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Esoteric Wizardry


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ITT green pilled movies.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This video, OP.


The Matrix

Dark City


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Literally greenpilled


Does anyone have more movies that have that general idea that runs through

>The Matrix

>Dark City

>Truman Show

>World on a Wire

etc? you know what I mean.. the thing that feels like reality is trying to contact you directly through a film that you come to watch to tell you the deal by metaphor



File: 1458794366178.jpg (208.36 KB, 700x700, 1:1, 1400859870864.jpg)

Check out Mark Passio's Matrix decoded


Great interpretation of the Matrix, goddam it's brilliant.

Also 2001: Space Odyssey is green pill to the max. Check out Jay Weidner's interpretation of it. Basically, it's The Alchemical Great Work in movie form.




A lot of great recommendations in here already. At the risk of sounding /edgy/ I would also suggest:


>Donnie Darko

>Enter the Void

Probably a few I'm forgetting.


Upside Down


The Imaginarium of Dr Parnassus

The film is basically one huge allegory of Gnosticism






>Also 2001: Space Odyssey is green pill to the max. Check out Jay Weidner's interpretation of it. Basically, it's The Alchemical Great Work in movie form.

Stanley Kubrick was what happens when someone becomes aware and actually endeavors to reveal the world to the masses.

the Rothschilds will have you killed.




Kurbrick got whacked only because he was getting too close to the sun by making Eyes Wide Shut.



Kurbrick got whacked only because he was getting too close to the sun by making Eyes Wide Shut.


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