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Esoteric Wizardry


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The rules are simple and only apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/:
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File: 1458918065535.jpg (159.71 KB, 1008x748, 252:187, agitdark_preview.jpg)


Game Link: http://www.hellrising.com/index.php

Newbie Guide: http://slimebeast.com/forum/hell-rising/tyr's-newbie-guide/


Its essentially a apocalypse survival mmo, its browser based and has a ap system, in fact its similar to another game called urban dead but its better as ap regens faster, and more stuff to do.

You basically choose to play as either human, zombie or vampire in the quarantined city or serling, each race has lots of benefits, i.e humans get guns, can craft items ect. Zombies are infectious creatures who are good at surprise attacks, vamps can track enemies and gain damage the more they kill due to bloodlust.

One can make groups, there are npcs to kill, literally about 1000 different items. Games completely free save for some cosmetic items you can buy that are reskinned versions of other weapons.

Okay sign up now. Do it. If you used to play and you are stuck on the old map click the go to serling button.

Picture is a screenshot of the game

(Rule 4 - Off-topic Thread)


in my opinion, /fringe/ should play Hellmoo

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