded circle. Where I had found the skin bare, I could see the dark beard stubble reappearing. In a short time the beard was back to normal.


I want to use some method perhaps like in this case 26 to enable myself to grow a full and proper wizardly beard.

This thread is dedicated towards that objective.

I may also want to suggest my pubic hairs don't grow beyond a certain length, so they stay short and soft and don't cause any discomfort, but aren't completely absent either.

…and I want to change the colours of my hair.

Most importantly though I really want to grow a proper wizard beard.


I just noticed Chapter XV is repeated twice in The Science of Miracles wtf.



t.man with brown hair.



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You can't be a wizard if you don't have a beard. Then, you can't make your beard grow if you don't have one



>he can't grow a proper wizard beard





OP is smiley


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>can't grow a beard

>invited to prayergroup after ritual


What is it with men's attachment to beards? I get complemented constantly ( by men ) on the stupid thing- today a manager at chipotle gave me a free burrito because I have a 'damn fine beard.' IT'S JUST HAIR!

Conversely, females seem to find them disgusting beyond the short stubbly lumberjack look which was en vogue a year or two ago. It's all so silly to me. I want to chop the damn thing off just because it seems to get more attention than me; but then I'd just look like everyone else.



OP is a brainless sissy wizard who wants a beard for the sole reason of appearing more manly and wizardly.



Do you want to look like and be talked to like you're a feminine /cuteboys/ faggot all the time? Do you want to feel constantly humiliated and emasculated? Fuck you. You're as bad as those women who complain about being complimented by men all the time.



t.humiliated and emasculated feminine /cuteboys/ faggot


>wanting to look like either a nu-male hipster or a homeless man

A clean shaven face is the working mans face. The man who doesn't spend hours obsessing about useless things, like the evolutionary leftovers that are beards, and instead cuts them out of his life instead.


>hiding your pathetic jawline behind a beard

It won't make you more manly, just more like a neckbeard!



More like a neckbeard is a massive improvement over what I am.



Homeless men are the most attractive males in the world btw.


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I'd rather be an euphoric neckbeard basement dweller than a feminine sissy boy



>working man's face

Spoken like a true mundane.

Enjoy being a wagecuck!



brainless sissy retard



What the fuck does it even matter. How does anyone even begin to do any kind magickal work with fundamental feminine/masculine insecurities? Like what are you even doing here if you re still at your freudian "afraid of castration" stage



I live in la and have a large beard.

>bartend at 5 star restaurant

>constantly told by gm to cut it

>tells me its gross

>i just stare at him

>ill get fired before i cut it

>know model with 50k insta followers

>for dat ass

>constantly at bar flirting with me

>tells me a dude offered to shave for her

>she hates beards they are disgusting

>I called him a pussy

>I asked if she liked fucking pussy

>I dont shave beard & fuck anyways

Women constantly talk shit about my beard, say its disgusting then suck my cock like a true double speak whore.

The nig pigs have pubes for hair, the milatos and asians cant grow facial hair.The white man has beautiful long strong hair and beards, shaving your head like a negro only lowers you to their level, handicapping yourself even more.

, I lift, I'm agro, my dicks 9"x6.5", my beard is beautiful and I have well groomed thick beautiful hair.

If your a weak small dicked petite man, the beard makes you look pathetic, like a false grab at masculinity hiding behind a wall of hair.

If your a true healthy powerful, masculine, wizard, the beard matches what your already projecting and furthers that projection.



Become a true king, and grow your beard brother…


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He's chosen to put his testicles to good use faggot… why you mad bro?

How do you even do magical work when you support the fraud-ian jew's work to debase the spiritual/sexual aspect to the level of pure animalistic and materialistic realities.

>pic related


God damn, this is /fit thread or something.

We get that most of you are faggots, why don't you discuss le magic instead, and leave the homo talk for /fit/



>I take Freud seriously

>I try to make others feel good about being femine sissy boys



Cultures all around the world associate good beard genetics with with wisdom.

>be 26

>no beard

>sketchy hairline

>northern euro descent

>slim physique, but toned

>dad has nice beard

>fap regularly (heard that doesn't matter though)

I feel there's something wrong with me? H-help?


if you want to augment your beard genetics, then you'll need to take testosterone and DHT enhancing supplements. Start lifting, get on creatine (healthy body, healthy mind), take boron supplements (6mg), etc. Remove estrogen-enhancing food from your diet.

Simple as that. Results vary.


I can grow beard easily and quickly but i seem to slowly lose my hair, i have a very receding hairline.



I'm Northern European as well and fapping lots or not fapping at all or moderate levels of fapping; it all makes 0 difference from my observations.

Also my dad has a nice beard too.

What the fuck went wrong?






You never experience feverish crash after few faps in a row? You don't have to sleep an hour longer on weeks you fap frequently?



I've never had a consistent sleep pattern of any sort in my whole life so I couldn't tell what is "an hour longer than normal".

Fapping has no discernible effect on me one way or another.


I have a small area under my chin where hair doesn't grow or grows very slowly. It's not much of a problem since I prefer to stay clean-shaven but it would nice to be able to grow a full beard.

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