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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1460783189698.jpg (22.71 KB, 392x279, 392:279, psychic-ability.jpg)


The article below talks about how the soviet union started a psychic warfare unit in their government because of a french article saying the americans had a psychic warfare unit, But the french article was a lie. However after the americans saw that the soviets had developed a psychic warfare unit they developed a psychic warfare unit in response to the soviets.


The name of the american research facility was called project stargate.


This is a youtube video about psychic research in teh soviet union.


And this is an interview with Russel Targ, he says that to be able to remote view one must reduce mental noise in order to recieve psychic impressions


And this is a lecture by a guy who uses a lot of scientific sounding language to describe psychic phenomena



File: 1460783277194.jpg (27.35 KB, 389x389, 1:1, 11148718_10154066176608545….jpg)

this is a youtube video with a guy who wrote a book that relates to the article posted above.



>you will never shitpost so hard you start a paranormal cold war



never say never


There may be still a video on youtube showing a demonstration by a somewhat skinny russian infront of u.s. marines.

I remember him using one person as a shield for his AK in any possition.

At the end one of the marrines was still not convinced so he pinched him on the neck from few feet away.

can't find the video

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