I would most prefer to concentrate a large quantity of the astral light and then call fourth in its completeness a healer entity to help me but I'm sickly and that is some high power level shit that I have been able to do before but right now I need to cheat a little.
I don't want to call up or create a Jesus thoughtform or anything from some old religion either. I was thinking about doing ponymancy and finding a pony that fits the role of what I need but I don't like that idea either.
So anyways, I need to imagine and name a healer entity. I need to give it a basic form and could use some backstory and concept artwork. I need this entity for the purpose of overseeing magickal operations to heal myself. I may potentially keep it as it is once healed or may expand its uses and repurpose into other roles like companion, guide, teacher, servant, messenger, etc. who knows.
I have read books for much too long, I know how to do everything, I'm just a little short on creativity due to my weakened condition right now. This however is a great opportunity for the underdeveloped neophytes and lurking mundanes on this board to give me suggestions and maybe see their ideas for an entity be actualized.
I will report in this thread when I begin its creation, how fast it manifests, how it develops, whether it changes on its own from the mold we gave it, and any other phenomena of note.
This will be very easy for me once I've got a basic idea of its form and a little backstory and a name for it.