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What are the best and worst forms of each religion /fringe/?


Christianity - Orthodoxy or Rosicrucianism or any of the Mystic/Esoteric Christian orders.

Islam - Sufism

Judaism - Kabbalah

Satanism - Theistic Satanism (ONA and JoS are pretty good too)

Buddhism - I forget which version I liked best fug

Paganism - Hermeticism

Post-Modernism - Chaos Magick

African - Obeah



>best forms of religion


It's probably not worth it to even post in this thread, but let me tell you that all religions, no matter how profound their teachings, suck your loosh dry and give it to astral entities. Subjective thought is the only "best," form of "religion". If you want a deeper understanding of esoterics, you can glean information from what you just posted, but all in all, the knowledge is incomplete and fraught with bias and dogma. If one truly wants a complete understanding of the deepest matters or a true, gnostic connnection with "God," then the best course of action is to look within.


Why care about labels?


This as well


Buddhism has got to be either Tibetan or Zen.


Nah you definitely need the sacred texts to do anything. If you simply "look within" all you're gonna find is your thoughts and most people will never get past those without some help.

But eventually you can drop them.



Then by your logic whatever variations of a religion teaches to look within are the best fgt. That's still a metric by which to measure religions.


Why indifference to labels? They mean something you know.


There's some specific sorcerous brand of buddhism practised in the Thai jungles that's really based you know.



There is no reason to compare religions. There are thousands of ways to achieve enlightenment, and they can be applied while believing any religion.



*buttfrustrated egalitarian detected*

>Comparative religion is the branch of the study of religions concerned with the systematic comparison of the doctrines and practices of the world's religions. In general the comparative study of religion yields a deeper understanding of the fundamental philosophical concerns of religion such as ethics, metaphysics, and the nature and form of salvation. Studying such material is meant to give one a richer and more sophisticated understanding of human beliefs and practices regarding the sacred, numinous, spiritual and divine.

>In the field of comparative religion, a common geographical classification of the main world religions includes Middle Eastern religions (including Zoroastrism and Iranian religions), Indian religions, East Asian religions, African religions, American religions, Oceanic religions, and classical Hellenistic religions.



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>Islam - Sufism



Have you even read Sufist works?



You can't possibly name a better Islamic religion than Sufism



i was a sufi for a few years


sunni/shiite > sufism



>actually following any sort of islam

Are you a sandnigger or something?







Any of them with a little Jung/Joseph Campbell and serious study of the history of each culture the practicioner includes.



Sufism is respectable at least man, I understand they are the enemy right now, but if they were to stay in their countries, sufism is nice.


My favorite religion is Looshism. The best form of it is the Ayy Lmaoist sect, which says "religions are all a massive conspiracy to suck up your energies and give it to entities which definitely exist" and "the only thing you should believe in is your ego (and random entities which can give you power), which is always right and has your best interests at heart"


Tibetan Bhuddism

The True Sound of Truth

An old story speaks about a similar problem. A devoted meditator, after years concentrating on a particular mantra, had attained enough insight to begin teaching. The student's humility was far from perfect, but the teachers at the monastery were not worried.

A few years of successful teaching left the meditator with no thoughts about learning from anyone; but upon hearing about a famous hermit living nearby, the opportunity was too exciting to be passed up.

The hermit lived alone on an island at the middle of a lake, so the meditator hired a man with a boat to row across to the island. The meditator was very respectful of the old hermit. As they shared some tea made with herbs the meditator asked him about his spiritual practice. The old man said he had no spiritual practice, except for a mantra which he repeated all the time to himself. The meditator was pleased: the hermit was using the same mantra he used himself – but when the hermit spoke the mantra aloud, the meditator was horrified!

"What's wrong?" asked the hermit.

"I don't know what to say. I'm afraid you've wasted your whole life! You are pronouncing the mantra incorrectly!"

"Oh, Dear! That is terrible. How should I say it?"

The meditator gave the correct pronunciation, and the old hermit was very grateful, asking to be left alone so he could get started right away. On the way back across the lake the meditator, now confirmed as an accomplished teacher, was pondering the sad fate of the hermit.

"It's so fortunate that I came along. At least he will have a little time to practice correctly before he dies." Just then, the meditator noticed that the boatman was looking quite shocked, and turned to see the hermit standing respectfully on the water, next to the boat.

"Excuse me, please. I hate to bother you, but I've forgotten the correct pronunciation again. Would you please repeat it for me?"

"You obviously don't need it," stammered the meditator; but the old man persisted in his polite request until the meditator relented and told him again the way he thought the mantra should be pronounced.

The old hermit was saying the mantra very carefully, slowly, over and over, as he walked across the surface of the water back to the island.





Didn't you know that Mohammed was white?



and that would matter how exactly?



If you mean for the neophyte to understand the metaphors and symbols behind what gives ideas their power, it's a good reference guide, but not the go-to. I would recommend actually looking into the work of Joseph Campbell, then studying the religions, followed by the obscure spiritual practices, then trying to project into the astral.


You misunderstand me completely, revealing the lack of comprehension on your part. It doesn't matter if a religion tells you those exact words or not. The words are meaningless. It is not a metric for anything except which thought-forms you want to freely give your energy to. What I mean by "looking within," doesn't involve any kind of campy, feel-good inspiring talking or any sort of meditative practice or reading of any scripture. It comes from the realization that no matter how many books you read, no matter how much "knowledge," you acquire, you will never know enough. You will come to realize that there is no objective truth that can be blanketed over everyone. Even observations of phenomena and qualia which can be "readily observed," are useless, since the observation of them inevitably comes from the self. There is no answer but within. Those words by themselves mean nothing. Words themselves mean nothing. You will come to realize that ideas are all arbitrary and definitions and boundaries and the lack thereof are mundane and useless limitations shackled unto us to give this subjective experience of "Life". I could recite these words to you and you could quote them like a book, but until you know the validity of that for yourself, in your own mind, on your own terms, the words mean nothing. For you can only perceive them within your subjective experience, so by accepting them, you are giving those ideas your loosh. A contradictory concept, but one nevertheless require d for "true understanding".






Don't Tibetan Buddhists eat the Dalai lama's poop?

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