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Esoteric Wizardry


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Two essays composed for half chan /pol/ on the topic of "meme magic" and "the despair code.

>Cracking the "despair code"


>Open your ass and your heart and mind will follow

was informed it would be enjoyed on 8ch.


Complete and total word salad that reads like it was written by a high school student with a serious mental disorder.


Very interesting


>the despair code

Isn't this just a few sentences with a bunch of sad words and creepypasta garbage to make it even more angsty?



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Just finished reading the whole thing. That's a lot of aimless criticism and nihilism there. Not particularly useful at all. It's just an 11 page shitpost that borders on timecube. I am experiencing weird things after reading it btw.



I want to know more about this. Somebody can give me more info? I was in cuckchan /x/ and they were just a bunch of shitposter saying that the despair code cause suicides and other creepypasta things. Somebody here has some serious information?



It's just talking about a common occurrence when one dabbles in the infinite.

It says itself is just one view of the same driving truth that compels all things.

Despair isn't my pache , so I'll go along another route.





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