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Esoteric Wizardry


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I would most prefer to concentrate a large quantity of the astral light and then call fourth in its completeness a healer entity to help me but I'm sickly and that is some high power level shit that I have been able to do before but right now I need to cheat a little.

I don't want to call up or create a Jesus thoughtform or anything from some old religion either. I was thinking about doing ponymancy and finding a pony that fits the role of what I need but I don't like that idea either.

So anyways, I need to imagine and name a healer entity. I need to give it a basic form and could use some backstory and concept artwork. I need this entity for the purpose of overseeing magickal operations to heal myself. I may potentially keep it as it is once healed or may expand its uses and repurpose into other roles like companion, guide, teacher, servant, messenger, etc. who knows.

I have read books for much too long, I know how to do everything, I'm just a little short on creativity due to my weakened condition right now. This however is a great opportunity for the underdeveloped neophytes and lurking mundanes on this board to give me suggestions and maybe see their ideas for an entity be actualized.

I will report in this thread when I begin its creation, how fast it manifests, how it develops, whether it changes on its own from the mold we gave it, and any other phenomena of note.

This will be very easy for me once I've got a basic idea of its form and a little backstory and a name for it.


tfw armchair occultist in me is thinking "just finish up the last few books you're on before you start!" and another part of me is like "fuck it man, you don't got time for that, get started right away, don't delay even if you are almost done those books" and a third part is like "damn it, you need to rest, stop thinking this over and just rest".


just kill yourself



You Seem Upset.



Are you perhaps frustrated by your own personal failings or one who does not relate to or sympathize with the promethean struggle of man to overcome himself?


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The Day of the ROPE had arrived.

"I sure will be with you by my side", the BLONDE girl said while walking past the nurses tending to the wounds of the great ARYAN soldiers. "TO BE HONEST, conventional medicine is nothing but an inferior MUNDANE substitute and a mockery for what is truly able to heal." Nobody bothered to reply but stared with raised eyebrows at her. She lowered her hands on the chest of the man in front of her who was covered in bandages and lying in a bed, she closed her crystal BLUE eyes and whispered words in a language nobody of the present people standing around could figure out. Their faces wore looks of disapproval one particular guy SHAKING HIS HEAD muttered with disgust:"That guy got lucky he got out alive during the recent raid on the SHITSKIN lair. Doc says that if even he wakes up he won't be able to walk. And for fuck's sake, look at his eyes. When we shot the NIGGERS who did this to him they were about to throw them into their collection of war trophies. We don't need DEAD KIKE ON A STICK worshippers here." The girl did not reply immediately, she stood up and spoke slowly while looking with a SMILE on her patient:"I am a healer." "Ah, a BULLSHIT OCCULTIST?!" he blurted outand laughed. "No, I am a real healer. It took time and effort to develop my powers, and I can assure you it was very draining, but look what I am able to do now." She still looked only at her patient and watched as he spoke "Who are you?" "I would love to tell you my name, but you never gave me one when you designed me as your 'Personal Healer Entity-Thoughtform'".



wtf is ponymancy?



Unreal bullshit and a weak projection of energy. This person is a degenerate obsessed in the work of others


Fluttershy or nurse readheart?


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i support this^ you wont need to feed your magik, just canalize the already existing in the autistic realm.


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OP won't do it probably. He is kinda of "le do whatever I want" chaos magic kiddo.



i just wish /pone/ was more into this shit, how come we can focus hundreds of anons to hippe ebola chan to kill dinduns and other 'enemies' but doing the oposite to help our allies or ourselves is out of the question?

same goes for /a/ and /v/, their respective obsessions have tons of occult symbols and info and most of them daydream of having the power, but when offered the opportunity they just put it down!




i watching that episode where cartman goes to san fran and i guess it slipped to my writing.



Eh, I guess they like to be less responsible nad they are used to not having power so the concept of "taking action" or "causing changes in the REAL WURLD'' is weird for them. I was wondering about the huge amount of energy inside pony r34 arts and no one seem to be using it.


Not Op, but serious, what books in the sticky will show how to make a tulpa


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top loosh


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Each pony represents an archetype and can be used for ponymancy just like any other pantheon of gods. Chaos magicians have done this sort of thing with fictional characters before; such as when working with the necronomicon / cthulu.

You should listen to all the Gnostic NYC podcasts btw.





That gigantic needle bothers me. Is she a doctor/nurse archetype or a healer/medicine-man archetype?

I don't want to get poked with needles.



Ummm well the first book I was ever recommended for that was Zivorad's book The Invisible Influences which is in the sticky.

However, Magical Use of Thoughtforms by Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki and which can be found in the library for books that have huge filesize is better.

Still, I think a well-rounded knowledge like I have before making tulpa is best.

If you practice stuff in IIH you'll be able to make tulpa.

Working all day to today to clean stuff up, got to have everything perfect for the creation of my tulpa, nice clean open space to work in…


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>That gigantic needle bothers me. Is she a doctor/nurse archetype or a healer/medicine-man archetype?

>I don't want to get poked with needles.

Top kek.

That's fan art, she is a nurse and zecora is a medicine-women archetype

pony flag when?



Me the ponymancer.


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Is this an inside joke?

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