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Past few times I've been with a woman it hasn't worked out too well. I was too small and slipped out too much and couldn't keep it up. I've always been self conscious about these problems. Is there any magick that could help with my problems?

(Rule 2 - Questions Thread)


pic when erect, request


Your best bet would be to make a thoughtform for the sole purpose of increasing your penis size and charge it a lot everyday

also check this thread too and try the different methods described




You're going to have to do PE, penis exercises, and be consistent about it. It works. www.pegym.com



he asked for magick


google jelquing.

If that doesnt work cut your dick off and become a trap



jelqing will ruin your dick, the tubings in your body for a reason.

if you lose weight you might get an inch back, but you're basically fucked



This kyke is a fucking liar, I've been jelqing consistently for 10 years now..I've gained over an inch in girth and length unquestionably. My dick is beautiful, straight, and stronger.. When I was 17 my hard ons always felt weak, now I'm twenty seven and I have powerful erections…

That said I've invested a lot of time in this quest, but its been well worth it.. My dick continues to grow and I know I will have healthy fat erections until I die.



Don't listen to this faggot. 'Jelqing' has been proven to cause tissue damage.

Genetic manipulation by way of hypnotism is a thing, and has been used frequently for things like hair growth and breast enlargement so i couldn't see why it wouldn't work here. The problem is that so few people that claim to be hypnotists actually have any idea what they're doing and it falls flat.

That's the problem with trying to get instant results via magick. At least one person involved in the process has to have a lot of knowledge on the subject, and you probably aren't going to get a big dick just by parroting what someone posts here and crossing your fingers.



I'm pretty sure making thoughtforms to do it for you is just that - self hypnosis


I'd be careful with thoughtform to increase your dick size. It will most likely cause it so that you'll feel physically sick if you don't get up and jelq or whatever. I did it with health, and now I get sick from eating a lot of processed food. The problem is, I'm poor



*and often can't afford good food. I can imagine myself situations in which I regret wishing for a big dick




You probably already had in mind the things that would keep you healthy while making the thoughtform



I have seen huge, huge dicks that after a lot of self hypnosis went to smaller than yours… so perhaps it can work the other way around?



wew, any backstory to you seeing huge huge dicks go small?

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